hyemch · 3 years
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Loft apartment in New York | photos by Collin Hughes
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hyemch · 6 years
도산의 말씀
마음에 새길 것.
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hyemch · 6 years
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Fannie Lou Hamer
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hyemch · 6 years
“There are some things you don’t learn about yourself until you let someone else into the most intimate places of your heart.”
— Kiera Cass
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hyemch · 6 years
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The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
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hyemch · 6 years
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2018.08 방학 막바지. 자격증 필기 공부 막바지. 습하고 더웠던 여름 막바지. 시험보러 엄마(대도초-숙명여중-숙��여고)고향 대치동으로...!
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hyemch · 6 years
There’s so much i want to talk about when it comes to racism-or, honestly, any kind of discrimination on the whole. One will never truly understand the struggle of a person who has experienced it-even if it has been a trivial one. Not a single skin color, gender, social class could degrade a person NOR any specific culture or nationality could be superior to another. I perceive myself to be lucky because i grew up with an environment that embraces diversity and has taught me the value of having mutual respect for every differential things in the world. Such custom has definitely helped shaping myself to be a better person; one who advocates and seeks love, respect, compassion and diversity. Still, to these days, i feel there is so much space for improvement in myself, towards being that better person. I become indignant at ignorant people, try to be more sensitive than i have ever been, try to learn more about what i have unheard of. Yet, there is so much i can do. There is so much i have to do. I dream of a world where less would get hurt and be treated unfairly. I dream of a future where love and respect is truly universal. I know it all starts within myself first. Gotta try harder, think wiser, act more righteously.
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hyemch · 6 years
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떡꼬치를 먹는 것만으로도 충분히 즐거운 우리42!
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hyemch · 6 years
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Color For Your Home, Sunset, 1999 📚
Salvaged & scanned by @jpegfantasy 🖨️
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hyemch · 6 years
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hyemch · 6 years
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hyemch · 6 years
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1. Hirokatsu Koreeda 감독은....정말 대단하신 분인 것 같다. 깨우치신 분...?! 이랄까... 나도 그의 경지에 이르는 스토리텔러가 되고 싶다...! “어느가족”의 여운이 아직도 가시지 않고 있는 가운데, 그 영화에 대한 작은 tribute 감상문을 써 놓았는데 ‘과연 나의 글이 이 걸작을 제대로-또는 감히?!-형용할 수 있을까’라는 생각 때문에 섣불리 공유할 수가 없을 것 같다. 아직은 아껴두는게 상책일 듯 싶다. 2. Apple Music을 통해 다시 음악적 inspiration을 가득 받는 중이다! 가슴을 뛰게 하는 것들로 채우는 일상만큼 좋은 활력소는 없을거야!! 3. 새로운 꿈! 새로운 기대할 무언가! Very motivated! 4. “삶을 함께할 좋은 파트너! 란”...?! 5. My top favorite list(top 3s only)—> 좋아하는 작가: 조지오웰, 알랭드 보통, 수잔손탁; 좋아하는 책: 1984, Into the wild, 바리데기; 좋아하는 영화: Good Will Hunting, Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind, The Perks of Being a Wallflower; 좋아하는 가수: Chet Faker, Alicia Keys, Hyukoh; 좋아하는 음식: 부리또볼, 할머니 된장찌개, 엄마 떡볶이. 좋아하는 것들은 정말 많지만 길게 생각하지 않고 냉정하게 추려보았다... 나의 변치않는 탑 쓰리 카테고리들,,, 합정 원래도 자주 가지만 요즘따라 매일 가게 되면서 문득 나도 메세나폴리스에서 살고 싶다는 생각을 했다. 아침마다 한강 뛰고 교보문고가서 책읽고 심심하면 사는 것 없이 홈플러스 구경하고 학교 가깝고 자주가는 카페들 가깝고 지하네 방스만두 먹고 쿠차라에서 부리또볼 먹고 타르틴에서 빵먹고 먹고 먹고 또 먹고,,,집 좋은 것은 덤,,,
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hyemch · 6 years
Lately, i’ve been keeping a distance from the hustling sns-frenzy lifestyle and feeding myself some good art stuff like films, books, insightful articles and interviews, fashion masterpieces and whatnot! It’s definitely impacted me in a positive way and i see absolutley zero need for this very practice to be tarnished at any point of my life. In fact, i might do this as often as i wish, especially at times when i find myself unmotivated and lethargic. At this moment, i feel very rejuvenated, ready to take on any task ahead :-> Come what may, i’ll accept you with an open heart❤️🤜🏻
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hyemch · 6 years
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hyemch · 6 years
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hyemch · 6 years
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내 동생 엄청 컸네...!
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hyemch · 6 years
“People are prettiest when they talk about something they really love with passion in their eyes.”
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