house-of-oleander · 5 years
optimist: peter, frederick, dunya, beverly
pessimist: fyodor, sofia, alexander, timothy
realist: mikhail, rita, sonya, jean-paul, svetlana, lizaveta
Is your OC an optimist, pessimist, or realist?
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
coping mechanism: creating new characters
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
I'm curious--how do you guys go about creating your OCs?
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
I wanted to ask is there a thing as way too many oc my friends are crap and beat me down about having so many but that's the best part for me making ocs
First of all, I truly hope these friends of yours aren’t actually giving you a hard time about this and that they’re simply being playful! :( There are a lot of people in the OC creation community who I’m sure wouldn’t mind chatting about having lots of OCs! ;)
As for your actual question, I’m not sure there’s an actual answer! It really comes down to what you can handle as a creator. The more OCs you have, the more spread out your ideas become, and the harder they are to organize. There are some other things you may want to consider, such as the following:
Are your OCs unique to one another? Interests, skills, behaviors, personalities, appearances, and the like will overlap, because that’s how things work. When it becomes difficult to tell which OC is which, however, it may be time to move on from those OCs that seem like copies of one another.
Do your OCs have more than one or two basic traits? Writing is a process and character development takes time, but if you’ve been working on the same OC for a year or more now, and the only things you know about them is that they like cheese and hate socks, then it may be time to move on from that OC in particular.
Do your OCs have a purpose? Do you plan on roleplaying them? Are you writing a novel, short story, or fanfic with them in it? Are they your player character from a tabletop or video game? Does your art revolve around their visage? You don’t need a reason to create and develop an OC, but it may be time to move on from that OC and spend your creative energy on a different OC that will get use in your creations.
Are you having fun? Writing is a lot of fun and can be very rewarding, but it can also be exhausting. Coming up with well-developed characters, and then more or less “becoming” them in order to write them can take its toll. Speaking from personal experience, it can become a chore rather than a hobby very quickly. If you’re not having fun, and a couple days break doesn’t help, it may be time to move on from some OCs.
Let me be clear. When I say it’s time to “move on” from certain OCs, you can scrap those OCs altogether, but why do that when you can put them to the side for a rainy day, combine them with another character, or something else altogether? Keep a notebook or word document with your OC ideas that are less like characters and more like concepts for when you need inspiration, or when you have the motivation to kick those underdeveloped OCs into gear.
If you’re having a good time making OCs and managing the ones you have, then don’t worry. There’s no rule anywhere saying that there’s a limit to how many OCs any one person can have. Consider the questions above, but don’t let them or anyone stop you. Go forth and create!
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
i’ve always pronounced it like “whip” :”^ )
random question how do you guys pronounce “WIP”?
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
just realized that this is Dunya erasure and I sincerely apologize for this mistake
Timothy is canonically a gremlin sorry but I don’t make the rules
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
Timothy is canonically a gremlin sorry but I don’t make the rules
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
same but I also..... torture them :^)
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
this audio makes me thing of my OCs for some reason wtf
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
tbh all of them share exactly one brain cell, and the brain cell rapidly switches ownership to the point that nobody really predominantly holds the brain cell except for Mikhail and Rita lmao
How many braincells does your OC have?
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
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house-of-oleander · 5 years
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