Cable Drum Moving Equipment: Solutions for Safer Reel Handling
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The principles for moving cable drums with material handling equipment include:
 · Don’t drop the drum from high or low heights.
· Avoid friction to prevent damage to the drum and wires.
· Don’t let a forklift come in direct contact with the cables.
· Avoid rolling the drums to prevent the cable from unraveling and tangling.
 The following solutions by Hovair Systems comply with the above principles.
Air Pallets
The air pallets are Hovair Systems are heavy-duty transporters ideal for moving larger standard-sized materials. Cable drums might be round, but you can customize the pallets to accommodate the shape of your materials.
With a weight capacity of 500–60,000lbs, these air pallets are a force to be reckoned with and can easily transport thick reels to and from factories, warehouses, and other industrial locations.
Industrial Turntable Systems
Industrial turntables have revolutionized the material handling industry. While they’re available as residential vehicle turntables at Hovair Systems, you can also request a quote on a custom-built option for moving cable drums.
 Here are some benefits of customized industrial turntables:
· All the features you require on a single table.
· Perfect for transportation and storage.
· Air-bearing or electromechanically powered.
· Hand or foot pedals.
· Rotates back and forth.
· Variable speeds
· A maximum diameter of 24 feet.
· Easy installation
· Construction isn’t required.
· Minimum downtime
· Safe and user-friendly.
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Lifting & Rigging Equipment
Several products at Hovair Systems act as lifting and rigging systems. These include air pallets, air bearing kits, and air beams.
 Here’s what you stand to gain from this equipment:
· Support for various shapes and sizes.
· A maximum load capacity of 100 tons.
· Accommodates excessive and inconsistent weight.
· All-inclusive equipment; no need to buy add-ons.
· Easy setup and easier operations.
· No training is required.
· Air bearing kits are ready-to-use; setup isn’t required.
· The equipment only requires compressed air.
· Sustainable and clean handling and transport.
Order Moving Equipment at Hovair Systems Online
Hovair Systems might be from Kent, but you can order their products anywhere in the US. Visit the website to browse heavy load handling systems and air lifting bags to transport and move cable drums and other standard or irregularly shaped loads.
 Reach out for a quote on a custom heavy equipment mover.
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10 Foods that will Supercharge Your Summer
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Summer is the best time to splash into a pool, relax on cool beaches, and feast on healthy summer foods. When you think of summer, the first thing that comes to mind is cool fruity drinks, fresh salads, and delectable summer fruits.
While you may have tried various summer recipes in top women’s magazines, you may still be wondering what’s the best thing to eat on a bright summer afternoon. From watery fruits to leafy greens and delicious berries, we have a variety of healthy foods to stay hydrated and supercharge the hot summer days. Here is a list of top 10 foods to give your taste buds a treat this summer:
1. Fresh Salads
A summer fiesta is incomplete without a bowl of fresh, delectable salad. With a variety of vegetables available in the summer season, there is no reason to skimp on fresh salads for your lunch and dinner. Leafy greens like lettuce, kale, spinach, and sprouts are loaded with Vitamin A and other valuable minerals. Vitamin A is essential for strengthening your immune system, lowering your risk of cancer, and improving your skin’s elasticity, color tone, and wrinkles.
The best thing about salads is that they don’t have a particular recipe; you can mix vegetables or fruits with other ingredients like meat, pasta, quinoa, cream, juices, vinegar, etc. You can also spice it up to fuel your taste buds.
2. Melons
Summer and watermelons complement each other perfectly. While summer demands more water intake, watermelon is a hydration hero with 92% water. It has all the fluids you need to beat the summer heat and a healthy amount of fiber to help your gut system. Watermelons contain beneficial plant-based compounds and essential nutrients, including vitamin A and C, potassium, and magnesium. They are also low in calories, so you can satisfy your hunger without feeling guilty.
Watermelons can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Vitamin A and C help your body make more collagen that keeps your skin young and your hair strong.
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3. Mangoes
All hail to mango, the king of fruits! It’s a perfect treat in the scorching summer months. Although high in calories, you cannot resist the temptation to devour this delectable summer delight. Mangoes can be used in numerous ways, and each recipe is an ultimate pleasure to your taste buds. Mangoes contain nutrients like Vitamin C, copper, folate, and many others. Vitamin C helps strengthen your immune system and acts as a catalyst to absorb iron.
4. Iced Coffee or Tea
If you’re looking for a high dose of caffeine without feeling hot, iced tea and coffee are the perfect drink to consume during hot summer days. A cup of coffee with plenty of ice can help you start your day with a bang. The benefits of caffeine are far-reaching; it reduces the chances of heart attacks, acts as an antioxidant to prevent skin cancers, and reduces the risk of developing diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
5. Fresh Juices
Summer is the season of fruits, and there’s nothing better than sipping a delicious fruit punch on a hot summer evening. The healthy nutrients in fruit juices make them a must-have for breakfast in summer. If you want to squeeze all the health benefits out of the fruit, use fresh fruits instead of frozen or canned ones.
6. Berries
Berries make up the yummiest appetizer for summer with a mix of sweet and sour tastes. Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. They help prevent and fight cancer, increase blood flow to the skin, and decrease sensitivity to light. Berries have been used for thousands of years to enhance beauty, tighten loose skin, and make your lips look rosy.
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7. Zucchini
Zucchini is part of the summer squash family and packed with essential fibers called pectin. Boil it, grill it, roast it – zucchini tastes delicious no matter how you cook it. Zucchini is among those vegetables lowest in calories. This is why you find zucchini is nearly all diet plans for those who wish to shed extra pounds. Zucchini is one of the richest sources of folate and has amazing health benefits. Zucchinis help lower cholesterol, improve heart function, strengthen bones, and regulate hormones.
8. Yogurt and Smoothies
Summer is incomplete without smoothies. Yogurt mixed with fruits makes an ultimate summer delight. Yogurt reduces the effect of heat and regulates body temperature. It is loaded with probiotics that are essential for gut health. Greek yogurt is high in proteins and is the best source of calcium for those who are lactose intolerant.
9. Cucumber
Make your summer “as cool as a cucumber” with a delicious cucumber salad. Cucumbers are packed with a high amount of water to keep you hydrated in the scorching summer heat. Cucumbers are known for their low-calorie count and high minerals and vitamins, which makes them a perfect summer snack. While most people consume it without skin, it’s important to know that cucumber’s skin contains essential antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium.
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10. Lentils and Legumes
Lentils and legumes are the best sources of complex carbs and plant-based proteins. It’s a vegetarian alternative to meat – rich in iron, zinc, and phosphorous. Lentils have equal amounts of complex carbs and proteins, and they release proteins in the blood faster than carbs, making them beneficial for diabetes patients. Lentil soups or boiled lentils or legumes in salads are easy yet satisfying recipes to enjoy during summer evenings.
Discover More about Healthy Living from Women’s Lifestyle Magazines
Health is wealth, they say. And to stay healthy, you need to know more about the human body, health tips, and ways to live a healthy life. Subscribe to Hustle Mama Magazine, one of the best health and educational magazines online for women, for news and updates about beauty, health, entertainment, travel, relationships, and much more.
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How To Heal Your Heart After A Terrible Breakup
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Throughout your life, you’ll lose certain people and gain new ones. But amidst all this, sometimes, you’ll have to deal with a breakup that might break your heart and cause you pain. While it looks easier in movies to get over a relationship, it isn’t in reality. In real life, things don’t resolve that fast, and you don’t get over someone easily either.
However, there are certain things you can do to lessen your pain and slowly get over your relationship. This is why we’ve gathered some expert tips for women on getting over a relationship and healing their hearts. These tips will help you get back on your feet and start a new beginning.
How To Mend Your Heart
The immediate aftermath of a breakup is characterized by pain and grief. But if you let yourself go at this stage, you’ll end up depressed and lonely. It’s better to start the healing process immediately than to keep dwelling in the past. You need to allow your emotions to flow so you can recognize what you feel and start the healing process. Here are a few things you can do to slowly heal your heart.
It’s Okay To Grieve
The first thing you should tell yourself is that it’s okay to grieve, feel sad, and lonely. It’s also okay to feel like your life has become stagnant. Because f you don’t recognize these things, you won’t be able to start the healing process. You can listen to some sad Billie Eilish Songs or binge-watch your favorite romcoms while eating an entire pizza. Or you can grieve the sophisticated way by pouring yourself a glass of wine and reading your favorite book.
You can tell yourself that you’re sad and that you’ll become better in time. This stage of healing is characterized by sadness and pain, and it can last a long time before you can move on to the next stage. But remember, healing is a process. For some, it’s short, while; for others, it can take a while. The important thing is to be there for yourself.
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Create Some Boundaries
It’s common to keep going back to what caused your heartbreak in the first place. But you should tell yourself that it isn’t healthy to keep dwelling on the past, which is why you should stop texting or having any form of communication with your ex and set boundaries. These boundaries are an important step in moving forward and healing.
Even if the other party tries to establish contact, you should not fall for it and hold your ground. Because of social media, it’s easy to keep seeing people you might not want to, so the best way is to block them from your social or take a break from using social media altogether so you can focus on yourself and mend your heart.
Express Your Emotions
Bottling up emotions will only lead to more pain and loneliness. You’re allowed to express your emotions in any way you like. This includes writing a journal or creating an online diary. Writing down your emotions and feeling will make it easier for you to recognize what you want and what’s hurting you. Moreover, journaling is a therapeutic activity often recommended to people suffering from loss and pain.
You can write as frequently as you want. It includes writing daily to gather your thoughts in one place, writing once or twice a month, and expressing how you felt that month. Once you do this enough times, you’ll notice that you‘ve started feeling better or, at the very least, understand your pain and what your heart wants.
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Try Investing In Yourself
There’s no better time to invest in yourself than after a breakup because it’s when you can think back, reflect on yourself, and decide which aspects of your life need improvement. Whether it’s finding someone else, making new friends, or learning a new skill, it’ll help you reestablish yourself as an individual.
Many times, people have found their true calling after a bad breakup. You should always remember that there’s always light at the end of a dark tunnel, and you just have to focus on reaching that end. If you’re not interested in revamping your life, you can do other things that help you take your mind off things and give you a different perspective. Such as shopping, going out with friends, or snuggling up with your fur babies.
Don’t Wait For Closure
Closure is a word people throw around a lot when it comes to a breakup, but the truth is that it doesn’t exist. Because you’re never going to find what you’re looking for by hoping it’ll just show up one day. True closure comes from within when you give yourself time to understand your feeling and what you want to do next.
In other words, simply sitting in a room and hoping for the best won’t cut it. You’ll have to actually get out and make progress instead of waiting for it. This includes going on a solo trip to rediscover yourself, finding a new job to start fresh, or even getting a new pet to share your love with.
Don’t Jump For A Rebound Relationship
It’s common for people to jump for a rebound relationship after a bad breakup. For some reason, it makes them feel better and worthy. But remember that a rebound relationship will hurt not only you but also the person you’re with. That’s because, after a bad breakup, you should give yourself some time to reflect on what went wrong with your relationship, accept it and then work to improve yourself so that you don’t repeat the same things or fall for people who aren’t right for you.
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It’s never easy to get over a breakup, but fortunately, life goes on, and you’ll find new people. But if you want to do a little bit more soul searching, check out Hustle Mama Magazine. It’s an online lifestyle magazine created to empower women and make them feel confident in their own skin. The magazine has tips for women on how to heal, harness their power, and achieve spirituality.
Besides that, the magazine also produces content for women entrepreneurs to highlight their achievements. You can also find content for health and relationships. This magazine aims to inspire young women to break stereotypes and do everything they wish to accomplish. Subscribe to our magazine today!
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How to Save Money When You're Not a Saver
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Do you constantly splurge your money on things you don't even need? Do you have a tough time refraining from doing so? Well, you're not alone!
Saving money is a problem for millions of people. But this gets impossible when you're a spendthrift! Looking at a beautiful dress or pair of shoes can immediately make you spill some cash.
However, saving is crucial and can be a valuable future investment. If you're not a saver and want to start saving, you're in the right place. We've prepared a simple yet helpful guide to help you save more money.
Create a Barrier
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Now, even if you're not a saver, you probably have two accounts; one for your savings and the other for your salary. This may seem unnecessary, but it has helped people save more money. Keep checking both your accounts constantly. By doing so, you create a barrier between your accounts and refrain from messing around with them.
Remember, the accounts are for your future; therefore, avoid meddling with your savings account at all costs.
Know Your Spending Triggers
An essential factor in saving is self-awareness. We all have our spending triggers that prevent us from saving more money. It can either be online shopping or stress shopping. Either way, self-awareness is the key to controlling your urge to buy things that you don't need.
Once you're familiar with your spending triggers, you can start working on alternative ways to deal with your situations. For instance, if your trigger is stress shopping, look for ways to reduce your stress without burning a hole in your pocket.
Pause and Think
This tip is by far one of the most effective tips to save more money. Hold your horses and take a minute to think before impulsively spending on things you like and see. Weigh out the consequences, think about your savings, and ask yourself do you need these purchases? Or can you do without it? Once you start living your life with this approach, you'll realize how quickly you'll start saving up.
Set Exciting Goals
Do you want a trip across the globe? Or a trip to one of your dream countries? Irresistible, right? An effective tip that can immediately change your finances is setting exciting goals for yourself. The drive and motivation behind your goals can help you work hard and save to reach your aim. Set a goal for yourself for the next 5 or 10 years. By doing so, your focus shifts entirely to making your dreams come true rather than excessive spending.  Remember, the goal is to save more and earn more valuable experiences in life.
Check out Women Entrepreneurs Magazine
Saving can be a bumpy journey where you may lose focus and control. Check out Hustle Mama Magazine to get more positive affirmations to help you stick to your path. It's a business concept magazine full of helpful business and saving tips. They also offer blogs on self-excellence and entertainment.
Get in touch with them now and begin your journey to utmost self-love and self-actualization.
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Why We Need Arts in Times of Crisis
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The world has gone through so many changes and crises in recent years. All of us are trying to find ourselves and adapt to the changes in lifestyle, working, and communicating. People are also looking for ways to unwind, de-stress, and find their share of peace.
And as we rise to challenges like racism, injustice, protest, climate change, and more recently and perhaps the most concerning of them all, the global pandemic, we are seeing more clearly what needs to be changed. We are still in the middle of combatting the Coronavirus, engaging in racial injustice, and dealing with the drastic effects of climate change. In times like these, we need expression, humanity, and unity—and that is where art comes in.
Art allows us to reflect on what it means to be human, voice and express opinions and thoughts and helps bring people and ideas together. All around the world, the pandemic has shed light on our economic, social, and political standing, and we have experienced firsthand how unjust the system can be. We need to understand is that the values we have today ultimately determine our future.
Art is more than a piece of work; it’s something that unites people of different backgrounds. Whether big or small, in a museum or on the walls, arts make a difference in how we live our lives. It helps us process crises individually and brings us together collectively. It enables us to communicate from afar and spread hope during difficult and testing times. Art amplifies important messages.
Here’s why art matters in a tumultuous world.
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Art Helps People Express and Understand
While creating art, we can openly express our views, thoughts, and experiences. The same goes for viewing art; you can relate to it in many ways and interpret it the way you want. You can truly understand the meaning of the world around you.
If we see it from a historical point of view, humans have always used art to express themselves. For instance, the cave of the hands, “Cueva de las Manos” which dates back to 7300 BC in Argentina, is an example of early visual expression.
Just like ancient humans created arts to express themselves in the past, we do this in the present. Arts create a sense of community by depicting shared events and allow us to express our interpretations as well.
Human experiences are fueled by art. Be it food, music, social interaction, or culture; art is inseparable from any of these elements. And during times of crises like the global pandemic, more and more people turned towards art. It became a source of comfort and support for people globally. From art-making at home and public murals to listening and creating music and or a newfound interest in baking or painting, there were many ways people adopted and appreciated the power of arts.
Nurtures Understanding Between People
While we have always been aware of the inequalities that have threatened the community, they have become more visible during the recent turbulent times. And for this, art has been used as a source to foster a stronger sense of community. Art not only helps us understand ourselves, but it also helps us understand other people at a deeper level.
And while there are limited ways to connect with art during the pandemic, people have actively pursued their artistic interests and experiences online. Many museums and galleries are holding online exhibitions, and artists are holding online shows and events.
With digital technology at our fingertips, connecting with the arts has never been easier.
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Art is Beneficial for our Health
While you enjoy arts, relish in the fact that you’re doing your health a huge favor. Many people know that art is a proven tool used for stress reduction and boosts well-being. Many studies emphasize the physical and mental benefits of creating and engaging in art.
Long-term benefits like enhanced brain activity, strengthened immune system and boosted emotional health are often associated with art-making and viewing. It helps us process trauma, express grim feelings easily, and work our way through new and versatile experiences.
During the global pandemic, families stayed positive and healthy by engaging in different art forms and keeping busy. Art is a tool for expression, and when these artworks represent our community and experiences, we are happier and healthier.
Furthermore, we all know that humans react more positively to visual stimulators, and art is one of the biggest ones we have. It helps communicate ideas more quickly through memorable visuals. This has been a great help during the pandemic. Art was used as a directive tool during crises to promote general well-being.
For instance, a range of creative masks made headlines for their innovative approach in allowing people to express themselves and wear masks in the first place. Masks were designed in fun and creative ways to increase usage and promote wellness.
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Bottom Line
To sum it up, it’s fair to say that art is a powerful tool that helps us understand, express, and connect. It allows us to create and promote meaningful messages from a distance. It makes the spaces around us more visually appealing and spreads positivity throughout the community. All major world crises are remembered through some iconic artworks.
Art offers us immeasurable social and personal benefits, and it’s something we can rely on during difficult times.
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Become part of a closely-knit community of health experts, entrepreneurs, and beauty experts with Hustle Mama Magazine. They provide readers with versatile information that will motivate, inspire, and encourage them to do better.
Get in touch with them to learn more about their digital magazine subscription.
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3 Reasons to Wear Monochromatic Outfits
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From fashion newbies to style veterans, there’s one trend that can suit everyone on the spectrum—monochromatic outfits. These single-colour outfits vary in shade across different clothing pieces and encompass monochrome outfits incorporating a combination of black, white, and grey.
Ombré shadings can fit the bill if they've got one colour going from dark to light. This single-color style can be in the form of a one-piece—such as a jumpsuit or a dress—or an array of different pieces in different shades of the same color.
Here’s why monochromatic outfits are the absolute best:
Pull Different Pieces Together
We’ve all fallen in love with a random accessory or item of clothing and bought it without a clear idea of how we’re going to style it. Whether you want to play around with different patterns or pair different textures with the same look, monochromatic outfits have your back. When you focus entirely on color, you can be more adventurous with your style without looking overdoing things.
Pair a satin hoodie with ochre trainers or a chunky maroon sweater with a similar toned pleated skirt. There’s no end to creativity!
Make A Statement
Going all-in with your fashion choices is a massive fashion statement. You’ll also find yourself going out of your comfort zone and buying things you would've never looked at twice! Creating echoes of a single color throughout an entire outfit might lead you to buy your first pair of bright orange sneakers or a lime green jacket that you thought would be too loud by itself.
Whatever color works for you, just remember to go all-in with your decision and work it with the utmost confidence.
Lengthens Your Figure
Lighter hues tend to make your figure look visually wider, while darker shades provide a slimming effect. You can play around with different shades around different body parts to create the perfect look! Pair a deep purple skirt to make your waist appear narrower, and pair it with a lilac stop top and lavender sneakers. You can also try high-waisted dark blue jeans with a flowy sky-blue top and sandals to make your legs appear longer.
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Looking For More Styling Tips?
Hustle Mama Magazine is one of the best magazine subscriptions for women covering business concepts and women’s lifestyles. This business education magazine also provides the best styling tips and tricks to boost your confidence and feel just as beautiful as you look!
You can also check out their blogs on money and wealth, entertainment, beauty, and self-excellence.
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