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my friend who is training to be a 911 operator just told me that they are having to restrain themself whenever responding to training calls from saying “that’s illegal people can’t do that” and I find that so fucking funny
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My list so far
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The Lemkin Institute for Genocide has released a statement saying that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and the United States is complicit. The statement was released in the aftermath of the horrific attack on a refugee camp in Rafah
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In April, Lemkin also issued a genocide alert for the West Bank
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And the discussion of whether or not Charlotte deserved to be banned is moot because we know she didn't. She didn't deserve to be banned just like a hundred, a thousand other trans women just trying to make crude jokes, or snap a little harshly at a bigot, or god forbid show off her top growth didn't deserve to be banned. None of these are against the TOS. But if enough bad faith reports go through that doesn't matter. If the wrong admin looks too closely at your blog it doesn't matter. Because they don't have to produce evidence that you did anything wrong, they will just smugly insist that you did *something* wrong and tell you to piss off. And there is no recourse. The end. Goodbye. Because there is no vested interest in protecting trans women from harassment on this site.
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You guys see an autistic character being headcanoned as trans and then start repeating transphobic and ableist ideas
“He’s too autistic to understand gender” hmmm you know I wonder what other group of people think autistic people are too dumb to understand gender and therefore don’t deserve bodily autonomy
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Guys, do you have bicycle lanes that look like this and then turn around and wonder why nobody bikes in your city?
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so i was fully prepared to rip into Tumblr for trying to pull its "queerest place on the internet" rainbow capitalism bullshit again this year... but it's actually feeling kind of disconcerting that it doesn't seem like they've actually done anything for Pride, as far as i can tell...
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Saw lesbian +30 hp
Saw lesbian +30 hp
Saw Trans girl +30 hp
Saw aroace flag +30 hp
Saw drag show +100 hp
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i don’t have a shrimp badge but will this lobster do
I had a dream last night that tumblr came up with a pride flag for closeted gays and it was just a light blue flag with a shrimp on it. People would also wear shrimp pins on their lapels for some Reason???
and the vegan gays started Discourse because shrimp deserved more respect
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just like. well. my pegnis
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is that the Ruby 7 in your pocket or is your penis just reaching for mine yearningly
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I think my favorite part of thieves’ honor pt. 2 is that they managed to give Slip his agency back. He spent so long having all his decisions made for him by Dokana or by Peter (who was being heavily pressured by Dokana) and just. The final call on whether or not he lived or died was HIS call. He decided that his life had ended a long time ago, and it was HIS input that caused Nureyev to pull the plug. Just. For a show with so many disabled characters, I really appreciate that they gave slip the final say in what happened to him. They let him make choices about his body and his life after so long of having other people make choices for him.
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it cracks me up that there was a secret society of American journalists who, from 1965 to 2006, slipped the phrase "it was as if some occult hand..." into articles
this all started when one guy used the phrase in an article and his friends thought it was so hilariously out of place that they all started using it
it drove their editors crazy but they kept doing it
that was like. the whole thing. they called it the Order of the Occult Hand and all it did was put a random metaphor into as many news articles as possible
they picked a new phrase in the early 00s, which has not been revealed yet- to my knowledge
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Juno ACTUALLY using the SAME GODDAMN PHRASING that Nureyev did while on the other side of that door. The fact that Nureyev was snapped out of his train of thought by his immediate recognition of the term “self-aggrandizing”. The way you can HEAR him realize what this reminds him of. And once he realizes that Juno is able to turn the conversation in his favor because “you KNOW that”. And Nureyev DOES know. He knows exactly what this feels like and he knows exactly what he wished Juno had done. So he opens the door
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still on the verge of tears every time i think about thief’s honour part 2
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