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Chapter 3 of Innocent Demon
The rest of the story will be from a narrative point of view instead now as I think that is the best
"fight, fight, fight-" echoed throughout the building and grew louder as Aadila's breath quickened in fright and confusion in the darkness of her confined box. Suddenly she was thrown out of the box onto the ground bloodied, dirt covered ground. A shadow casted over her for a second and a figure appeared opposite her as she looked up wearily.
This mutant bared scars, scorches, bites and buries all over their body from battles with previous opponents. They were obviously out of breath and weak from them.  His body shifted from solid to a black cloud for a second.
A shadow mutant.
Men around the cages clicked their guns as people began to boo at the two, as they stood opposite each other with a lack of movement besides the trembling waves Aadila felt in her tail and shoulder. Her eyes dilated in horror as she finally understood what she was in.
"We must fight! in order to not get shot." The Shadow shouted over the aggressive crowd in a strained voice.
Aadila panicked as she looked around at all of the unfamiliar, evil faces and then back to the yellow glowing eyes of the shadow. She nodded slowly before mustering the courage to save her own skin. A sudden kick of energy ran through her frame as her eyes gleamed a bright amber from the mixture of pink and orange in her eyes as her senses heightened, summoning her powers in her veins, gathering the earth's loosened ground around her forming a dust cloud. All you could see were her eyes.
The crowd began to cheer as the shadow shifted in the dark spaces around the cage lunging towards her as he hissed. Reeling back his fist and slamming down on the dust as it dissipated and he stood up triumphantly in his solid form as the non mutants cheered. As he turned his head to the side a gust of dust knocked him hard into the electric fence. Sending shocks from hell through his body as he shifted from solid to a black cloud screaming out in pain.
The fight went on and on. Aadila earned her bruises and gashes from the opponent. She panted heavily as she struggled to continue not able to use her powers as a sudden blow to the side of her head was made. Knocking her to the ground as she struggled to get back up she saw through blurred vision a blue figure rushing over to her as sirens suddenly rang and the place around her ascended onto chaos before she blacked out as she was lifted from the ground.
- - -
Kurt and Peter had finally arrived at the coordinates given to them. Egypt. Desert sand for miles and miles.
Powering the jet down Kurt unbuckled himself as Peter opener the back loading door and zipped out. The blue boy sighed and shook his head, "so much for company." He muttered under his breath before Peter came back in.
"The coast is clear!" He said excitedly with a large grin stretching from ear to ear.
"Oh. Okay let's go then." Kurt said surprised as he stood up from his seat and walked off the jet with Peter beside him looking like a child at Christmas. In the near distance as they walked, a small ,ancient village appeared over the mount of sand they were walking up. "That must be it." Kurt said checking his GPS that glitched slightly from the lack of internet. He looked back up from the screen and squinted in the bright blazing light of the sun, shading his eyes with his hand as they descended down the hill sliding slightly as the loose ground gave every now and then. Once they reached the village boarder it wasn't long till the people around started to whisper and point at them, baffled by the sight of a 'devil' and a guy in all silver kitted out in armoured suits. As they walked, Kurt couldn't help but feel ashamed of his looks as he tried to avoid eye contact with anyone; tail hung low to try and make it less noticeable. Peter noticed his friends nervous behaviour and patted him on the shoulder in reassurance with a smile gaining a small smile from Kurt as he nodded back to him in appreciation for his comfort.
Kurt reaches into his back pocket and pulled out the photo of Aadila and unfolded it.
"I'm guessing that's the girl we're after? She's pretty." Peter hummer as Kurt rolled his eyes and elbowed him in the side gaining a grunt from Peter and a pouted look.
"Yes it is, be careful though. I read in her file that there are mutant hunters hear, so keep an eye out." Peter saluted him and nodded as he separated from Kurt in the small market square and looked around for the yellow mutant. So far not good.
Kurt went down an ally way and walked around the twisting maze of dirt walls, peaking into windows to see if she was inside. But no luck. When he came out of the maze of houses on the other side of the village he heard an engine roar to life and men shouting at one another to hurry. His eyes widened as he saw one of the men carrying a limp body to a box before putting it in it. But upon doing so a yellow arm was uncovered from the brown cloak. Kurt gasped and called for Peter as the men loaded. However the com-link was static. Cursing under his breath he was torn on going to get Peter of fighting the men. He looked back over his shoulder down the ally before snapping his head back to the vehicle that started to drive off. His tail swished as he made a risky decision. He teleported below the jeep and latched on for dear life. Thank God he had the ability to do so.
The journey was long and bumpy. Kurt struggled immensely to hold on tight. But finally the jeep came to a screeching halt. He looked to the drivers side and saw two feet land on the ground.
"Alright Grey. Get that box in that arena now. That girl would have woken up by now." The man spoke demandingly in a gruff voice as another man from the passenger side jumped out of the vehicle and ran the the back of the jeep.
Kurt teleported to the shadows near by and hid behind a crate and watched the men take the box into a tall graffitied building before slamming the door shut.
Putting a finger up to his com-link he called Peter.
"I -"
"What the hell dude! I thought you were a goner where are you?" Peter near enough screamer downcthe link causing Kurt to wince.
"Sorry, sorry. I had to choose whether to follow the men that took here or go and get you when they were about to leave....come in the jet. I'm sending my coordinates now. I think I'm at some sort of black market auction house."
"Okay. Oh god. I'm on my way." Peter said and then hung up the phone.
Minutes past by before Kurt heard shouting and cheering.
Oh god. He was wrong about his assumption. Very wrong.
In a panic jury teleported to the roof and looked in through the skylight mucky windows to see a large circular cage and many, many people surrounding it cheering and chanting. When he looked back at the cage he witnessed the girl being thrown from the box into the ring...just like he was once at a mutant fighting ring.
He had to do something. He had to do it fast!
Kurt panicked as he watched the girl get beaten by the other opponent brutally to the ground. Before in the distance he heard the all to familiar sound of the jet landing and he smiled relieved his friend had arrived. When he teleported to the ground Peter came out of nowhere. "I'm ready." He said about to push the doors open.
"Vait! There are guards you can't jus-" before Kurt got to finish his sentence Peter was gone and people began to run out of the door he was stood in front of. He gasped almost getting trampled on and teleported inside the building. He looked around before seeing peter at the electrical switch. 'He works fast.'Kurt thought before running over to the cage that was now disabled. He teleported into it and ran to the girl's side as she collapsed for a second time from her weak arms and blacked out. He scooped her fragile body up into his arms and looked over to Peter who gestures for him to hurry outside and that they did. Running over to the jet and laying her down on the medic bed.
"Quick! Get us back to the mansion!" Kurt said to Peter in panic as the Silver guy started up the jet and set off for the X-Men Mansion.
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Chapter 2 of Innocent Demon
Kurt POV:
I woke up early in the morning about...6:30am and get in the shower to freshen up. After a few minutes of refreshing myself I get out and dry off before getting changed into my marron embellished black suit with great difficulty due to my bloody tail. A few more minutes pass by as I struggle and once I was done, I grab the photo of Aadila, folding it up before putting it in my back pocket whilst heading out my room, going down stairs to grab a quick bite. I teleport to the kitchen that's down the long corridor and browse through the fridge grabbing, various things for my long journey ahead before closing the door and disappearing back to my room. I pack everything up into a small rucksack and head out to the Blackbird jet. I frown as I see the silver covered prankster leaning against the jet wheel. "Vhat are you doing?" I ask with a slight growl when I stop in front of him.
"I'm joining you." He side smirks and arches an eyebrow waiting for me to respond. My mouth drops open slightly,
"You and me? Vorking together? You must be joking!" I laugh uncertain and he shook his head to confirm that I was wrong. My tail drops and I sigh, "vhy?"  I ask slightly disappointed but also relieved that I wouldn't be alone on this mission.
"Because Xavier doesn't want you to go alone and we need a quick escape from where we are going." He explained nonchalantly and fiddled with his fingers. "Come on...it'll be fun! Besides...why wouldn't you want to work with me." He smiles 'innocently' and I roll my eyes.
"Fine. Come on zhen, but ve are making zhis a quick trip. No pranks." I say sternly as I walk past him and hit him with my tail on the way into the jet. I sit down in one of the pilot seats and buckle up before starting the turbocharged engine, not waiting for Peter.
Peter pouts and sighs as he seemingly 'teleported' to his seat beside me. I look over to him whilst pressing the button above me to close the loading dock door before putting in the coordinates for our assumed destination.
Aadila POV:
I ran.
I ran as fast as I could. Jumping over crates and swinging off posts to the roof tops as I leapt from top to top. I looked back to see the hunters hot on my trail. The rags that hid my face prevented the sunlight from getting in my eyes as I looked around for a quick escape. I saw that the roof up ahead was quite the distance and I smirked as I picked up speed, my bare feet pad on the dust covered roof I was currently on before reaching the very edge; pouncing across to the other side. Slipping slightly when landing on the next roof I went into a roll to recover from the impact then stood up and looked at the men much further away from me once before running off incase they had back up crawling up the ladders on the wall of the building. I slipped into a shop to take cover as I pretended to browse around the back of the shop unnoticed. I tried to hide my light yellow skin the best I could with the tattered brown sleeves of my cloak as they entered the shop. They started from one side stupidly and worked their way around the shop. I stayed parallel to them on the other side and when they got to the back of the shop...I was out. I sprinted to my hide out. My safety. Once I got in I sighed and took off my cloak, unwrapped the rags around my head and sat down on the pillows with an exhausted sigh that I had made a makeshift bed out of. I turned on the ancient TV and watch the News to find out what was going on in the world today and previous days. Election Day for the Americans... "Boring..." I chimed, drained and tired of running all day. I left the TV on as I got up and dragged my tired feet to the little travel fridge down the dilapidated small hallway to scavenge what was left of the food stored inside. "I'm running low on food... I should go get some more." I glanced back towards the screen upon hearing the infamous word 'mutants' as I saw a group of mutants that call themselves the X-Men who have now defeated Apocalypse and saved the mundane humans.
The people who despise us because of our gifts. The people who abandoned and tortured us. The people who tried to kill me! I grew angry and ended up breaking my TV with my powers. "Not again..." I whined, "I need to learn to control them." I sighed as the dust settled around the fallen over tv. I tuck my chest length ash blonde, streaked pink hair behind my ears as I peaked out a hole in the wall to look outside. The coast was clear for now, to go back out and retrieve much needed items. I used my tail to grab my cloak and put it back on to hide myself and lifted the hood up as I head out, disregarding the rags to hide my face.
I looked around the busy market for what I thought I needed in my little home... I picked up a small gold embellished trinket that caught my eye, reflecting the world around it. I held it up about eye level and my pink and orange eyes widened. I was about to make a run for it but I ran straight into a tall muscular guy who wore an evil smirk. "Fuck." I looked up at him and stepped back slowly before having something pulled over my head muffling my scream before I felt a sharp pain in my neck, sending me to sleep.
All I can remember is being tossed into a box half asleep for quite sometime as I began to get cramps from the small confinement. Then suddenly as I came around from my deep sleep I heard...cheering and hooting? With a voice above it all saying...
"Let the fight begin!"
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Chapter 1 of Innocent Demon
Kurt’s POV:
"Rogue, Rogue, ROGUE!" I repeat over and over again trying to get my adoptive sister's attention. This had become a routine for the both of us really... each day I'd try to get her attention to annoy her just to keep myself entertained as the hours went by...or if I'm too lazy I'd have a drink of tea and a good book to read...basically the bible. what can I say?! It's a brother thing. A growl erupts from her and I knew she is about to shout or launch herself at me as I grin slightly with my tail swaying behind me mischievously. I get up off of the end of the sofa arm, the opposite side from her and wait for the volcano to erupt. She glares at me, as to say she was going to hurt me but we both knew I'm too quick and agile in comparison to her movement. Learching towards me I jump back with a smirk on my face. "Try again sister." I chime before being chased around the room and down the hallway as I laugh. I look back to see that she is a couple of meters away-
"Look out!" Someone exclaimed and I look forward just in time to see professor Xavier before almost knocking him over. But I teleport just in time to the side and catch my breath from the event.
"I'm so sorry Professor." I say apologetically in a thick accent. He merely smiles and waves it off.
"It's quite alright Kurt...but I do advise you stop irritating Rogue before she ends up killing you." He points out and Rogue stood beside him and nodded in agreement. I sigh and slump my shoulders and my tail lowers.
"Sorry Rogue...It's just zhat I'm so bored..." I whine and she scoffed before walking off without another word.
"Kurt, could you come with me please." Xavier asks and I nod as he leads the way to his office. "Since you are quite the fidget and you want something to do...I have a mission for you." He says once we were inside his office. My face lit up and I smile widely.
"Vhat is ze mission Professor?" I ask eagerly as my tail wags like a dog's.
"The mission is to retrieve a mutant. They are being hunted down like a beast in Egypt and I would like them to come here where they can be safe and where they can learn to control their powers better. I can see a great future for her." He explained to me and I let this all sink in and took note that it is a girl. "Here is an image of her. Go find her and tell her that she is in safe hands if she comes to this school. Don't force her. She's a very shy girl and scared. Don't bamf right in front of her either, okay?" He said and I nod taking the folder with me that has the information about this girl to my room. I sat down at my desk and looked through the papers and skim read. "Okay....she's called Aadila Moswen, 5'6.... Hmm she shy, loyal and aggressive. Blah, blah, blah...her powers are..." I read through the short information brief and smile. I check the time and it was, 5:30pm. "I'll go tomorrow." I say to myself and whilst getting out all the things I'll need and yanked my Xmen suit from my wardrobe and laid it on a chair. I plop down on my soft bed and sigh as I relax and tap my tall beside me as I thought about how I was going to get her here....
After a while of thinking I decide to get an early night so that I can get the mission done early in the morning. I get undressed and throw on a black shirt and pj bottoms before slipping into bed and trying my best to fall asleep.
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Okay! I hardly post on here...well I don’t post on here at all so I thought I’d give it okay. On Wattpad I am writing a story called ‘Innocent Demon’ which is a Kurt Wagner X Own character/ reader if you want to think you are the character instead 😁
Here is goes!
This is just an introduction page of the two main protagonists 😊 if you don't really care just skip to chapter 1. Thank you
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Birth Name: Kurt Wagner
Given name: Nightcrawler
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Sexuality: straight
Personality: kind, faithful, understanding, forgiving, playful, sometimes cheeky, introvert
Citizenship: German
Mutation: superhuman agility, the ability to teleport, and adhesive hands and feet. His physical mutations include indigo-coloured velvety fur which allows him to become nearly invisible in shadows, two-toed feet and three-fingered hands, yellow eyes, pointed ears and a prehensile tail.
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Birth Name: Aadila Moswen
Given Name: Sekhmet
Age: 18
Gender: female
Height: 5'6
Sexuality: straight
Personality: goofy, respectful, friendly, short tempered, adventurous, artistic, strong willed
Citizenship: Egyptian
Mutation: enhanced speed and stamina, the power to control sand and dust, control of her arrow with her mind. Her physical mutations include yellow skin with etches of khopeshs on her cheekbones close to the under eyes. Her skin colour allows her to camouflage into desert lands, feline like tail which is just as strong as an elephants trunk, orange and pink eyes and natural pink streaks in her dusty blonde hair.
And maybe there is more to her than meets the eye...
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When Your Crush Shows Interest ✨
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Just want everyone to know this exsists
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Kurt Wagner x Reader
Author: Morgan
Prompt: I’m not sure if you’re still taking Nightcrawler requests, but I really like the idea that he’s not used to owning a lot of things bc of his time in the circus and he gets really excited when his s/o decides to get him something nice
Note: Awwwwwwwww little babyyyyyyy
Warnings: None?
You were walking through the mall with Jubilee, talking about boys mostly.
“Kurt is a sweetiepie.” Jubilee laughed. “You’re lucky.���
“I know,” you laughed. “He does this cute thing when he gets protective-”
“So always,”
“Yeah, but like, he growls and it’s sooooo cute.”
“He’s like a cat,” Jubilee giggled. You nodded.
“I’m dating a blue cat.”
“Complete with a tail and the need to perch on high things.”
“True,” you shook your head. The two of you walked into the nearest store and started looking around. Not so long after you started browsing the aisles, something caught your eye. Immediately, you thought of Kurt. So, naturally, you got it for him. It would be a surprise.
“Kurt~” you sing-songed, walking into his room.
You held up the thing you had gotten him. It was a red t-shirt that had ‘Only the Cool Kids Speak German’ written on it in big bold white letters.
“This is for you,”
“Yeah,” you nodded, handing it to him. He held it in his hands, looking at it with wide eyes and a bright smile. He didn’t own very many things, even now that he could. But this…this was his. This was something he could call his own.
“Because I love you and I thought you would like it,” you smiled, tilting your head to the side. You stood on your toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He grinned the happiest grin you had seen in a long time.
“Danke so much!” He pulled you into his arms and buried his head in your shoulder. “I love it,”
“I’m glad,” you smiled, laughing. His tail swayed, seeming to display his happiness. You rubbed his back and he tried (and failed) to contain a little purr. You smiled, kissing his cheek. All of his little noises were so cute. “Awwwwwww,”
“Your little purrs are so cute!” you hugged him tighter. He laughed, blushing.
“I’m glad you zhink so. Zhey just seem to slip out sometimes.”
You released from the hug and motioned to the shirt in his hand.
“Put it on, I want to make sure it fits. I think I got the right size, but-”
Kurt disappeared in a puff of smoke and came back a few seconds later, wearing the new shirt and a jubilant smile.
“It fits.”
“Good,” you took both of his hands. He kissed your nose. You smiled, blushing at his cute little gesture. “You’re precious.”
“Am I a…vhat vere you and Jubilee calling me again?”
“Cinnamon roll, too pure for this world.”
“Ja, zhat.”
“Yes. You are.” you brushed locks of his thick dark hair out of his face and tucked them behind his pointed ear. “Now let’s go show the others how cute you look.”
“I vould like zhat,”
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I’m addicted to the dark side of the XMen fandom that writes SMUT imagines for all characters
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