Help me raise the streams of my friend's song through the roof!
hi tumblr, i need your help! My best friend has just released a song and streams are already going quite well, but this banger has the potential for sooo much more! one Belgian radio station has already picked it up, but we'd like to take over all of them 😎 the song's in Dutch and called Brandgevaar (which means 'fire hazard' 😏), lemme know what you think and please stream and share!
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Portrait de la jeune fille en feu + Paintings
Cafe Lovers by Joseph Lorusso Portrait of a Heart by Christian Schloe The Green Gown by Thomas Edwin Mostyn The Migration Series, Panel No. 55 by Jacob Lawrence Miranda, The Tempest by John William Waterhouse The Two Friends by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec On the Dunes (Lady Shannon and Kitty) by James Jebusa Shannon Two Women in a Bed disturbed by a Cat by Jean Alphonse Roehn Portrait of Edith French by John Singer Sargent Portrait of Madame Seriziat by Jacques-Louis David
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My absolute favorite thing is when actresses play a lesbian/bi character and end up realizing they are not as straight as they thought they were
Actresses on their way to play some gay lady be like:
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"yes haha" meaning you're into smn? oof i asked too late ( •_•) i wish you the best of luck and that you can charm and date that person ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
hahaha no no, just single, not really anyone in my vicinity rn that i'm actively talking to
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are u single? or has someone caught ur eye?
I am single right now, yes haha
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What’s annoying to one person is funny to another. Someone will be flattered by the extra attention from someone others would call clingy. The people who are too sensitive in some people’s eyes are admired for being in touch with their emotions by others. What some would consider rude, others consider refreshing. What some people think of as oversharing, other people see as courageous honesty. Someone who’s too quiet in some people’s eyes is considered a good listener by others. What some people consider too personal, other people would love to discuss in depth. What looks like trying too hard to some people is recognized as genuine kindness by others. The point is that there’s no such thing as being universally likeable, so just focus on finding the people who enjoy the qualities you have to offer and don’t worry too much about the rest. I promise you that plenty of people out there will appreciate you for who you are.
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Period dramas + Art (parallels)
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Do you have instagram?
Yes I do! But I only use it with friends though, which is why I don't post my handle publicly :)
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i love it when im rereading a story and i find these little breadcrumbs of foreshadowing the author left. everytime im like "ohoho!!!! i wouldve gotten that before if i had the big picture!!! and now i do!!! delightful!!!" and idk i just love being able to read the same story twice but have two different experiences. i like when a story has so many layers that it can keep you entertained for a long time as you unravel all its secret nooks and crannies. thats a good story.
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Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021)
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we will go far away and we’ll dance every night, then kiss in the broad daylight 
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I just want to read a few books per week, learn multiple languages, and a couple of instruments, become more proficient at advanced mathematics, write essays and books, exercise regularly, sleep eight hours per night, eat really healthily, have an active social life including enjoying all of my close relationships, and be really sexy. Is that really so unreasonable
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Fear Street Part 1: 1994 (2021) || Fear Street Part 3: 1666 (2021)
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You make me feel, like me. Deena Johnson and Samantha Fraser in Fear Street Part 1: 1994 (2021), dir. Leigh Janiak
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Måneskin being complete ICONS by basically saying fuck the polish government 🌈
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me giving relationship advice: communicate or end it
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