high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
Been awhile but here is a little sketch I did while being in an art block. It's of Lin and Korra! This definitely had to be one of my favorite scenes because it introduces us to Lin! Sjdksjdk :D
I don't think I have ever drawn Korra before so this was a fun first attempt!
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It's not much but it was the best I could do, I've been extremely busy! I've been working on commissions, been busy with family life! I hope y'all don't mind it!
Lin looks so sassy and I love it! Skdjsjs
Anyways, all art belongs to me. If reposted please credit.
On a new note, I am taking commissions so if you are interested than please dm me!
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
Honestly Azula and Toph have some of the most satisfying bending styles in the series to watch. It’s fun watching them in fights >>>
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
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“Let this be the last time Avatar.” - Equalist!Asami AU aka what we could’ve had 😔🔥
Saw somewhere that Asami was supposed to be part of the Equalists in s1?? and that her and Korra would fight before they officially meet?? oHHH THE POTENTIALL NO ONE TALK TO MEE
Anyways, have some korrasami + some lovely extras I’ve done over the past week. Gonna go headfirst into continuing commissions now byee
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
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Every girls in Avatar the Last Airbender
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
male atla stans bodyshame elizabeth yu and say she doesn’t "look like azula" (which is wrong lol) and then be fine with that white male ian ousley playing sokka
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
From my understanding of ATLA is that Sozin and Roku’s situationship failed and then Sozin got all salty about it and banned gay marriage
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
"the beach" is one of the most well-written and complex episodes of atla. it explains a lot about about azula, mai, ty lee and zuko's character. i wish we saw more of them just being happy together. not chasing the avatar or anything
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
Something I really like about Toph in atla is that she never seems to… miss her sight, or yearn to be able to see. The way she perceives the world is so… tactical and fundamental, even the most granular, easy to miss things like ants climbing a blade of grass, are present and right in her senses. I’m sure she “sees” Aang flying, and maybe some might think she has some jealousy about that, or feels imprisoned by her bending. But i dont think thats the case.
I think being surrounded by earth makes her feel as free and untethered as a bird in flight, and if anything, I think maybe Aang could be jealous of that. Aang is ultimately bound to the world in such a way that he can never be truly free, being the avatar, so maybe Aang watched Toph bend, as natural as breathing or talking, and wishes he could be as free as she is, feet firmly planted on the ground.
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
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my fave girls <3
credits: official tlok comics ruins of empire, drawn by michelle wong
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
Somewhat unpopular shipping opinion but I truly believe jinko should have been endgame. Like these two were way too cute together for Jin to end up being a one episode character!!
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Also I do really love Mai but I just don’t believe the MaixZuko pairing is the best one out there, considering that they started dating as a result of being two depressed teens. I’m a sucker for grumpy/sunshine dynamics.
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high-on-cactus-juice · 2 months
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Acrobat ✨🩰❤️
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high-on-cactus-juice · 3 months
Aang: Without the moon spirit, the whole world will be thrown out of balance. You don't know who you're hurting.
Zhao: Buh! Don't all act all holier than Zhao!
Aang: . . . .
Aang: Dafuq you just said to me?
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high-on-cactus-juice · 3 months
honestly I’m kinda annoyed by people who view Azula as some irredeemable psychopathic monster cause that’s such a misunderstanding of her character and everything she represents.
don’t get me wrong my girl is crazy in the series, but she’s also just a 14 year old girl who was raised as a weapon her whole life by a goddamn EVIL DICTATOR. while her other parent was emotionally unavailable due to her own mental issues at the time (I’m not saying that Ursa was a bad parent, I’m saying that Ursa was fucking traumatised by being forcibly married to a tyrant, and she ended up seeing a reflection of her husband in young Azula). when one of your parents is a tyrannical power hungry ruler and your other parent is emotionally unavailable because they associate you with their trauma, of course that’s gonna fuck you up???
Zuko represents everything Azula could have been. the two siblings are placed as fundamental opposites because Zuko is the one who achieved his redemption while Azula descended further into madness. however we do ignore the fact that a big part of the reason Zuko chooses redemption is because of the actions of other people, because of the support he had from Ursa and Iroh and later the gaang members. and if Azula had been given the same circumstances from the start she could have been redeemed too, just like Zuko.
but she wasn’t given any outside perspectives of the world outside of her fathers brainwashing ideology. so of course she listened to the one parent that she was left with because that’s what she thought love was. she was a child who was raised by only being exposed to her father’s propaganda, in other words literally cult brainwashing.
people don’t understand that Azula is a tragic character and not a psychopathic one, because she COULD HAVE been a redeemed character, she had all the POTENTIAL to be redeemable, and the only reason why she wasn’t redeemed towards the end was because she actively CHOSE not to be redeemed. because how can she go against all she has ever known?
notice how when Iroh talks about Azula he says she is “crazy and needs to go down” because that’s the truth and that’s what needs to happen in that moment, BUT he doesn’t at any point say that Azula is irredeemable, because he knows that if she was given the same chances as Zuko she could have been redeemed.
also people throw around the word psychopath a little too easily. Azula does care about others to some extent, she has emotions and complex feelings that she doesn’t know how to express due to her fucked up upbringing, and unstable mental health. hating Azula has low key become a gateway into stigmatising people with mental health disorders and I don’t like that. if you’re gonna dislike Azula think of a better reason than “oh she’s psychopathic and heartless boohoo”
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high-on-cactus-juice · 3 months
After rewatching Avatar the last airbender (animated) I’ve come to realize this show is an amazing crash course on how to write OP characters
Literally everyone is insane
Aang masters all four elements in one summer
Katara becomes a waterbending master in like a month
Sokka has insane precision with a boomerang and is a pro battle strategist
Toph is Toph
Uncle Iroh single handedly takes down groups of people SEVERAL TIMES
Zuko, on top of being a great firebender, routinely breaks chains and solid metal WITH HIS BARE HANDS - HE KICKED A TABLE IN HALF
Bumi single handedly took Omashu back in less than 8 minutes
Azula made fire so hot it was blue and wielded lightning like it was nothing
Mai was so good with throwing knives she beat fire benders- sometimes large groups of them
Ty Lee could TAKE AWAY PEOPLES BENDING and backflipped circles around people multiple times - taking out highly trained Kyoshi Warriors
Sukki scaled a wall, took out like four guards, and then tied up the prison Warden in like ten seconds all without breaking a sweat or even breathing heavy by the end
And yet…
No one complains
Cause it’s AWESOME and written so well
This isn’t even the whole list! Just everyone I could list off the top of my head - not including the swamp benders who figured out how to basically be plant benders
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high-on-cactus-juice · 3 months
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I don't think firebending works this way..
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high-on-cactus-juice · 3 months
it's wild how bryke would rather show toned abs of some random beach boys instead of two warrior women who undergo intense physical training, azula and korra
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