hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Everyday Sally arrived at work and went straight to her pod. In many ways it was the perfect job, all she had to do was show up, log in to the pod and then x number of hours later she would wake up and go home. No boring meetings, no dull spread sheets, no small talk with people you don't like. She just turned up got in the pod and then the next thing she knew her day was done. Sure her body hurt sometimes and there was that tattoo that appeared after one day at work (she got a big bonus for that) but on the whole she loved it. Today Sally had become Monica, a latex fetish model who was working for a client that enjoyed taking pictures of cute girls in latex. Monica thought her pink outfit was so much nicer than the boring black skirt, white shirt, pantyhose and small heels she woke up in. As she struck her next pose she couldn't help but think Sally would be much happier wearing more latex. Maybe she would get another tattoo to try to get Sally to understand.
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Here at Step & Ford Ltd. we are proud to announce our latest range of makeup. The makeup works with your bodies natural chemistry to completely change it and your mind. Perfect for Birthday or Christmas gifts for following range of people: Moody girlfriend Rebel daughters Convicted criminals College dropouts Or as Chloe is demonstrating here Emo girls. Order now and receive a complimentary range of 'motivational' CDs.
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Rachel loved her job, everyday she sat at that desk I front of the ever growing pile of paperwork and she told herself 'I love my job' After all she had always wanted to teach. Then to be made the youngest principle in the district. She knew even through all this she loved her job. It had its downsides of course. Namely Sarah Millers father. After his wife had passed he seemed to take an active interest in the school and it would seem in her. Still she loved her job. Even if every time Mr Miller came to her office she got headaches. He'd sit there going on about his work, something to do electrical wave generation as a form of warfare. What this had to do with her she never knew but listening to it was just part of the job she loved. Over time the visits became more frequent. The headaches would come and go with him but overtime she learned to live with them, tolerate them, enjoy them, crave them, love them. After all Mr Miller wasn't that bad even if his work was boring. Still he had a job he loved. Rachel wished she had a job she loved. Hers was getting boring, why did she want it anyway? She wanted something more, something greater, something....why could she never think of the word. Something....transformative. Yes that was it. Still she thought her job was ok, well tolerable, well not tolerable but it would do till something better came along. No... till someone better came along. Maybe someone that loves their job. 6 months later and Rachel dropped her step daughter Sarah off at school. Her pantyhose and dress fitting to perfection with her hair and heels. As always the building looked familiar but why wouldn't it, she did this everyday. Even if it was weird that people stared at her like they knew her. No Rachel loved this because being the perfect wife to Mr Miller was a full time occupation and Rachel loved her job. (No prizes for guessing this is the latest between me and @scramble212 of you don't follow them. Go do it!)
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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The iron studded dungeon swings magically open as lilli watches, her eyes aglow with animal fire. Lilli rises like a sleepwalker unable to resist the compulsion luring her to the open doorway. 'She remembers the world as it was, when she lives in your new order you will triumph! Woo her... Win her... Break her spirit...make her one of us' (Sometimes the classics need no changing, word for word is more than good enough. Request from @scramble212)
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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'News reading was a young women's game they said' 'Maybe it's time to retire they said' 'Ageist, sexist idiots' 'Why is it that the men can go into there 60s but women can't' 'I'll show them. I've found a women that says she can help me' 'She gave me this new look which like totally seems to be working' 'She is such a doll and has told me to take the power back. If they say old women can't like be news anchors then let's see what they say about this hot new grey hair' 'I like totally love it' 'Mistress is the best, maybe she should get even more of my salary!' 'Wait hang on....' (Latest request from @scramble212)
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Introducing a whole new reality TV show from The Gospel Channel. Soccer Star to Pastors Wife The new show (which is no way a cover for mass brainwashing, mind control and the forced return to good old family values) will premier at 7:30 on Sunday's with the story of Ella. Ella was the star of the local college team until a chance encounter with the man of her dreams, or her new ones anyway, would change her life for ever. We are now taking applicants for series 2 of the show and after watching episode 1 we are sure you will have no choice but to apply. *WARNING: watching this show may cause loved ones to quit their jobs and devote there whole life to the progression of The Gospel Channel* (The latest in the back and forth series between me and @scramble212)
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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After storming the compound of the College of Women's Perfection special forces operative Captain Carla Phillips was confronted with a harsh reality. There in front of her was well...her. Dressed like something out of a Stepford advert this thing just smiled at her. From over a PA system Carla heard a voice. 'Welcome to the future Captain' 'Welcome to the new you and we mean that literally not figuratively' The last thing Carla remembered was a gas filling the room. After the new Carla set out to become the perfect society hostess her generous benefactor always wished she would be. (If you have missed any of the stepford/preppy/mc/transformation series me and @scramble212 have been going back and forth doing check it out. There is some interesting stuff!)
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Sally had the most popular roller derby blog on Instagram. She practically owned the hashtag #rollerderby Some people thought Sally could do with a change of heart. So without her knowledge Sally had the Instachange app downloaded on her phone. Each day a little bit of her changed. #rollerderby #rolterderby #kolterderby By day 4 Sally's followers were starting to wonder if she had gone mad. #koltecderby #keltecderby #kentucderby #kentuckderby #kentuckyderby On day 8 sally now had the most popular Kentucky Derby fashion blog on Instagram. She modelled most of the stuff herself and to her followers the changes were clear to see.
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Charlotte Jacobs, CJ to her friends, had been working at the Drunken Monkey for about 18 months now. Most days followed a familiar pattern - work till close, get drunk with the other staff till morning and sleep off the hangover till mid day.
Sure it wasn’t the career she had hoped for when she started college but having dropped out in her junior year her options were limited. Besides she got to wear her own clothes, get tattoos and the neighbourhood was cool, well it had been until that new church/cult/whatever they claimed to be opened up next door.
It turned out that they were related to a sorority on the local college campus. CJs friend Mel had been pulled into the building one day and given the sales pitch.
‘It’s really weird’ she told CJ 'I tried to tell them I’m not in school but they insisted the sisterhood was for everyone.’
'Sisterhood? Sounds a bit wacky to me’ CJ laughed 'you sure do get into some stuff Mel’
'Call me Melanie please’ her friend shot back 'anyway they talked me into going back tonight, they said I should bring someone. You fancy coming?’
'Oh no I’m fine thanks Mel, I mean Melanie. All sounds a bit stepford to me!’ CJ tried to joke as her friend began to smile a strange vacant smile.
After yet another night on the vodka shots CJ stumbled into work. She was passing the weird building next door when out of nowhere two girls appeared.
'Hi I’m sister Claire and this is sister Lisa do you have minute to talk? We have seen you about and think you’d really benefit from our sororities support’
Before she could really speak CJ was swept inside the building. And she had to admit what a building. The inside was like something from a 20s novel, grand, shiny and very prim.
'Look thanks for the offer but I need to get to work’ CJ said trying to make her excuses.
'Don’t be silly’ said sister Claire 'you need the tour’
CJ was about to leave when something or rather someone caught her eye. Walking across the far side of the room was, are at least it looked like, but where had the skinny jeans and band tees gone…
'Mel!’ She shouted 'Mel!’
'Sister Melanie is just on her way to morning orientation. You should join her’ sister Lisa chimed in.
'But her clothes! What’s with the Betty Draper impression?’ CJ was growing worried and confused all at the same time.
'Standard sorority attire’ sister Lisa said as she and her companion again swept CJ off after her friend.
The next room was filled with chairs and one big screen. In the screen CJ saw what she thought must be the sorority logo. As about 15 girls all in the same attire began to sit down she was guided to a seat next to have friend.
'Mel,Mel’ she whispered
Her friend turned to her with the same vacant smile as the the two girls that had brought her here. 'Its sister Melanie Charlotte. Please don’t call me that’ she chimed back 'hear watch the video and all will become clear.’
Before she could react the screen sprang into life and a women in her mid 40s appeared.
'Welcome sisters to the sorority. Please watch the video and follow along with the instructions’
4 hours later CJ stumbled out of the sorority building. 'Goodbye sister, come back tomorrow’ sister Melanie shouted at her.
CJ stumbled into work feeling very weird. Her boss was not pleased. 'Jesus CJ where have you been?’ he shouted.
'Call me Charlotte please Tim and I don’t care for your tone. I’m resigning.’ Charlotte shot back. Resigning was the right thing to do. It would give her more time to focus on other things.
The next Charlotte walked to work but before she got there turned into the building next door. Sisters Claire and Lisa were waiting.
'Welcome. We are so glad you returned. Please follow us.’ They said in perfect unison.
Charlotte was led away and into what appeared to be a giant walk in wardrobe. Then back to the room with the big TV. As she entered she felt a smile come across her face.
Weeks past and soon Charlotte and Melanie became full sisters. On graduation the strange women in her 40s presented Charlotte with a pair of gold earrings.
'Here you go my sorority princess’ she said 'you have turned out better than I could have hoped for and as a reward I’m sending you to Maine to start our branch there’
'Thank you ma'am’ sister Charlotte chimed 'serving the sorority is all I want to do’
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Cynthia's parents were starting to worry about her. Since moving to the city she had spent most her time partying, sleeping in and hanging around coffee shops and bars. All they wanted for her was a good job and maybe one day a husband. 'Cynthia have you thought about applying for that grad scheme I sent you?' Her father asked. 'First off dad it's Sid, you know I don't like that name and no I haven't I'm happy with my life at the minute.' She snapped back. 'You know your mum and I just want what's best' 'I know dad and what's best I letting me be me' Cynthia's parents did some searching on the web and came across a man that thought he could help. He promised to turn rebels into proper young ladies. So they contacted him. The first change they noticed were the pearls. Cynthia wore them day and night, she wouldn't entertain taking them off. Then came the changes in clothes, the attitude and then the biggest surprise the engagement to the man they hired. 'Sid, darling, don't you think this is all a bit fast?' her mum said 'Mother firstly please call me Cynthia and secondly no I don't think that at all. I love him and he does wonders for me I mean look at these new things and credit cards.' 'But darling don't you think...' Her my tried to say. 'Oh mother sshhhh. Here he gave be these pearls for you as a present. Try them on and you'll see things clearly.' Cynthia said with a vacant smile. Her mother backed away but it was to late....
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Introducing the new PinUp app from BIM corp. We recommend secretly downloading it on your girlfriends phone for the best results. The app will work with existing music and photo apps to create the perfect mix of visual and sound brainwashing in order to achieve the desired effects. Testimonials are available from Holly, Susanna and Madeline on our website. Please allow 2-4 weeks for full effect.
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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'No doctor I feel fine why wouldn't I?' 'You injected me with microscopic robots?' 'They changed my clothes to look like this? They are bonded to my body!' 'No doctor they feel great but I don't understand.' 'So I used to be a boring girl that wore baggy clothes and no pantyhose? How awful!' 'What will happen after you flick the switch?' 'No that sounds fine doctor' *click* 'Oh hi master'
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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'Do you know where we are?' 'No do you?' 'No I just woke up here next to all of you' 'Can I ask you something?' 'Sure' 'Do you feel funny' 'Now you mention it, yes I do. I feel sexy' 'I know. I love your outfit by the way' 'Thanks I love yours sister slave' 'Sister what?' 'Nothing I said I like your out sister slave' 'Thanks sister slave' giggle 'I wonder what they want with us?' 'I don't know sister I hope we find out soon, I need someone to serve' 'You need someone to what sister?' 'Dah someone to like serve!' 'Oh cool yeah that would be totally amazing!' 'Yeah sister totally!' 'You look so hot!' 'Thanks sister you like totally look hotter' The process always takes some time to get used to. The subliminals always work in the end.
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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As I wipe your mind so to will you wipe away the old bland girl you used to be. As you embrace your destiny so to will your new subservient side be revealed. Take the cloth and show me who you really are. 'Yes master'
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hypnosir345-blog · 8 years
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Deck the halls...
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hypnosir345-blog · 9 years
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Hose go on brain goes off 
Hose go on brain goes off 
Hose go on brain goes off Hose go on brain goes off 
Hose go on brain goes off 
Hose go on brain goes off
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hypnosir345-blog · 9 years
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Linda wondered back up to her room confused by what she had just experienced. Sure a mid life crisis was a real thing but why would her mum be acting SO out of character. She opened the door to her room and saw a box sitting on her bed. Looking at it the tag read 'To my dearest daughter Linda, I hope you will enjoy these as much as I now do. Lots of love Jenna' Linda stared at the box. Why had her mum signed it in her first name? What was in there and why would she enjoy it so much? She opened the box partly out of fear and partly out of curiosity. She needed answers and maybe the box had them. As she lifted the lid her bedroom door and slammed shut and was locked from the outside. An intense buzzing sound filled the room emanating from under her door. Linda reached for her ears but it was to late. Her hands hardly touched them before they reached out for box. Instinctively they grabbed the uniform within and began to put it in. Her head spinning she hardly noticed as her bedroom was unlocked. 10 minutes later Linda walked back down the stairs dressed in white pantyhose, pink leotard and pumps. Her mother, no not her mother Jenna, yes Jenna stood in the middle of the room striking the familiar pose from earlier. Linda approached and in unison they began. Obey Conform Fetishize Obey Conform Fetishize Obey Conform Fetishize Obey Conform Fetishize Obey Conform Fetishize Obey Conform Fetishize @uniformscontrolyourmind her you go! Let me know what you think.
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