holtzypants · 4 years
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cw hire me to promote your shows please
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holtzypants · 5 years
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I’m in love with my new lock screen. 😍
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holtzypants · 5 years
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My content gets shittier every day.
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holtzypants · 5 years
I was also worried, but it ended up being the best concert I’ve ever very been too.
Sleater-Kinney - Can I Go On
I was bummed out when, right after I bought S & myself tickets to see Sleater-Kinney in Oakland, Janet Weiss left the band. This would be S’s first time seeing them live…and now it wouldn’t be all of them. I felt conflicted. We listened to the album on one of our trips and yeah, it was a bit more polished, a bit more - well, a bit more St. Vincent-ish. She did produce it after all.
However. All my doubts melted away at the show. Carrie and Corin were in top form, so in-tune with one another, and every song hit the mark - new and old. Plus, Carrie just seemed so pumped up about everything, so happy and she fucking shredded like a rock star, even more than I recalled from the first time I saw her play.
If you had doubts, don’t. Sometimes artists and what they want to do changes. I don’t always like it but I’m always willing to give the new groove a shot. I’m glad I did and I’m seriously glad I saw them live again.
Again, I didn’t take nearly enough photos but nonetheless:
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holtzypants · 5 years
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Janet: I think you said today, “I don’t think anybody’s ever prefaced a question with ‘the all male band’” (x)
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holtzypants · 5 years
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holtzypants · 5 years
First live-streamed, now available as a “live” film! For free! Watch! Or just listen.
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holtzypants · 5 years
Dew: [mouth full] no one.
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holtzypants · 5 years
[incorrect message from the clergy]
Papa Nihil: What about the ghoulettes, are they going to be safe?
Copia: They could punch you through a wall.
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holtzypants · 5 years
[incorrect message from the clergy]
Sister Imperator: Try this on for size, no matter where you go in life, always keep an eye out for Papa Nihil the tackling pope.
Copia:...what’s that supposed to mean?
Papa Nihil: *tackles Copia to the ground* You’re not a part of the bloodline!
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holtzypants · 5 years
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holtzypants · 5 years
Credit: Sergio Martin
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holtzypants · 5 years
no one is allowed to message me anymore unless its about things like this.
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holtzypants · 5 years
copia and the papas helping their s/o who is on the verge of a mental breakdown.
So we all know that every frontman would be an absolute angel to their s/o when that person was in need of their support. They would all do whatever they could to be a rock for their s/o. So instead of saying the same thing over and over again for each frontman, I’m gonna give some possible strategies for dealing with an anxiety attack or mental breakdown that each one might recommend to their partner. Now, I’m not a professional by any means so if you’re struggling you should find someone qualified to help. These are just some thing that have helped me in the past and I think the papas and Copia would use them to help their s/o as well.
In the moment, Copias advice would be to limit stimuli during a breakdown. Things like bright lights, and noisy rooms can be disorienting and trigger panic attacks when you’re already in a relatively fragile state. Limit your exposure to things that tend to overwhelm you when you can. Long term, He’d also advise you to share your struggle with someone you trust so that even if you don’t want help in the moment, you’ve at least got someone on your side watching out for you.
Papa i would suggest the age old trick of trying to distract yourself and get your brain focused on something else. Counting backwards from 100 in intervals of 3 can be a really good way to refocus your thoughts without being overwhelming. Long term, he’d encourage you to talk to a councillor or a professional who may be able to help you better understand what triggers your breakdowns and how you can cope with them.
In the moment Papa ii would help you calm down by coaching you through mindful breathing. He’d also encourage you to use your senses to ground yourself. He’d have you name out loud 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can feel, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste, right at that moment. Focusing on the physical things you’re experiencing can be a really helpful way to keep yourself in the moment and overcome the sense of dread that tends to accompany breakdowns. Long term he’d encourage you to find your triggers and take back control of your environment. It’s ok to walk out of situations that hurt you. He’d also encourage finding a hobby to focus your attention on. Maybe art or exercise.
Papa iii would also help you to ground yourself with rapid changes to your environment or intense sensations. A lot of people when they’re feeling a panic attack, dissociative episode or any kind of breakdown coming on will hold ice to remind them that they exist in their body. Be careful with ice because you don’t want cold burns. I’ve always found it helpful to get in the bath or shower with all my clothes on. Sounds kinda weird but the separation from body to clothes to water to air is enough to keep me in the moment when things get really bad. Papa 3 is definitely a get in the bath with your clothes on kinda person. Long term papa 3 would help you focus on listening to your body and reminding yourself that it’s ok to take breaks. He’d help you learn to be kind to yourself and not push yourself so hard that you accidentally trigger a breakdown.
And all of them would encourage you to find people in your life that you can talk openly to about your feelings. A good support system is key to overcoming any kind of stress and the papas and Copia want that for you. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Be kind to yourself❤️
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holtzypants · 5 years
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Just put up some Halloween decorations. I love the cozy orange glow. 🦇🎃
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holtzypants · 5 years
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holtzypants · 5 years
Have you ever heard of Shaun Keenan? Probably not, but you have now.
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Amazing art of dinosaurs in the wild American West? Yes please!
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There’s so many he’s done and they’re all just the best aesthetic.
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What I never knew I needed but a void has definitely been filled.
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Go to his website and give some support!
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