ifidieyoungco · 7 years
Rebel Park With Guest Lloyd Maz
On this episode of Rebel Park Podcast, Ryan the new treasurer of IF I DIE YOUNG joins for his first episode, and guest Lloyd Maz joins to talk about the reason that some of his newer tracks have been recently removed. 
We take anonymous questions from the organization tumblr, and give a fresh perspective on self harm and how over reacting on the situation actually provides a negative outcome. 
"You don't need arms to shoot your parents, just the will" - yeah you heard that right - we take on some pretty funny news stories so stick around. 
Rebel Park Podcast - New Episodes every Monday!
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
We lost a family member and the Co-Founder of IF I DIE YOUNG
Hey IFIDY family, It has been a very very rough 2 months. Many of you know Steven from this blog - he posted blogs and answered some of the anonymous questions that came in. Steven lost his life September 5th. He was my best friend - and a cornerstone of everything it took to get this organization built. We are not going to stop. We are going to continue on his with his beautiful ideas - which included helping ex-addicts reconnect with their children.  Please visit www.ifidieyoung.org for the full story and every blog and podcast that Steven spilled his heart out for.
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
I like being in uncomfortable situations because they are the only things that make me feel, but what makes me uncomfortable is not safe and I know it
I would love for you to message me so we could talk about this more! I myself have somewhat of a difficult time putting myself into uncomfortable situations but have been working on that since I've been a part of IIDY. I know that you want to feel alive, but your safety means so much to us, and those around you. Please let me know how you are doing! -Sincerely Sarha
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
I was wondering how I could acquire a shirt? Steven was my cousin and I'm so beyond heart broken right now.
Hello you beautiful anon you!! I'm so truly sorry for your lose; Steven ment such a great deal to us and this organization and everyone here as well as many others who knew Steven miss him so very dearly! Shirts can be found at ifidieyoung.org. I know he would have loved to see you support our cause. Keep your chin up and please feel free to message us if you would like to talk. We love you so much
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Warped Rebels: Hail The Sun
On this episode of the Warped Rebels series. Kevin sits down with Donovan Melero the lead vocalist/drummer of Hail The Sun to talk about AA meetings/meditation on warped tour, what the process of staying clean looks like, and family relationships. 
Rebel Park Podcast - New Episodes every Monday!
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Warped Rebels: Assuming We Survive
On this episode, Kevin sits down with Adrian Estrella the vocalist of Assuming We Survive to talk about the permanence of death and his own clothing line - called "Death Kills" that we 100% support. 
Rebel Park Podcast - New Episodes every Monday!
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Warped Rebels: Can You Hear Me
Ashley a founder of CYHM joins to talk about how and why CYHM got started and what they are doing on warped tour 2016.
Rebel Park Podcast - New Episodes every Monday!
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Warped Rebels: The Heirs
On this episode of Warped Rebels series Kevin sits down with Savannah Hudson to discuss "The Heirs" first year on warped tour, running a fashion line, and answering some questions that young women struggle with.
Rebel Park Podcast - New Episodes every Monday!
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
If you have ever wanted to start your own clothing company and travel on Warped Tour this episode is for you! 
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
How To Start A Clothing Company
Rebel Park Podcast - New Episodes every Monday!
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Warped Rebels: Silent Planet (Pt 1)
Rebel Park Podcast - New Episodes every Monday!
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Warped Rebels: Chunk No Captain Chunk!
Rebel Park Podcast - New Episodes every Monday!
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Shoutout to everyone that feels like they did something wrong when they woke up
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Cody is in ICU for the 3rd time this year. Lets pay it forward and shower this kid with support. 
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Usually as an organization we rally around our friends that are going through the recovery process in rehab facilities. We have asked followers of the IF I DIE YOUNG tumblr to hand write letters to several of our friends going through the rehab process and it was a great success, I know personally that those letters effected them in a very positive way. This is from Peter when we did the same thing for him: “Theres nothing i can say to all the people that have reached out to me through this awesome movement to thank them. But all of yalls kind words and thoughts have helped me immensely through a rough time in my life. So to everyone in need and want the help you have stumbled upon something great here with these amazing people.” Today I am asking that we please come together as an organization and show our good friend Cody some support and love in a big way. Cody has been battling Cystic Fibrosis his whole life - An inherited life-threatening disorder that damages the lungs and digestive system. This marks the 3rd time this year he has been in ICU and multiple surgeries.  Being in a hospital this much really takes a toll and makes you feel very isolated, alone and scared.  Stamps are .21 cents at the grocery store and envelopes are cheap. So you can pay it forward for less than a dollar.  Here are some ideas to get started: Your art (hes a tattoo artist he loves art) Funniest story you got General good vibes  Your social media so he can add you/ way to stay in contact (if you want) Send to: IF I DIE YONG Cody Plant 21314 Park Holly Ct, Katy, TX 77450
Please share if you are going to do this. Today’s Date: 5/25/16
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
Hi. Lately I've been really struggling with the fact that I find life scarier then I find death. I don't think that id ever do anything that would end my life but it's never felt so comforting? I don't really know what to do. My mom worries so much about me this would rip her apart. I just never feel like enough. Maybe it's silly but being nothing seems like a really nice option. I hope this doesn't trigger anyone. Thanks anyways.
Hey there, I totally agree - being nothing really does sound like a fantastic option right now. I’ve been craving sleep so much lately, and I think it’s probably because I love the feeling of being powered off and being disconnected from everything.Life ABSOLUTELY is terrifying.....its confusing.....it’s a pretty fucking shaky bridge to be walking across honestly, just a gust of wind will flip the world upside down. I’ve never felt like I’m enough either - no sane person would. There are times I am proud for accomplishing a task or acting  a certain way in a situation that surprises me, but overall it’s a constant struggle that I am a waste - that my life is one big shitty joke with no punchline or plot. 
If our entire life was just one single day and death was when you fall asleep at 11pm - I wouldn’t waste a second of that day worrying if I was enough or not, because it doesn’t even fucking matter. I’m here right now and I’ve got the rest of the night to battle my mind with my inadequacies.-Your Friend Kevin
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ifidieyoungco · 8 years
So Desperate
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