hairtestindia · 1 year
Hair mineral analysis to improve stem cell activity
 "The regenerative medicine revolution is upon us. Like iron and steel to the industrial revolution, stem cells will be the driving force of the next revolution." 
Let us talk about stem cells. What are they? Stem cells are raw materials from which other cells are generated. Stem cells can differentiate and reproduce cells of any organ, like heart tissue, bone, cartilage, etc. Newborns have a lot of stem cells circulating in the body. Unfortunately, as we grow older, the stem cell count decreases, making recovery and healing more difficult.
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How are stem cells useful? Stem cells treat diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and many other illnesses. Now the question is how to increase the activity of stem cells that remain dormant in the body. Hair mineral analysis test provides the solution and helps increase the body's stem cell activity.
What do stem cells do? The regenerative effect of stem cells helps rejuvenate the body. How to boost stem cells in the body? By reducing alcohol consumption, eating a good clean diet, avoiding toxic products, etc. But hair mineral analysis provides a better solution by detecting toxins and promoting stem cell regeneration.
Hair follicle stem cells in the healing process:
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Now let us look at how stem cells heal wounds. Wound healing is a significant field in regenerative medicine. Hair follicle stem cells become active when a new hair cycle occurs. Hair follicle stem cells can regenerate by correcting the mineral imbalances found using hair mineral analysis test near me.
Hair mineral analysis to improve stem cell activity is an essential field of study. When hair follicle stem cells are active, they can convert into keratinocytes. These keratinocytes play a significant role in healing any wound in the body. When a wound is in the body, hair follicle stem cells migrate, differentiate into epidermal cells, and help heal the wound.
 Stem cell therapy for androgenetic alopecia:
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Can hair loss be treated? The answer lies in stem cell activity. Pattern hair loss is also known as androgenetic alopecia and is the most common type of hair loss recorded to affect 70% of Caucasian men and 40% of Caucasian women by age 70. It can have a disastrous effect on affected people causing depression and low self-esteem. Stem cell therapy for androgenic alopecia helps regenerate stem cells and promotes hair growth.
Is stem cell therapy the best method? Stem cell-based therapies are a novel method of treating this condition, as regular medicines cause adverse side effects and are ineffective. Stem cell therapy reactivates the hair follicle stem cells and helps their regeneration and development.
How does hair mineral analysis increase stem cell activity:
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What causes the stem cells to degenerate? When there is a mineral imbalance in the body or when the primary trace elements, like zinc, potassium, Selenium, etc., are lacking in the body, this causes the stem cells to degenerate. The hair follicle stem cells become inactive due to the lack of necessary minerals to regulate them. Hair mineral analysis detects the deficiencies of these minerals.
How can hair mineral analysis help? Depending on the report generated by hair mineral analysis, the necessary supplements can be provided to reactivate the hair follicle stem cells. In addition, HMA suggests lifestyle changes like exercise and yoga along with nutritional diet plans. These lifestyle changes can also help regenerate the stem cells in the body and hair.
Vitamins for hair growth and thickness:
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Vitamins and nutrients are needed for hair growth. This sound too good to be true. Does taking a pill of the necessary vitamin assure you spectacular hair growth? That may be the case. It is proven medically that vitamins and nutrients can lead to hair growth. The right vitamin taken in the correct quantity may transform how your hair looks and feels.
What are the factors hair health depends on? Hair health may depend on factors like nutrition, genetics, medical conditions, hormones, and stress. Research finds that a deficiency in specific vitamins required for average cell growth can lead to hair loss. Vitamins are needed for healthy hair growth and to prevent shedding and thinning. The best vitamins for hair growth are vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, biotin, and iron.
Vitamin B is vital for hair growth, proper metabolism, and nervous system functions. Biotin is a complex B vitamin that has hair growth benefits. It helps create red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen to the scalp. Iron also matters for hair growth. It boosts circulation and moves oxygen to the cells. Zinc is also crucial in the growth of cells and supports hair growth.  
Thus, hair mineral analysis assists in providing supplements that boost stem cell activity. Removing toxins from the body and taking the right supplements along with lifestyle changes and diet could help increase stem cell activity in the body. Stem cells are a vital force that, when activated, can cause hair growth and can heal wounds in the body.
When the right supplements are taken for mineral deficiencies, this causes the regeneration of stem cells. These regenerated stem cells bring about the hair growth in regions with no hair. The regenerated stem cells also differentiate to form healing agents and move to places where there is a wound in the body and heals them.
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hairtestindia · 1 year
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hairtestindia · 1 year
Autism: Seeing The World From a Different Angle
According to a report from Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM), 1 in 44 (or 2.3%) children in the US were diagnosed with ASD. These stats were based on eight-year-olds living in 11 ADDM Network sites in the United States. Now, let's start from the basics.
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What is Autism?
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction and restricted or repetitive behaviours or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention.
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The disability can be found in an infant below 3 years old and could exist for a lifetime. When children with ASD become adolescents, they may have difficulties forming friendships and relationships with others. Some ASD patients may develop conversational skills when they grow up, and others may not. Now comes the next question
What causes autism?  
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Scientists believe that multiple causes for autism could come together and change how people develop.
Studies suggest that ASD could result from disruptions in normal brain growth very early in development. These disruptions may result from defects in genes that control brain development and regulate how brain cells communicate with each other. Autism is more common in children born prematurely.
There is no single cause that leads to autism spectrum disorder. The may be a wide range of symptoms. Both genetics and environmental factors play a role in causing autism.
·         Genetics: Many genes are involved in autism spectrum disorder. It could be a genetic disorder for some children. For other children, the genetic changes may increase the risk of causing autism spectrum disorder. Genes may also affect the way brain cells communicate with other cells.
·         Environmental factors: Scientists are trying to determine if infections, air pollutants, or medications can cause symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. 
Now let us touch upon a crucial topic.
Autism Symptoms:
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There is a wide range of autism symptoms in people with ASD. Autism symptoms are varied. Some autism symptoms seen in patients are:
Difficulties in Social interaction:
· Avoids making eye contact
· Does not respond when their name is called out
· Does not show facial expressions like happy, angry, sad, etc.
· Uses few or no gestures
· Does not notice when others are hurt
Restricted or repetitive behavior:
People with autism spectrum disorder may display unusual behavior. For example, they may show repetitive or restrictive behavior:
· They may line up their toys and get upset if the order is changed.
· They may repeat their words over and over again.
· Getting upset with little changes.
· Has unusual reactions to how things smell, sound, taste, look and feel.
· Has obsessive interests.
Other Symptoms:
· Slow in speaking and responding to others.
· Moving slowly.
· Impulsive behavior.
· Peculiar eating and sleeping habits.
· A frequent change in moods.
· Anxiety and stress and constant worrying.
Let us discuss this in more detail about autism.
Types of autism:
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There are three types of autism spectrum disorder. Autism speaks through various disorders that are related to it.
· Autistic Disorder:
This is also called "classic" autism. People with autistic disorder have symptoms like language delays, social and communication challenges, and unusual behaviors and interests. People with autistic disorder also have intellectual disabilities.
· Asperger Syndrome:
People with Asperger syndrome generally have milder symptoms of autistic disorder. For example, they may show unusual behavior and interests but don't have a problem with language and intellectual ability.
· Pervasive Developmental Disorder:
This is also called "atypical autism" or PDD – NOS. People who meet the criteria for autistic disorder and Asperger syndrome may also be diagnosed with atypical autism. These people might have milder symptoms when compared to people with autistic disorder. People with atypical autism may have only social and communication challenges. 
Now, this leads to our next question.
Is autism hereditary?
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Yes, heredity does play a role in autism spectrum disorder. If you have one child that has autism, likely, your second child will also have autism. Your other family members are also most likely to have a child who would have ASD.
Hair mineral analysis can detect signs of autism at an early stage. Autism spectrum disorder tends to run in the family. Although, the inheritance pattern is not known. People with gene changes associated with the condition have an increased risk of developing the condition. When ASD occurs in a pattern related to another syndrome, it can be passed on according to the inheritance pattern of that syndrome. 
Now comes the most important question.
Can autism be cured? 
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New research indicates that nearly 1% of the world’s population, or about 75 million, have autism spectrum disorder. So, let's address the question, can we cure autism?
There is no cure as of such for autism. The answer lies in creating a support system and helping the person with autistic disorder build communication and social skills.
Hair mineral analysis could help discover the underlying problem of what causes autism. Then, the problem could be treated with different therapies.
Now let us see how hair mineral analysis helps in our fight against autism.
How can Hair mineral analysis help in identifying Autism?  
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Hair mineral analysis can detect heavy metals in the body, which could cause Autism spectrum disorder. The test diagnoses mineral deficiencies or excess minerals, which could lead to autism symptoms.
Apart from that, the hair analysis also monitors mineral ratios in the body which could cause autism. When the mineral ratios are imbalanced, this condition could lead to ASD. The report generated by hair analysis gives a detailed review of which minerals are responsible for symptoms of autism. Following the diagnosis, supplements are to be taken, and wellness tips, when followed, can help manage autism symptoms and treat the condition. 
Can Hair mineral analysis detect autism in Children?
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Autism spectrum disorder diagnosed in children is usually through a series of observatory tests taken by the doctor. There are no specific tests for diagnosing ASD in children. However, you could consult a doctor, to begin with, who may later refer you to a psychologist for detailed tests.
Doctors look at the developmental history and behaviour to make a diagnosis. The key to treating autism is diagnosing the condition at an early stage. Hair mineral analysis detects mineral deficiencies that could cause symptoms of autism. After the diagnosis, various learning programs help in treating the condition.  
Can Hair mineral analysis detect autism in Adults? 
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In adults, heavy metal toxicity can cause neurobehavioral disorders. Hair mineral analysis test can detect this heavy toxicity in the body. Besides HMA, doctors may ask questions to understand the person's developmental history. 
Adults with autism spectrum disorder can learn to work on their strengths and empathies with the people around them. For autism in adults, many therapies could be beneficial, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). These therapy sessions could help autistic adults understand their symptoms better and form relationships and friendships with other people.   
We have seen in detail what autism is, its causes and methods to treat the condition. We have discussed the signs of autism and types of autism. We have helped grow your understanding of autism and how it affects the developmental process in children. We have also seen how autism affects adults and their challenges with interacting and socializing with others. To sum it up, autism is a neurological condition which causes learning and developmental difficulties and can be cured by therapies and other supplements. 
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hairtestindia · 1 year
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hairtestindia · 1 year
Fight Diabetes With Hair Mineral Analysis
 People with high blood pressure, diabetes – those are conditions brought about by lifestyle. If you change the lifestyle, those conditions will leave.
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In 2020, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 463 million people have Diabetes worldwide and 88 million people in the Southeast Asia region. Of these 88 million people, 77 million belong to India. The prevalence of Diabetes in the population is 8.9%, according to the IDF. So now let's ask the crucial question. 
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How Diabetes and micronutrients are interlinked:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Micronutrients are an essential part of the body which help in body functions. When micronutrients are deficient, it causes insulin insufficiency and raises the blood sugar levels in the body. This causes Diabetes. Micronutrient deficiency is directly related to type 2 diabetes mellitus. 
Also, high levels of oxidative stress cause inflammation of the blood vessels and may require a higher amount of micronutrients, where Diabetes exists. A deficient supply of micronutrients may exacerbate the condition. Targeted consumption of micronutrients could improve metabolic control, optimise treatment and prevent diabetics complications. Now, onto our next important question. 
What role do micronutrients play in the body?
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Micronutrients carry out various biochemical reactions and are needed in various physiological functions of the body. Micronutrients also act as stabilising components of enzymes and proteins. In addition, some trace elements play a crucial role in changing the receptor's shape and preventing particular molecules from entering the cell.
They play dual roles: they stabilise the cellular structures at their optimal levels, but their inadequacy may lead to many ailments. 
Micronutrients are vital nutrients for essential functions like homeostasis, enzyme regulation and functioning. 
Trace elements like cobalt, boron, chromium, copper, sulphur, iodine etc., enhance insulin reaction by activating insulin receptor sites. Therefore, these trace elements are crucial in pathogenic processes and the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Now let us discover the link between hair mineral analysis and Diabetes.
How does hair mineral analysis help in tracing Diabetes?
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There are many traditional methods to detect and treat Diabetes. But, hair mineral analysis is said to be more effective in this regard. Why so? It is because hair mineral analysis tests are more accurate and reliable. In addition, they give results that last for a longer duration of time. Furthermore, hair mineral analysis detects the mineral deficiencies which lead to high blood sugar levels and, in turn, cause Diabetes.
As discussed earlier, micronutrient deficiency leads to complications like cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure levels. Hair mineral analysis helps in this regard by diagnosing the deficiencies of specific minerals which lead to harmful symptoms.
The reports generated by hair mineral analysis tests indicate which mineral intake is necessary to cure Diabetes. By taking the appropriate vitamins and minerals, type 2 diabetes symptoms can be treated. 
Now that we understand the importance of certain minerals and vitamins in treating Diabetes, we must also remember that other minerals like chromium and magnesium also help treat type 2 diabetes illnesses. A proper plan of the right mineral supplements is crucial in treating Diabetes. Let us inquire further about minerals good for Diabetes.
Nutritional supplements for Diabetes:
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A healthy diet and other physical exercises are the most natural way of balancing blood glucose levels and controlling Diabetes. But your doctor can prescribe medication and supplements if they don't work.
It is essential to consult your doctor before taking supplements and vitamins for Diabetes. Some of the popular supplements are:
Cinnamon: They are an effective supplement in reducing blood glucose levels fast.
Chromium: Low doses of chromium are known to reduce blood glucose levels.
Vitamin B-1: It is also called thiamine. Benfotiamine, a supplement form of thiamine, enters the cell membrane and prevents diabetes complications.
Bitter Melon: Bitter melon is an effective method of treating Diabetes.
Green tea: Green tea contains polyphenols which are anti-oxidants. It helps prevent type 2 diabetes and also lowers cardiovascular disease risk.
Magnesium: It is an essential nutrient. It helps regulate blood pressure. It also regulates insulin sensitivity.
Vitamin C and Zinc for Diabetes:
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Apart from these effective supplements, which have proven to control diabetes symptoms, there are certain other minerals and vitamins, like zinc and vitamin C, which help in the body's fight against Diabetes. When the blood glucose levels in the body are imbalanced, this could lead to diabetes mellitus. Zinc and vitamin C decrease blood glucose levels in the body.
A study shows that people who took vitamin C supplements for diabetes symptoms for over 4 months had low post-meal blood sugar levels.
An experiment was conducted with a group of people divided into two groups. One group was given 500mg of vitamin C supplements; the others were not. After a period, it was observed that the group who took vitamin C supplements had lower blood sugar levels than the other group. This study shows the relationship between vitamin C supplements and Diabetes.  
As we have seen, minerals and vitamin supplements can lower blood sugar levels, indirectly affecting Diabetes. Therefore, taking the right mineral supplements can assist you in your fight against Diabetes.
We have seen how to make heads up in our battle against Diabetes. Your doctor could help set the right treatment plan for you in treating Diabetes. It is also wise to get aware of facts like minerals and vitamins needed to control diabetes symptoms and what roles these micronutrients play in the process of treating Diabetes. Hair mineral analysis offers you all the information on a platter, like mineral deficiencies and supplements. It is up to you now that you are proactive and take the necessary steps in your fight against Diabetes.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test
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hair test for mineral deficiency
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Ginerva is a Health and Wellness company headquartered in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. It is specialised in body and hair analysis, body nutrition requirement and supplements analysis, heavy and toxic elements analysis etc.
Address: Plot No 6&7, No 100-A, 
                Mehta Complex Alapakkam Main Road, 
                Maduravoyal, Chennai 600 095
Phone: +91 9840602027
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hairtestindia · 1 year
How HTMA can help identify mineral deficiencies and heavy metal toxicity
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test (HTMA) is a powerful tool for identifying mineral deficiencies and heavy metal toxicity. This is because hair is an excellent indicator of mineral and heavy metal levels in the body. When minerals and heavy metals enter the body, they are absorbed by the hair follicles, which is where the sample for the test is taken.
Here's a more detailed look at how HTMA can help identify mineral deficiencies and heavy metal toxicity:
Mineral deficiencies: HTMA can help identify mineral deficiencies, such as low levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, which can contribute to a wide range of health issues. For example, low levels of calcium can lead to osteoporosis, while low levels of magnesium can lead to muscle cramps, fatigue, and anxiety. By identifying mineral deficiencies, hair tissue mineral analysis near me can help you take steps to correct them, such as through dietary changes or supplements.
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Heavy metal toxicity: Heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, can accumulate in the body and lead to serious health problems. HTMA can detect these heavy metals in the hair, providing a non-invasive way to assess heavy metal toxicity. If heavy metal toxicity is identified, a healthcare professional can work with you to develop a plan to detoxify and remove the heavy metals from the body.
Nutrient Imbalances: HTMA can also identify nutrient imbalances that can cause problems. For example, if one mineral is too high, it can block the absorption of other minerals, creating a nutrient imbalance. These imbalances can lead to serious health issues, such as anemia, diabetes, and thyroid dysfunction.
Overall, HTMA is a powerful tool for identifying mineral deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, and nutrient imbalances that can contribute to a wide range of health problems. By identifying these imbalances early, you can take steps to correct them and improve your overall health and well-being. It's important to work with a healthcare professional to interpret the results and create a personalized plan to correct any imbalances.
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hairtestindia · 1 year
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hairtestindia · 1 year
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hairtestindia · 1 year
Hair Mineral Analysis Vs Blood Analysis Test
Like various other excretory systems in the human body, hair is also an active excretory organ through which multiple minerals can be identified. To measure the concentration of minerals in the body, various sampling like urine sampling, blood or faucal sampling is done. Blood and urine samples are a common way by which a person's body condition.
Blood sampling is bound to give readings only for a shorter period, while analysis done with hair sampling will hold good for a longer duration, say 6 months. Hair samples are more reliable for better understanding the mineral concentration.
Hair sampling can be done at utmost comfort by the person. An instruction manual will be provided with which the individual can cut the sample and send it across the laboratory. The ICPMS is an advanced technology with which the hair sample will be tested, and the results will be provided. The hair sample will be washed, digested, and made into a liquid form which will then be placed in the ICPMS. 
The results obtained from the test, apart from just providing a clear picture of the mineral levels, toxins, deficiencies, and other physiological aspects, even psychological aspects of a person can also be analyzed.
Whereas in a blood sampling, the results are related to the functioning of the body's vital levels, the concerns of psychological aspects are primarily unpredictable. It is known that certain minerals are associated with psychological factors. For instance, cobalt is essential in forming vitamin B12 and ultimately responsible for proper blood cell formation and neurological health.
Blood sampling at times may require the individual to fast for some time before taking the test. But HMA does not require such restrictions other than these,
·         The hair sample should be collected between 4 & 24 hours after hair wash.
·         The hair sample should not be permed, bleached, or dyed.
·         And it is advisable to cut the sample from the posterior part of the head.
Hair mineral analysis can be done by the individuals themselves with the help of the instruction manual provided along with the kit. In contrast, blood test requires the assistance of healthcare providers to take a blood sample.
Identification of any minerals like the severe ones exposed to industrial areas can also be analyzed with the help of the HMA test. Whereas chronic minerals and other elements cannot be identified through blood sampling.
Both hair mineral analysis and blood sampling are considered beneficial concerning health issues. But what makes HMA stand out is the precise and accurate results and the time period for which the results would stay consistent.
Hair mineral analysis India
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test
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