highkrawll · 3 months
doesn't mean i can't hc the shit out of it.
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highkrawll · 3 months
Spectrobes is weird because it never bothered to explain what spectrobes actually are or the krawl and with the whole series finish i will never know.
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highkrawll · 3 months
"We just met! And already you walk away. How quaint."
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"Does my appearance unsettle you so? I do try and mimic the humans because that he wants.'
"Surely you seen stranger?"
[V.H.] This man was quickly leaving a bad impression on them pretty quickly. Something about him- it wasn't right. The two hadn't gone much past words, and yet- something told Valo- this man isn't pure of heart. They slide a foot back, and then the other foot. They were keen on keeping distance from Jado.
"W... Well... yes. That's what they know me- my species- as. No one else I've met thought much of it- until I met you. Rest assured, I don't mean you harm, 'less you mean to hurt me."
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highkrawll · 3 months
Jado only took human form because it is, what his master was. But his true form was more tree like in nature with the intelligence of a mad man. His -hair- even moved without wind, like a puling dark flame.
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"And what , pray tell is that? Is that what other species call you?"
True to form, its easy to direct the conversation to something else. Like say would the krawl benefit from eating all these...glovians.
[V.H.] "What? Humans, weird? Well, I've seen a decent few species in my adventures traveling the cosmos- and I think nothing of them. What would make humans any different?"
Likewise, this individual is not human themself. They couldn't be- not with those toony looking blue bead eyes, that just-as-equally blue skin, and their seemingly logic-defying spiky hair, of which looked more like it belonged in an action show. 'Anime', some humans would know it as.
"I'm not a 'human' myself- if you don't know. I'm a glovian!"
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highkrawll · 3 months
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who wants a starter.
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highkrawll · 3 months
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naked man.
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highkrawll · 3 months
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"Humans are so weird, so odd. Static in one shape for all their lives, how do they even go about doing that. You, humans are odd. You think so too right?"
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highkrawll · 3 months
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who wants a starter.
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highkrawll · 3 months
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The Krawl are such a huge unknown like where the fuck did they come from. some key facts about the krawl
they had some intelligence if they were eating universes and solar systems before a human intelligence was acquiered via krux
gaining a baseline for human intelligence actually made them have the emotion of being cautious, for at least very few krawl compared to the millions. like four krawl out of a million had human intelligence.
we will never see or know where the krawl come from.
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highkrawll · 3 months
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"Oh , woe woe. Humans are so annoying, just because they don't want to die. Woe."
The mushroom like humanoid creature name Jado, woes upon some random passerby.
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highkrawll · 3 months
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starter call-----
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highkrawll · 3 months
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oh, a life form.
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highkrawll · 3 months
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Themes- Space, existence. Should humans really expand pass what they know of?
Indie multi muse for Spectrobe Series, focus on the Krawl [aka the bad guys] written by nugget. mun is 27, here to have fun. crossovers would love to happen.
blog is mutuals only and free to like starter calls and inbox calls, and invading asks.
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