hansooasis · 2 days
if you're interested in a seventeen/caratblr based community on here, please like and rb this post!!! when it was first announced, i made one on a whim not knowing how to use it, but since it's been approved and created now, i think it could be a great place to share gif resources for svt such as links for content creators, or just fun posts in general for anyone!!
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hansooasis · 6 days
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✨️🌿A Midsummer's Night🌿✨️
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hansooasis · 12 days
seventeen members as still scenes
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author’s note: i always think of a specific type of weather and time of the day when thinking about people, so here is a svt version of these still scenes^^
word count: 0.8k | genre: fluff | warnings: none
cheol is like that warm midnight in summer when you can feel the heat left from daytime but it isn’t suffocating, rather it is the comfort of that warmth in the night which makes it perfect, the midnight sky being decorated with a few stars here and there, little sparks of hope, the streetlights leading the way to a place called home.
hannie is like a winter morning when the previous night’s snow is so pure, still untouched even though the weather is quite warm despite it being a morning, everything is quiet and glowing in white, the little flowers that survived the cold along the streets slowly appearing after the snow on them starts to melt away with the sun waking from its slumber.
shua is like a spring morning after a whole night of constant raining from angry dark clouds, the sun appearing from its hiding spot behind them, bringing a faint rainbow to the sky as the last drops of water are being dried off, as if they were tears masked behind the night, bringing a new warm beginning to another day.
jun is like the blue hour after the sunset in winter, all the stars and the bright moon already on the sky, lovers standing in each other’s arms, above them a magical scene of constellations just like how it was told in fairytales, millions of hopeful wishes being made under the moon’s friendly hue, healing the broken hearts.
hoshi is like the late night in autumn when a big thunderstorm is the main event, lighting striking the almost black sky every minute, making it constantly bright even though it is way past sunset, instead of scaring people making them focused on nothing else but the flashing lights, as if the sky was the empty canvas to paint something memorable and beautiful on.
wonwoo is like the late afternoon in autumn when it is raining heavily without a thunderstorm, sky full of grey clouds, it can be heard from outside, being inside with your loved ones, a comfortable silence surrounding the place as everyone does their own thing quietly, the raindrops’ sound giving comfort and peace to the always racing mind.
woozi is like a chilly and early spring morning at sunrise when most people are still asleep, the sun only just rising above the horizon as the light shines through the leaves of trees and windows of houses, brightness everywhere, like new life was created yet again, everything slowly rising from slumber.
hao is like an autumn afternoon when the aftermath of the rain in the morning is still visible, puddles all over the ground, but the sky is sunny, the clouds having a bright shade, the nature absorbing the water, the humidity still evident in the air, making it heavy and full, like a mix of unspoken and mysterious or almost mischievous words are hiding in the air.
mingyu is like the summer night sunset, most of the colors of the rainbow all being present at once somehow, the feeling of a hug from the last rays of sunshine, warm breeze stroking the cheek of friends, losing track of time while immersing in the sun’s golden hour glow, feeling pure joy and gratitude, stopping for a minute to appreciate life itself.
dk is like the middle of a summer day when the sun is at its highest, the daytime being very long, a few trees providing shadow to escape the brigthness and the heat which is only bearable in water, the pools being warmed up by the sunshine, laughter filling the hot air, joy filling people’s hearts.
seungkwan is like the afternoon of a summer day, but it is windy outside like it is almost more of a spring weather, the breeze filling the atmosphere, letting it cool down despite the sun shining, no clouds disturbing the perfect blue sky, drinking a fresh lemonade with the perfect amount of sourness from the lemon, and that little extra sweetness of the sugar.
vernon is like the sunset at the end of winter, chill and peaceful, sun setting later and later, darkness slowly taking over the crispy cool sunshine, the light and warmth never disappearing from sight, instead seeping its way deeper inside in the form of freshly lit vanilla candles and cozy blankets, people resting after adventures and work, admiring the winter wonderland.
dino is like the daytime in spring, wind’s breeze and just the right amount of sunshine to have the perfect temperature, the flowers blooming in colorful patches under the sky, very cautiously balanced time, warm and cool in perfect harmony, fragile like emotions, yet so strong and inspiring, fresh like youth.
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hansooasis · 18 days
the light returns | d.sc
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featuring: guard!winwin x royalty!reader
word count: 1391 words
taglist: @slytherinshua ,, @welcometomyoasis
author's note: IM SORRY IT’S TAKING SO LONG 😭 i did not expect there to be so many things i had to wrap up!! tbh this ending is gonna be longer than the climax cuz the resolution is 🫠🫠 a lot… so first have some fluff before we get back into all the angst 💋
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You swept your cloak behind you, taking long strides across the courtroom floor. You took a seat, and Sicheng bowed his head.
“Your Majesty.” You held up a hand before he could take a seat, pointing to a spot just in front of you.
“Stand there.” A flash of confusion passed over his face, and you added softly, “We are always being watched.”
He nodded imperceptibly. “Everything is in order. I’ve checked all the documents again, and nothing is missing. It should all go as planned.” You raised an eyebrow. “I appreciate your vote of confidence. But if you really think my brother will give in without putting up one hell of a fight, then you do not know him at all.”
Sicheng stiffened. “Then why would we go to such lengths to—”
The amusement left you as soon as it had arrived, and your face relaxed into a neutral expression. “To fail to plan is to plan to fail.” Before Sicheng could say another word, you turned your gaze away from him, effectively dismissing him. “The trial is about to begin.”
Sicheng took his cue, kneeling once at your feet before moving to stand beside you.
You’d spent weeks preparing for this rushed trial, anxious to deal with your brother before he had a chance to escape again, keeping awake at night trying to sift through the archives in search of somebody, some witness or camera record or audio record that would be able to incriminate your brother so thoroughly he would never see the light of day again.
“My love, it’s late. Shall we go to bed?”
You shook your head feverishly, fingers trembling with exhaustion as you struggled to read just a few more lines of the document you were currently perusing. The candlelight cast shadows on the black text, blurring the words on the paper through your vision, impaired by the lighting.
“At least turn on the lights.” Sicheng moved, hand hovering over the light switch when he felt a tugging in his head preventing him from pressing the button.
“Too bright,” you said. “The candle will suffice.”
Sicheng sighed, dismissing your hold over his motion, shaking his hand to loosen it before walking over to you, one hand resting around your upper arm. It was always in quiet, stolen moments like these that he would dare to show his affection, the only time he could tell you he loved you in actions greater than a shared glance or the widening of his concerned eyes.
“We are in the era of technology. Why are you manually sifting through these papers? Surely this system of yours isn’t fully optimised.”
“Do you think my brother would have evaded the law for so long if it had been in the system? I hope, for your sake, that you do not think our judicial system is that flawed. He must have found a way to do it secretly, but my parents’ movements were well kept track of. There must be something that he’s missed, and the only way to find it is to sift through this manually.”
Sicheng placed a kiss on the crown of your head. “I won’t argue with you.”
Still, whilst he went to sit down opposite you, you felt something pushing against the backs of your knees, and found that a chair had rolled its way to your feet, and you sank into the cushioned piece of furniture without protest.
The papers in front of you rustled, as if a breeze was blowing through them, and as you turned to check the windows—there weren’t any in that room, as far as you remembered—you heard them rustle further.
You turned back, greeted with the sight of the document you had been studying earlier. Only now, it was hovering in the air, while a disinterested Sicheng glanced at his fingernails. Seemingly satisfied with them, he picked up a separate document and began to read.
Your tired expression relaxed, the stressed wrinkles between your eyebrows dissipating as you felt the tension leave your body. A small smile lifted the corners of your lips, and a breath escaped your lips. Leaning your head on your hand, elbow propped up against the table, you continued to read.
The first time, you reached out to flip the page.
The second time, you leaned forward, and the page flipped itself.
The third time, you simply said, “Next.” By the fourth and fifth times, all you had to do was nod your head, and Sicheng would help you flip the page.
Meanwhile, Sicheng was sorting through the rest of the documents. He might seem nonchalant about the whole thing, but he could see how serious you were about it. He might not understand the importance of your brother’s arrest in the grand scheme of things, but he could see its significance to you, and that was enough for him to be in, to help you to the end.
Given how adamant you were on doing this manually, he decided that you at least needed a categorisation system, so while you read the contents of each document, he skimmed through the contents page and the titles on each set of papers.
Nicking a set of sticky notes and a pen from atop the desk, he began labelling each of them, colour coding documents on similar events or that came from the 6-month period. In between flipping your pages, he stacked up the documents with sticky notes of the same colour, slowly getting through the pile on the wooden table.
Between these two tasks, his fingers and his mind were both kept busy, and he didn’t notice how many hours had passed until he noticed that your drooping eyes had finally succumbed to the temptation and fallen shut, and you were slumped on the table, supported by your hand in an awkward position, wrist bent at an angle he didn’t think wrists should be able to bend at.
Sicheng glanced at the watch on your wrist. It was technically well into the morning now, and the sun would be rising in just a couple of hours. There were almost no more loose pieces of paper lying around anymore, since he’d managed to organise all of them, using staples and paper clips to hold them together.
Looking at the neat piles of unread documents, then again at the small pile that you’d gotten through, comments scribbled across multiple post-it notes in your harried script, Sicheng ran a hand through his dishevelled hair and sighed. This was going to take more than just one all-nighter.
And, knowing you, you’d refuse to rest between them.
Sicheng gently took your hand, rearranging you into a more comfortable posture for sleeping. He took the cushion he’d been resting his elbows on the whole night long, propping it under your head to support your neck, removing your hands from their prison, and felt the ice-cold chill of your fingertips.
He summoned a blanket from a forgotten corner of the study room, dusting it off before draping it over you. He rested your hands in your lap to keep them covered and warm, before getting up to leave.
It wouldn’t be good to be caught here with you.
The rest of the castle was already waking up, so Sicheng got to his feet and brushed a hand through his hair to tame it. He grabbed his coat from the stand by the door, casting his reflection one last glance, peering closely to see how bad the circles under his eyes were—could be worse, he thought—before leaning to press an ear against the oaken door to listen for passing footsteps.
Convinced that the hallway was empty, he cautiously opened the door, careful not to wake you up as he left. He took great care to walk slowly, with purpose, so no one could hear how loudly and quickly his heart was beating at this risky move.
He made his way back to his quarters to wash up and prepare for the day. You could coop yourself up inside to do your digging if you wanted to, but his job would still go on.
When you awoke later, you would find a still-hot mug of ginger tea on your table—good for drinking on an empty stomach—and you would know that Sicheng had sent it for you.
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hansooasis · 19 days
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I wonder 🤔
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hansooasis · 23 days
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JOSHUA MAESTRO @ MuBank (240503)
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hansooasis · 25 days
to love and be loved | jeon wonwoo
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SYNOPSIS. in which wonwoo tells you about his first (and only) love. PAIRING. jeon wonwoo x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers WARNINGS. self-doubt talk on reader's end, self-indulgent wooweee, this was painfully hard to write lmao n have no idea if any of this makes sense WORD COUNT. 1.6k
requested from anon: Hiiiiiiii first of all congratssss for you 2k. For the event, ive been thinking the same exact story with wonwoo and #6 from list 3 - #6: “You’re not hard to love, nor are you unlovable. You just… Need to let me in, and let me show you you’re just as worthy of love as anyone else is.”
notes: i'd quite literally do anything to have these kinds of talks with wonwoo ☹️☹️. anyway i hope u all enjoy this <3 hits close to home >< tysm anon hehe <3
join the 2k celebration!
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"Hey, uh, Wonwoo?"
"...have you ever been in love?"
A cricket chirps into the evening air right after you ask, and you suddenly feeling like you're holding in a long-winded breath. Then you hear a loud crunch by Wonwoo from the crackers he was snacking on, and you blink up to him wiping away the corner of his mouth. There's the slightest glimpse of a curve to his lips that you manage to catch.
He silently offers you a cracker in your direction, the anticipating silence between the two of you growing thickly. You take the cracker from his hand, muttering a quiet thanks, before nibbling on it absentmindedly.
The night is absolutely beautiful right now, swearing that you could spot and make out the constellations above if you squinted hard enough. The distant chirping of crickets is the only sound that breaks the silence as the coolness of the night rolls in, carrying with it slight breeze that whispers through the leaves overhead the balcony of your apartment.
"I have."
You swiftly turn your head to him, eyes widening intriguingly. "You have?"
The chuckle that leaves him is somewhat awkward, a tad bit hesitant. He crumples up the bag of crackers and sets it aside, chugging down the last sips of his drink and setting down the empty can as well.
"Did you... ever confess to them?" You ask, suddenly feeling curious, though there's a bit of disappointment at the tip of your tongue.
You swear you could see the thoughts swirling around his head. Wonwoo keeps his eyes fixed up to the night sky. There's a distant look in his eyes, as though he's peering into some past moment that only he can see, before he shakes his head, a faint smile crossing over his lips.
"No, I didn't," he answers calmly. "They were too far away, so... I just chose to admire them at a distance."
You lean back against the wall behind, your shoulder momentarily brushing against his. "Did they know you?"
Wonwoo purses his lips together. "Mhm."
"Well, you missed your chance!" You exclaim, prodding him playfully with your elbow. "I can't believe you let them get away, dude. Like right through the little cracks of your fingers. You could've been in a relationship by now."
This earns you a low, playful scoff from Wonwoo. "Are you assuming that they loved me back?"
Immediately, you feel the heat crawl up your neck and to the tips your ears.
"Well, um... Yeah, I am," You admit sheepishly, letting out a small sigh. "I mean, who wouldn't fall for a guy like you? You're nice and... charming. I think anyone would be lucky to be loved by you."
There's a silence that falls between the two of you, one simply more than just comfortable yet denser than ever, because the thought of being loved by Wonwoo seems to linger longer than you notice. You steal a glance at him, seeing his face still turned upwards towards the night sky and the moonlight reflecting on his glasses. Strands of his dark hair blow across his forehead in the breeze. You can't quite decipher his expression, but a flicker of something𑁋perhaps surprise, maybe even amusement𑁋dances on his features for a brief moment.
He finally turns back to you, a small, hesitant smile playing on his lips. "You think so?"
"Yeah," You confirm, nodding lightly. "Absolutely."
Wonwoo still keeps his eyes on you as you glance away, seeing the way you fidget with your hands in your lap and smoothing out the creases in your pants nervously. He glances down at his own hand and back at yours, lips pursing together in contemplation, but only folds his fingers back together the second you reach over him to grab the crumpled-up bag of crackers. He feels a little bit too warm in his sweater right now.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
A crunch echoes through the air. Then another. And another.
"I've just been kinda... thinking a lot lately, I guess," You reply slowly, quietly. "And it sort of makes me sound desperate in a way, but there are times I just wonder if, um... if anyone has ever felt the same way about me."
Wonwoo tilts his head slightly. "Love?"
"Not just love, but... seeing me, you know?" Being able to talk about this out loud makes your chest feel heavy. "Since it's hard these days to find someone who sees you for who you are, not for who you can be. I... I just feel like I'm hard to love sometimes. Hell, maybe even unlovable. It’s hard to break out of that mindset when things get hard again.”
A thoughtful quietness seeps through the nighttime breeze, which sends goosebumps up and down your skin, but you don't mind it because you know that Wonwoo is listening either way. And the more you think about it𑁋the thought of knowing that he's here, with his presence is right next to you𑁋it seems to comfort you more than you notice.
There's a small hum of acknowledgement that you hear from his end, unsure if it's just your imagination or if he's actually responding as your mind feels a little jumbled up right now. But then Wonwoo shifts beside you, his arm lightly pressing against yours.
"But I... I think I've reached a point in time where I can say I love myself a little more than a few years ago, or last year, or even just yesterday," You continue to ramble a bit aimlessly, chuckling dryly to yourself. "It’d be nice to share that with someone too, you know? To finally get over this loneliness. But it's not entirely a sad loneliness or a happy one. It's, like, uh... both put together, I guess."
A few moments of silence pass. You feel Wonwoo gently nudge your leg with his.
"I'm proud of you."
You peer up to look at him, mind nearly going blank from the way he's gazing at you. Or maybe it's just the moonlight that's making him appear so... picturesque. "What for?"
"For loving yourself, silly," Wonwoo muses almost cheekily, and the delighted tone that you catch makes your stomach leap. "Even if it's just by a small percentage than yesterday, it's still okay. You're doing good. I want you to know that."
You're doing good. It's just those three singular words that has heat forming in your eyes that you somehow manage to blink back before anything could spill, and hearing it come from Wonwoo feels different. There's a vulnerable sweetness to them, a sincerity that catches you off-guard. You force a smile𑁋a grateful one, nonetheless𑁋before it shifts into a frown.
And Wonwoo catches it right away. "What's wrong?"
Your lips form a thin line, pressing together in thought. You refuse to acknowledge why you think your heart feels slightly... jealous.
"I hope whoever you loved before knows how lucky they are one day," You say to him. "if you're still in love with them, that is..."
Wonwoo stills for a minute, pensively. "I am."
"You are?"
"I never stopped."
You stare at him for a few moments, an eyebrow lifted in disbelief at him, before crossing your arms together and letting out a small, incredulous laugh. "Then you should've said that you're in love with them, idiot."
Wonwoo sucks in a breath.
"I'm in love with you."
You blink instinctively, once, twice, three times, momentarily thinking that Wonwoo's presence might somehow disappear into thin air. But he's still there𑁋a certain softness in the way he's looking at you, a gentleness that seems to wrap around you like a warm embrace𑁋waiting for you. His words suspend heavily in the air, and maybe the world is also holding its breath just as you are too.
"And... You're not hard to love, nor are you unlovable. You're far from that," Wonwoo continues, voice tender, fond, and soft as a lullaby. "You just... need to let me in, and let me show you you're just as worthy of love as anyone else is."
You could only sit merely frozen at this point, throat tightened and jaw dropped in shock among many other weird, fuzzy feelings happening throughout your body. Something between relief and disbelief. Hope and hesitancy. Comfort and uncertainty. You have the capacity to run yet you choose not to𑁋you're letting him in, letting the warmth of his words seep into the cracks of your doubt.
Your mind reels dizzily, almost like the world has been tilting away off-balance.
"You... You're in love with me?" You repeat, almost dumbly, because you cannot seem to fathom anything that's been said in the past few moments. "All that talk about earlier... about who you..."
Wonwoo hangs his head down low, rubbing at his neck in a bashful manner. "It was about you."
"And you never... you never told me?"
"Honestly, I'd like to think a part of it was you being a tad bit oblivious." And then he just simply grins, his nose crinkling along with it. "But that's okay. Watching you slowly figure yourself out made me realise that maybe I needed to find myself a little more too."
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, and you could feel the heat of embarrassment spreading painfully throughout your face. At first, you have the urge to brush it all away as a silly misunderstanding. Maybe laugh it off, retreat back inside, and go to sleep pretending all of this didn't happen. But the sincerity in his eyes stops you.
You lick your dry lips, the cool night air beginning to feel a lot less suffocating.
"Did you?" You ask vaguely, before shaking your head repeating, "Did you... find yourself?"
Wonwoo lets his eyes roam over you, taking you in, before leaning back on the wall and bringing his gaze back up toward the night sky. Your eyes refuse to leave him, and perhaps this is what it's like to admire someone from afar and close up all at once.
The two of you take a deep, deliberate exhale together.
"Yeah," he answers, smiling softly. "I think I found myself right where I want to be."
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo @honglynights @bananabubble @treehouse-mouse @tanya596carat @starshuas @totomoshi @armycarat2612 @etherealyoungk
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hansooasis · 1 month
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233 notes · View notes
hansooasis · 1 month
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JEONGHAN 청춘찬가 Follow Again to Seoul
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hansooasis · 1 month
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Jeonghan ✧ Maestro (240510)
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hansooasis · 1 month
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svt animals
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hansooasis · 1 month
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svt animals!!
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hansooasis · 1 month
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2 bunnies 🐰🐇
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hansooasis · 1 month
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1K notes · View notes
hansooasis · 2 months
gym crush | choi seungcheol
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fluff | 1151 words | suggestive descriptions. i’m y/n’s just really thirsty
an: please take this as a formal invitation. requests are open! (whether i answer on time is another problem)
you don’t like the gym. absolutely not. it gets super hot and humid inside, it stinks of sweat, and the big machines always intimidate you.
what to do? you’re just a girl.
you usually wouldn’t even phantom the idea of stepping foot into the gym if it wasn’t for your best friend. really, the only reason why you’re even sitting in one right now was because you arrived too early for your meet up with him.
that’s how you ended up perched on a high stool, legs swinging as you patiently look around while soonyoung finishes up his last few sets of… pull-ups? you’re honestly not sure. how he’s still chatting with you while completing his sets – barely panting through it, too – is beyond you.
“so i was thinking,” soonyoung casually starts, lifting himself like he was made of paper. “we can get dinner at the new italian place downtown? i heard they’re having a opening promotion right now.”
“mmh, sounds good.” your eyes are flitting all around the gym, trying to find something interesting enough to catch your attention.
“right, i almost forgot! seokmin texted earlier; he said he’ll drive by to pick us up later too.”
“really? that’s great.” you sound enthusiastic but your hunched posture informs soonyoung otherwise. at this point, your best friend can tell that you’ve tuned out of the conversation. he huffs at the way your eyes zone into the far corner of the gym, where the weight benches are. soonyoung scoffs more when he realises your eyes are trained on a very specific person, watching intently at the way the muscles on his arms bulge every time he lifts a dumbbell.
“yeah, he also said he saw mingyu running into a tree earlier… even said a rat fell on him and started pulling at his hair and controlling him like a robot. do you think the rat would make a better chef than mingyu?”
“wow really? that’s great.” your replies get progressively monotonous as you keep your eyes trained at the corner. yeah, now he definitely knows your mind has completely left the conversation.
your breath hitched as you watched the mystery man run a hand through his faded red hair, baggy t-shirt sleeves hitched up to reveal more of his biceps? triceps? never have you ever wished you paid more attention to your biology lessons back in high school.
everything about this mystery man has you swooning. the thick veins on his hands running up his arms, the way his eyebrows furrow in concentration, how the sweat glistening on his forehead seemed to cast a heavenly glow all around him. you can’t forget the grunts he lets out with every movement, entrancing you with his deep voice. gosh, even his hands are perfect. an angel has descended to soothe all your gym-related problems, converting you into a devout worshipper of his physique.
you’ve never been more thankful for soonyoung’s suggestion to wait in the gym.
soonyoung’s arms may be burning from hanging on the pull-up bar for too long, but he just couldn’t believe his eyes; your mouth is hanging open and– wait, is that drool?! is his best friend really drooling over a man in the gym?!? a laugh of disbelief escapes him as he finishes the last of his rep. soonyoung mutters a quick prayer of thanks to god for gifting him prime blackmailing material. he drops back to the ground and swiftly snaps a picture of you, in all your thirsting glory, before he picks up the rest of his stuff.
“y/n,” he calls out. “i’m gonna hit the showers and then we can go. you good staying here on your own for a bit?”
“yeah, yeah! i’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.” you wave him off, not even bothering to turn towards your best friend. soonyoung lets out another tut as he turns towards the gym’s locker room. that is, before a brilliant idea comes into mind.
the red-haired man turns towards soonyoung’s voice. “hoshi, you’re going already?”
your best friend nods his head, grinning at how your eyes seemed to pop out at the way he was casually talking to your new-found eye candy. “are you doing anything tonight? i’m meeting seokmin and the others for dinner later, wanna join?”
“kwon soonyoung!” you whisper-hiss. “what the hell are you doing? you guys know each other!?” is that blush creeping up your neck he sees? the tips of your ears tinge so pink soonyoung thinks he can almost feel the heat radiating from them.
“thanks, but i’ve already got plans.” the mystery stranger shoots you a gentle smile, flirty (flirty?!) wink (WINK?!?) towards you. still, you can’t hide your disappointment; you would’ve loved to get to know this new-found work of art more.. “maybe next time? you can properly introduce me to your pretty friend then too.”
soonyoung thinks he heard a strangled cry from you, coughing as you somehow manage to choke on your own saliva. he chuckles at your suffering. “sure, hyung. i think she’d like that too!”
soonyoung doesn’t know what to expect when he finally emerges from the locker room cleaned and refreshed, but it definitely wasn’t you raining attacks on his sore arms and shoulders. seungcheol (he had introduced himself to you while soonyoung was gone– in fact, the two of you managed a whole conversation while he was gone (no, you were so shy and embarrassed you were barely able to keep eye contact with him)) waves at the both of you as you leave the gym to wait for seokmin to arrive.
you’re convinced the blush on your cheeks is going to be a permanent feature of tonight. it doesn’t help that it becomes the main topic during dinner with seokmin and mingyu, the other two boys cracking up at soonyoung’s dramatic retelling of your new-found gym crush.
(it also doesn’t help that you had a balled up fist under the table all night, hiding the hastily written phone number on a piece of paper that seungcheol had managed to slip to you while you were leaving, mouthing the words ‘call me!’ behind soonyoung’s back.)
“remember when you couldn’t keep your eyes off me when we first met?” seungcheol swings his arm around you, broad shoulders almost engulfing you whole.
you groan, choosing instead to bury your head into your boyfriend’s chest. soonyoung cackles from across the booth. you have to physically restrain yourself from clawing him alive.
“hyung it wasn’t just that; she was drooling over you!” he wiggles his eyebrows, ignoring the daggers you were staring his way. blush makes its way up your cheeks, dusting them pink.
seungcheol laughs, planting a kiss on the crown of your head.
“if it makes you feel better,” he whispers in your ear. “you were my gym crush too.”
soonyoung almost falls off his seat laughing when you blush even harder.
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hansooasis · 2 months
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pairings: h.s. senior! choi chanhee x h.s. senior! fem. reader
tropes: childhood friends to lovers. mutual pining.
commentary: third pov, fluff, no use of y/n, readers last name is kim, chanhee and reader are kids here.
summary: wherein you are each others favorite person to do everything and nothing with.
word count: 1.3k
tags: @hansooasis
note: please let me know if you’d like to be tagged once i post the full-length version!
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It wasn't strange for the youngest Choi son and the youngest Kim daughter to vanish in whichever household their families decided to meet at to escape their parents' probing eyes. They were close, and everyone was well aware of this—the two had been fond of each other since they were newborns.
Upon the Kims' arrival at the Choi household, the youngest Kim couldn't contain her excitement. She dashed towards her friend, who was patiently waiting for her at the top of the porch steps. With a joyful shout, he called out her name and hurried down to meet her. The younger girl threw herself into his waiting arms; he knew she missed him as she nuzzled into his shoulders, took a deep breath, and deepened their hug. He reciprocated by deepening the hug and patting her head.
The boy pouted, wishing they didn't live so far apart. He thought about the thirty-minute commute their families had to make to visit each other. The drive felt like a hundred miles to the six-year-old pair.
Wordlessly, they gave each other a knowing look as they pulled apart from their embrace and escaped down the street, hand in hand, before their parents could usher them inside. Their summer days were to be spent riding bikes around their neighborhoods, splashing around streams looking for tadpoles, and sipping the sweetest of lemonades on rainy days, not spent indoors or stuck between their older siblings' rivalry, whether it was pretended or not.
This time, however, their troublesome ideas could get them in, well, trouble. Once their older siblings stopped their bickering, they finally took notice of their younger siblings or their lack of presence. The couple gave their older siblings the slip after the adults told the eldest to look after their siblings. The older pair knew they couldn't return to their parents lest they be willing to welcome a potential scolding for not paying closer attention to the devilish duo. Minutes turned into an hour, and the pair returned anxiously at sunset at the elder Kim's suggestion that their younger siblings could be home.
Disappointed but not surprised at the disappearance of their youngest, neither of the four adults worried that their children were nowhere to be seen, not until the air had grown chilly and the sky darkened. Their mischievous nature, a common trait that often got them into trouble, was also what made them endearing to their families.
When neither of their children attended dinner, Mrs. Choi asked her oldest son to take a plate up to Chanhee's room, where they were undoubtedly hiding and immersed in their own world; when they were in that state, it was best to leave them alone. When Beomgyu returned with a full plate and an announcement that Chanhee's room was empty, the parents finally stood.
The adults split in separate directions, and their older children were instructed to stay behind in case the troublesome duo reappeared. Neither child responded to their parents' shouts or pleas for them to come out. Their mothers ran like they did when they were schoolgirls, holding back tears and keeping the worst thoughts from springing to their minds. The fathers lost all decorum as they searched the Choi grounds; they were the ones who stumbled across the children.
The youngest, Choi and Kim, were slumped together, lying on the grass underneath the tree house their parents had designed. The fathers were surprised to find the eldest Kim girl looking after them. The girl explained that Beomgyu thought their younger siblings might be curious about the tree house's construction and had gone to inspect the progress. It was thanks to him that they managed to find their sleeping siblings. As they noticed Beomgyus's absence, the boy showed up seconds later with their mothers in tow.
The women sighed in relief at seeing their children sleeping peacefully, clasping each other's hands. They gently separated the pair to cradle them against their chests. The children seemed unrepentant of their actions as they recalled their day in a vibrant dream. Seeking each other's touch, their eyes fluttered open, and their parents quickly lulled them back to sleep; the adults had enough of the duo's trouble. In their innocence, the children were oblivious to the worry and fear they had caused; their only concern was each other's presence.
The parents promptly returned to the Choi estate to tuck them into Chanhee's bed, careful not to wake them up; it was a miracle they fell asleep so early. When the pair heard Chanhee's room doorknob click shut, their eyes flashed wide, and they smirked wickedly at each other. Chanhee couldn't help the giggle that slipped, and his friend quickly covered his mouth before anyone noticed they were awake. 
"Shh, try to be as quiet as possible, Chanhee," the girl whispered, carefully uncovering the boy's mouth, "We don't want them to hear us. We escaped a scolding tonight, so let's not push our luck." Her voice was filled with caution and excitement, reflecting the children's shared adventure and determination to avoid getting into trouble.
The pair stilled when their siblings passed, bickering once again after a temporary cease-fire. Once they were gone, Chanhee gently poked his friend's cheek and asked, "Do you think we'll be in trouble tomorrow?" 
His friend pondered his question while he patiently waited for an answer. "Hmm, I don't think so. Mom and Dad leave tonight, and your mom and dad aren't as strict as mine, so I think we'll be fine," she whispered back.
He stretched gently, nodding in agreement. "When do you think they'll finish the tree house?" he asked, burying a yawn, "I want it to be done already," he complained with a pout, his eyes shining in contrast to the opaque night light.
The girl suppressed a yawn, shrugging with a hum. Struggling to keep her eyes open for a second longer, she closed them as Chanhee started to hum a tune. "I don't know when, but you wanna know what?" she turned towards him, eyes still closed. When he hummed for her to continue, she said, "I don't care if it's not done by the time I leave. Wanna know why?"
He continued humming his made-up song, but the girl knew he was listening, so she continued, "Because as long as we're together, I don't care where we're at or what we do, I really missed you, Chanhee," she opened her eyes to find her best friend staring right back her, "that's why I told mom and dad to ask your mom if we could stay over, i'm never letting them take my sister and me on their work trips ever again," she finished with a huff and puff causing the boy to giggle softly.
 "I missed you," he admitted, pulling her into a hug, "and I don't want to have to wait again for so long to see you," He closed his eyes and began to hum the tune from earlier; nothing was left to be said between them.
"I was in a lot of pain after you left me, I wondered how you were then."
Chanhee continued to hum, singing a chorus he felt from deep within. He had missed his friend tremendously to the point of nearly driving his family to insanity. His parents eventually asked her parents to let the pair talk every night, and they agreed quickly since they were dealing with the same issue from their daughter. It was never enough, though; the pair had never been apart for so long before.
It wasn't until he felt the steady breathing of his friend that Chanhee shut his eyes, hugging her tighter and asking one last thing in tune before joining his friend in a shared dream, "너도 나만큼 나를 떠올렸을까."
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afterword: i wanted to publish the full-lenght fic today since it's chanhee's birthday today, but I'm not happy with it yet so I'm just dropping this trailer for now. i want to post something i’m proud of that i think you will all enjoy; so i’ll wait until i feel better about it. anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed and are looking forward to the full-length release!
also, shout out to 0221 after by NEW please go stream on soundcloud! i added the lyrics to this scene cause it fits so perfectly… me and chanhee are on the same wavelength fr. ALSO watch the new tbz boylog with chanhee in jeju! that’s where i made the gif from. ugh not me promoting my man (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)/♥︎
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copyright 2024 © recordsfilm. all rights reserved. no part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner. you may not translate or copy this story without prior approval.
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hansooasis · 2 months
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