human--incarnate · 4 months
I lay on the bed in my room,
Newly furnished
Exactly how I want it.
My dog and my cat
Sleep curled up next to me.
It's my best friend's birthday today.
They turned the same age I will
In two days.
I wished them a happy birthday,
The moment my world clock
Said it was late enough in the morning.
In my room, it is quiet.
In the quiet, I can hear the outside.
All day,
A mourning dove has sang
Its grieving song. 
It matches the ache in my chest
For the passage of time.
For another dog
Who should be curled up beside me.
For the future and the unknown.
Everything is beautiful,
And yet,
The mourning dove still sings.
- Amoss Lutz
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human--incarnate · 5 months
take figures out of their boxes btw. sew patches on your favorite jacket. go to bed with your favorite plushes. wear the pants you usually save for special occasions. draw something cool on your wall. put a sticker on your laptop. dye your hair and pierce your lips. glass is meant to break, metal is meant to rust. items are meant to be used. that's how the world knows that somebody loved them.
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human--incarnate · 5 months
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human--incarnate · 5 months
narratives about doomed love that aren’t romantic in nature. the love between siblings who understand each other the most but are growing apart no matter how much they try to come back to one another. the love between friends whose life paths pull them apart and they never see each other again, only remembering the face of a once kind childhood. the love for a hometown that year by year becomes less and less the one that raised you until you are a foreigner in your own backyard. there was no stopping it. the love was there and it mattered and you can never come back again.
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human--incarnate · 6 months
"Me And The Dog I Did Not Want"
It is past midnight.
I sit on the couch
With the dog I did not want
Both of us awake
And abandoned.
Thrown to me,
Because no one will take her
Despite everyone but me wanting her.
I didn't get a choice in bringing her home.
The promise that was made to me
Was not kept.
But I guess
They didn't get a choice in bringing me home, either.
And there hasn't been anyone to take care of me
In a long time.
I refuse to let her be alone
Like I was.
Like I am.
Just because she is a dog
That I did not want.
- Amoss Lutz
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human--incarnate · 8 months
"What's the word
For nostalgia
But for the future?"
I asked the setting sun.
With tender colors,
She reached out and
Touched my face,
Smiling out a gentle,
-Amoss Lutz
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