howdowefeel · 3 years
go check out my new video on YouTube!!!
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howdowefeel · 4 years
Hey guys would you please go LIKE my GERSHION shared post PLEASE PLEASE!!!
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howdowefeel · 4 years
Hey guys please please please go like this post on my FB PAGE thank you soo so soooo much
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howdowefeel · 4 years
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If Violet Beauregarde was a beauty guru today, she’d look a lot like @ddblueberry 💙💜 Below are the #sugarpill goodies she used in this look! ✨ 🎨 Velouria and Velocity Pressed Eyeshadows 👼 Halo False Eyelashes ❄️ Shiver bullet Lipstick (FREE with all orders over $50 until 12/31 - deal includes our Glint Lipstick too!) #vegan
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Project #4
Reflecting upon the the verbs that I thought upon and wrote out. I think this video represents it pretty well. I definitely would have liked to been able to have another person on the other side of the counter and then having them sip the coffee I had just brewed and served them. But when I was finishing up the video/ performance I just wanted it to be myself and showing that all verbs can be done and followed through by one person throughout the whole action of each of the verbs that I choose to enjoy.
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howdowefeel · 5 years
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EXERCISE #4 - VERB LIST + drawings and favorites
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Reading Response #4
Trying to define performance within art is very tricky. There are so many different aspects that live performance can bring into it. From slides to movie like elements, to just audio, to nothing on stage but the performance. The rules on performance are endless. The performers are able to connect with the audience in a manner that is unimaginable with just still artwork or even motion artwork. Performance allows artists to break away from the standardized roles of artwork within still artwork. Performance allowed people to address certain things that were going on at the time through art. People would arrange groups and print manifestoes in newspapers, people didn’t want art just to be stuck in a museum, it needed to be free and needed to be alive and interacting with the audience. Futurists performance were attacking the public notion of life and art. They didn’t want art to be stuck in a museum I wanted to be free with their art and have no limitations. Because of these people we have some sort of evolution of performance throughout arts history. Without them performance might not be considered an art within itself.
In response to the reading: Performace: A Hodden History by: Roselle Goldberg
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Project #3 Vanishing and Becoming: Coffee and Milk
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howdowefeel · 5 years
EXERCISE #3 Music Video
https://youtu.be/Gxj9LAftc9A to watch in youtube
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Reading Response #3
In Response to Projection: Vanishing and Becoming by Sean Cubitt I think first of all it would be so beautiful to try and trace someone’s shadows reflection alongside a wall. It could be compared to tracing someone’s shadow with chalk when you were little, this is considered art at its most simplistic form just shapes that light is blocked by. It could be a person’s shadow, the pattern on a sidewalk made by the sun shining through the leaves on a fall day, or it could even be the blinding reflection of the sun off a gold building. “When Plato’s similes rests on the premise that the projection which the captives watch is illusionistic...” This can be taken very seriously and literally in the manner that everyday we see photos or post that are edited or distorted in one manner or another; and it really does make the public want what only a few can “show us” the lifestyle and views that we all wish we could wake up to. “The problem is not the reflection or the projection but the illusion...” the illusion that few put on can be real to those who are genuine, but for most the illusion can project something that isn’t real or fill with goodness. “There is no self to generate a world, no world to determine a self...” so many of us are trying to “fit” into some sort of box, even if its not to be in a box. Humans need to start just living life to what they want and not let the outside world influence us as much as we do, myself included. When it comes to light colour to either be fluid or nonexistent all together, in photography as well as in videos. The way light can be played with in either medium when done well can but fun and exciting. But when done wrong can cause the viewer to look away or physical pain (ie: flickering lights). 
In Response to Making Art: Form and Meaning by: Terry Barrett
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howdowefeel · 5 years
..time to get ready!~love it!!
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Disco 2000- Pulp
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howdowefeel · 5 years
I love how you created a theme throughout the assignment! Groovy, dance moving, talented people! I dig it ;)
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For this project I was inspired by Tash Sultana whose video for “Jungle” went viral. She has an iconic look when she plays and it made me think about all of the other great rock n’ roll moves and moments that would have went viral when they debuted. I included classics like Chuck Berry’s duck walk, Little Richard with his foot thrown on the piano and Elvis’ gyrations. I also included the moment Jimi Hendrix set his guitar on fire and Michale Jackson’s infamous moonwalk at Motown 25. These are just a few of music history’s iconic moments but I thought that capturing these moments with a GIF would make the moment more impactful than a picture. 
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Project #2 The Loop (Forever)
GIF #1 -This one and a couple of the following were pulled footage from when I was creating a PSA for plastic straws and how wasteful they are. 
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GIF #2- Yummy yummy chip
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GIF #3- People throw away so many straws and don’t think about it. Every straw thrown away has every little affect on the earth and how it processes humans waste being thrown into it.
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GIF #4- The next couple of are footage taken from a royalty free site. I think this one could go for a shady situation.
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GIF #5- ….what did you just say…
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GIF #6- I hear yaaaaa
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GIF #8- hmmm I see you
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GIF #10- Not my business
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GIF #11- This last gif I took from when I got my Rook piercing. ***PLEASE DO NOT WATCH IF YOU’RE SQUEAMISH***(click on keep reading to view)
Artist Statement:
When working on this project I had originally only work on videos in Premiere and converting them into GIF that way. I honestly like working with the layers and editing tools for GIFs in Photoshop a lot more than Premiere. Photoshop is more to the point and easier to delete certain layers to help cuts seem a little more subtle. It was interesting to see how subtle movements can change the GIF for either the bad or the good. It can create a reaction that is cute or funny or “ouch”! But can mean different things with different context put behind by the user of the GIF at the time. Overall this project was fun to work with and see the different workings of a different software I hadn’t use for this purpose.
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Exercise #2: Making Mini-Cinema
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For Exercise #2 I took footage that I took for a PSA assignment. 
I was trying to get my other talent to enter in at a certain time and way I slap my thighs could definitely used in many different reacting situations. I hadn’t ever used Photoshop to create a gif and it was fun to see the different tools versus Premiere and how in some aspects easier. 
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Artist Statement:
When starting on this project I wanted to think of a topic that is relevant to something not only myself but people around me as well. Gun control has been prevalent in my life since i can remember. And recently the argument about deadly vaping has also been in the chatter amongst my friends and coworkers. The fact that vaping is getting more attention from the federal government than school shootings or now mass shootings is shocking to everyone around me. I wanted to show the gun protesting amongst juuling and smoke. The movement between gun protesting and how much public attention how bad vaping is  when it gets the pressure of not only parental, but health care professionals concern of illegal things. Verus not taking into consideration students, but now even more-so having to take the masses safety into consideration is just two topics that are fighting against one another that I find interesting. I hope to depict almost the movement of confusion between the lack of attention towards school and mass shootings and the illegal vaping / juuling.
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Gif #10
I love how there is a loop on more than one thing in the gif here. It lets the viewer preuse the gif more slowly and not as frantic as other fast paced gifs
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Morning Twitch Screen Commission
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howdowefeel · 5 years
Gif #9
Seems so calm, although I wish it would’ve looped a little better
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[my edit]
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