Make Cash Whereas You Are Sick: 6 Methods to Cowl Your Payments
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The runny nose. The scratchy throat. The general pain. Yes, it probably isn't just Allergies. Given the recent outbreak of a new coronavirus, COVID-19, these symptoms could be accompanied by an additional dose of anxiety, topped off by a little mass hysteria. Regardless of the nature of your suffering, you should stay at home and practice good hygiene to avoid spreading. Many employers encourage their employees to work from home when they are not feeling well. But a significant portion of American workers - and gig workers in particular - cannot take their jobs home and do not have the luxury of paid sick leave. Uber recently sent a memo to his drivers entitled "A memory of the corona virus" in which he advised them to stay at home when they were sick and to disinfect their vehicles regularly. Uber's long-awaited response to the corona virus. Most of their drivers cannot afford to take even a day off. pic.twitter.com/n4W3v41F6F - The Rideshare Dude (@ 1RideshareDude) February 29, 2020 A passenger tweeted a picture of the memo and found that "most of their drivers can't afford to take a day off". The problem goes beyond the gig economy. ON study The Economic Policy Institute shows that 64% of all private sector employees receive paid sick leave. For low-wage workers, this number drops to 27%. The reality is that a day with missing wages could mean saving food, medicine - or missing out on a bill altogether, the study said. Here are some ways to close the holes if you have to miss the job.
6 ways to earn money on sick leave
If you're faced with the difficult decision of staying home from a job without paid sick leave, there are a few options. Below are several ways to make money quickly without needing excessive manual labor. So hopefully you can rest on your day off and still earn rent. 1. Perform the micro-tasks for the mechanical Turk Mechanical Turk or Mturk is an on-demand task platform and the fastest way to do it Earn money with Amazon. Every day, thousands of human intelligence tasks (HITs) are set by people who want to outsource small work blocks. Every task is different. One could be audio transcription - another the organization of spreadsheets. Quick surveys are also popular. Michael Naab shared advice and what strategies he used on average $ 500 a month on Mturk. First create one Mturk worker account and wait for verification. (It took me a day. Some users reported Reddits Mturk Advisory Board that it can take up to a few weeks.) Beginners earn about $ 10 to $ 20 a day doing light work and learning the ropes, while advanced users like Naab earn up to $ 15 an hour. 2. Selling things online If you are stuck at home, you may suddenly feel the urge to start spring cleaning. As you refresh your excavations, you are certain to find some unused items that you can use to make decent money if you find the right place to sell them. Fortunately, there are many Websites where you can sell your items online. Some websites like Facebook marketplaceYou need to meet someone to complete the sale. In this case, use your time best to create a well-made list with an informative description and high quality photos. When you feel better, meet up for the transaction. A solid exception - called Decluttr - does not require human contact. The website specializes in the purchase of technology, particularly laptops, cell phones, video games and Blu-rays. In many cases, you can scan the barcodes of your items with your smartphone, get an offer immediately and then send them. After receiving your package, the company will deposit the money the next day directly. 3. User test websites Websites should be very user friendly. So simply loud The User Is Drunk founder Richard Littauerthat a drunk person should be able to navigate in it. That means you should be able to swing websites with user tests in your overwhelmed discomfort. Repeating Littauer's business success definitely takes time. Try faster money UserTesting and TryMyUI. Both companies will ask you to visit certain websites, do some tasks, and record your thoughts. Each test takes about 10 to 20 minutes and earns you at least $ 10. 4. Be paid to watch TV Take a box of Kleenex, a couple of snacks, plenty of liquid and turn it on The office. Except this time, you can get paid. Not really. USDish accepted Applications for a office Binge-Watcher and pays the lucky person $ 1,000. Application deadline is March 16. If you miss the deadline, watch out for similar promotions, which are usually seasonal. Other options include signing up for market research sites like Swagbucks and InboxDollars. You will also be paid to watch videos and television from your smartphone. Every time you complete a task, Swagbucks gives you points that you can redeem for gift cards between $ 5 and $ 25. You can make money at InboxDollars. These two options do not pay your bills yourself, but in combination with other strategies your earnings. 5. Win a video game tournament If your idea of ​​a sick day is bundled up on the couch or at your desk to play games, step in one of these online video game tournaments should be a breeze. Small amateur tournaments are available to adults in most states. (Note that Arizona, Iowa, and Louisiana prohibit money price competitions.)And even though they're for amateurs, you still need some serious skills to win. Tournaments for console and PC games - often fighting, sports and MOBA titles - are published daily on GamerSaloon, World Gaming, Players & # 39; Lounge and similar websites. Prices range from $ 2.50 to $ 500 per game. 6. Apply for a grant for modest needs It turns out that your illness is more serious than you thought. Your sick day turns into a week, maybe two, and you've exhausted all the quick money-making strategies you can. There is still hope. Depending on your situation, the nonprofit association Modest needs could help. When Emilia Chape had an unexpected $ 2,000 dentist bill, The organization was able to find relief through a self-help grant. Modest Needs does not pay out cash. After determining your needs, the company will contact the seller and pay on your behalf. The organization helps with a lot more than unexpected bills. It specifically encourages workers who miss a wage due to unpaid leave to apply for assistance. "In such documentable emergency situations, Modest Needs would consider paying a one-time monthly monthly bill for your household," the website says. Adam Hardy is an employee of The Penny Hoarder. He deals with gig economy, entrepreneurship and unique ways to make money. Read hisLatest articles hereor say hello on Twitter @hardyjournalism. Ready to stop worrying about money? Get the Penny Hoarder Daily Privacy Policy Read the full article
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On-line Freelance Summit presents 36 hours of recommendation from February 21-22
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Good advice is hard to come by. But for the self-employed or anyone who wants to join their ranks, we found good advice in an online summit for 32 hours to help independent contractors find their way in the emerging freelance and gig economy. The Online summit for independent contractors and freelancers runs every day on February 21 and 22 from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. The two-day summit concludes the National Entrepreneurship Week, a convention-sponsored initiative to promote entrepreneurship education. The event is free and does not require full participation. Anyone who is "interested in working for themselves should participate, as well as self-employed professionals who want to grow their business," said organizer, speaker and author Angela Heath, aka Gig Income Guru, "Understanding business practices and advanced strategies to create a profitable business is the biggest hurdle that the summit will address." To register, visit the landing page and enter your name and email address. Shortly after registration, you will receive an email confirmation with summit details, including access to the list of webcasts on both days. Including Heath, 14 speakers are planned. This includes a mix of entrepreneurs, career coaches, journalists and authors who will guide you through the process of finding a profitable appearance, fresh customers and long-term success. day one focuses on client wrangling strategies with presentations on: Find profitable side jobs Navigate the gig marketplace Take advantage of LinkedIn and more Day two analyzes freelance best practices for companies such as: Understand the financial statements Promote your freelance business Automation of grunt work Notable speakers are Elaine Pofeldt, journalist and author of The million dollar one-person business, It will present trends from independent millionaires. Leading personal finance author and founding editor of SideHusl Kathy Kristof talks to Pofeldt about which side appearances are worth your time - and which are not. Heath will explain how customers can be found on different gig marketplaces, while speakers Muhammad Faheem and William Craig illustrate the possibilities that such gig marketplaces offer - if they are used intentionally. Both Faheem and Craig used their success at Upwork and Fiverr to drive their own freelance businesses. There is little controversy that the freelance economy is booming. Relying on a US Census ReportHeath said that contract workers alone now represent three quarters of American companies - but they are often excluded from talking about entrepreneurship. "Most programs completely ignore the fact that one-person businesses are important to the American economy," said Heath. A recent study by Freelancers Union and Upwork confirmed their case. In 2019 the The freelance economy has grossed nearly $ 1 trillion, The report also found that 35% of all U.S. workers, also known as 57 million people, were self-employed in the past year. Mark your calendars for February 21st and 22nd to join their ranks and benefit from a fast-paced industry. While the live event is free, archived recordings will not be published. Adam Hardy is an employee of The Penny Hoarder. He deals with gig economy, entrepreneurship and unique ways to make money. Read hisLatest articles hereor say hello on Twitter @hardyjournalism, Are you ready to stop worrying about money? Get the Penny Hoarder Daily Data Protection Policy Read the full article
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21 different websites like Craigslist to purchase or promote
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Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links through which we may receive a commission. However, this is free of charge for you. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.If you ever wanted to buy a used car, buy a dishwasher for little money, or buy a trampoline for your kids that doesn't break the bank, you've browsed the classified ads in your local newspaper.But all of that changed in 1995 when Craigslist was launched - apparently out of nowhere.For better or worse, it revolutionized the way people lived do their buying and selling.25 years have passed since the platform was catapulted for the first time in the public consciousness.At that time the location was a mecca for both for sellers who have to get rid of goods and buyers who are desperately looking for a product very much.Craigslist is still very popular these days.As far as the website is concerned, it shows only minor traces Popularity behind such internet leviathan as Facebook, Google and YouTube.Craigslist, the originator of the “collective virtual flea market ”has pioneered so many innovations that we now stand for granted.For example, it was one of the first companies to try to replicate a real business in cyberspace.Which of course consisted of running newspaper advertisements and building a digital business.It was able to survive when there were so many other dot.com Companies have bitten the dust.One of the reasons for its unprecedented popularity is the user-friendly interface that organizes ads by geographic region.When Craigslist first did this in the 90s, it was nothing short of revolutionary.Even in the age of self-contained online Marketplaces, there are advantages to using classified ads to buy yours Fan Shop.One of these advantages is that you don't have to pay Service fees or worries about having given your financial resources to a company Information.However, this means that you have to spend a lot more Strive to make a deal.And if you end up with a fleece, Craigslist the most will probably not come to your emotional salvation.Site issuesCraigslist is a mess and everyone knows it.The design of the site is very primitive and reminds of the past to the earliest days of the internet.All kinds of problems have hit the site lately.One of the problems is that within minutes of posting Your entry will be buried deep down on the second, third, or even fourth Search results page.This makes it difficult for potential buyers to see it what leads to missed sales opportunities.For this reason, the sellers were disappointed Your profitability has dropped drastically.And increasingly it is an oasis for all types of Scammers.These are people who love to capture the naivety of them clueless.For this reason, scams are widespread and local Administrators often react slowly.Another problem is that the website resists vehemently external pressure to modernize.This means that it hasn't changed exactly with that Something like a technological dinosaur.For some people, this is a plus.This is because Craigslist is for these users insist that you no longer have eye-catching graphics or videos that play automatically. and other techno games are like a welcome rain shower in the dry Desert that is the internet.Does Craigslist Really Want To Stay? Relevant?Craigslist released its first mobile app in December - eleven years after the Apple App Store was born.There have been many third-party apps over the years.However, this is the first official.One wonders how much Craigslist is invested in stay relevant!Discover the unknownEven with all of these red flags, you could still use them Craigslist instead of visiting other sites like Craigslist to haggle over yours Were.Perhaps that's because you're used to it and don't want to dive into the unknown to explore other options.I'm not blaming you because trying something new can be scary.But don't worry, I've considered some of these other options for you.So, read on and find the "professionals" and "Disadvantages" of everyone.After hearing what I have to say, you may find Try one of these alternatives.Who knows, you might find these alternative websites work much better for you than Craigslist has ever done.If that's the case, I've done my job and can die (not really) as a happy man.I will go into exhaustive details with some of them Websites like Craigslist because they deserve more than superficial attention.But I make others short, also because they are either too generic or too fraudulent to spend a lot of time on it.So join in, I'll give you an overview of the best the Craigslist alternatives - including some that you should definitely avoid.The benefits of buying localI firmly believe in hyperlocal buying and selling, This is all of your trade with people who live nearby.This promotes a sense of community and maybe also You can even make new friends.This is an antidote to the corporatization of America, where large corporations gobble up corner shops and seem to find a Walmart on every corner.This rampage of capitalism devours the nation Soul and makes our merchandising cold and impersonal when it should be anything but.Hyper-local buying and selling tries to reverse everything The.Another reason for your trade with local buyers and seller is that you know exactly what you want to buy before you buy it.This saves you the inconvenience of having to send it back if you don't like it.It also helps boost your city or town economy instead of sending your money far away.After all, you are more environmentally friendly because you don't pay a company to send your goods home Country.
The sites
So, without further ado, here are 21 alternatives to Craigslist that could improve your online buying and selling experience:1. Your personal Facebook pageMany people resell much more conveniently Facebook than they would ever be on Craigslist.This is due to the fact that people who used Craigslist as a means of enforcing them have publicized crime on a large scale.You can even sell something on Facebook with a simple one Status update.To do this, publish a photo of the item you want to sell along with a convincing description.And then, with the incredible exponential power of social media, you hope that your post will be shared far and wide.2. Facebook marketplacePeople are increasingly using the power of Facebook to buy and sell goods.That's because almost everyone has one these days Facebook account.So it's only natural that a lot of things are traded there.Facebook Marketplace is safer than Craigslist because Buyers and sellers must use their public profiles.This saves fraudsters and fraudulent phishers considerably.Much of this trade takes place on Facebook Marketplace.To get there, just click on "Marketplace" the left side of your homepage.If you do this, you will see all the goods in your sell local people.If you want to focus on certain goods, enter Search term in the field at the top of the page.For example, I did cross-country skiing in my youth.Lately I've been thinking about reviving my old one Hobby.So I entered "cross-country skis" in the field Search box and dozens of options with prices of $ 10 appeared up to $ 150.Here are the exact steps to post an entry on Facebook Marketplace:ADD A PHOTO: Unlike some sales sites, Facebook Marketplace does not charge you for posting more than one photo. Add as many visually appealing images as possible to an entry on the Facebook marketplace so that potential buyers know exactly what they are getting. The limit is 10.ADD YOUR TITLE: Next, add your title. No more than 100 characters can be entered. Ensures that the seller is informed exactly what item it is.CRAFT A KILLER DESCRIPTION: Next, add a description for your item. Add as much relevant detail as possible to keep buyers hungry for what they're looking for.HIT A PRICE ON IT: Try to find a price that will make you a good profit without harming anyone. Once you've decided what that is, Facebook will list it in your local currency.ADD CATEGORY: There are a number of categories under which you can list your article. Choose the one that fits what you sell.ADD: Add the location where you sell the item. This way, people know how far they have to travel to take it.If you do all of these steps correctly, Facebook will do so Activate your object so that it is visible to other people.Congratulations - you have just published your first entry on the Facebook Marketplace!3. Private Facebook groupsThere are also private groups that you can join to get rid of of all the stuff that just hangs around your house and collects dust.I live in Pittsfield, MA and my local group is "Berkshire's Day Sales."However, if you join one of these groups, you should become familiar with it themselves with their rules.You don't want to be kicked out because you forgot Read the guidelines before putting your garbage up for sale.In my private group these rules are listed in the Files section.One of these provisions is that desktop users are limited to five entries per hour.The day I checked the website, I saw some fabulous lamps with a tiki flower print on the screen.Since I'm obsessed with everything related to Tiki, I could do that too I have to throw my money down and buy it!3. LetgoIn my opinion, Letgo is a hip reissue of the horribly archaic Craigslist.It's what you would get if you took your crazy old cousin and gave her a stunning new makeover. It is definitely an upgrade from its much older version Competitors and Google even listed Letgo as one of the best apps of 2016.If you want to see for yourself how much better it is as a craigslist, take it out for a test drive.Letgo is one of the fastest growing apps for hyperlocal buying and selling.It has been downloaded over 100 million times since then it was offered first.Many people report that they get a lot more Reply with this app than ever with Craigslist.His entire right to exist is based on observation "The stuff we have is not the stuff we need to live the life we ​​have." want."A great thing about service is that there is No buying or selling fees.Another reason is that everything is organized beautifully in nice, small and appealing categories like cars. " "Electronics" and "Used Movies, Books and Music".It is much safer than Craigslist because it is different from Craigslist, you need to use google or facebook to check your user profile.And with their extremely useful reviews and reviews, You get a pretty good idea of ​​a buyer's or seller's reputation.Great chat abilityAll communication takes place via this in-app function. It is extremely easy to share information safely and securely with others for sure.It is much faster and more efficient than the way users Connect on Craigslist.Ability to post videosA difference to similar websites is that you are not only allowed to post photos, but also videos.This gives potential buyers a much better idea of ​​what You will get.registerOkay, I sang the praises of this great app long enough.Now let me tell you how to register for it Start it up.First you need to download the app (it is available for Android and iPhone) .Enter your email address. Set your password. Add a photo of yourself.Once you've followed these steps, you can Browse the offers if you are a buyer or create an offer if you are a seller.How to put something for saleTake a look around to see other people's ads before you create your entry.Find the best of the best and analyze them thoroughly Detail what it is about these listings that make them so striking.Once you've figured that out, you want to include it the same things in your own ads.Next, it's time to create a description for your website Article that drives potential buyers crazy with desire.Include all the powerful benefits that the customer will have if he only buys it IMMEDIATELY before another second passes.This also includes the more prosaic details, such as Condition, brand, model and dimensions.These are the boring details that aren't all that sexy, but still necessary to include.If you're selling something for which you have the dimensions you want and no tape measure is lying around, download the awesome Airmeasure app.All you have to do is focus the camera on whatever You want to measure and augmented reality does the rest.I think it's so cool to do that!A few years ago, this seemed incredible - like something from the pages of a science fiction novel. Next, you need to arouse visual interest with professional-quality images. Just like on the Facebook marketplace, you can add with Letgo up to 10 photos.Take them from different angles and convince yourself that they sell the sizzling excellently.This means arousing the emotions of potential buyers on a visceral level.Letgo has cool image recognition software You don't even have to add a title to your entry.If the software can recognize your image, this will be done to you.Finally, you have to find out the price.You can either choose a specific amount or leave it at that as negotiable if you don't mind haggling.However, if you do, you will not publish your final sale Price because you don't give leeway to potential traders.At this point your entry should be ready and ready to live.I hope you have paid so much attention to that It is a humble artistic masterpiece.Well, as much as an ad that sells a physical object can be a masterpiece.After you are absolutely sure that your entry is as follows: Tap the "Done" button.Now it's time to show your entry to everyone World.It only takes a second or two because of Letgo really streamlined the process.Just click the "Sell" button above The page and your entry will be displayed on the website shortly and are ready to unfold their magical effect.What to do if your entry is not successful? LifeThis can take up to 40 minutes.If after that time it's still not on the Contact the customer service team to find out why.You can do this by clicking "Help". Tab.Then scroll down to "Tech Support & Bug" Click the "Reports" button at the bottom of the page and fill out the "Contact Us" field Form us ”.How to edit an entryYou can also edit an entry after you have published it.To do this, click on the "Sell" tab.Find the pencil icon at the bottom of the screen and Click on it.Then make the desired changes and press "To update."See who's looking at your articleYou can check how often one of your articles is available was displayed by going to your profile and tapping the "Sell" tab.Click the item you want to view and select the item Click the "Learn More" button at the top of the screen.The total number of views is shown directly next to the symbol Eye icon.Know the rulesMake sure you are familiar with all of these other websites yourself with the rules.One is that you have a list of items that you are forbidden to sell.If you try to sell anything from this list, yours Listing will be canceled immediately.Another reason for a canceled listing is when you add multiple posts for the same article.Security concernsFor safety reasons, bring a friend with you when it's time close the deal personally.This should be in a public place, like next to a police station Station, or in a cafe or fast food store.Make sure that you thoroughly examine the item before making any money changes hands.And if you are the seller, request payment immediately if Your dealer wants to buy what you sell.This should only be done in the form of cold, hard money.This means that under no circumstances should you accept checks. Money orders or bank transfers.One of the best ways to avoid fraud is to Make sure the payment and delivery of the item match.Be careful if the other party makes an unusual request like offering to send a check for much more than the asking price.Or a seller where you can't see an item in front of you Buy it.Report any user you are concerned about.And definitely avoid all non-verified users, those who send you spam and anyone who refuses to meet you Person.There are reports from users who present themselves as a car So be aware of dealers who buy junk cars that they use to try to defraud people of this.Make it a habit to always check that of a potential trading partner Profile page and its ratings and reviews.This will give you a better idea of ​​his reputation before you do business with him.There are a lot of people you can do business with Guy seems dodgy, drop him like a hot potato and move on to the next one.Never give out your email address Address, phone number or other personal information to everyone on the website.Most users are reputable, but there is still a fair one Lots of ripped-off artists who will rake you over the proverbial coals.Submit a review to receive a reviewGive your customers a rating and they will most likely give you oneYou know how it works - quid pro quo, tit for tat.You have to make payments yourselfLetgo's purpose is to bring buyers and sellers Together - not a secure way to process transactions.So you and your trading partner have to get out the payment details themselves.This means that Letgo is not responsible for issuing refunds if You get a raw deal.If there is a problem after purchasing an item, the The buyer should contact the seller to discuss any refunds.Show buyers you started track recordYou can view potential customers on this website You have an established track record.And that's the "sold" category.So if you are selling something, add it here.This gives you a permanent record of all goods People bought from you.Buyers can see it and see if they are impressed with your product Satisfying your customers is the likelihood that they will continue to She.Time delay problemsSome users have had lag time issues with the App.So they received their messages long after they were received were originally posted.And even though they reacted immediately when they did finally got the message, her call was irrevocably damaged by then.5. SwappaWhen selling or buying consumer electronics is your "thang", take a test drive with Swappa.This is a site that specializes in new technologies All kinds of equipment.The company was founded in 2010 and has built an excellent reputation over the years as a point of contact for people who want to purchase high quality consumer electronics at affordable prices. You can buy or sell phones from the four major providers. These are AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint.You can also buy and sell tablets, fitness trackers, watches and many other things.A living communitySwappa is not a typical e-commerce website.Instead, it's a vibrant community where you communicate directly with your trading partner rather than the company as Mediator.So they cut out the middleman and saved you a lot of money in the process.When you sell at Swappa, you make more money than you could on one of the trade-in pages.That's because all of these other places make their money by buying an item from a seller and selling it to a buyer for a significant amount Markup.And because they see themselves as resellers, they you can expect a considerable profit at your expense.Not so with Swappa.You are not so greedy.Swappa LocalWhen you buy goods from a seller who lives long You can have this product sent to you some distance away.But if you live in a big city, you can also go to Area of ​​the website known as Swappa local.Here you can see all offers from sellers who live right in your neighborhood (or near it).This allows you to pick up your goods yourself so that you can You don't have to pay a cent for shipping.This not only protects your wallet, but also your wallet good for the environment, as only one article less has to be shipped clear across the country.Once you have completed the sale online, the seller will Choose a specific meeting point.All that remains are the two who decide exactly At what time should the money and the item change hands?All buying and selling is done by PayPalRegardless of whether you send your goods or have them picked up in person, the purchase and sale takes place via PayPal.This is a good thing since PayPal has some excellent ones built-in security measures to protect you from unscrupulous incidents Scammers.However, there are some people out there who despise it for reasons I can't imagine.And if you are one of the haters who still want to use Letgo, you have problems.This is because this is the only payment option available for this app.What are the fees?If you are a seller, you do not have to pay any fees.But if you are a buyer, you have to cough up ten Dollars and shipping costs once all the details of the sale are complete.How to become a buyerBefore you can plunge your money for one irresistible doodad you decided that you can't live without, you must first register to use the site.When you are finished, log in and click on the desired item Purchase.Sometimes the listing photos are pretty crappy.You don't have to put up with that.If the uploaded photos are not of outstanding quality and If you want better ones, ask the seller if they don't mind taking a photo Revision.It is not uncommon for buyers to buy this type of Inquiry.Better than getting to the intended meeting point just to realize that you made a terrible mistake!Sell ​​iPhoneIf you want to sell an iPhone, click “Sell on Swappa ”in the upper right corner.Then click on the photo of your phone type Sale.You can see the sales criteria that all apply Conditions that you must meet before you can offer it for sale.Once you have ticked all the boxes, make sure that meets all strict conditions, you are ready to have it checked by a Swappa Employee.If you're selling an iPhone, you'll need to upload a photo written on a piece of paper with your confirmation code, this may be done.The confirmation code will be assigned to you after you Click on "Create list".Photos are used to check the condition of the goods be sold and they must be of the actual item you are selling.After a listing is approved, the staff adds a comment the end of the listing, informing everyone that the listing has been officially verified.What’s great is that when you sell something, You are paid immediately instead of waiting for a check in the week or longer mail.Returns PolicyThere is no official right of return for Swappa The company leaves it up to each seller to develop his own trade fair.6. RecyclerIn Southern California, recycler is legendary, with one long and illustrious history.It started in on a muggy July day 1973 when two Canadians named Gunter and Nancy Schaldach came up with the idea the idea for the magazine.They were inspired by the popularity of a similar one Publication in Vancouver and wanted to see if they could replicate its success south of the border.With the dream of making sales easier for people With their old stuff, they settled in the land of celluloid dreams, Mickey Mouse Dreams, and Six Flags roller coaster screams.The original name was "E-Z Buy E-Z Sell".But because recycling was just taking hold At that time, they decided to change the name to "The Recycler".The usual way to make money from a publication like that They started running ads.But Gunter and Nancy wanted to turn this model upside down Place most of the ads for free and invite people to buy the newspaper.Your idea was a complete success, and until 1975 They made a decent profit.Over the decades, it was even the daily newspaper for people who want to start their own band.Some of the legendary musical outfits that the Guns and Roses, Hole and Mötley Crüe include paper as the launch pad.One of these people was Lars Ulrich, founder of Metallica.He recorded an ad in the "Music Search" section Musicians ”section of the rag.It just said: “Drummers are looking for others Musicians to start a band. "A guy named Hugh Tanner answered the ad and brought it with him a thin child named James Hetfield with him.Lars and James understood each other immediately and the rest is History!Your missionRecycler is committed to “being the best and the most trusted marketplace on the web. "I think they did it admirably in that regard. because of their longevity and rabid fan base.They have a good reputation and are considered that Gold standard for classified ads.From the sea to the shining seaThe publication has come a long way since its inception Days in sunny Southern California.And now their range extends from sea to shining sea, with over 18 million users scattered across the country.There are dozens of city pages on the website, including those for Boston, Atlanta and Philadelphia.11 product groups11 product groups are currently offered for Sales such as "Cars and Vehicles", "Pets" and "Sports and relaxation. "And under each a number of sub-categories.I recently thought about collecting old camera equipment.No particular reason - the idea just came to me Skull one day.I could start buying a 1954 Kodak Brownie camera You advertise on the website.Does anyone know if eighty dollars is a reasonable price? For something like that?Seamless integration with social mediaRecycler has seamlessly integrated into such social networks Media networks like Twitter and Facebook.This gives users the opportunity to take advantage of the possibilities of social networks to expand their reach and maximize their visibility Advertisements.So if you enable social media sharing, your listing will will appear on Facebook at the same time as it goes live on the Recycler website.7. OfferUpOfferUp is often referred to as the "Craigslist" Challenger ”and is consistently a top app for both IOs and Android Shopping categories.It has never been as big as some of its rivals.But with 80 million downloads and counting it is Popularity is really starting to increase.In 2016 it was awarded the renowned “App of the year ”at the GeekWire Awards 2026.People love it because it's like a high-tech garage Selling with a layout reminiscent of Pinterest.It combines the best features of eBay, Etsy and Craigslist zu einem herrlich synergistischen Ganzen.Listing hinzufügenWenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun, kann dies nur 30 Sekunden, um etwas aufzulisten, das Sie verkaufen möchten.Machen Sie zunächst ein Foto von Ihrem Artikel.Klicken Sie dazu auf das Kamerasymbol oben rechts Ecke der App.Sie können auch das Menü aufrufen und dann auf klicken "Posten Sie einen Artikel."Wählen Sie dann "Foto aufnehmen".Wenn Ihnen die Ausgabe gefällt, klicken Sie auf "OK".Geben Sie Ihrem Widget einen eingängigen Titel, wählen Sie die Kategorie Sie möchten, dass es unter aufgeführt wird, und schreiben Sie eine Beschreibung, die so überzeugend ist, dass die Leute es tun Schlange stehen, um es zu kaufen.Als nächstes schlagen Sie einen Preis auf Ihren Doodad.Es gibt eine Option zum Hinzufügen des Eintrags zu Facebook ganz wie du willst.Schließlich klicken Sie auf "Post Item", um potenzielle Käufer können sehen, was Sie verkaufen.Super Responsive MessagingMessaging in der App ist viel unmittelbarer als viele andere Marktplatz-Apps und Websites.Sie hören oft von Interessenten innerhalb Stunden oder sogar Minuten.Aber bei Craigslist und eBay kann das Tage dauern.Überprüfen Sie Ihr Konto, um Vertrauen aufzubauenSie können also Käufer durch einen Verifizierungsprozess führen werde dir mehr vertrauen.Und wenn sie dir mehr vertrauen, kaufen sie mehr von She.Um Ihr Konto zu verifizieren, klicken Sie auf "Beitreten" TruYou “unter„ Mein Konto “.Der Überprüfungsprozess wird entweder durch durchgeführt Facebook oder mit einem Führerschein.Dies hilft Ihnen, sich als echte Person zu etablieren, die es nicht ist suchen, um jemanden zu betrügen.Setze deinen StandpunktLegen Sie Ihren Standort fest, damit Sie alles verkaufen und kaufen können Aktivität bleibt hyperlokal.Lassen Sie die App entweder Ihren Standort finden oder geben Sie Ihren ein Postleitzahl selbst.Neue Funktion "Angebot halten"OfferUp ist seit jeher ein Pionier.Zum Beispiel waren sie die erste Marktplatz-App, die es gab Apple Pay und einige andere mobile Bezahl- und digitale Geldbörsen integrieren Dienstleistungen in ihre Dienste.Und sie geben weiterhin erhebliche Anstrengungen auf Wege finden, um den gesamten Verkaufsprozess ihrer digitalen Produkte zu rationalisieren Plattform.Aber selbst als sie daran arbeiteten, beschwerten sich die Leute Dass sie Geld zu einem Rendezvous mit einem völlig Fremden bringen mussten, brachte sie dazu unbehagliches Gefühl.So stellte das Unternehmen im vergangenen Jahr einen Weg von Abschluss von Transaktionen, die dieses Risiko ausschließen."Hold Offers" ist diese völlig neue Methode Dinge.Damit bezahlt ein Käufer seine Ware innerhalb der App vor dem persönlichen Treffen.Dann ist die Transaktion offiziell abgeschlossen.Jetzt muss der Käufer nur noch seine Ware abholen QR-Code scannen.Durch die Beibehaltung der Zahlungen in der App erhalten die Benutzer Schutzmaßnahmen, die das Unternehmen zuvor nicht anbieten konnte.Integrierte digitale Zahlungen sind Standard in der traditionellen Markt, sind aber immer noch eine relative Seltenheit in der digitalen Marktplatz.Dieser Schritt von OfferUp ist also klug.Facebook einen Lauf für sein Geld gebenDie Menschen scheinen die Zeit, die sie verbringen, zu verlängern für OfferUp ausgebenSo sehr, dass es mit der Zeit der Menschen konkurriert Ausgaben für die großen Social-Media-Apps wie Facebook.Das ist unglaublich und ein klares Zeichen dass Benutzer beginnen, sich für den Service zu begeistern.8. KijijiKijiji ist eine Online-Plattform für Kleinanzeigen 100-prozentige Tochter von eBay.Es wurde ursprünglich ins Leben gerufen, um Menschen zu geben, die in der Region leben Gleicher Bereich eine unterhaltsame, einfache und profitable Möglichkeit, mit anderen zu handeln.Im Februar 2005 begann das Firmenleben.Erstens war es nur in Montreal und Quebec City.Aber im November dieses Jahres breitete es sich auf einige aus andere kanadische Städte.Und jetzt ist es in ungefähr 11 Ländern.Hier sind die Länder, in denen es verfügbar ist:KanadaFrankreichItalienDeutschlandChinaIndienTaiwanBelgienSchweizÖsterreichJapanIn Italien ist Kijiji unter diesem Namen tätig.In Südamerika heißt es alaMaula.Es hat für kurze Zeit in den USA gearbeitet, aber Potenzial Benutzer konnten sich nicht von Craigslist abbringen, um die Website zu verwirren.Es erlebte jedoch einen beispiellosen Erfolg überall sonst.Tatsächlich gibt es allein auf der kanadischen Website zwei neue Anzeigen gepostet jede Sekunde.Unterschiede zwischen Kijiji und CraigslistEs gibt viele Unterschiede zwischen Kijiji und Craigslist.Zum einen ist der Verkauf von Haustieren auf Craigslist untersagt, da Personen, die Hundekämpfe veranstalten, die Website nutzen würden, um ihre Tiere zu erwerben.However, Craigslist lets you “re-home” an animal and charge the new owner a small fee.There are no such restrictions on Kijiji, and you can sell and buy pets outright.Another way it differs is that Kijiji has a more fashionable, chic vibe than Craigslist does.Kijiji is also known for its stringent content filters to weed out would-be scammers, whereas Craigslist isn’t.Kijiji in CanadaIn Canada, it’s organized as a centralized network of online communities arranged first by province, and then by city and urban area.It’s the most popular online classified service in Canada, with city pages for over 100 Canadian cities.It’s in the top 15 of Canadian websites and draws three times the site traffic that Craigslist gets in that country.Kijiji PortraitsLots of people have used Kijiji to kickstart their entrepreneurial dreams.To watch some of these inspiring stories, check out Kijiji Portraits.Here, you’ll find people who have used the service in some startlingly original ways.For example, a fifteen-year-old boy named Tyson had the drive to make a little money while he attended school.And since he was too young to get a traditional job, he used Kijiji to fulfill his teenage entrepreneurial dreams.So, he asked his grandfather to show him how to use the site.His elder also taught him some valuable life lessons that will serve Tyson well for the rest of his life.These lessons include always surround yourself with positive people and influences.Also, that you can be an entrepreneur at any age.Tyson once bought a bedroom set for $200, and within three days, sold it for $1,600.Just two weeks after his fifteenth birthday, he put a down payment on a townhouse.With the money he made from Kijiji, he was able to do that all by himself.There’s also a woman who wanted to change her life.Her name is Joey Beauchamp.So, she went on Kijiji, sold a bunch of stuff, and used the money to buy a van.Now she travels all over Canada with her cat, makes vegan food, and indulges in her photography hobby.All she needs is her small kitchen and her camera stuff, and she’s good to go.She can go wherever she’d like, and post from wherever she happens to be.She went from nine to fiver to photographer and vegan food star in just under two years!So, not only can you use these hyperlocal marketplace platforms to do your buying and selling.You can also use them as a launchpad for your entrepreneurial dreams.9. GumtreeGumtree is also owned by eBay.It’s the very British equivalent to Craigslist and currently operates in the UK.It has seven categories you can dive into: “MOTORS,” “FOR SALE,” “PROPERTY,” “JOBS,” “SERVICES,” “COMMUNITY,” and “PETS.”These are displayed at the very top of the home page, followed by “Top picks.It’s the UK’s largest website for local community classifieds and is in the top 30 sites there.Simon Crookall and Michael Pennington founded the site in 2000 as a way for New Zealanders, Australians, and South Africans new to London to get help with accommodations and employment.“Gumtree” was chosen as a name because it’s what Australians call the eucalyptus tree.The originators of the site loved the symbolism of roots and branches connecting everyone into a real community.Most listings on the site fall under the “FOR SALE” category.However, there are also a large number of automobiles (“MOTORS”) listed at any one time.Like other sites, users can pay to bump up their ranking in the listings.10. BookooBookoo was started by two brothers by the name of Adam and Austin.They came from a humongous family of nine children.Because there were so many mouths to feed, their parents had to scrimp and save so they could afford to feed everybody.They watched all this and learned the fine art of frugality at a young age. Part of this education involved spending a lot of time at garage sales. And when they grew up, they wanted to help others experience the singular joys of being frugal by finding a way to recreate the tag sale experience online.On that day, Bookoo was born.It’s not in every city in the United States.In fact, in Massachusetts (my home state), it has only one city that has Bookoo—which is Brockton.But if you have one of these online tag sales in your area, you’re going to have so much fun.It’s a super-easy way to meet your neighbors while converting your old junk into cash.And since all your running around is going to be online, this means less wasted time and gas.Simply contact the seller, meet up, exchange the item, and then be on your merry way!11. GeeboGeebo strives to make online transactions less dangerous by something they call “SafeTrade.”This is where buyers and sellers agree to conduct their transactions near local police departments.Their tag line is “safe community classifieds,” and they also claim they make it safer to search for merchandise on their site.So clearly, they’ve made safety a selling point.It’s currently in 160 cities and has much the same functionality that Craigslist has.In fact, it looks so much like its much bigger rival that I think that it’s more than a little derivative.The only significant difference is that it’s a little more aesthetically pleasing than Craigslist, but that’s not hard to pull off.12. Penny SaverIn my younger days, I remember picking up the Penny Saver from the grocery store.I would avidly read it cover to cover.I desperately wanted to find ways to make money so I could afford to buy some of the delightful secondhand treasures I found in its pages.Penny Saver has been in existence for over 50 years.It reaches the over 11.2 Americans every single week who hope to find “The Best Local Values—In Print & Online.”Bob DeMarco started the original in 1962, which was called the Huntington Beach Pennysaver back then.And now, PennySaverUSA’s online classifieds brings everything that made the print publication great into a new digital age.They must be doing something right because the website is visited by one million unique visitors every month.13. Ads GlobeAds Globe is a buying and selling platform that’s very much in the same mold as Craigslist.So, Ads Globe should have a comforting familiarity to it if you’re a regular user of the platform that the site strives to emulate.Like many of these other sites, you’re allowed to post unlimited free ads.;There’s even an option to remain anonymous and let users contact you through Ads Globe.14. ClassifiedAdsThis is another site with a clean and easy to use interface.However, it’s a bit on the generic side.The team at classifiedads.com emphasize that they take great pains to monitor their site so they can filter out irrelevant and objectionable content.Not wanting to take their word for it, I checked it out for myself.And more or less, that’s what I found.Little objectionable or irrelevant content.Unfortunately, I didn’t find any ways they’ve differentiated themselves from a dozen other Craigslist wannabes.15. Us Free AdsUS Free Ads has been in existence since 1999.Its very basic-looking layout is quite archaic and will remind you of 90s websites.If you ask me, I think it’s in dire need of an update.With a free membership, you’ll be able to post up to two ads at the same time.If you’re a frequent seller or need more advanced features, you’ll have to splurge for a higher tiered membership.One of these is Gold Membership, which costs $10.00 for 25 simultaneous ads.There’s also Premium Membership.For $9.99, you’ll be free to post as many ads as you want.But if you’re only a buyer and not a seller, you won’t have to pay a single cent.16. LocantoLocanto operates in over 60 countries, and most major US cities have a Locanto board.These are their categories:ClassesCommunityEventsFor SaleJobsPersonalsReal EstateServicesVehiclesAll ad posting is free if you post on your local city page.However, if you want to extend the reach of your ad to other municipalities, you’re going to have to shell out some money.Placing your ad at the top of the search results so that more people will see it is also going to cost you.How to SearchType the item you’re searching for in the search box at the top of the home page.Then, type in your zip code or location and a search radius.The city that’s closest to me is Albany, NY.And since I still haven’t found the cross-country skis I desperately want, I decided to search for it here.And unfortunately, the only thing that came up was an ad for L.L. Bean to buy my gear there.Also, an ad for a book with a delightfully retro cover on how to cross-country ski.I guess I’ll have to keep searching!The Curious “Currently Happening” BoxOn the right side of the home page, there’s a “WHAT’S CURRENTLY HAPPENING IN ALBANY?” box listing all the newest ads.I don’t really see the usefulness of this, but some might disagree.It evens tells when someone upgrades to a premium account.Why would anybody need to know this?17. TrovitTrovit is an aggregator site with the tagline “Search for the life you want.”Basically, it’s a search engine for all the local selling sites that exist in cyberspace.Enter your search term, and its hard-working search spiders will start crawling through thousands of websites just so that it can bring back precisely the information you need.They have three super simple categories—” Homes,” “Cars,” and “Jobs.”That's it.If its cars you’re looking for, you can either search by make or search based on your geographical area.
18th AdLandPro
AdLandPro has been offering free classifieds since 1998.Users who have a free membership can post up to 20 ads at one time.Although their basic ads are free, they also offer premium options that can give your ad more exposure.Placing new ads will just remove older ads if you exceed the 20-ad limit.If your ad is renewed regularly, it can remain indefinitely in their database.If it’s not renewed, it’ll be removed after four weeks.
19th Varagesale
Varagesale’s tag line is “Sell simply, buy safely.”In 2012, a Torontonian woman by the name of Tami started the site.She was expecting, and while waiting for her baby to be born, she decided to declutter her home.So, she went through every crevice and cranny of her house to round up junk she no longer wanted.She found that selling on most social media platforms took more effort than she was willing to expend.So, she enlisted her programmer husband Carl to streamline the whole process.And, she solicited feedback from her local buying and selling group on how to make the site user-friendly.This group eventually became incorporated into Varagesale.Soon, other communities wanted to be part of the whole Varagesale experience.So pages were created for these geographic regions.Tami feels she brought a small-town vibe to her pet project, despite there being over a million people all over the planet who now use the platform.Tami continues to balance her career as an entrepreneur with being a wife, mom, and elementary school teacher.It sounds like she’s busy!Emphasis on SafetyFrom its very inception, Varagesale wanted the site to be family-friendly.To that end, a dedicated administrator makes sure stringent standards are upheld on every local community page.And members must use their real names, photos, and identities.And most importantly, everybody hoping to become a member goes through a review process before they’re allowed to buy and sell.Still No Skis, But Lots of Other Interesting StuffI checked for cross country skis here, but alas, I still couldn’t find any.However, there was a lot of other stuff posted I can’t wait to check out.For example, I have a lot of books, and always in the market for bookcases.I found one on the site 10.7 miles away from me.Best of all, it was free!20. AdoosAdoos is a marketplace platform only available in the United Kingdom.It’s based on the eBay model, but it doesn’t get nowhere near the same number of visitors.For buyers, this means there won’t be as much merchandise for sale compared to its much bigger rival.For sellers, this means there’s much less competition.If you need a service (such as web design) that doesn’t require it to be bought locally, Adoos has the capability of doing a country-wide search.21. Los Angeles AdsIf you live in the Los Angeles area, check out Los Angeles ads.It cost $2.00 to post a listing.If this is something you want to do, you’ll have to choose your city on the home page.These are the areas you’ll have to choose from:West Los AngelesNorth Los AngelesEast Los AngelesSouth Los AngelesCentral Los AngelesGreater Los AngelesAnd then, under each of the areas are listed the cities in that geographical region.Click on a city.And then, choose the category that your item belongs under.Finally, write a killer ad that’ll lure them in droves!The site posted some tips for greater selling success:INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE PHOTO: To get people to buy your merchandise, you’ve got to lure them in with a visually appealing photo. So, include one or more in your ad.MAKE SURE YOUR PHOTOS ARE CLEAN AND FOCUSED: Ihre photos should look like a professional shot them. This means having excellent composition and a sharp, clear image. The only thing that potential buyers should see in your photo is what you’re selling.HAVE A COMPELLING DESCRIPTION: Ihre description should be written to entice people to buy. So, overcome their resistance by emphasizing all the compelling benefits of your item. Include as much detail as possible, including condition, brand, and model. Also, spend some time crafting the perfect title.LET PEOPLE KNOW IF THE PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE: Wenn you’re flexible on price, let people know this upfront. Lots of people won’t even bother responding to an ad if the seller isn’t flexible, and the item is out of their price range.LET PEOPLE KNOW WHERE THE ITEM IS LOCATED: This way, they’ll know how far they’ll have to travel to pick it up. By including this information in your ad, you won’t waste your time or the buyer’s time if it’s too far to travel to pick it up.TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE SITE: The more people know about the site, the more responses you’ll get to ads you post.These tips work well for other marketplace platforms too.
Wenn You Still Want to Use Craigslist…
Some people can’t be persuaded to use an alternative site despite all the problems with Craigslist.If you’re one of the unpersuadable, you should at least familiarize yourself with some of the more common scams.This way, you won’t get taken for a ride.Don’t be one of those who think it can’t happen to you!This misconception could end up costing you big time.Scammers are very creative with their ruses, and even the savviest of users can be duped.The same technology that makes it incredibly easy to find what you want to buy also makes it easier for scammers to bamboozle you.There are a lot of technological innovators looking to streamline your online experience and make it easier.But there are also a lot of scammers out there whose mere existence turns the technological marvel that is the Internet into a den of cyber vipers.The sad fact of the matter is getting scammed on the Internet is unfortunately becoming epidemic.Scams on Craigslist have become particularly rampant.So, for those Craigslist diehards, here are some of the more popular scams and how to avoid them:· WATCH OUT FOR FAKE OR CANCELLED TICKETS: The art of making tickets that are virtually indistinguishable from the original has gotten a lot more sophisticated in recent years. So much so, that scammers are even to make fake watermarks and holograms. If you fall for this deception, there won’t be any way to get your money back. To avoid getting this happening, never buy your tickets through Craigslist. Only go through Ticketmaster or the actual venue.· IF THE AD ISN’T LOCAL, DON’T BUY: Don’t buy something advertised in a nonlocal ad, because you won’t be able to inspect the item personally. What you see in the ad might not even exist! Also, you’ll have to send money through an online platform, which won’t be as safe as getting your cash in person. Besides, nonlocal ads aren’t against the Craigslist terms of service, so if you see one, it somehow escaped the scrutiny of administrators.· BE WARY OF THOSE WHO REFUSE TO MEET YOU: Wenn your trading partner lives in the area but adamantly refuses to meet you in person, this is an excellent indication he’s a scammer.· DON’T SUCCUMB TO FAKE CRAIGSLIST SITES: Some fraudsters have created fake Craigslist sites that people fall for. These are sites with domain names similar to the actual one.· FAKE MONEY ORDERS OR CHECKS: Fake money orders or checks are another scam. Fraudsters send a very official-looking fake check and expect you to send them the item before the check clears. The “buyer” might also make out the check for more than the actual item amount and ask you to send them the difference. A bank will cash these checks and hold you liable for them.· STEER CLEAR OF FAKE ESCROW SITES: A buyer might ask that you put your funds into an online escrow service, promising that your goods will soon be handed over to you. The only problem is that most of these sites are fraudulent and operated by the scammers themselves. So, of course, they never give you the merchandise—leaving an empty hole in your bank account where your money should be.· KNOW THAT CRAIGSLIST “PURCHASE PROTECTION PLANS” DON’T EXIST: Another scam is a “Craigslist Purchase Protection Plan.” Craigslist doesn’t involve itself in actual purchases, so offers like this are fraudulent from the get-go. Don’t let yourself get victimized by them!· DON’T USE WESTERN UNION TO SEND MONEY: Fraudsters asking you to wire them money via Western Union is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Don’t ever send money to people you don’t actually know. When someone requests wire service transfer via Western Union, there are usually a lot of red flags that come with this. For example, the deal seems too good to be true, or the rent is way below market. Or the rental may be local, but the owner is relocating or traveling and requests that you wire money to another country.· NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Handing out your bank account details to random strangers is asking for trouble.· TURN AWAY ANYONE WHO WON’T COMMUNICATE VIA PHONE: The scammer might pretend to be unable to communicate by phone. That’s because fraudsters prefer to operate by text or email.· REFUSE BACKGROUND OR CREDIT CHECKS: If you’re in the market for an apartment, don’t consent to a background or credit check unless you’ve already met your prospective landlord in person. Fraudsters use this gambit to steal people’s Social Security numbers and other sensitive information.· BEWARE OF RENTAL SCAMS: One of these scams is renting an apartment at an unbelievably low price. The seller will collect first and last months’ rent, a security deposit, and any other fees he can think of. When it’s time to move in, you’ll find that the landlord has conveniently skipped town.If you suspect a scam, contact the Internet Fraud Complaint Center.And if you’re defrauded by someone you know, contact your local police department.
Final Thoughts
If you’re getting sick of Craigslist, you now have a solid list of other websites like Craigslist that’ll help make boredom associated with your merchandising activity a thing of the past.Or maybe your problem isn’t boredom.Maybe your problem is that you’ve found that your ability to sell on the site has drastically decreased, and it’s no longer worth your while.Whatever the issue happens to be, explore the dizzying array of Craigslist alternatives that exist in the cybersphere.Take one of these challengers for the Craigslist crown out for a test drive.Then try another, and another.You might find one that really clicks with you!Some of them are uninspired Craigslist clones—as banal and as generic as can be.Others take problems that users had with Craigslist and solve them in a way that streamlines the whole trading process.And does it with a creative flair and pizzazz!These are the ones you want to go with because they’ll help you accomplish your trading goals while being a joy to use.Just remember to acquaint yourself with the rules of each site, so you don’t inadvertently violate a rule.This could get you forever banished.Now, you could possibly survive getting kicked off one, two, or perhaps three of these sites.But any more than that and you’ll be severely limiting your trading options.So, be a good boy or girl now, will ya?Wer weiß?You might be one of those who has a real flair for selling.Then, you might be inspired to use one of these alternative sites as a launchpad for your entrepreneurial ambitions! Norm Tedford Read the full article
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The Super Affiliate System
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The Super Affiliate System Super Affiliate System s training course has created FIVE 7-FIGURE marketers The combination of paid advertising, and affiliate marketing, just plain works. Ad > Presell > Offer. Its not a complicated formula, and the way we teach it, has helped thousands of people do everything from create a respectable side-income, all the way to making 7-figures per year online, and live their dream lives. A few of our top students are listed below. If you re looking to promote something that actually WORKS, you ve found it. Read the full article
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Receives a commission to drive with out choosing up strangers: Amazon Flex pays $ 15 an hour and above
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You need an appearance that fits your schedule, and you like the idea of ​​making an extra batter with your car. However, inviting strangers who may or may not be drunk into your vehicle is not good. Does that sound like you? Here's an alternative: Deploy packages to Amazon Flex. (Entertaining fact: boxes are less likely to throw themselves in your back seat.) In the past, Amazon relied on shipping partners such as FedEx, UPS and USPS to transport a reasonable portion of its packages. Swiss Post devoted itself to deliveries from Amazon every Sunday. Now the Amazon Flex e-commerce giant is more dependent on independent contractors across the country. Before you get started, let's review the basics to see if Amazon Flex is right for you.
How much money can i earn?
Let's get started right away: you're here for the money. The Amazon Flex website states that drivers earn $ 18 to $ 25 an hour. However, this is an estimate of gross wages that includes tips and bonuses. The good news is that Flex is one of the few gig apps out there guarantees Wages between $ 15 and $ 19 - also a gross amount - depending on the location. Not all orders have a tip component, but if you receive a tip, you can keep 100% of it. Another advantage: Amazon Flex deliveries are based on planned shifts of up to four hours in length. This makes earnings more predictable than other app-based work.
Where is Amazon Flex available?
Amazon Flex was only launched in Seattle in 2015. It has slowly expanded into high-demand areas in the United States and is currently available in an estimated 50 major cities, including: Austin, Texas Atlanta Baltimore Cleveland Detroit los Angeles new York Minneapolis Phoenix San Antonio San Francisco Amazon does not offer a comprehensive list of all locations where the company operates. In-demand locations are often posted on his Getting started page,
What are the requirements?
No prior knowledge of deployment is required to become an Amazon Flex driver. The biggest qualifications are a valid driver's license and the ability to pass a background check (more on that later). Below you will find an overview of the additional requirements. Vehicle: The requirements vary depending on the type of delivery. Any reliable car is suitable for Prime Now orders. Amazon.com orders require a mid-size sedan, SUV, van, or pickup with a covered bed. Motorcycles, mopeds and motorized bicycles are not permitted. smartphone Only Android and iOS devices that run Android 6.0 and iOS 11 (or higher) are accepted. Car insurance: Amazon offers additional delivery insurance, but drivers must have a separate, valid auto insurance plan.
How do I apply?
To register, you need to create one Amazon account if you don't have one yet. Then download the app to start the application. iPhone users can download Amazon Flex from the app store. The process is slightly different if you are using an Android device, as the app is not currently listed in the Play Store. In this case, follow separate Android instructions This includes downloading the app directly from Amazon Logistics. You may need to disable your phone's security settings for third-party apps to install properly. After installing the app, follow the instructions for location and availability of the schedule. You can specify which days and periods you prefer. If your region is in high demand, you may be able to continue. If not, you have to join a waiting list. Before accepting orders, you must submit additional information, including a photo, a copy of your driver's license, tax and bank account details, and your social security number. After you submit this information, you are stuck while the background check is being processed. Amazon Flex says it can take up to 10 business days. Several drivers have reported that the process could take longer.
What will i deliver?
Amazon Prime is not just a smiley brown box. Your load may include Whole Foods foods or random convenience items from local stores. It depends on what services are available in your area and what types of orders you accept. Wondering how Amazon Flex performs compared to the other delivery shows? We compared that Top 10 delivery apps to make your search easier. Amazon.com: This is the standard parcel delivery service. Pick up parcels at a nearby distribution center. Amazon Fresh and Prime Now: These are same day deliveries - a mix of parcels and groceries - available in Prime Now hubs or Whole Foods stores. Save orders: Not all items may be available at Amazon centers. In this case, you will search for the desired goods in selected areas in the local shops. instant quotes: These appearances are based on your current location. Amazon will direct you to the nearest pickup location for fast delivery.
How do shifts work?
Moving or "locking" with Amazon Flex works differently than most gig apps. Unless you are placing an immediate offer order, do not simply register and start driving. For most jobs, you can plan when and how much you want to work. The "Upcoming Offers" list suggests blocks based on the schedule you specified when you signed up. If you want to work outside of these parameters, you can view all blocks by changing the "Filter" settings. Deliver as little as you want. There is no minimum order for drivers. (However, you are limited to 40 hours a week.) Blocks run for two to four hours and you can see how much money they are worth before accepting the job. Remember: the blocks are suggested times. Some drivers reported that some blocks took much less time - and drivers were still paid for the entire block. The opposite is also true. Some deliveries can take longer than four hours if the instructions or locations are difficult, but you won't make more money for that extra time. If you have accepted a block that you do not want, cancel it at least 45 minutes before the start time. If the order is an immediate offer, you can cancel it within 5 minutes after accepting the delivery. If you cancel late, you will be warned. After three warnings, you run the risk of being released.
How is the work?
Let us not gloss over it: delivery can be difficult. Packages are heavy. Instructions are often vague. You have a pretty tight time frame. But the reward is higher than most appearances. The guaranteed wages paired with an occasional light delivery load make it worthwhile for many drivers. A good way to get an overview of the work is to search the Reddit sub-forum for Flex employees: r / AmazonFlexDrivers, Users share the ups and downs of Amazon Flex drivers. On some days, customers leave treats outside so that delivery staff can grab them. On other days, the drivers get lost for hours in labyrinthine residential complexes and look for the right quantities.
Tips for Amazon Flex drivers
Deploying to Amazon Flex is a bit more involved than other app-based gigs. Use these tips to shorten the learning curve. Don't skimp on the training materials While you are waiting for your background check to run, read the training materials. Don't just blow them through. Take the time to get used to the app and know how to properly photograph the packages - or you can quickly trigger warnings (including cancellations). Learn packing and organization techniques A common shortcoming among novice drivers: they were miserably unprepared for their first delivery. After picking up your order at the delivery center, pay close attention to the addresses and organize the packages according to your route. Many drivers benefit from YouTube tutorials that show you how to top up your orders effectively. Track your miles and expenses While Amazon offers wages of up to $ 25 an hour, your take away pay is likely to be much lower. This number is gross wages. Gig employees often overlook costs such as gasoline, maintenance and tolls. If you may be driving hundreds of miles a day, these costs add up. Be sure to record them to get a better view of your actual earnings - and to reduce your tax burden. Many drivers get by with a spreadsheet. If this is too old-fashioned, use an expense report software such as Everlance, MileIQ or Quickbooks. Get a lay of the land Based on the driver reports from Glassdoor, Indeed and Reddit, the inaccurate GPS from Amazon Flex is a big problem. This will take you to a general place, but after that you may be left to your own devices to find the right threshold. It helps if you know your locale well. Many drivers especially complain about large residential complexes. When you receive a delivery, take notes on how the unit numbers and buildings are organized. (Does unit 2302 mean it's on the second floor?) Take a picture of the community map. Ask the neighbors for directions. This will save you a lot of time in the long run. Adam Hardy is an employee of The Penny Hoarder. He deals with the gig economy, entrepreneurship and unique ways to make money. Read hislatest articles here, or say hello on Twitter @hardyjournalism, Are you ready to stop worrying about money? Get the Penny Hoarder Daily Data Protection Policy Read the full article
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