hydracollective · 19 hours
it’s never too late!!!!!!! to text them back. to drink enough water today. to get into a skincare routine. to learn the piano or how to paint!! to learn winged eyeliner. to tell them how u feel. to start getting fitter. to get changed or brush your teeth or shower today. to read that book or watch that show everyone was talking about years ago. to turn an acquaintance into a friend. if u don’t start somewhere u won’t go anywhere at all.
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hydracollective · 19 hours
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Elise (She/They), Bridget (She/Her), Aldric (He/Him), Sinew (She/They/It), and Wilrick (He/Stone/Stoneself) are excited too!
Dustlings by Dante Atlas is out for pre-order now! So what can you expect? What is it about?
Dustlings is a clean and wholesome fantasy romance novel, and a journey of self rediscovery. Bridget, having just ended a long term relationship with her boyfriend Jason, ends up in a magical world after falling through a portal and off of a cliff on her parents' property. She must navigate this new world, on top of being newly disabled, on top of trying to get home undiscovered.
In this new world, she must rely on others, whether it's trusting them to keep her secret or helping carry her on her journey. She's offered fresh perspective, and uncovers a history she couldn't have learned anywhere else.
I'll be releasing character profiles and more information as the time comes (and as I get them done) so look forward to those!
Art Credit, ID, and pre-order link under the cut. Is that still how it works? Do people still say "under the cut?"
[ID/ A group photo of the Dustlings cast sitting all together on a stone brick wall in the warm golden glow of an evening sky. They are all holding and drinking from wooden tankards as they appear to be celebrating and enjoying each other's company. All of them appear to have their pinkies up to make the whole thing fancier.
From left to right:
Elise is a tall orc woman with bronze skin, dark blue hair styled into an undercut, long pointed ears that stick out from her head and blue eyes. She is wearing a plum colored shirt with light blue trim and black pants as she straddles the wall and reclines with one eye on the group and her cup raised to her lips.
Bridget is a small white woman with light brown hair, brown eyes and a big smile on her face as she holds her drink in both hands. She wears a light blue shirt and jeans, along with some sensible black hiking shoes. She's laughing and leaning into Aldric as they share a little moment together.
Aldric is a tall elf with pale yellow skin and long flowing lilac purple hair, his long ears are pointed up as he laughs and leans into Bridget with one arm around her and the other bringing his cup to knock into hers. He is seated with his legs on the opposite side of the wall and his drink appears to be rainbow colored in the cup, some kind of fancy elven drink surely. He wears a simple white linen shirt, black pants and black gloves.
Sinew, my beloved, is a tiny red goblin standing up on the wall and ready to cause trouble with her two cups raised triumphantly over her head and ready to spill at any moment. Her design is based around a poison dart frog, red with black spots and the extremities of her body dipped entirely in black. Her hair is a shaggy black mullet styled Lesbianly, her ears stick straight out from the sides of her head, she wears a simple white tank top and brown pants. It's little feet grip the wall with self assured force, but even so, Wilrick's hand firmly grasps her to prevent her falling.
Wilrick is a handsome, short and stocky dwarf with purple/plum undertones to his skin. He has long indigo hair and beard which reaches the middle of his back and his beard is braided at some points, though largely obscured by his drink in a birch wood cup. He wears a simple brown linen shirt, vest, black pants and boots and the hands that holds the cup, like the rest of them, has his pinky straight in the air. Despite the impending chaos to his left, he appears to be at ease as he enjoys the evening. /END ID]
Art and Art ID by @souptomatobasil
Characters, Dustlings, and Writing by me!
Pre-order NYOW here
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hydracollective · 3 days
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hydracollective · 3 days
always so touching and vibrant when you remember people a hundred years ago had profound lives full of fun and love
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hydracollective · 3 days
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hydracollective · 3 days
kill the rhetoric that americans are so lazy that they won't take farm jobs. americans take labor intensive jobs all the time. the reason no americans will take farm jobs is because agricultural work is exempt from the vast majority of labor laws and labor protections, including the use of child labor. so only immigrants - people who have little to no protection from the law or other options for work - take most of these jobs. we have created a permanent underclass of labor and then say that americans are just lazy for not volunteering to be part of the underclass.
there are actually good discussions to be had about how alienated many americans are from food production (hi hello that's what my only popular post is about), but the real solution to this problem is to protect agricultural workers, citizens or not. ban child labor in its entirety. punish corporations and farm owners that abuse and poison their workers. reform the immigration process so that these people aren't barred from legal protection and recourse.
agricultural workers have been exploited since the dawn of civilization, but the US in specific has been doing this since slavery, and it evolved in the 30s when FDR's labor laws excluded them specifically because most agricultural workers at the time were black. now it's mostly latino immigrants.
food doesn't fucking pick or slaughter itself. but citizens aren't going to take these jobs when the entire industry is rife with abuse - both legal and illegal - and horrific wages and working conditions.
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hydracollective · 3 days
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hydracollective · 3 days
can we talk about how it's really fucking ableist that working standing up for an entire shift is seen as like,, a mark of respectability or even employability in almost every fucking entry level job and a good amount of non-entry level jobs too?
sorry my fucking nervous system doesn't work properly,, idk what to tell u, i can't control whether my veins contract or my lungs breathe or my heart beats or my stomach digests in a functional way. can you??
similarly,, nobody can just, will away their arthritis or osteoporosis or muscular atrophy or paralysis or scoliosis or amputation or any other disability that makes standing damaging or difficult or impossible.
idk im frustrated. why is it a mark of "laziness" or "unprofessionalism" to simply,, sit down while doing a job that can be done sitting down. makes zero sense. completely arbitrary. just pure sadism. if someone knows the history of this practice leave it in comments or reblog cuz i sure would like to be able to wrap my head around it!
frankly, even if someone isn't disabled, i... reckon it isn't very healthy for one's bones and muscles and spine to be standing around without much movement all day.
(sorry if any of this is poorly worded, i stood up in hopes of getting some exercise and shopping done and wrote this while resting bc i got dizzy and groggy from the effects of standing up haha...)
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hydracollective · 3 days
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This has been going around my work and friend group on other platforms, and I thought it deserved a place here too.
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hydracollective · 3 days
Mutuals are a lot like cats in that you kinda have to harmlessly pester and annoy them sometimes
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hydracollective · 3 days
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Jellyfish Skirts // June Secrets
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hydracollective · 3 days
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Art by u/reachling
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hydracollective · 3 days
Inventing a new version of work called sleep. It's when instead of working you sleep
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hydracollective · 3 days
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hydracollective · 3 days
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Favorite Gruncles
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hydracollective · 3 days
when something major goes down in a fandom you're not a part of
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hydracollective · 3 days
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