haywakefieldup · 4 years
Yeah… I guess she was, even if she had… issues. Maybe she kind of had it coming but I didn’t actually want her to die. What should we even do?? I’m so scared I don’t even think I can get out of bed right now. 
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“Issues” might be putting it mildly, but this isn’t right. I think holing up and staying put is exactly what we should be doing right now...
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I’ll get the Sunny D and bring my chromecast over. We’ve still got half a series to binge watch.
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
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We didn’t even make one full week of thinking everything was okay. She was not a nice lady, but she was still a person and all that...
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I uh… thought the murders were over…? I.. wow. I feel really uneasy about this. I mean, I didn’t like Safiya either but this is just… wow. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
Ohhh I like that lady already! Smart and makes good food. I might never leave my blanket burrito now. 
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That’s the best plan, Gracie. One day someone is going to do a scientific study and decide that blanket burritos are the best place for people on cold days.
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
You could just move the whole set up closer, would hate to upset the burrito
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See, that is a way better idea, thank you. You’ll like the blanket burrito, she’s good company, just cold. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
Well, I suppose I can put up with it for a little while then. But bring back some food for yourself too and eat with me? Then maybe we can walk around and find something to do when I’m warm? 
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Good! I mean, I'm just gonna move the truck over a few spots cuz the nice lady with the food had a good idea about that. So its win win. Good food, good company and you can blanket burrito until you decide not to blanket burrito!
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
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Awesome. I’ll see if I can convince my resident blanket burrito to blanket burrito closer to the food. 
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If anyone needs something a little more substantial then booze, the first round is done, and ill be doing more soon. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
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Well, we have blankets and pillows and junkfood and I can bring you back warm food. 
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Didn’t know what I was supposed to bring so I just have a million pillows and blankets if anyone needs them…
Well, don’t count on me leaving that blanket fort anytime soon. Anyone who wants in is gonna have to share. I seriously don’t understand why anyone thought that a tailgate in the middle of winter was a good idea. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
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I can trade you some questionably orange drinks or frozen coffee for some food?
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If anyone needs something a little more substantial then booze, the first round is done, and ill be doing more soon. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
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Didn’t know what I was supposed to bring so I just have a million pillows and blankets if anyone needs them...
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
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I really want to go to Greece. I like the food and they have mythology tours and stuff that sound pretty awesome. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
What? Are you scared of a little horror? But fine, we can watch something normal I guess. How about a romcom then? 
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Nooooo, I mean yes, but noooo. I just meant last time we were at your house things... weren’t so good. So I just thought - you know what, never mind. But I can 100% handle a romcom. 
Whats your relationship status?
Single and I have absolutely no problems with it. Where’s the fun if you’re tied down all the time? Although, can’t say I haven’t been well… looking either. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
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Avery, I am like 90% sure that’s not what she meant.
Do you have any pets?
I mean… I think @averywithoutthebirds is the closest I’ll get to that.
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
Why would I bring anyone? If I was with someone else I wouldn’t be bored. Aaaanyway… wanna come here this time? I feel bad abusing your mom’s kindness and my parents are away right now. We can have the flat screen to ourselves. Oh, but you still have the bring the popcorn. You make it the best…. please? 
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Ahhh, right, that would - that would make sense. And sure! I mean, you don’t gotta feel bad. I will bring the popcorn right over, just maybe don’t pick a movie with too many jump scares??
Whats your relationship status?
Single and I have absolutely no problems with it. Where’s the fun if you’re tied down all the time? Although, can’t say I haven’t been well… looking either. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
Um… riiiight. Well if you’re sure that’s all it is. Why don’t you take a break from studying and watch a movie with me then? Studying is lame and I’m booooored. 
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Yeah, that’s it. Just the exam. Which will be great. So yeah, can totally take a break from studying. What do you want to watch? Netflix or see what’s on at the theatre? Also are you bringing anyone else so I know how much popcorn to make if you’re coming here?
Whats your relationship status?
Single and I have absolutely no problems with it. Where’s the fun if you’re tied down all the time? Although, can’t say I haven’t been well… looking either. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
Chase: That's a pretty big jump there bud
Chase: Unless she told you it's specifically not you, I wouldn't count your losses yet
Chase: And what do you mean that doesn't make you a "someone"?
Chase: Pretty sure that puts you above at least half the knobs in this town
Hayden: Is it, tho?
Hayden: And I dunno. I just don't think it does.
Hayden: I think being her friend puts me above a lot of people, I got lucky
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
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Who? Me? Yeah, I’m good. Just thinking about the calc exam coming up.
Whats your relationship status?
Single and I have absolutely no problems with it. Where’s the fun if you’re tied down all the time? Although, can’t say I haven’t been well… looking either. 
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haywakefieldup · 4 years
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
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Hi, have we met? Nooooo. I’ve never skipped school. 
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