dhgjkghfks I am posting this here even though I am insanely nervous because I still really like it and consider it a personal achievement so whoooo It’s .. fluff at least I think it is, and it’s the longest completed fluff(though still shortish) I’ve ever completed go me
…I’m just worried I brutally murdered Wallace sobsob dhgjdkgfk
but anyway it’s set when they’re(Steven & Wallace) already together, and based on a tiny headcanon I have about when Steven stays up late working when he shouldn’t
and okay I’m shutting up now. uvu;
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Obligatory Father's Day fic with Mr. Stone and Steven.
Actually based on a line I have in his headcanon.
"...after a very muddy interruption from Steven during an important investment meeting (he had just found his first moonstone ever)..."
It took every ounce of willpower the man had to not start laughing.
In hindsight of course, his son’s little stunt probably set him back weeks schedule wise and caused lot of extra work and exasperation on several people’s part, including his own. To say he wasn’t irate when it happened would be a lie as well, but now it all seemed so far way.
The meeting was important; they were attempting to negotiate with some investors to really get the ball running on Devon Corp. The memory was hazy as it really was a dull farce; the investors kept stalling on the decision and asking for the same information repeatedly. Later, he was glad that the outcome meeting had ‘insulted’ them enough for them to have an excuse to just pull out and leave, though it was frustrating that they had to let the potential funds go. It was about 5 hours in with nothing more than the back and forth repetition of trying to appease them and assure them that they were taking this opportunity very seriously for what seemed to be the hundred and second time when the door swung open with a slam in the modest business room.
“Dad! Dad, I found one! I found my first moonstone! You were right; they are around here!”
Mr. Stone absentmindedly touched his ear as he flinched at the sudden loud entrance. His five year old (almost six as the man had constantly been reminded the last month and a half) son Steven had no indoor voice, and so his voice boomed in the small area with his proud announcement. Not that it really mattered, however, as it was clear to see that the boy had brought the outdoors to them! Every inch of the child was covered in dirt, mud, red clay, or stray bits of foliage, which he was thoughtful enough to leave a trail of with every step he took. His son’s chest rose and fell rapidly pointing that he had obviously sprinted directly here to show him the found prize that he held in the air, clutching it so hard that his father was surprised he could still feel it. Steven’s eyes were wide and wild, sparkling with accomplishment and staring directly at him accompanied by one of the largest smiles he thought he had ever seen on him.
All of this was taken in a single moment, and was so jarring to the unsuspecting audience, including himself, that nothing happened for what seemed a brief eternity. A small cough from one of the investors broke the spell and Steven’s grin as he glanced around the room with a questioning expression that asked ‘who are you people?’ and ‘why aren’t you guys excited?’ Soon the room erupted into people talking over each other; some demanding to know what was going on and what they were trying to pull, others trying to usher the muddy intruder out of the room, and his son trying every now and then to get a word in edgewise looking highly disconcerted over the response he had received. Finally Mr. Stone cleared his throat loudly spoke up to return order.
“Steven,” his eyes stared into the younger boy’s eyes sternly. Business and discipline outweighed his slight amusement at the situation, and this was a serious affair. “You need to go home now. You shouldn’t have just run in here and interrupted -”
“But, but you said to find you right away when I found one.” The five year old stubbornly protested, crossing his arms.
“Yes, but I also said that you were not to come in here while we’re talking to our important guests, under any circumstances.” His father reminded, looking rather tired. “Now run along home. We’ll discuss punishment later.”
“Aw but-!”
“No buts. Steven. Home. Now.” After some grumbling mumbling protests his son left, leaving behind a fair amount of dirt and disbelief in his wake. Trying to rerail the previous conversation failed horribly and the meeting never fully recovered. Unfortunately the rest of the day didn’t really seem to either, and, when he finally made it home, the drained executive let out a steadying sigh. Unsuprisingly the mood there was no better than the one at work. He could only guess that a battle of wills and soap had taken place to explain some of the muddy finger prints remaining on the doorframes. As a consequence his wife looked rather exasperated while she prepared dinner, and Steven sulked sourly as his punishment was given, no shovel or digging privileges for two weeks. The remainder of the evening didn’t really see a lift in this atmosphere until it was nearly over and he put his son to bed. Despite the extreme stubborn streak, his impatient pride prevented the child from showing off his greatest achievement and telling the entire tale of how he managed to find it with gusto to his dad as he was tucked in. Chuckling lightly at the zeal behind the storytelling, Stone simply ruffled the boy’s hair lightly and congratulated him on the find. As he turned out the lights, he gave his goodnight and said:
“You’re a very very bright boy, Steven, hah, perhaps even a bit too bright, but I have no doubts that you’ll accomplish everything you put your mind to... one day.”
Now, nearly 20 years later, the president of Devon Corp had to nearly cover his mouth in order to prevent his muffled laughter to reach the ears of his son, currently speaking to him on the other end of the phone about an investment pitch they were about to attend later that day.
“Dad.” Steven, who would now pale at the notion of walking into an important meeting in such a state, obviously noticed that he didn’t have his full attention, “Are you alright?” Mr. Stone sighed amusedly, leaning back in his chair.
“Yes, Steven, I’m fine. Just... ah day dreaming about the past. Sorry,” he reassured his son, “Say, why don’t we discuss this in person? It’s been awhile since we’ve had lunch together.”
“That sounds good. The usual place?”
“The usual place… And Steven?”
“I’m proud of you,” and after a pause he added, “No matter what.”
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Here, have the shorter of the two little things I wrote today.
This one is actually total wish fulfillment because you know I kinda want to see her like fighting against them soon or something okay rolls away.
As she raised her hand to strike, a sudden coil of heat constricted that arm, rendering it momentarily motionless.
“Masaomi…” the girl’s even tone lost its icy edge to be replaced with just the slightest hint of incredulity, “Are you seriously binding me?” Nenene’s gaze turned but was met with only a smirk, that ever present smirk, as the man continued the hold.
“I’m afraid so, Nenene.” Heike apologized, not sounding the remotest bit sorry. She narrowed her eyes, clenching her other fist.
“So is this how you’re chasing after it now? By completely betraying Eden?”
“This isn’t my Eden.” He repeated, not missing a beat and not loosening the bind. An indirect way about saying yes if there ever was one, she should’ve known.
“Well maybe you have the freedom to pursue after yours anyway you wish, but I no longer have that luxury.” The blonde fought to keep any tremble of fury or frustration out of her voice. “And you know how I operate. Nothing gets in my way, Not even you!” With this she launched the ball of debris with her freehand and yanked hard on the other, ignoring the searing pain. This worked, and she was set free as his attention was momentarily drawn toward the projectile; but it didn’t last.
She scoffed at herself later. Really it was ridiculous think that she could take him in her current state, unstable and at half powered, but she still gave it her best shot as her projectiles and even her dragon were either slung away or cut into pieces. Eventually both of her arms were bound, stuck horizontal and motionless in the air in front of her. Glowering hard as her old comrade approached, she began to steel herself to anything he would say or do. She still, however, found herself near falling over in shock at his next sentence.
“Shall we have that cup of tea then, Nenene?”
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A little introspective something set after the whole hoenn crisis. I wanted to write about him not liking stones for some reason and then I found the excuse in him semi-coping after the event. The key being semi.
He gets the passion back again of course, but hey he falls deeper in the habit of workaholicism in the process.
I'm writing something happy with him in it tomorrow for father's day I swear.
Well, that wasn’t completely true. The man doubted he’d ever stop hunting after them, admiring them, and reading about them in his spare time, but all the same rocks had lost quite a bit of their luster in his eyes recently. Really, he mused, what good were a lot of them anyway?
Gemstones, of course were remarkable to look at and gaze upon. A superbly cut one of adequate size and value could draw crowds upon crowds  of people to admire it, while smaller but still decent and refined in presentation jewels could grace and even add or accentuate someone’s natural beauty as jewelry. Leaving that, however, their purpose was few and far between, destined to survive and be passed on for show and wealth. Maintaining appearances and accumulating wealth weren’t everything, and at times the endeavor felt rather empty; so the disenchanted business man pushed them away, for the moment at least.
Next to come to mind, of course, were the evolutionary stones. Now those were marvels of nature; Steven himself knew that researchers at Devon corp had been looking into them for years, decades almost, and still could not figure out how and why they caused certain pokemon to evolve. All the mystery in the world, however, could not deny the fact, that once they were used, they were gone. Their purpose apparently achieved they either fade or crumble into useless dust. The impact on the pokemon was the important thing, not the remains. After all they had served their purpose, what good would come of piecing them back together? He could not think of one, so the resurrected trainer turned away from these rocks as well.
In the next group were the odds and ends, such as the everstone. Steven himself never fully understood the appeal of using the anti-evolutionary tool. It was interesting phenomenon sure, but there were other ways to put off a pokemon’s evolution; and while he understood the reasons other trainers and coordinators had behind using such measures, he had never used them before at all. The stone hindered things from moving on, changing when it could very well be the time to do so. Other stones made move based weather effects last longer, somewhat handy for strategy he had to admit, but really weren’t they just delaying the inevitable? At one time he probably could’ve thought of uses and reasons why these stones were valuable aside from scientific note, and even possibly agreed with their current use, but now the tired geologist regarded them with bland neutrality.
So, no, the former pure passion was no longer present. Whether it would ever return remained unknown. For now, they resembled too much of his current situation, of his perceived lack of purpose in wake of recent events. Thus he traded in his pick for a fountain pen, the caves for his office; for there at least he made a difference. There he was of use.
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WHOOPS I almost forgot I had a place for this stuff, how sad.
Anyway a little Nenene-centric drabble based off of recent revelations. SPOILERS FOR 181. I am just saying right now. It has passing mentions of the PM and Heike too.
It appeared simple enough at first glance: figure out how to open a box. Of course Nenene knew that this mission in all likelihood was going to end up being one complicated headache, but she’d be caught dead before giving this up. She caught that greedy sparkle in his eyes when he assigned it to her. Whatever this thing really contained, it meant something to him; which, to her, meant that if she succeeded that her desire could very well be granted. In her eyes, that was more than worth the headache this task probably was.
The secrecy didn’t bother her, not at all. As a Code:Breaker, one certainly grew accustomed to keeping things classified. Secrets were an integral part of the job. Of course some part of her wanted to tell, to gloat, to boast over the fact that her goal was so much closer within reach now than his, but the agent didn’t dare, not even to her closest confidant. The girl’s pride would have to be soothed and fed after the deed was done, ignoring the fact that he might already have some inkling or clue(he was sly like that.). That earlier glint in that man’s eyes served also as a warning: Failure of any kind was not an option. The same look that gave her hope also sent a shiver down her spine, so she kept mum and determined.
After all, it was just some box right? Sure, it was a weird glowing box, sealed up tight with some strange power or other, and she couldn’t fully comprehend it or its importance, but all of that didn’t matter. She would rip, tear, and smash it open if she had to. No box was standing in the way of her and what she wanted, needed, not while she was alive.
Later, much later, as she felt her vitality, her very essence being torn from her, being sucked into that.. wretched blasted thing, Nenene cursed that box. As bitter rage and regret blinded everything else from view, she cursed the damned vessel with every last ounce of herself that she still had.
And so she slept.
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Casually begins death fic with Steven based on the song "My Way".
I dunno if it'll be multichaptered or not. Even if it is, it won't be more than 5 or something.
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Touch Drabble
wow idk first fluffy drabble actually complete for originshipping hot damn this should be monumental but it's only a few lines but idk/c it's something. Yay progress, wow a first.
first person steven pov. probably lame and corny and sappy but ftp jfdksfdsfds
His skin is soft, smooth and usually cool to the touch. I say usually because sometime when we touch (and all the time when we're intimate), I can feel and occasionally see warmth and heat rushing to the areas of contact.
It brings a smile to my face every time.
To know I can and do affect him just as much as he affects me is a marvelous thing.
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Headcanon eye shapes to kick off the headcanon part because I doodled them and why not?
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Iiii really have no clue for heike, they're kinda curved in comic but I think I just made it look feminine whoops.
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A seperate post repost because I have edited some things since I last posted it on tumblr. Also found here on FF.net I guess.
A small Nenene centric writing about a conversation she had, set before she met Toki and after she became a Code:Breaker.
     Another day ending, another mission completed. It all seemed routine now; passing judgment, eliminating witnesses, being congratulated on a job well done were just normal parts of her life. So ingrained so natural that by now the look of fear on her victim's faces no longer phased her in the slightest; the sight of blood had lost its power. The prime minister said this just made her more efficient. Nenene wasn't so sure. Certainly she had gained more skill, but her drive was severely lacking. The fear of failure and of death that she experienced in her first couple missions that pushed her, begged her to succeed had all but faded. Now the girl just wondered what she was fighting for. Justice? True, the nobleness of that goal remained undoubted, but was it really enough to keep her going?
    Letting a sigh escape her lips, Nene stared out at the sun setting before her. If the sun were really alive like she had read in many old legends, did it face the same dilemma she did? It had to find the motivation to rise and set, day after day, from somewhere. Suddenly, she was broken from her thoughtful mood by a voice.
     "It is a breathtaking sight is it not?" She didn't bother changing her comfortable leaning position on the rail in front of her to see who it was. It was obvious. Instead she slid her gaze to the direction of the new comer. Since when had he gotten here? Heike's presence wasn't surprising, however. He always did have a thing for various forms of lights. Sunsets were no different. She figured that had something to do with his power, but it was still pretty ridiculous. After all, she wasn't obsessed with magnets now was she?
    "That's not what I was sighing about, jeez Heike." She rolled her eyes. "I mean yeah it's pretty but you're the only one here who writes poetry about it." In truth, that last statement could've been false. She didn't know if he wrote poetry about it, but all the same the point still stood somehow. Her stubbornness refused anything less. He only chuckled. Glancing over, she saw that he was just standing there in his usual stance and smile. Hmph, at least he wasn't scolding her from being on the roof like she knew others would. Her elder coworker never seemed to, which ended up being one of his redeeming qualities. It was part of the reason she tolerated him and his oddness anyway.
     Silence settled between the two, as they continued to watch the sun descend, painting the evening sky with vibrant hues and colors. Nenene likewise fell back into her previous line of thought. Eventually she found her wonderings out in the air, starting a conversation, "Hey Heike."
"Yes Fujiwara-san?"
     "Most Code: Breakers have an outside goal right? You know what they use those points for or whatever." He nodded, smile still there, but now with an inquisitive trait to it. Oh no, he wasn't going to be the one asking question here. She'd cut him off and keep in control of this conversation. "So what's yours?" It was the closest she had ever seen his face to being shocked, and the small girl reveled in it despite the composure he retained. His answer didn't come right away. She didn't care; half of her thought he wouldn't answer, but she'd be stone cold and gone before she wouldn't give him a hard time about it anyway. She always did with his 'mysterious act'. Surprisingly he did answer after closing his eyes, the grin he always kept looking a little bit more natural than normal.
     "I fight for my 'EDEN'," he replied vaguely, as enigmatic as ever.
     "What is that supposed to mean?" He didn't own EDEN. The man talked about like it was his or something, and as if it was a different one from the one they were serving now. His smirk just grew deeper in an infuriating way. That Heike, he knew she wouldn't understand that twisted up answer. Fine, if he wasn't going to be straightforward about it she'd just guess around until he fessed up. Maybe he didn't mean 'EDEN' in the way she first thought he had? Eden was more than just a name after all, it also meant…
    "So you're fighting for your... paradise?" She offered, glancing back over at the other figure; who remained silent but opened his eyes.
     ".. I suppose you could say that, yes." Though his smiling mask had not slipped at all, the blonde could've sworn she saw traces of somberness on his features. Quizzically she stared at him for a few more moments before returning to the setting sun. Wasn't paradise a pleasant thing to think about? With her vast collection of books on the world back home, she had read about plenty of paradises around the world. For a time, she even held the hopes of visiting one of them or just travelling the world. This was before she had become a Code: Breaker obviously. That dream died long ago with her training and the realization of the expectation placed on her shoulders. She doubted she'd ever leave the country let alone visit exotic places.
     Paradise didn't always mean exotic, however. Paradise she wagered was different for everybody. Paradise could mean something as simple as home or something as extravagant and unreachable as the heavens themselves. Paradise was perfection, where one didn't worry about anything, had all they required, and found happiness everywhere. No, she wouldn't blame her fellow Code: Breaker for wanting that, no matter how much a weirdo he kept proving himself to be. Without realizing it, she started longing for it too, or perhaps this was what she had desired all along, Paradise, something to fight for.
"… Hey Heike?"
     "You wouldn't mind if I … fought for my own paradise too, right?" Oh great, he started chuckling at her. Instantly she regretted saying anything, her face curling up into a pout, a red flush of embarrassment residing on her cheeks.
     "Not at all, Fujiwara-san," Heike responded reassuringly, and for a moment she thought she was a genuine honest to goodness grin on his face. He quickly subverted this by returning to his weirdo self, by giving her the cheesiest thumbs, his mouth returning to that foolish looking smile. "Go for it!" She swore she almost heard a star after those words. Growling under her breath, she glared up at the taller breaker. Oh, that Masaomi. Fine then, he could be that way.
    "Good. Because I am and there's nothing you or anybody can do to stop me," she decided forcefully, and then she jumped on something else, "And now since we're comrades fighting for two causes that are the same, I suppose we have to be friends. So I'm calling you Masaomi and you can call me Nenene. Got it?" For the second time that day she caught a glimpse of him being almost surprised. Heh, who was shocking whom now? He could chortle all he wanted, she had won this battle.
    "... Very well then," Masaomi consented, nodding at her, "Nenene it is." Without another word they both returned to the sunset, content in their aspirations for the future.
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… This is a thing.
This is a thing that was going to be an addendum to something else I had wrote a little bit ago but I think it can stand alone as well.
Basically sort of a rewrite of this scene except from Heike’s POV I guess. Yep.
Iiiiii kind of like it so that’s why it’s here dfjshfdj okay doop:
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So it’s just going here until I can think of one. Then it might go over to Steven’s actual account perhaps maybe if I feel like it.
     He did this more often than he’d care to admit. Mr. Stone knew that. Everyone coped somehow. His son just chose work over drinking, or cleaning, or some other method kids were using these days. It was ‘safe’ for him, the president figured. No scandal could come from more work, so Steven buried himself completely with it. He’d pay a small ‘visit’ to headquarters, ‘find’ a project that needed doing, and spend days holed up in his office, working long into the night. Commonly, when Mr. Stone arrived the next morning, he’d find Steven there, collapsed on his desk asleep. It was routine. It was normal. It worried him.
     So, when his son showed up on Devon Corp’s doorstep all smiles, the first thing he felt was concern. He welcomed him as normal of course. He shook his hand, hugged him, and asked after Mossdeep, but the entire time he was analyzing his son’s answers and body language. From what he gathered, it seemed worse than normal. It was no shock that Steven immediately found a project and set to work. Refusing food and company, he only received files and paper work. Neither was it surprising to find him the following morning crashed out, using his blazer as a pillow. What was unexpected was the small stains he saw here and there on the not-completed-as-of-yet paperwork.
     He sighed, shaking his head.
     “Oh my boy, my strong, strong boy. You can’t be on top of it all and in control all of the time. It’s okay to breakdown once in awhile.” He mumbled, taking off his own jacket and draping it over the sleeping figure. Ruffling his hair gently, he started for the door. “Please just don’t suffer alone.”
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