higanbanahime · 4 months
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Got the Girrrrrrllllll, she Goin on the top shelf.
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higanbanahime · 11 months
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My oc for Diabolik Lovers, based on how I was in high-school.
This character, while on the rules and regulations committee, is only doing so to get away with her own mischief. She does her job well enough that she gets away with other things that are definitely bending the rules to the point of almost breaking them. She is on the track team as well and prides herself in her leg strength. She deals in favors when it comes to overlooking trouble, but does have a vindictive side and won't hesitate to save her own skin if it comes down to it. In the top 10 of her grade and Rollerblades to and from school like a nerd.
She holds a Hate boner for all of the Vampire boys because unless they are all not at school, she has to constantly pink slip them for their uniform alterations. With the Sakamaki brothers, she does not care that their father is The prime minister, with the Mukami brothers she could care less if Kou is an idol. All she wants is one day a week, where they wear the damn uniform and don't cause trouble.
You would think that she would like Reiji because of how prim and proper he is but no. He scares her, she is terrified of him and actively avoids him.
She is not immune to the charms of a pretty face. She usually looks at the boys forehead to avoid getting flustered when she is scolding them.
She once stood toe to toe with Subaru because he punched a guy and the experience scared her so much that she spent the rest of the night trembling. Still pink slipped him the next day.
She shares a class with the triplets but they are on opposite sides of the classroom.
Her only positive experience is that she once tripped going down the stairs and Yuma caught her by the waist and helped her up. She decided not to pink slip him for a while.
She is by no means a main character. Just a tired member of the rules and regulations committee who wants peace and for Shuu to stop sleeping in the Music Room because Dammit the teachers keep telling her that he can't stay there, but she can't figure out how he unlocks the door when she has the key.
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higanbanahime · 1 year
Finished this in appreciation for these two.
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higanbanahime · 1 year
I miss you Akechi. More than you will ever know.
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higanbanahime · 1 year
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higanbanahime · 1 year
Limon and Magenta
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higanbanahime · 2 years
I finished the true end to Persona 5 and I am in a depression. How could they do this to me? How could they take my stupid emo Boi away from me, not once but twice. I loved him, I love him and he's gone. Even with that cutscene at the end. I didn't get to say goodbye. Fuck my heart, why God. If I knew my sassy convos with him where the last thing I would get to say. I would still have said them but my God I'm hurting.
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higanbanahime · 2 years
The funniest thing I think about when I think back to this game is that when Akechi betrayed me, I straight up bawled like a baby. I loved this twink, this detective prince. And I just watched him shoot me, with every intention to do so. I didn't want to believe it. And as soon as he appeared again and wanted to fight In Shido's palace, I cried more because I knew my Persona would woop his ass to next Thursday. But as soon as we entered Maruki's palace together, as soon as he was showing me his true self, I was happy. I was happy we were being honest with each other. It doesn't excuse what he did, I doesn't excuse anything. But even as an edge lord, I love this scrawny emo twink that makes Sasuke Uchiha look tame. Playing as Joker I genuinely wanted to kiss that boy.
Anyway, I fucking love teasing him like,
Akechi: Don't expect to get out of this.
Me: Akechi shut the fuck up, I'm trying to negotiate.
Akechi:I could kill all of you.
Me: Sure Jan, let's pretend I don't have a beefy ass persona that counters everything you can throw at it save for Almighty. Anytime you wanna fight in Mementos again, just call you edge lord.
He's just so fun.
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higanbanahime · 2 years
New coloring page finished.
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higanbanahime · 2 years
So I don't know if anyone has done this but I wanted to go into depth about the flower symbology seen in the trailer for Silent Hill F. I noticed that many of the flowers that is infecting the girl are flowers with some interesting symbolism and history.
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First there are the Chrysanthemums.
White chrysanthemums are used in Japanese funerals and symbolize Grief.
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Yellow chrysanthemums are often associated with longing and slighted love. But in Japan they are the imperial families crest flower and are associated with Light and the sun.(I wonder how they will be used in the game.)
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While red Chrysanthemums Symbolize love in Japanese culture.
Next we have the Tsubaki flowers
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White Camellias are considered a symbol of purity like many white flowers but White is considered a grief color in Japan so they are also a common funeral flower, though they are also associated with waiting, while yellow Camellia(not pictured) are associated with longing . Red Camellia are now commonly associated with an honorable death, the reason being that Tsubaki flowers(the Japanese name) fall of the bush while still in full bloom, giving them an association with beheading.
Now we have the cherry blossoms.
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Cherry blossoms, due to their signature pink color, Did and still do have a story that they become pink because of corpses buried under their branches. In modern times they are associated with new beginnings, while on Buddhist teachings, they also represent transcience and ephemerality of life due to their short blooming period.
Next I could also be seeing Japanese Ume flower.
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These have been considered protective flowers that ward off evil. They are also the old flower that was primarily associated with spring and good fortune.
Next that we see in the trailer itself but not specifically on the girl is of course the Red spider lily or Higanbana.(My personal favorite flower.)
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They have many names for this flower in Japan but Higanbana is the most well-known one. In Buddhist teachings, this flower is what grows on the other shore, the afterlife, and symbolize final partings, death, and lost memories as well. Their bulbs are extremely poisonous and in Japan they are grown around graves and fields to discourage vermin. Their counterpart, the White Spider lily, is given the name Manjushage, and said to grow in heaven.
These are just some of my thoughts and knowledge I wanted to share as an amateur flower symbology enthusiast.
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higanbanahime · 2 years
au where jet doesn’t find out that zuko and iroh are fire nation and when he runs into the gaang he goes ‘oh by the way this is my new friend lee. we met on the ferry ride over here!’ and the gaang and zuko just like awkwardly stare at each other for a really long time
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higanbanahime · 2 years
My favorite Boi. I would kill him because I also hate him the most. Hatred that transcended into love.
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higanbanahime · 2 years
When I can't drink I sip Italian sodas and pretend I'm sad drunk at a bar alone.
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higanbanahime · 2 years
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The Boi. He has no name. Accepting suggestions.
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higanbanahime · 2 years
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higanbanahime · 2 years
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higanbanahime · 2 years
Dream diary #1
I was in a backrooms like mall where I was with a guy who was trying to get out. We went on an elevator that only had buttons to go down and to my utter surprise it took us to hell. Turns out that Hell is also like a Mall but more red and equally as confusing. So we tried to find an elevator that took us up, really to no avail We just kept going deeper and deeper. Eventually this guy tells me that the devil is after him because of something he did. We find like a cafeteria section and he hears the devil coming and decides to pretend to be a seller of food. He hides me under the counter and I am terrified because who wouldn't be. The guy of course gets caught and I'm dragged out from under the counter. Satan was a flame in a nice suit. Had nice eyes though. As the other guy was dragged away he laughed and told his men to take me to the women's hell. I was teleported to an ultra large Dailymart. I was removed of my tank top and shorts, shoved into a uniform and given a run down of what to do. The little devils would shop, I would restock and help them, and it would never end. And it didn't, we were constantly exhausted but we couldn't sleep, somewhat hungry but never could eat. The devils were determined to take forever and boss us around. It really was hell. Then one day we are all told to go outside in single file and to not talk. I thought I was going to be last in line but this poor woman who was almost always hysterical got in behind me and was upset because she would be alone with the Devil. I asked what she ment and she said that this was a selection. This hell was tiny and so every once in a while, Lucifer would come by to obliterate some of the more useless workers to let new women in. We walked outside and I felt so bad for her that I let her in front of me since it didn't matter if I was alone. Maybe I'd get a chance to punch the guy. We walked to a large meat processing facility that that had moving floors. Three girls would go at a time and I couldn't get the girl in front of me to calm down. Eventually I was left alone outside, but I heard the girl scream and I'm pretty sure she got obliterated. I was told to go inside, I was stripped down and came to a room with Lucifer. The aura was overwhelming and I was terrified again. He immediately began interrogating me about the other guy because apparently he escaped. I had no clue, met the guy while wandering a mall. He didn't believe me and said he would be back. The dream then went up into heaven, where there were condominiums and lush green grass with a little river separating each side. A guy on the river was selling Hell daily and people were reading about me and the guy. Someone apparently knew me and said I didn't belong there, I was a good person.
Then I woke up.
TLDR: women's hell is a daily mart.
If the dream continues I'll write it down. Think I'll use this blog mostly as a dream diary since I've always had vivid dreams and I like telling people them.
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