hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
What would my muse get canceled for on Twitter?
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
If that is so, you certainly fail to show it. I'll let Amy be the deciding factor on that front.
wild guy? more like bitch guy lmao
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
I don’t know what your problem is, but I’m guessing it’s hard for you to pronounce.
wild guy? more like bitch guy lmao
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Welcome back Owen
Thank you! It's very good to be back. Things are about back to normal here on Hoenn and I am resting up before my next adventure.
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Or better yet, don't insult him at all and go read a book or something that contributes to self improvement.
wild guy? more like bitch guy lmao
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Are you nuts?! She's one of the most infamous pokémon abusers in recent history. He didn't mean for you to get her approval, he meant for you to take her as a cautionary tale! Do not force pokémon to mutate please!
I know how to make custom Pokémon so I will make you one for free
I'd rather not be responsible for the creation of a mutated abomination. Have you ever heard of Cara Liss? I suggest researching her before getting involved in doing this sort of thing.
- Maxie
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Asks Open!
OOC post
Owen is back online but I'm not sure what to post about, so I'll just say the askbox is open for whatever chaos you guys would like to send him. Naturally, this goes for @fish-king-archie, @team-magma-leader-maxie and the ever underutilized @croagunkguy, lol. Thanks everyone! Have fun!
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
It’s been a while!! Princess update?
Princess has had to be cooped up because of the storm, so she's rather relieved to be able to go outside again. Naturally, everything is wet and out of sorts, so she doesn't approve of that, but she's getting along alright. I think we're all just happy to see the sun again honestly. Things should be back to normal around here this week, then I can take her to her favorite pokéspa as a reward for sitting tight for so long, haha.
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
[ @raichuposting ] *<- forgot to turn on anon*
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
if you had a fursona what would it be
i feel like a nincada or dwebble makes the most sense for obvious reasons, i'm kinda leaning towards dwebble because of how cute they are
for some reason sawsbuck also seems right and i don't know why
This question required a lot of research, some of which cannot be unseen... I think if I was a pokémon, or if I had to choose one to represent me, it would likely be a dwebble. I too am more comfortable inside of stone structures, though I admit I lack the corrosive spit. I do not know about how "cute" I am, but I do appreciate the compliment, hehe.
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Re: exercise for Camerupt, a nice lava swim every so often may do her good! I’ve seen pictures out of the Lental region of Torkoal enjoying the magma pools there 🥰
I'll certainly suggest it! I'll bet that'd take some stress off of her joints. It's a little tricky to get down to lava level though, we're mostly volcanoes here in Hoenn, and I don't think she'd enjoy a several story cannonball, haha.
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Pokéblogs returning soon!
- OOC Post -
Sorry about the hiatus, my life really got away from me. I'm doing finals stuff soon, then I'm graduating college, so posts for the accounts reblogging this will start up again proper in like May or June.
Thank you for your patience.
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Since you do actual geology and stuff, do you know how the Geodude line works? Your father did a good job of explaining their makeup (except Golem, which seems to have fully reptilian limbs as opposed to the previous stages being completely rock), but how do chunks of stone just decide to become ambulatory?
It's hard to say. Some geodude occur naturally and some are hatched. It likely has to do with "pokémon energy" which is something not fully understood by scientists as far as I know.
As for Golem, it's hard to believe that's the last stage in the geodude line, considering the first two evolutions are sentient rock and the third is a reptile with a shell. I'm not sure why that is either if I'm honest.
I study rocks more than rock pokémon, honestly. I'm specifically interested in studying mineral makeup, which is a pretty good area to study as it's a job in high demand, especially in farming communities. For pokémon questions definitely seek out a pokémon professor or someone of a similar vocation. :-)
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
You may want to consider floating alternative methods from battling for keeping your father's Camerupt exercised since she's retired. Physical activity is important for large pokemon like her, and not just as enrichment. As they age, inactivity can lead to joint issues which is no fun for anyone involved.
Yes, he's working on that. I think we may look into like, old-pokémon physical therapy sort of stuff? I mean, they don't really make walkers for old pokémon, but we are looking into things to keep her healthy. We don't really want to push her too hard at her age. Not to mention, if a nearly 500 pound pokémon doesn't want to leave her bed, there is not too terribly much you can do about it.
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Dumb question, but is princess related to your father's Camerupt? I haven't been here particularly long, so all I know is that she's adorable and snippy.
Yes, she is! There were a few old posts talking about it. This was the one where it was first mentioned, I believe. She does get a rather large head about it.
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
Princess update? 🥺
Spoiled as ever! I got her a gift while I was in Unova, a darling little tianra, and now she won't let me take it off. She simply *must* be wearing it at all times or she raises hell. She'll nip at you if you put a hand towards her with any intent to take it. I don't know how she can tell someone is trying to pet her versus someone trying to remove the tiara, but she can tell, somehow. I'll send a picture of her either later today or early tomorrow. I've got a bit of school work to catch up on.
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hoennsgeologyboy · 1 year
What an interesting situation. It sounds like he’s yours now if he wasn’t before. Sometimes pokémon catch people instead, haha. The same sort of thing happened with me and my nincada when I was a small boy. :-)
Whos your partner pokémon? If you don't have one, do you have a favorite pokémon?
Oh uh, hi. Saw the mailbox thing but didn't think anyone would actually send something?
Anyway, I don't have a partner Pokemon. I do have an Absol living with me, though. Does that count?
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