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is this Alan Wake reference?
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even if Benson wanted to kill Randy he'd do it with his bare hands, close, personal, slow. i think he'd strangled him. it's not about a fast end, it's all about watching Randy's eyes welling up with tears one last time, his lips trying to form words and not be able to do that, his hands clawing Benson's in a futile attempt to change his mind. it's about having a chance to go back and undo until it's too late. Benson would hold Randy, who's coughing his soul out and trying to take a normal breath, close to his chest because it's all about second chances.
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girlhood be like i have executive dysfunction and i hate the fact that it's much more powerful than a desire to create something
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i'm watching ironbark lookout (for nth time) on the background and thinking about (who would've thought) ranson: Randy who's just got the job in the woods and Benson who's like a veteran ranger. they talk through the radio, usual work stuff, reports, Randy keeps catching himself trailing off listening to Benson's voice. he should make a real effort to get to his senses again. he's anxious but this fact helps him to detect smokes and fire much better than a regular newbie. Benson praises him for that.
they meet, of course, when Randy doesn't get to his tower in time and gets lost in the dark, and Benson who doesn't give a fuck about protocols sometimes (when he needs to locate and save a twink he's been teasing all this time) goes into the woods and finds Randy first try. Randy is terrified to see an unfamiliar man with a bright flashlight and a rifle, but then he hears familiar voice and sobs in relief
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Randy wearing their colours in the end shoot me
it's obvious that Randy's and Benson's dominant colours are on the opposite sides of the colour wheel, but Benson's is warm yellow fuzzy vibrant and Randy's is cold blue all angles and tears? love it
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it's obvious that Randy's and Benson's dominant colours are on the opposite sides of the colour wheel, but Benson's is warm yellow fuzzy vibrant and Randy's is cold blue all angles and tears? love it
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you can't spell the passenger without ass
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dude, you don't you just DON'T look at the devil himself like that you dirty simp
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one time Benson was pointing the gun at Randy was unintentional
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i played this scene again to catch the shooting moment but caught Benson's emotions instead. Kyle Gallner you beautiful genius creature
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Benson doesn't bring the gun to work. he doesn't listen to Randy's little "no". he gets fired for beating the shit out of Chris. Randy gathers all his willpower and catches Benson leaving to say to him a quiet shaky "thank you". Benson shrugs. Randy has no idea that he and everyone in the BBB avoided not a bullet but a nuclear bomb. Benson smokes at his car watching Randy working inside and thinks that he actually can make it work
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(x) & (x)
Not trying to start any rumors, but two of Jake’s best friends are going down to New Orleans.
I think Jake and Allie may be getting married in NOLA this weekend…and I totally see that happening. Jake and Allie love NOLA, so it’s very fitting. When I find out more, I will let you now!
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Kyle's new story in ig is literally me today because i went to bed at 4am and was seriously considering not sleep at all but i'm too old for such stunts
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this role of his reminds me of the love of my life, Jacob Seed, and i'm here for it
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Kyle Gallner in Strange Darling (TBA-2023)
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i don't like bottom Benson, but i like imagining him trusting Randy so much he allows him to sit behind and a little right to be able to jerk Benson off while Benson presses his back into Randy and acts like he's getting the best hand in his life, all vulnerable and whining, broken moans and this same face he had when he shot Randy
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so i had this character that found out he's into pain when he was having fun with himself, accidentally bumped his knee into the nightstand and came immediately. so, uhm, Randy.
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Kyle Gallner: Cougars Inc. photoshoot
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