hyouka-rangers · 9 years
I don't know if you get this question alot or not, but how much of the manga is covered? does it go beyond the anime? If so, where can I find it?
We’re not entirely sure since Roselia Scans is doing the scanlations but looking at ja.wiki, so far they have volume 9 doing the Juumonji case. You can read it at Roselia Scans’ online reader.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Hello! I've just read that the author of Hyouka is going to write a new volume for the series. Just curious if you plan on translating it. Also, I hope KyoAni takes this new material to do a second season of the anime. Thanks for all the translations so far!! :) So much hype!!
Hey there! It’s not a new volume, but a new short story. And with all the short stories, as well as volume 5, they might be able to make a 12-episode second season. But we’ll just have to see. We’ll try getting a copy of this short story and try to translate. You’re welcome!
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Hi! It seems there are news for a new novel next month (or year?) (see @yaseijidai tweets at Nov 12th). I hope you could get a copy as soon as possible and tell us about it :) thanks for your hard work until now
Checked and it seems they retweeted it from Yonezawa’s account. It’s not a new volume, but another short story titled “いまさら翼といわれても” or “Even if they were called wings now” or something like that. It’ll be released in the 12/12 issue of Yasei Jidai. We’ll try getting a copy. Thanks for letting us know!
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Hey, do you guys know if episode 22 was ever translated in the light novel?
Heyo, yeah it was the last chapter of volume 4. (Though we didn’t get that far. Sorry!) I believe Baka-Tsuki has it since they finished up all the Hyouka stuff a couple of months ago?- Pink
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Do you know why Goodreads has a Volume 6 and 7 listed for Hyouka? I don't understand how that's possible, but people are rating them and everything. They're both just as long as the other novels. I don't want to get my hopes up...
Looked it up and basing from the picture, that’s actually for the manga. So no, no new volumes for the light novels.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Hi there! Quick question: will Hyouka end anytime soon? I tend to enjoy series that are finished so I can read them in one go. Also, thank you for translating! I'm sorry if this was already asked.
It's totally fine, and no, not that we know of. I have yet to hear of any news concerning the series' end so it might take a while for that to happen.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Stopping LN translations
We're going to be stopping with the LN translations, not because we're too busy, but because we just found out that Baka-tsuki has fully translated all of them. So go on to their site to check it out! Not yet sure what we'll be doing next, but we still plan on translating things Hyouka-related.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
did the light novels end at volume 5?
Nope! It's still ongoing, just that the latest volume is volume 5. And as mentioned before, the series has about 3 short stories so you could say that currently, there's five volumes and 3 short stories.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Hell there, how much did the anime cover of the light novel?
Of the official volumes, the anime covered approx the first four of them. (There are five total iirc?)- Pink
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
I wonder if you guys have translated the first volumes. If they are not here, do you know where i can read them translated? Thank you a lot for doing this! *_*
We've only translated volume 4 and 5. Baka-tsuki has translated the first three volumes.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Hello, In Baka-tsuki there are 5 volumes of Hyouka. and in LNDB there are 10 volumes. So how many volumes does hyouka have?
http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/sp/201202-04/ It shows on Kadokawa’s site that there are 5 volumes. https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%80%88古典部〉シリーズJA wiki here says the same thing, so idk where 10 volumes came from. I checked to see if they were referring to the manga but it seems they only have 8 volumes so far.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Hello rangers! I just want to point out that the Baka-Tsuki members have restarted their Hyouka translations (particularly the 5th novel) and I think that this is a good channel to promote them. Send them a lot of readers to incentive their translations. Thanks!
Thank you for letting us know!
Just letting you guys know, Baka-tsuki redid their Hyouka translations, and as far as I can see, they’ve posted up a lot for the 5th volume. Go check it out! As for us, we’re still kicking and alive really, just that our editors have gone missing for some reason and we can’t move forward. We’ll try and get a chapter out as fast as we can.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
ht@tp@:/@/@mayakyaa.@tumblr.@com/pos@t/908492@61071/@english-translation-of-the-hyouka-short-story i had read questions about this short story in your archive and i think it'd be a good link to share to your fans i read it a bit but i have just gotten around to sending it here now so sorry about late notice >.
Thank you for sharing! And it’s fine, we’re still grateful for you for letting us know.
if you guys want to read 鏡には映らない, the short story written from Mayaka’s POV about Oreki in his middle school days (as well as his rumored girlfriend), head on over to mayakyaa’s translation of it.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
hey do you think you guys could maybe translate the radio sessions from the bonus cds? they're really long tho so maybe not i guess
Sure thing! I think we were planning on doing those, maybe after the tracks in the bonus cds are all translated.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
ah i see it from the tag directory. although it's not complete yet, just want to ask if you will still post the continuations?
Yes, we still will. We’re just really busy atm that we haven’t had time to work on translations. We’re hoping to release something in the next few months (that is, if we’re not busy).
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
Have you finish reading the novel? I want to ask some question then. First, what chitanda feel about oreki? And, I got a spoiler that oreki dating with someone but it's not chitanda, is it true? Last, does oohinata has a crush on oreki?
We’re actually not yet sure about the dating thing in volume 5. But from what we’ve heard so far, Oreki had a girlfriend when he was in middle school, or something like that. We haven’t gotten far with volume 5 to answer your questions.
As for Chitanda’s feelings for Oreki, we’re not yet sure. Maybe once we’ve gotten more translations released, one of us might be able to answer more confidently. We’re also not yet sure about Oohinata, but from we know of the story so far (that is, the chapter of Oreki’s birthday), it feels like that. This is just my opinion though.
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hyouka-rangers · 9 years
thank you so much for translating the novels and answering questions so efficiently! ! !!! you guys are literal blessings, , ,, thank you so so much for your hard work! ! !!! i'll continue to support you guys!!!! ;v;
You’re welcome, and thank you for the support! We really appreciate it.
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