idrawfunkythings · 8 months
Bitches love reblogging this post every Tuesday the 18th
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
Alright so now they are officially In My Fic I get to ramble about them. I don't have drawings of them to post yet but I have so much information.
okay i am *this* close to introducing my characters before the second chapter is out how badly do you wanna see them
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
Visions (Or Lack Thereof) - Chapter 13
Chapter 13: Another Amnesiac
Sun and Gregory are held back from focusing on Sun's repair after Monty begs them for help.
Feeling sympathetic, they hear him out and offer their help.
And, to their disappointment, he doesn't remember anything either.
Chapter Wordcount: 5448
Chapters: 13/?
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
It’s been a tough year, and in a moment of sheer desperation, you apply for a position at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. You didn’t expect to land a job, but hey, you weren’t complaining, even though the amount of paperwork they had you sign was slightly suspicious. At least the pay was good.
But the Pizzaplex isn’t your regular customer service job. Whispers have been floating around of the old locations, and what happened inside of them. Not to mention all the other weird stuff that’s been going on in the current one. And the animatronics have been malfunctioning, so often it’s hard to believe it’s an accident. It’s just a regular day working for Fazbear Entertainment. Right?
Okay. Wow. Crawled out of my little cave in the mountains just to post this. 
This is the second chapter! I really hope you guys enjoy it because now I’ve introduced Elsa and Leo I will become insufferable. Good day
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
Alright folks
I am looking for another someone who can fill the role of beta reader/co-conspirator for Visions! I have one person helping me currently, but I need additional help, so if you're someone who's really into Visions and wouldn't mind knowing a few big plot details/the entire planned plot, and would be willing to help me plan the chapters out as well as read unfinished chapters and suggest changes, I want you! The more inclined you are to suggest your own ideas to possibly improve the story, the better. Please keep in mind that I'm likely to deny you if I value your blind feedback/comments, because I don't want to spoil the big plot details for my best readers. However, if you're at all interested, you should still give it a shot! I would prefer dms so I can talk to those interested directly, get to know you better, all that. That way I can determine if you're a good fit for the type of role I need filled, and you'll also hear back from me quickly.
Please spread this around!
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
Will Moon ever recover some of his lost memory???
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
my trauma didn’t make me stronger it made me addicted to escapism and terrified of facing reality
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
The Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex is open to new members!! For one week, as of Jan. 11th (13:27) CDT, this link will be valid to use!
We are a small server centered around FNAF (mostly Security Beach) and content featuring FNAF characters. We do movie nights and have VCs for gaming, chilling, and streaming! Right now, a group of us play Project Playtime nightly, myself included. The only real distinction between our server and others like it is that we're not centered around shipping or x reader content!
We also have suggestion channels where you can recommend changes and additions to the server, such as new channels for different topics of discussion, or emojis you want added to the server! If we get enough boosts to reach level 2, we can also have an art contest to decide what the banner for the server will be! We hope to see you there!
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
Sorry but I would never fucking tolerate that grinning moon guy sitting beside me while I sleep or staring at me while I eat
The more I think about it the more fucked up Visions seems to me whenever I remember Moon looks Like That™ the entire time
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
Alright guys next time I remember my account exists I will be posting chapter two + possibly some bonus stuff
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
I love being a writer
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
Introducing... *drum roll*
The Greatest Showman AU! In which I now name as "What's Written in the Stars" (WWITS, for short)
Context at the bottom of each pic! (CW: Violence)
Also, will give more info on what I'm planning to do with this AU at the very bottom (after the cut) so read the full thing please :D
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Assistive Care Attendant / Trapeze Act Sun: Each clothing design is for specific phases of the plot. The one with the apron is whilst Sun is still with his owner (him and Moon). The apron get-up is the male robots' default clothing after having been manufactured to become assistive robots for the rich— ofc with different colours that fit the scheme of the robot. The one on the left is showcasing his first time joining the circus, having almost stabbed in the faceplate seconds later by you, Y/N (unintentionally). And, the one on the top is him, a year into joining the circus.
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Assistive Care Attendant / Trapeze Act Moon: Each clothing design is for specific phases of the plot. The one where he is tied up is when the Afton virus took hold of his programming having almost killed the father of the children that he and Sun are giving care to. The one on the right is where he's finally gotten the virus at a more stable control through your help and was finally allowed to perform overnight in the circus. And ofc, the one on the top is what he wears when performing.
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Laundry Worker / Knife Throwing Act Y/N: I tried to make your design as androgynous as I could I hope I didn't butcher that. Anyhow, you carry a lot of trauma and painful experiences in this plot as an immigrant, orphan, and a very obvious person-of-color, you aren't always welcomed in where you live but you do have good people who took you in after your parents were brutally murdered as a child. You now work in your rescuers' laundry shop— well, not until you joined the circus.
My plans for this AU?
Currently the chapters are in the works, I'm writing Chapter 1 down as this gets posted. My goal is only a total of 5 (long, and will be divided into and released per parts) chapters for the entire plot.
I will also try (emphasis on try) to make a few storyboards I had in mind for this AU, y'know just to make things more interesting. More designs will be showcased sooner or later, as this AU is not only applicable to you and the Assistive Care Attendants (ACA) but also the other main bots of the canon plot of security breach.
Oh also! If you're not familiar with or haven't seen The Greatest Showman just yet, you don't have to see it to understand this AU. This AU can honestly be seen as a standalone AU where you live in the 1850s-1860s and technology started booming because of Fazbear Co (run by Henry Emily, William's co-founder in the canon series; William Afton will have a bit of a different role in the AU) and all that jazz. But unless you don't want spoilers for The Greatest Showman, don't learn more about this AU since it contains A LOT of references, plots, and designs similar to what's portrayed in the movie. Otherwise, have fun getting to know this when I release the first part of the first chapter and so on! :D
This might be one of the biggest things I'll ever make and I'm glad I got these ideas just as the new year is arriving. At least I know what my new year's resolution will be lmao. I hope you guys tune in for more! I have so much love and so much in store for this AU— so much!
Thanks for reading, love you <3
Ps. I rarely say this but reblogs > likes
I appreciate them both btw! I just think it's better for yalls to spread this around so some people who might enjoy this AU would get to see it evolve over time :)
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
unfortunately i am dealing with the worms
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
so as an autistic person i tend to ramble quite a bit, especially if i'm talking about my dream job/home, and most people tend to not rlly listen (which, fair, because i do get pretty excited and repeat myself accidently).
but today i overheard my mother talking to someone and they asked about why i chose to do food studies as an elective, and she told them in detail my whole reasoning. everything, like what i'd want to bake and the stuff i'd plant in my garden. and she said it so casually? like she thought it was just no big deal.
i have never felt more loved in my whole life.
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
hello I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. The anonymity of tumblr means that I associate my idea/image of you with your icon and sometimes I look at people’s icons and I’m like ‘hmmm….what is that and why?’ 
so pls reblog this and comment in the tags the meaning behind your icon and why you chose it. this is a social experiment. do it for science pls.
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
oh god i know i've been inactive for ages so i'm very sorry for that fic writing and end of year tests and everything has been kicking my ass rn but i promise i will update soon, i've got so much character stuff i wanna share, and i hope that i get a bit of a break this christmas.
another thing i wanna say real quick is my tumblr is acting up so to the person who mssgd me im so sorry i can see the notif sitting there but when i click on it there's nothing there? trying to figure it out bc so much of my other stuff is acting up too! but im sorry anyway i do know ur there!!!!!
merry christmas guys :D
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idrawfunkythings · 1 year
Genuinely curious, have any of my followers ever watched The Greatest Showman? Would you guys be down with me on refurbishing and making something a bit more with my The Greatest Showman AU of FNAF SB? I've so many plot points streaming in my head lately and would really like to either draw, animate, or even write them down. If I do write it all down, it probably won't last longer than a few chapters as I'm not very confident in my writing— I haven't written in a while.
Little bit of context on the AU: Y/N is a free-spirited knife thrower who happens to stumble upon caretaker robots (for the rich) who were about to be scrapped due to the "malfunction" that happened which caused them to almost kill their owner. Y/N is, at the start, a simple laundry person but yearns for more than all that lame stuff. Long story short, Y/N ends up working at the Fazbear Circus where they meet the DCA (trapeze act) and yeah that's all I can give for now without spoiling the whole thing. This AU will also supposedly include backstories for the other Glamrocks as well, per say Chica and Roxy are in a relationship and Chica is owned by very strict owners and she escapes every night to do circus acts with Roxy, both are tightrope walkers. Monty, on the other hand, is a lion tamer, more details to be added on that. Vanessa will have a significant role too but won't spoil it just yet.
That's all. This was quite a long talk, but if you guys are down for this, I'm even more down to geek and make someth for this AU. I'll redesign them probably next year when I have more time, for now I'm still figuring out some plot holes I need to fill in.
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