hyacinth4maria · 2 years
Say what you will about Wei Wuxian, but he was the only redblack who didn't try to 'haha jk' out of his proposal.
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
i am really in love with the fact that mxtx starts tgcf by saying that one of the most famous tales among worshipers of the flower crown martial god, is precisely the day he saved hong hong-er from a fall, because, when she ends the novel by saying that there is a belief that hualian should always be worshiped together, you realize that, in a way, they were: from beginning to end.
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
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so i read scum villain
(image is a drawing of a monstrously huge fluffy black dog with luo binghe’s demon mark on his forehead, curled up tightly in a nonplussed-looking shen qingqiu’s lap. half of the dog’s immense body is spilling onto the ground, and his tag is wagging furiously. a thought bubble indicates that the dog is thinking, “yes! i still fit in shizun’s lap…”)
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
the art is absolutely riveting, earth-shaking, awe-inspiring, literaly stopped me dead in my tracks, stole the breath right out of my lungs, i am sobbing in my room at 2am, i am OBSESSED, i am ENTHRALLED, i am in LOVE. just...WOW...no other words but WOW.
but also does anyone know where this quote is from? because wow it adds so much to the art. i love it smmmm
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. “he said, God is a holy machine that loves us so fiercely, so perfectly, he devours us, all of us. It is what we’re here for, to be loved and eaten.”
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
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. “he said, God is a holy machine that loves us so fiercely, so perfectly, he devours us, all of us. It is what we’re here for, to be loved and eaten.”
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
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here’s the link again
i was thinking,, why do we always kill off wwx’s parents in modern aus. we all just immediately place him with the jiangs 😭 no questions asked. but just think of an au with lil wei kids running around, adoring their big brother wei wuxian. wwx growing up with the example of two loving parents in a healthy relationship who always shower him with love and leave no room for insecurities to fester. think of how much quicker wwx would be to act on his feelings for lwj.
and think of cangse sanren and wei changze giving lwj the shovel talk. think of wwx’s little siblings giving lwj the shovel talk.
and speaking of lwj, why not bring back his mom too? lwj growing up in a home that’s not silent all the time. lwj growing up with a mother who laughs more than she cries, a mother who expresses her love openly without a care in the world. lwj with a mother who gives his boyfriend the shovel talk.
just!!! so much love and fluff all around!! i love angst but today there’s no room for it. here’s the link to my fic i wrote based on this premise
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
i was thinking,, why do we always kill off wwx’s parents in modern aus. we all just immediately place him with the jiangs 😭 no questions asked. but just think of an au with lil wei kids running around, adoring their big brother wei wuxian. wwx growing up with the example of two loving parents in a healthy relationship who always shower him with love and leave no room for insecurities to fester. think of how much quicker wwx would be to act on his feelings for lwj.
and think of cangse sanren and wei changze giving lwj the shovel talk. think of wwx’s little siblings giving lwj the shovel talk.
and speaking of lwj, why not bring back his mom too? lwj growing up in a home that’s not silent all the time. lwj growing up with a mother who laughs more than she cries, a mother who expresses her love openly without a care in the world. lwj with a mother who gives his boyfriend the shovel talk.
just!!! so much love and fluff all around!! i love angst but today there’s no room for it. here’s the link to my fic i wrote based on this premise
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
write a short lil dumb modern au beefleaf fic abt them finding each other after ten years of not speaking. they’re on their smoke break and they talk abt feelings. mostly crack, built for mature audiences. check the tags.
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
Thalia: if you ever want to just scream into a void, I recommend talking to Percy about his quests before the Titan War.
Jason: What do you mean?
Thalia: Watch this - HEY PERCY! Can you tell us about what happened on the quest for Artemis?
Percy: Artemis? I never went on- oh, right. The Annabeth quest.
Leo: wow
Percy: why do you want to know? You were there
Thalia: I just like hearing your point of view (: you can just skip to the end (:
Percy: sure, I guess. Ummm we got there, fought Atlas, freed Artemis and Annabeth, I held up the sky, Zoë died, and you kicked Luke off a cliff.
Piper: I’m sorry what?
Percy: what are you confused ab-? Oh, right. Luke was a Son of Hermes on the Titan’s side-
Leo: No, that was not the most bewildering part of what you just said
Jason: You held up the sky??? The literal sky???
Percy: Annabeth and I did, yeah. Luke, too, but not when we fought Atlas.
Leo: bro.
Percy: what?
Leo: you gotta give a little more flourish when you tell these stories. This matter-of-fact thing you’re doing is kind of creeping me out.
Percy: oh….sorry.
Thalia: uh-huh. Let’s try again. Percy, can you tell us about what happened in Mt. Saint Helens?
Percy, with Jazz Hands: I blew up a mountain
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
Every time I see a "Luke Castellan was a bad person" take cross my dash, I get closer to writing a five thousand word meta about how the entire point of The Last Olympian and, arguably, the entire original series, is that Luke Was Right, Actually, and that Percy should've been radicalized in Heroes of Olympus
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
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Etched in the concrete, Houston TX
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
Prompt List #5
Other Prompt Lists
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“You’re not hurting me, you’re not heavy. I’ve got you, love.”
Kissing on sofa, foreheads pressed together, breathy, soft tender.
“Sometimes I wonder if you even like me…it sure feels like you hate me sometimes.”
“You were supposed to be my friend. That’s all…that’s all I asked of you. To be my friend. To care.”
“I look at him/her/them and I just..it’s like when the Grinch’s heart grows three sizes.”
“I don’t…i’ve never…been in a relationship and i’m going to make mistakes…I just need you to tell me. I need you to talk to me.”
“You really thought I was dead?”
“I want to believe, I do…I just…how can I believe in something that I can’t see?”
“You didn’t tell me your friend was cute! Now what am I going to do?”
“I feel sick…so anxious and sick and like my heart is trying to beat its way out of my chest.”
“Can we just make a decision? Please?”
“You don’t know what you do to me, do you?”
“I just want you to be safe. That’s all i’ve ever wanted for you!” 
“I want you to be happy…even if its not with me.”
“I want to feel like this forever.”
“You give me a reason to be better, to do better.”
“God, you are so fucking cute.”
“I love you, but I need you to go away because you’re really bloody distracting and I have to pass this test tomorrow.”
“I…I can’t do this without you.”
“Don’t forget me?” 
“You weren’t there…why weren’t you there?”
“I needed you! I needed you!”
“Now it’s over…I don’t really know what to do.”
“Do you ever think?”
“I’m going to die. I’m going to die with an absolute idiot!” 
“How can you drink that stuff?”
“Oh no…he’s/she’s/they’re cute.”
“I can’t talk to cute people, okay? I don’t know how to flirt!”
“Sometimes you love someone and you don’t want them to leave…because if they’re beside you, you can see that they’re safe and you can keep them safe. But, if they go somewhere without you…you might lose them”
“No one has a romantic bone in their body anymore! What happened to playing songs outside windows, glitter and sparkles on handmade Valentine’s cards, dancing in the rain!? What happened?!”
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You are so important to me, you are such a big part of my life, that I just…I can’t imagine you not here.”
“I just want you to be happy…”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
“Stop apologising for other people! You’re not the shitty one!” 
“I want someone I can melt around. I want someone who melts around me too…I don’t want this standoffish, unromantic love that you’re offering. I want more than that.”
“I want to write you poetry, to write songs about you and draw your portrait! I want to make things for you! It frustrates the hell out of me hat I can’t draw and I can’t sing or write or play instruments or paint…You inspire me so fucking much…”
“You don’t own her/him/them. You don’t get to choose who they choose. I don’t get to choose who they choose. No one, but them, gets to make that decision.”
“Stop being a fucking dick.”
“That’s another way of saying you’re an arsehole.” 
“Can anyone else hear those Jumanji like drums? Or is it just me?”
“God, I love your face.”
Twirling a strand of their hair
Foreheads pressed together, breath intertwining, slow, content affection
“Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so…”
“I’m only important when you need something from me.”
“I am fed up of half measures. I deserve better”
“Don’t look at me! I’m a mess!”
“I love it when you’re a mess!”
“Please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up, it’s terribly distracting”
“I don’t think you’re annoying…I know…I don’t…I really like listening to and hearing what you have to say even if its a lot sometimes..”
“I just want to be swept off my feet…is that so bad? I’m fed up of being alone.”
One reaching for the others hand to comfort them, to provide support. A thumb brushing lightly against skin. 
Reciting poetry at the other in a dramatic and very public fashion
Those period shirts with the puffy sleeves and the deep v and one staring at the other like… oh no he/she’s hot. 
Heart eyes when the other talks, sings, dances, argues, does literally anything especially things which others make fun of them for or find annoying
“Oh, my ankle! I think it must be broken!” *wink* *wink*
“I want you to be proud of yourself. I want you to believe that you’re good enough because you are. You’re so amazing.”
“Did you get any sleep last night?”
“I haven’t slept since they/him/her left/died”
“You are an uncultured swine! There I said it!”
“I know I should be happy…I did well…I always do well…so why can’t I believe in myself?”
“Please do your homework, for me? Just one time…”
“I said one time, y’know…you didn’t have to actually start studying. Not that I’m not proud or anything.”
“Go big or go home”
“I’m already home.”
“I lost my wellie boot in the river…”
“I wish I knew who they were…”
“It was that bad here?”
“I look at you and I…I feel so sad because I love you but I also have been hurt so many times that I don’t think I can forgive and forget.”
Brushing hair from their face
Leaning into the others hand, turning their head and pressing a kiss to the palm
“I didn’t take you for the settling down type.”
Speaks in a terrible Shakespearean/Elizabethan style to woo/make the other laugh
“Should I go first or…do you want to go?”
“If you want to leave, we can leave.”
“I don’t want to ruin your party.”
“You could never ruin anything.”
“Your comfort and happiness is more important to me than some stupid dinner.”
“Please don’t make me choose.”
“I can finally understand why you call them your arch-nemesis…What. A. Dick.”
“Poetry isn’t supposed to be good, it’s supposed to make you feel things!”
“If you don’t get that stick out of your arse, i’ll do it myself and beat you with it.”
“Could you come get me?”
“Stop moving! I’m going to have to start counting all over again!”
“I just thought that since you weren’t feeling too good, maybe this would help.”
The one stumbling to the other’s front door after getting hurt/beaten up etc.
“Oh my heart it breaks! It shall never be whole again!” “She/He/They break up with you every other month. Shouldn’t it be used to the disappointment by now?”
“I thought you said no more dangerous stunts?”
“I’m not kissing you in the rain! We’ll catch our death!”
“Where’s your adventurous spirit?!”
“A walk in the woods might do you some good. Clear your head.”
“You have wronged me so bitterly…”
“Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?”
“Please get me away from him. He hasn’t left me alone all night and I am this close to committing a murder.”
“I apologise sincerely if my handsome/beautiful face has kept you awake all night.”
Massages but the sort that are actually practical and helpful. Like babe, you’re so uncomfortable let me help because you’re clearly in pain
“Would it help if I stayed?”
“So I had this really vivid dream…”
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
Look, I know The Untamed has THE LONGING and I love it too, but we all gotta accept that the MDZS novel is unmatched because, my dudes, WWX defeats the villain by sabotaging his homophobia.
I know we joke (and we SHOULD) about jgy the shipper et etc but in the end, it's whimsical humor.
In the scene where jgy has our heroes trapped, held hostage, and villian monologues about poor Lan Wangji's unrequited gay love...
All this fake sympathy for LXC's brother is 100% bad intent: he's revealing a "dirty secret" to the hostages & Jin minions about his biggest threat (the biggest fire power) that would stain lwj in the eyes of the sect world. A secret that might repulse wwx when laid out publically - make him let down lwj easy at best.
(Recall, jgy is THAT GUY who killed his own infant son out of fear of public disdain.)
What is actually happening here is that he's trying to shame them. Just like how he attacks JC in another scene, destabilizing him w his words, and plays mind games w LXC. JGY's greatest weapon in his persuasion and narrative building. His words are just as much of a weapon as the string he slides around wwx's neck.
But none of this plays out the way jgy expects it to AT ALL. He sees it going weird, kinda sideways, but is completely unprepared for what actually happens.
Which is a key component of the humor. But also a fucking AMAZING climactic moment for a novel that has reminded the reader and the characters over and over that they exist in a homophobic society where tainted public reputation and rumors can have violent, deadly consequences.
And what does wwx do in the face of that? Before jgy can start in on lwj w his word knives, wwx SCREAMS that he wanted to have sex with the man who was just maliciously outed. Like, yelps it at the top of his lungs
He grasps what the villian is trying to do and turns it on its head. He takes the power of the moment back. You want to other, to humiliate, and to degrade Lan Wangji? Figuratively and LITERALLY taking his power away? Well, fuck you. Actually we had. sex. MAN ON MAN SEX. AND I WANTED IT. AND ILL DO IT AGAIN.
The power of this wholesale rejection of jgy's narrative, the sheer audacity of this gay pride rant, stuns & unhinges the master of whispers and wwx springs free from the trap.
The novel doesn't allow us to forget about the othering that WWX/LWJ have just experienced. They are seated away from everyone else, people are uncomfortable around them.
This only underscores how absolutely badass it was. And how irrevocable. It forshadows what is to come, as they continue to express affection off on their own side, before "eloping" on their own at the end. (The only reason drama!LWJ can BE Chief Cultivator is that this scene never happened.)
But novel wwx and lwj don't gaf. And that's how they win. They craft their happy ending regardless of their society's prejudices -- you can't erase them but you can refuse to let them change you, quiet you, isolate you. You can build your own patchwork families and proudly love who you love.
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hyacinth4maria · 2 years
no one quite psychoanalyzes like daughters do when looking at their mothers
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