honorbled · 4 years
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-Top 10 legendary Zuko lines !
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honorbled · 4 years
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why am i so bad at being good?
trigger warning for death.
(  yang yang.  twenty-six.  he/him.  )   everything’s fine,  ZUKO,  you’re in the good place!  do you remember your last days in  AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER? but don’t worry, your  ( dao blades, lightning strikes, & holding an open flame in the palm of your hand )  will fit perfectly with the rest of the good place, so long as you commit to the  ACCIDENTAL HERO  despite your tendency to commit to  ( your need for approval )  that the architect of the good place said you were. it’ll just be like a fun acting exercise! just play along and everything will continue to be fun.
basic information
name:  zuko age:  twenty-six pronouns:  he/him fandom:  avatar: the last airbender faceclaim:  yang yang wiki link:  here
additional information
powers:  firebending (ability to create and control/manipulate fire) skills:  master swordsman languages spoken:  chinese three positive traits:   driven, brave, private three negative traits:  hot-headed, awkward, impulsive
What was your character’s last canon memory/where you’re playing your character from? the agni kai against azula, near the end of atla.
How did your character “die”? he failed to properly redirect the lightning azula sent at katara.
Did your character get  false  memories that were shown to them,  or where they their own? mostly they were his own, with some key changes.  namely that instead of trying to track down the avatar to restore his honor, he was doing it to try and become aang’s firebending teacher.
What are 3 mundane things the architects of the Neighborhood can do to torture your character? being reminded of his past failures, being left out, being compared to azula.
If your character has any special skills or powers,  how is it affected in the good place? it’s more out control; if he tries to summon a small flame, he might accidentally set something completely on fire or it might not work at all.
Does your character think they belong at the Good Place? no, he doesn’t.
Will your character act with the trope given to them, or act against? he’s going along with it for the most part.
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honorbled · 4 years
tag dump !
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