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“...” He listened to the other, listened carefully... And by the others words, he knew that he hecked up badly. Well, he already knew that he hecked up before but... He didn’t think he’d get to this side of Gumi. This side that he disliked to see. He didn’t like it, it hurt to see that side of her.
What should he do? At this point, what should he do? He called her annoying, yelled at her, told her to get lost... Brought her to tears... He’s the worst here, isn’t he?
“Gumi...” No... Leave him alone? He didn’t want that, what are you talking about, Gumi? And even after you said all those good stuff about him... He definetily couldn’t just let her leave like that! She had to be stopped.
...This is how you do it right? He took a hold of the girls arm, and pulled her in for a tight hug, he tried to hold her as close to him as possible, because he didn’t want her to escape. At this point, he didn’t even care in how close she was to him, he wouldn’t get flustered now. But, his heart did beat a lot. This moment was just... Sudden.
“Gumi... Gumi.” He repeated the others name a few times, then burried his face on her shoulder, his grip tightening.
“What’s gotten into you? Why do you think that way? I’d never want you to leave me alone. I’d just be lonely, you’re the closest person I ever had. Yeah, I admit... Sometimes, you can be a bit annoying and stuff.. But...” He shakes his head just a bit.
“I’d never want you to leave me because of that. I don’t care how much annoying or rude you can be, I still want you by my side.” He pauses for a bit.
“...I’m the horrible one here, aren’t I? Yelling at you like that, letting my anger get to me and telling you to leave...I didn’t mean any of those, y’know?” He then pulls away from the hug, and leans his forehead against hers. Giving her a smile, he patted her head.
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“I’m sorry, I love you too, that’s why I don’t want to let you go. I will take better care of you from now on, so please don’t think that you have to leave, alright? Heh, I’m not all that good either, so I don’t think anyone deserves me... But I’m happy that you can keep up with me, Gumi, I really am.”
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“Maybe I should! Maybe I’m just too bad to even be near you. I’m obviously the worst person ever to you, right?”
“I didn’t even mean to take it this far! I never meant a word, I was just so… infuriated! Just please, will you listen? I-I don’t want to upset you more than I already have.”
“No, it’s fine. I know you meant it… I mean, I’m annoying! I’ve always been annoying. I’ll go far away from here and leave you alone. I’m… I’m sorry.”
“Just before I go, I just want to let you know that you’ve always been the best person in my life— you were always there for me in times of need and I really appreciate that. Even when I was stubborn and rude, you’d still give me a pat on the head and act like everything was alright. I could never deserve someone as good as you. I’m sorry that I could never live up to it… I just, I just really love you a lot and I want to stay but that would only cause trouble.”
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...oh snap.
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“...Then, why don’t you just get the hell away from me--” No wait, he shouldn’t say that, keep your cool Gumo, keep it cool.
“If I’m such an insult, then why are you still staying with me!? Go stay with someone else, if that’s what you want. I can’t babysit someone as annoying as you.” ...shit.
“...Ah, uh... No.. Sorry, I didn’t... Mean..” he hecked up, and he’s just going to cover his mouth now.
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“Cut what out? I can talk whatever way I want to, who are you to control me? It was a joke, but since you’re so dull you can’t even take one! Honestly, I don’t get how I have to spend every single day with a person like you. What an insult.”
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im plannin on changing my theme but im too lazY BUT AT THE SAME TIME MY THEMESGONE???
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“...” oh no.
“Hey, cut it out! What’s with you, talking like that!? What even is there to listen to? You’re just talking nonsense about being invicible!” Now he’s mad too. A lil’.
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“How am I acting like a baby? You have your head stuck so far up your ass that you can’t even listen to me for once. You irritate me so much!”
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“No but really you can’t ground me! I’m not a baby, jeez.”
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“Then what about you stop acting like one? Then I might not ground you.”
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ok im cute u cant ground me im invincible
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“Gumi. Go to your room already.”
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u cant ground me im invincible
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“Doesn’t stop me from grounding you.” Pinches her cheek.
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gumo smells bad :||
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“…” He’s just going to karate chop the others head with his hand, without saying anything.
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"Heh, I am. I'm old enough." pats the others head. Was he really tho.
❀ ;; …vigorously strokes injured cheek. 
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“…You’re not my elder!”
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m!a: Gumiya is now a dog for as long as the mun wants.
—- poof —-
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”…What the heck!?" insert barking-like noises.
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"Respect your elders..." slowly lets go of the cheek. 
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❀ ;;   “ow…ow…ow. .” 
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toraburuchan replied to your post: thank
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pinches cheek
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what about you calm down bro:
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“Honestly I wish I can give n’ answer. I just woke up n’… Gumi started sayin’ these things n’… jeeze;; All I know is that whatever Gumi is sayin’, Rin and I didn’t do anythin’.”
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"...I..See.. Well I don't know either what happened... I'll admit Gumi can... Lie sometimes, so you gotta be careful when she suddenly comes up with stories. Sorry for the trouble." Coughs. "Though, I'll still keep an eye on you."
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"...I see, because appareantly Gumi has been harassed or somethin'... You better not be lyin', Kagamine." cue a slight squint at the other. "...Anyway, what have ya been up to?"
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    ’ nasty stuff’ huh? what was that s’posed t’ mean?                               pending .. .. pending.. . eeeeh.. . 
        ”uhhh, no??" 
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im awake i swear 
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len u gotta stop:
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"The na— L-LET ME EXPLAIN OKAY?! I—I didn’t do anything!! Gumi is making stuff up I swear!! I’m innocent!!"
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"...Calm down. Are you sure about that though? I mean, why would Gumi make up something like that? Out of nowhere?"
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