heroicheartsdesigns · 8 years
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Updated my Fringe glyph code charm bracelet with a new chain so I would have room to incorporate the new nautilus shell charm I discovered, and the new bracelet is available for sale again in my shop, Heroic Hearts Designs. Thanks to Christina of MombieZombie for being my hand model!
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heroicheartsdesigns · 9 years
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New addition to the shop: Fringe glyph code wine charms! Available here:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 9 years
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Anyone who just got home from Gallifrey One, if you received this ribbon (Zagreus Fears the HERO HEART) from me at any point during the convention? Send a picture of the ribbon to me on Etsy to receive a coupon code good for FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the US on any item in the shop. 
(International customers will receive a coupon code good for a discount off their item instead. :-) )
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heroicheartsdesigns · 10 years
Doing a little cross-promotion: here's Frazer Hines from Doctor Who wearing a TARDIS pendant designed by my friend and fellow Etsy denizen, Mombie Zombie!
(Shop is on vacation because she's doing a craft fair this weekend, but it should be back up soon.)
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Oh my god Frazer.
(He’s auctioning off the shirt, apparently.  I guess he wanted to try it on one last time.)
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heroicheartsdesigns · 10 years
How do I get a coupon code?
I don't actually have any available right now, but when I do I will definitely announce it here. If it's a general sale, I'll just put the code in the post. If it's a limited option--ie: free postage for Gallifrey One attendees like I did last February--then if you qualify, all you have to do is start a conversation with me on Etsy and I'll send it to you there. :-)
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heroicheartsdesigns · 10 years
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Okay, so when I posted my Psi Corps necklace a few months ago, I had no idea it would be so popular. *g* I wanted to keep my promise to the person who bought the necklace that it would be unique, but when I stumbled across a new, more affordable source of psi charms, I also wanted to make a new B5 design, so here's the result! Note that one earring says, "Mother," the other, "Father," so they are slightly asymmetrical. But putting both the mother AND father bead on each ear would've made them too heavy, and I like the way this looks anyway. *g* 
Available here at my Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/heroicheartsdesigns
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heroicheartsdesigns · 10 years
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New design! I've been wanting to add something Babylon 5 related to the shop for a while now, and this was the first thing I thought of. This is one of a kind because the psi charm was hard to find and a little on the pricey side, so if you're a Psi Corps fan, this is your one chance to announce your affiliation in a unique way! *g*
This and other designs available on my Etsy shop:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 10 years
Heroic Hearts Designs at Gallifrey One!
So, in honor of Gallifrey One coming up in two weeks, I've decided to offer a special coupon code for anyone who's going: free shipping because I will bring your items to the convention for you! ;-) Anyone going to Gally who wants to buy one of my designs and have it hand-delivered (along with a special EXCLUSIVE ribbon!) please send me an ask or contact me via the shop and I will give you the coupon code.
This coupon code is ONLY valid on orders to be delivered at Gally and must be used by February 11 so I can make sure I have time to pack the item! Also, please include some sort of contact information in the optional instructions so I can make sure I get it to you!
I will also (hopefully) have a table in the art show, however, so if you don't want to or forget to order in advance you won't lose your chance!
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heroicheartsdesigns · 10 years
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My latest design! Inspired by Jean Gray's green-and-gold Phoenix costume from the X-Men comics, this is a one-of-a-kind item that I will NOT be recreating once it sells, so if you like it, jump on it now!
You can find this and my other designs at my Etsy shop:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 11 years
Any fans of Heroic Hearts Designs in the Los Angeles area, you can see/buy them in person at the December Holiday Craft Faire today (for a couple more hours anyway *g*) and tomorrow at Whimsic Alley! I'm sharing a table with my dear friend C. of Mombie Zombie. Check it out!
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heroicheartsdesigns · 11 years
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The first of the Camp Half Blood designs! Inspired by the camp t-shirt (bright orange with a Pegasus), I got the idea for these because it's very easy to find nice fan-made Harry Potter jewelry, but there's a lot more limited stuff out there for the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus books and I'm a huge fan so I wanted to rectify that.
I'm hoping to make variants of these with symbols/representations of the different Olympians/cabins, but in the meantime, this is for the fan who can't choose just one cabin to belong to. ;-)
If you like these earrings, you can buy them at my Etsy shop:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 11 years
So for my next project...
I'm working on a series of Camp Half-Blood themed earrings. There will be a standard version with a pegasus (like on the camp t-shirts as described in the books) but I'll also be making variants specific to some of the cabins. So far I've got Poseidon planned (duh *g*) and probably Athena and Zeus as well. Love to know what other cabins people would like to have, though. :-)
(I, um, think I set this up to be replyable but if not feel free to message me, reblog or whatever! And if I didn't set up the reply correctly, anyone who can figure out what I did wrong would be muchly appreciated. ;-) )
If you haven't seen my designs before and are curious to know what kind of work I do, or if you have but just feel like checking it out again anyway *g*, here's my Etsy shop:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 11 years
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This item is NOT actually for sale, but I thought I'd share the photo anyway as an example of the kind of custom work I'm willing/able to do. 
I made these for myself after mainlining due South over the course of a month. I wanted something to represent the series at a glance (to anyone in the know, at least), and what better symbols than Diefenbaker and Fraser's iconic Mountie/Ranger hat, with a splash of bright red to drive the point home? ;-) Unfortunately, the price of the individual pieces means making them available for general sale is cost prohibitive. :-/
(I AM willing to do them as a custom order, as long as the customer in question realizes that the cost will probably be a lot more than it looks like at first glance it should be.)
If you like these earrings, check out my other designs at my Etsy shop:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 11 years
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These earrings came about basically because I wound up with SO many of the little celery charms for the Fifth Doctor bracelet that I got to experimenting with ways to use more than one of them at once. ;-) The color scheme is essentially the same, with gold-tone metal for the earring fittings. Very pleased with how they turned out! :-)
If you like these earrings, you can buy them at my Etsy shop:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 11 years
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After finishing the Ten and Eleven earrings and the Ten bracelet, it started to bother me even more that I hadn't thought of anything for a classic Doctor yet. I'd had a few ideas, but most of them were cost prohibitive (for example, the silver all-Eleven-Doctors charm bracelet would've run over $100 just to pay for materials *g*). Then I found these celery beads (which, to be fair, could also be bok choi or lettuce, but close enough ;-) ). Put them together with a decent sized bead in beige and red, and voila, you have a Fifth Doctor bracelet. :-) I love how this one turned out and ended up keeping one for myself even though I hadn't originally intended to. *g* But there are still plenty left!
If you like this bracelet, you can buy it at my Etsy shop:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 11 years
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I blame this one entirely on Medie. ;-) For her birthday this past year, I wanted to make her a pair of earrings but was stumped on which character to do, because most of her favorite characters aren't easily symbolized. One of the ones she mentioned, though, was Tony Stark/Iron Man. I never did manage the earrings for her (although I found the red/gold beads as a result of the search for something), but I think my brain kept working on something Iron Man related, because when I found the center bead of this one, I hit on the idea of doing a bracelet. You can't tell as well as I'd like from the photo, but the faceting looks white from some angles and blue from others, which to me perfectly reflected the arc reactor. *g* Very proud of how this one turned out.
If you like this bracelet, you can buy it at my Etsy shop:
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heroicheartsdesigns · 11 years
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Several months ago, a fan on the dw_cosplay community list on Livejournal had the opportunity to speak to Louise Paige, the costume designer for the Tennant era of Doctor Who. One of many questions they asked her was the origin of Martha's iconic necklace that she wears in almost every episode where she appears. When she responded that it had been handmade by an artisan who has since disappeared, this idea was born. From pretty much that day, I started saving and staring at pictures of Martha's necklace to see if I was up to creating a replica. (Since she's my favorite new series companion, this was not a hardship. ;-) ) I finished a prototype version in time for Gallifrey One, but missed getting in on the art show, so while I showed them to a few people, I didn't sell any. Just as well, because this is a work in progress: every time I think I'm happy with it, I notice a new detail I want to refine. ;-) This version is the closest I've gotten yet, and I'm pleased enough with it to put it up for sale. We'll see if the next one I make ends up being the same or slightly edited. :-)
The hardest part of the design was finding the center charm, which--as near as I can tell from the pictures--appears to be a small slide pendant with a scalloped diamond or inverted scallop shell shape. This was the closest I could find, but I think it reads gorgeously, so, while I'm still on the hunt for something closer, if I don't find it I'll definitely keep working with this. :-)
If you like this necklace, you can buy it at my Etsy shop:
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