handsingsweapon · 5 days
this is the exact intersection of my current interests
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whoa look who just appeared in my hades 2 playthrough... crazy
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handsingsweapon · 20 days
morning reblog into the wild
hello from the void
this is a long shot but a long, long time ago in the time of "important people in sim's life are dying*" someone mentioned to me that they had made a pdf copy of precious things before both tinypic and photobucket bit the dust. if that person is you, here i am years later hoping to finally fix the damn thing as a send off to YOI in the cancellation wake of the victor movie we'll never have, i've been fishing through my activity and messages and can't find you orz sorry (*) ed. note: the dying bit did happen and is still happening, i may someday finish what happens to art history yuuri and victor but probably nothing else
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handsingsweapon · 21 days
hello from the void
this is a long shot but a long, long time ago in the time of "important people in sim's life are dying*" someone mentioned to me that they had made a pdf copy of precious things before both tinypic and photobucket bit the dust. if that person is you, here i am years later hoping to finally fix the damn thing as a send off to YOI in the cancellation wake of the victor movie we'll never have, i've been fishing through my activity and messages and can't find you orz sorry (*) ed. note: the dying bit did happen and is still happening, i may someday finish what happens to art history yuuri and victor but probably nothing else
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handsingsweapon · 6 months
(from beyond the abyss of no longer participating in fandom really because Everything Is Bad)
I'm probably preaching to the choir, but if you vote for Donald Trump, or you *don't* vote for Biden, you are choosing all of these things, but on a more personal level, you are voting for a rapist whose election will result in the abuse and deaths of queer and genderqueer women, and I am one of those, so if you've ever liked my writing or considered yourself a friend or follower or fan or whatever "that's an okay person on the internet" category of choice, and you are an American who does not vote for Biden, you have sanctioned my harm. If you allow friends and loved ones to espouse this pseudo-liberal bullshit about voting, you have sanctioned harm to me or to someone like me. And of the populations at risk there are even more who have it so much worse that having this discussion (again) is honestly un-fucking-thinkable but here we are.
This election is personal and it is mathematical - brutally so - and there is definitively more harm on one side of the equation than the other.
A 2024 vote for the Democratic ticket is the most radical thing you can choose to do while you still have a choice. So do that. Choose that.
If you fucks actually go through with not voting on your next USA president elections and subsequently lead Trump to power again.
Yes. Yes I'm going to blame every single American for that. Collective responsibility and all that jazz.
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handsingsweapon · 2 years
still on indefinite hiatus but this is the coolest thing and it made my evening thank you 💙 i hope your friend enjoys it!
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My first finished ficbinding! This is we have loved the stars too fondly, a Yuri!!! On Ice fic by the talented @handsingsweapon​, as a gift for @rhythmelia​. The fic is all about astronomy, and as soon as I saw this decorative paper I knew what I wanted to do with it.
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This was a relatively small work for a cased-in binding (48 pages) but I was able to cut the spine board thin enough to make it work.
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The end pages are a Dramatic wine color in approximate tribute to the costumes Yuuri and Viktor wear at the end. 💙💖
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The typesetting was really fun - there are a number of beautiful space-related quotes throughout the fic, as well as a few text messages.
Many thanks to the awesome crew at @renegadepublishing for their help and encouragement!
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handsingsweapon · 3 years
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this anger in me, this hate is me
1. sue zhao (@blossomfully) | 2. ocean vuong | 3. daughter | 4. anne carson (via @heavensghost) | 5. @morepeachyogurt | 6. yohji yamamoto | 7. @ibvyache | 8. lorde (via @teenbeachmovie3) | 9. rachel mckibbens | yves olade | 10. nicole lyons | 11. debra lott | 12. ernest hemingway | 13. andrew harewood | 14. @kamokugajin on deviantart | 15. richard siken |
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handsingsweapon · 3 years
listen, folks, my mother is in the very very late stages of her illness, and has gone blind, and my absence from tumblr and AO3 is deliberate and not likely to end anytime soon if ever. please consider this before reaching out to ask when a fic will be finished (many of them are going to be orphaned when i have a chance, because i am not going to be able to complete them in these circumstances), to tell me about precious' things missing images, or to ask for other writing. i know everyone has good intentions but: there are more important things than fic on the internet and one of them is my dying mom and it would be nice if we could start from the assumption of "oh weird, this person probably has something going on" rather than making them state it on the front page of their blog.
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
Did you see the Ice Adolescence trailer? I’m sobbing 😭😭😭
I did, and my take is that I can't believe Castiel had to go to super hell to bring back Victor Nikiforov
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
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Teasers of my illustrations for @yoidreadfulzine , aka the Yuri On Ice zine in Victorian Gothic sauce :D.
- The first pic is a fic by @paintingwithwords + art collab loosely inspired by Elizabeth Gaskell’s Old Nurses’s Tale and it’s featured in the ghost stories bonus booklet, which was the zine 1st stretch goal and it’s now included with all physical zine/merch orders btw 8D. - 2nd and 3rd pic teasers are Penny Dreadful-inspired and based on @handsingsweapon‘s concept which she kindly allowed me to use <3  - 4th pic is a Sara/Emil spin on Hawthorne’s Rappaccini’s Sister Daughter (aka star-crossed lovers amidst botany craze, poisonous beauty archetypes, mad science and the evils of patriarchy >3). —
The zine + merch feature a lot of period romance, mystery, horror, adventure and supernatural art, cosplay and fics. It also comes with the option of a full 78 tarot deck cards and we have dedicated giveaways for followers and buyers >D As both contributor and moderator I’m really happy and proud of all our collective work :,3
Definitely check it out  the blog and twitter and the zine shop HERE before pre-orders end on September 25th (just few days left!) to enjoy the thrilling goodness and try your luck with the giveaways >D!
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
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Myth/Legend Day 3 theme art for @yuuriweek2020​!  I couldn’t pick which halo to use so…
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Theme-wise… we’re in Eros wounded by his own Love arrow / Saint Sebastian aka the great Gay Icon classic territory :P.
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
Despite the fact that 1999 film The Mummy is regularly considered a “bad” movie I have never met a person who doesn’t like it.
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
hi, can you share me the permalink of the gif of s6 keith falling in your header pic? it's so beautiful
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sure, here ya go!!
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
Hi Sim, so I really love your work and have been following you for quite a while now, and it's gotten me through quite a lot of stuff, and I'm thankful for it eternally. Anyway, I'm sorry if this is too much to ask, but I have terribly anxiety and have just been really, really worried about you :( I hope this doesn't sound creepy at all and I apologize if it does :(( If it's okay, could you tell us if you're okay and if you've been well? :(
Thank you for the nice note! I'm doing okay, I just have been too stressed out for a long time to write anything due to personal circumstances, and then covid came along and now I spend most of my time doing what I think everyone's doing, which is managing all the brain static that comes along with the pandemic. I'm not really sure when I'll be back around or writing again, trying to put a timeline on it only made me more stressed out so for now I'm just taking it easy and being kind to myself. I hope everyone's well!
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
if you’re wishing you were in a different universe
Here are just a few of the amazing Victuuri AU’s you can go to for the perfect escape
quite fond of stars by neptunedemon Yuuri is a scientist and Victor is the gorgeous man he meets in a dusty desert cafe who might just not be from this world. This story is vivid and lush and steals my heart each time I read it. General
backwards forwards undo by Littorella and PaintingWithWords If you could change a moment in your past, would you do it? Well, an enchanted box of chocolates gives Yuuri just that chance and let’s just say … the boy meddles. God, I wanted to strangle Yuuri in this but at the same time, I could relate so well. This story will give you the best kind of heart-pounding anxiety, and the ending is golden. I love their love so much. Teen
Buried in the Snow (I Kept Warm Inside of Your Clothes) by pancake2 Yuuri is a pianist and Victor is a dancer in this blizzard/car trouble/rescue AU. Yuuri definitely doesn’t make the wisest decisions in this, and it makes for a fic with the perfect combination of suspense, humor, and blossoming romance. And I had no idea Helsinki and St. Petersburg were that close to each other! Teen
with a kiss to the firing squad by thehobbem with art by Morrindah Victor is a Captain in the French air force during World War I and Yuuri is the exotic dancer (and possible spy?) he can’t tear his eyes, or his heart, away from. This story is an adventure from start to finish–dramatic, thrilling, extremely sexy–and my heart didn’t stop pounding till the very end. Teen
you are a perpetual feeling by alykapedia Victor is tasked with monitoring a rift in the space-time continuum–an unfulfilling job until the day he discovers Yuuri Katsuki. There are an infinity of Yuuris in the multi-verse but something about this particular one tugs at Victor and he decides to risk everything to figure it out. Fling these two across the stars and they’ll still find each other. I love this. Mature
All Things Beautiful by stammiviktor A fantasy AU based on the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I don’t think you need to know anything about ATLA to love this fic. The world-building is beautiful and rich, the slow reveal of Yuuri’s back story is so rewarding, and the romance between Yuuri and Victor–lovers from kingdoms on opposites sides of a war–is packed with so much heart-tingling emotion. This fic blends magic and love and a bit of politics into a gorgeous story. Mature
You’re Just My Type by LittleLostStar Victor is a spy on the run and Yuuri is a forensic analyst who just wants to get drunk in this bar and hook up with a decent guy for a change. But Yuuri’s also a disaster who’s so used to disasters that it takes some seriously hysterical dark comedy and a couple dead bodies before he realizes he’s finally found the perfect man. Mature
supplicant; by thehandsingsweapon I rec’d this a while ago, but it’s honestly one of my favorites so I had to include it here. This is a mythological AU in which Victor is the god of winter and Yuuri is … well, you’ll just have to read and see. This is a wonderful, heart-grabbing, erotic, magical little tale. Explicit
Striding the Line by lucycamui Victor is a shoe designer and Yuuri is a model in this AU, but is there any universe where Victor isn’t hopelessly smitten? Their personalities translate so well to this setting, and I loved reading the way they fall in love here. This fic is so soft and SO sexy. Explicit
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handsingsweapon · 4 years
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ice cold take from the telegraph today
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