ilovedtjm · 6 years
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Just walking the…dog?
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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The boys in their funky rags from episode 1, I rememer this show fondly from my childhood but watching it as an adult… it’s an experience <3
More Arnold: -Arnold and Helga
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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I never posted my newest tattoo!
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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Mr. Hyunh by DrMistyTang on @deviantart
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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Merry Christmas Arnold
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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The creator of Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie, Craig Bartlett, and the movie’s crew visited Shriners Hospital for Children in Los Angeles to draw with the kids and spread Holiday cheer! 
Go team Arnold!
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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“Ooh! It’s like Christmas.”
I’m starting to adore Nadine now. :3 I even shipped her with someone already. 😊
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie - Brainy’s Locket Adventure
I thought in The Journal that it would be Arnold who was the mystical being within The Jungle Movie, imbued by the powers of The Green-Eyed People who would become the savior of not only their people, but of his parents as well.
Turns out it was Brainy.
After he took a leap off of the boat I wondered at what important point he’d show up again in the story. I then wondered…how the heck did he get back into Lasombra’s camp with a repaired locket?! Well, he’s been showing his powers off for a while, with his most powerful spell being his sudden appearance (with a ring and arch!) at the end of Helga on the Couch. We’ve just never seen those powers, and that cunning, in real action. Until now.
As an aside, drawing that ripped-up locket photo is a total pain, so that’s going to be the last time I’m drawing that prop. I think.
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
You know, Miles is gonna have some questions when he gets his journal back and finds out that Grandpa Phil tore out some pages to keep it PG for Arnold
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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I love these precious families 😊
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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💛 💛 A Pure Corazón of Gold 💛 💛
Wow, I am so happy about the response to my newest Hey Arnold! analysis, which touches up on The Jungle Movie! I actually forgot to mention on said analysis that now that this film has finally come to be after all these years, I have lots of material about it to write. So here I go with this new one! And don’t worry; there are many more to come. 😉
Before I first watched The Jungle Movie, I watched the prequel episode “The Journal” to refresh my memory on things that were mentioned and I thought would be brought up again in the film. One of these things was the Corazón, a sacred treasure of the Green-Eyed People.
Based on old concept art images and its implied, though unseen, appearance in “The Journal,” the Corazón seemed to be some kind of large, green idol, or statue. So then when it finally made its full appearance in the movie, I was very surprised to learn that the Corazón was actually not the green idol, but a gold, heart-shaped object held within. Though I think we can all figure out from where the concept of it being a literal “heart of gold” came. 😉
When this sacred treasure was finally revealed, I remembered that years ago, one of my old Hey Arnold! friends @nintendogal55 said that a friend of hers believed the Corazón was meant to be seen by someone who is pure of heart, and that said theory definitely applies to Arnold. Well, as revealed in the film, that assumption is 100% correct, although seeing that the Corazón is a literal heart of gold makes you realize that only someone like Arnold could open the idol because he has a heart of gold himself. 😊 It is also very clear to me that the heart is not just meant to be seen by someone who has a pure heart of gold, but used by such a person as well.
At the same time, however, the Corazón has the ability to sense who is pure of heart and who is not. So when Lasombra tries to steal it after Arnold opens the idol, it sensed his malicious intentions, which is why he was shot with the poisonous dart.
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After Eduardo rescues the trio from falling off the cliff, Helga is entranced by the heart of gold and stops to take a closer look at it. Now I’m sure there were some fans who were shocked and confused on why Helga did not get shot by a dart, too. The only logical explanation for it is, she IS actually pure with a heart of gold, more than she or anyone she knows may realize. 😄 Unlike Lasombra, Helga did not have evil intentions in mind when she saw the Corazón. I think she was drawn to it, not just because she is amazed that it is a real gold heart, but because it reminded her so much of her locket. Part of what makes me believe this is that she puts her hands over her own heart, which is also, both figuratively and literally speaking, where she keeps the locket.
These scenes with the Corazón are definitely among the coolest that I have seen in The Jungle Movie, and I feel so happy that Craig and his team included symbolic moments like this in the film to make it memorable. So thank you so much, Craig, and Nickelodeon, for making this film at last! 😄 👍🏻
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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My one wish is for everyone to see this picture of me behind a trash can cosplaying Helga. This is my favorite picture of myself, it brings me much joy.
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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Season 5, April Fool’s Day
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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I submitted to the Hey Arnold Design contest hosted by Nickelodeon on For Fans By Fans. There’s a potential cash prize, so if you like what I made you can vote up my work here
All love will be much appreciated <3
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ilovedtjm · 6 years
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Other than the two major reunion scenes, this is probably my favorite moment of Arnold with Miles and Stella from Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie. I say this because Miles and Stella’s lines in this scene are my favorite in the film.
Why are they my favorite lines, you may ask? Well, it’s not just because I have been longing to see Arnold reunite with his parents, even standing between both of them while they tell him how proud they are of him, but because I believe that there is a subtle, yet very deep, meaning behind these very lines.
I think these lines are truly a subtle reference to Hey Arnold! creator Craig Bartlett thanking us, the fans of the show, for making this movie happen at last. After Hey Arnold!: The Movie was a critical and commercial failure in theaters in 2002 and the series itself was cancelled in 2004, Nickelodeon decided to cancel the second-planned film, The Jungle Movie. Over the subsequent years, Craig shared many details, characters and plot points about the movie, but he did not reveal any significant spoilers in the event that the movie might still be made one day. Around 2009, fans, many of whom first watched the show when they were children, started letter-writing campaigns and online petitions in an attempt to bring The Jungle Movie to fruition. At this same time, Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media were beginning to emerge into existence, and fans used these sites to help them in their campaigns to get the attention of Nickelodeon to have the film made. For example, Facebook began a group called Hey Arnold! Save The Jungle Movie and attempted to get up to 100,000 members.
In 2011, reruns of Hey Arnold! in the TeenNick block increased public attention in the series and its cancelled movie. In October 2012, Craig revealed that he was back at Nickelodeon and having meetings with them. In September 2015, during an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Nickelodeon officially announced that they were considering rebooting many of their old properties, with a Hey Arnold! revival being one of them. On November 23, 2015, Nickelodeon reported that they were working on a Hey Arnold! TV movie that would pick up after the cliffhanger ending of the series and resolve unanswered plotlines. Although this movie wasn’t directly stated to be The Jungle Movie, the details provided in the announcement were accurately similar to those of the film’s original plot. On March 1st, 2016, it was announced that the new Hey Arnold! movie would be a two-hour TV film, set to be released in 2017. Shortly afterwards, Craig confirmed that this upcoming TV movie was indeed the long-awaited film. The Jungle Movie.
Since that announcement over 18 months ago, fans of Hey Arnold! that worked to bring this movie back were excited that all their hard work was going to be paid off at last. In July 2016, Craig and some of his team appeared at the San Diego Comic Con to reveal character art and background designs for the upcoming film. At the same con this very summer, a four-minute scene from the film was released to the public. The film’s official trailer was released on October 6, 2017. An additional trailer was released on the NickSplat YouTube channel on November 7, 2017. Then at long last, The Jungle Movie finally premiered on Nickelodeon on November 24, 2017, the day after Thanksgiving.
So long story short (yeah, I know, it’s too late for that 😝), I think the real meaning of Stella and Miles’s respective lines in the scene above are a reference to we fans finishing what Craig had started with the episode “The Journal” and what he intended to finish, and now has, with The Jungle Movie. Because of our growing interest in the film following the past interviews, and the subsequently petition-signings and letter-writings, we have finally put the film back on track. I’m sure Craig feels that he could not have done it without our help, and so he is proud of us for all of our efforts in helping him achieve his goal.
As a final note, he is a picture of the concrete proof that Craig is grateful to us for helping him finally bring this film to fruition:
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