happyvirus0129 · 7 years
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Found some gold in my local Yik Yak feed
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happyvirus0129 · 7 years
1. Feel sexy underneath. You don’t need a significant other to wear fancy underwear for. Throw on a matching set of a bra and panties. Wear as much lace as you want. You’re seeing it. Feel sexy for you. 2. Remember to moisturize. You are the one living in that skin. You have a beautiful soul to keep warm, so take care of your skin. 3. Shave or don’t shave. Do whatever makes you feel the sexiest. If you like your leg hair wild and free, then do it. Let yourself be as you once were before you knew what society made a razor do to young women. Love your skin. If you like your legs shaved, then baby take your sweet time as you do it. Feel every inch of your luscious legs and smile as you appreciate the feeling of your body. 4. Take millions of selfies. Worship your body, your face, your everything. Your soul leaks through these photos. Each selfie is a shrine built to worship your own unique beauty. Do not be ashamed of it. Share these photos with the world or keep them hidden, but do not fear them. Embrace the power and freedom that comes from loving yourself enough to take a selfie. 5. Nourish yourself. Eat cake or eat carrots, eat what makes your body and soul feel good. Exercise whenever you want to. Don’t do it because you feel like you have to: do it because your body screams for the endorphins. Don’t deny yourself food out of fear. Only do it when you really, truly, deep in your soul, do not desire it. You are a wildfire and you are allowed to eat up the world, as much of it as you choose. If you want something, consume it. If not, burn on, wildfire. 6. Get lost in nature. Take a buddy to the mountains or simply lie down in your front lawn, just allow yourself to be consumed by the world around you. You were once a part of the earth, so remember to embrace every bit of it. Allow yourself at least 10 minutes of peace a day in nature. It will leave you feeling more grounded than ever before. 7. Say no. I cannot stress this enough. Your ability to say no defines you. You are a strong, empowered individual, and if you disagree with something or don’t want something, do not be afraid to say no. That is your RIGHT. No one has the right to coerce you into doing something you do not want to do. Do not let the concern of hurting their feelings injure you in the long run. Say no and I promise you, you’ll be better for it. 8. Be independent. Being single leads to a type of freedom that some people are unaccustomed to. When you are single, you are truly independent. Make decisions for you. Be selfish, in a way. Don’t let others stand in the way of your burning soul, your true wildfire. This is your life and you must live it for you. Do not allow others to dictate how you should or should not live. Let those people go. Be free of those restrictions and burn on.
a few things i learned after being single for almost a year (squatdatazz.tumblr.com)
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happyvirus0129 · 7 years
I hope you don’t accept anything less than what you deserve. Run away from average love. Run like all hell. You deserve someone who will make your blood stir and cause your heart dance. You deserve to be deliriously happy. It’s ok to be patient. It’s ok to wait for that. You’re waiting for the best, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Unknown (via tanya-nicole)
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happyvirus0129 · 7 years
When you meet the right person, you know it. You can’t stop thinking about them. They are your best friend, and your soulmate. You can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with them. No one and nothing else can compare.
How I Met Your Mother (via what-strange-lives-we-live)
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happyvirus0129 · 7 years
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When I look into the eyes of an animal, I don't see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul. - A.D Williams #catsofinstagram #cats #ilovecats #catslover #catsbook #catsdaily
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happyvirus0129 · 7 years
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"He found the colors to paint her where the world had left her grey." - Atticus (at Shangri-La Plaza)
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happyvirus0129 · 7 years
Sometimes you’re 23 and standing in the kitchen of your house making breakfast and brewing coffee and listening to music that for some reason is really getting to your heart. You’re just standing there thinking about going to work and picking up your dry cleaning. And also more exciting things like books you’re reading and trips you plan on taking and relationships that are springing into existence. Or fading from your memory, which is far less exciting. And suddenly you just don’t feel at home in your skin or in your house and you just want home but ‘Mom’s’ probably wouldn’t feel like home anymore either. There used to be the comfort of a number in your phone and ears that listened everyday and arms that were never for anyone else. But just to calm you down when you started feeling trapped in a five-minute period where nostalgia is too much and thoughts of this person you are feel foreign. When you realize that you’ll never be this young again but this is the first time you’ve ever been this old. When you can’t remember how you got from sixteen to here and all the same feel like sixteen is just as much of a stranger to you now. The song is over. The coffee’s done. You’re going to breathe in and out. You’re going to be fine in about five minutes.
Kalyn RoseAnne (via wordsnquotes)
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happyvirus0129 · 7 years
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Kiki’s Delivery Service
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
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I loved you at your darkest.
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
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“If you’re not willing to sound stupid, you don’t deserve to be in love.”
A Lot Like Love (2005)
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
I thought you'd like this Pin on Pinterest...
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
#NowPlaying All We Know by The Chainsmokers
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
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Eunji has abs eunji has abs eunji has abs eunji has abs this is not a drill look at that toned stomach
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happyvirus0129 · 8 years
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“The truth is that you don’t think a girl would have been clever enough!” 
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