guapoduoshipper · 1 month
Our position on recent events
First of all we would like to start this message expressing our solidarity with all the administrators who worked or are still working on the whole project that QSMP represents. We wish you the best today and always.
QSMP has been a project that has given us a lot of joy so, as is normal, this situation makes us feel scared, confused but, above all, very sad. It is unfortunate that a project full of such good intentions should take the course we have witnessed and that with each passing moment it only seems to fade away more and more.
This blog came to life by loving the whole atmosphere that the QSMP created and thanks to which the characters of cc!Roier and cc!Cellbit (and the CC theirselves) found each other. That even with the differences in culture and language they were able to build both their individual lores and the wonderful duo that captivated us.
The excellent work that the CCs put into this romantic representation created in us a deep passion that has been our muse in creating art (written or illustrated), writing analyses, taking screenshots and, of course, associating music in Portuguese, Spanish and English that helped us to give a letter and a voice to the feelings that we could perceive the cubitos have for each other.
It has been a passion that has meant a dedication in time, effort, creativity and organization of the three of us who manage this blog, who in each publication, in addition to everything already mentioned, have left our hearts. For all this we thank QSMP but, above all, Roier and Cellbit.
With these feelings in our hearts in JustAGuapoduoShipper, as a team, have made the following decisions:
Our blog has always been 100% Guapoduo/Spiderbit so in that aspect there will be no changes. The difference will be mainly that the cubitos: c!Roier, c!Cellbit, as well as their children: Bobby, Richarlyson and Pepito will no longer be associated to the QSMP server but as OCs of the content creators.
We've decided to continue to create our content based on everything that during 9 months the CCs gave us and, probably, to create our own AUs with it.
Even though we still don't know the decision that Cellbit and Roier or Richas and Pepito's administrators will take, in this same statement of intentions we want to make clear that we respect and support it completely. So, with that in mind:
Potential future content will be used without mentioning QSMP, they will still be OCs in their own lore or universe.
If the Cellbit and Roier cubitos meet again on another Minecraft server (e.g. special events), we would like to use that material as AU. We will not take the interactions out of context. We will only take screenshots.
We would love for the content creators to grant us some closure worthy of their amazing characters and their role as a couple on an external server with the support of the admins of Richas and Pepito (and secretly pray that they do) but, if it doesn't happen, we invite you not to pressure either of them and respect their decisions.
Before we finish, we want to address all the artist fans of Guapoduo/Spiderbit and say that if you decide to take a similar way to ours: we will still continue to share your art on our blog. We understand that it is a difficult situation, even painful, but the great effort that Cellbit and Roier put into their individual and joint stories still deserve all the love and effort. On the other hand, those who decide to completely separate themselves from the community: we understand your position, we respect it without any question and we wish you the absolute best for your success as such talented people certainly deserve it.
We have made clear more than once, and will continue to reiterate as many times as necessary, our philosophy of creating and maintaining a safe space for the entire Guapoduo/Guapofamily/Spiderbit community. We want to continue to be that place where you can find a distraction, a material provided with all the love in order to forget for a moment of the problems that may be afflicting you, no matter how big or small they may be, everyone deserves a break. As a multicultural community we know perfectly well that among us there are minorities, lgbtq+ and neurodivergent people, it is for all of them that we have taken this decision with the greatest possible care and respect.
Last but not least, we reiterate our immense love, understanding and support for the QSMP administration, you deserve better and we hope you receive it. Our private messages remain open for anyone who needs clarification or a more individual message.
Truly yours:
Lyn, Feh and M
We do not wish under any circumstances that this statement be used to send hatred to Quackity, the QSMP or the CCs that decide to continue in the project.
We deeply love and respect Quackity and don't forget that he was also a victim of people who took advantage of his good faith and trust to embezzle funds and abuse people; but it is certainly urgent that the community, but especially the administrators and content creators, receive a strong statement from him.
We want wholeheartedly that the project gets up and manages to demonstrate integral structural changes and we do not rule out a reintegration of our content under its name but, meanwhile, our commitment to the community is to keep it free of toxic and non-transparent spaces.
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
I missed you - q!Cellbit
Oh, really? You missed me? - q!Roier
Yeah - q!Cellbit
It was only two days without me - q!Roier
Being far from you seems like time slows down - q!Cellbit
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
Guapoduo/Spiderbit artist: this is your moment!! It would be fun!!
O.P: if theres something that we could help pls dm us :) we have writers and graphic designers in our admin team
I need someone with zine running experience to bite the bullet and make a spiderbit/guapoduo zine for both tumblr and twitter users to participate in to unite our communities once and for all because the twitter community can be SO COOL and so can OURS and, with our powers combined, we can literally take over the world
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
“I can only be happy with you”
“Si no te hubieras ido sería tan feliz”
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
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“Quiero se con contigo para siempre”
More version below - mas abajo 👇
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
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Calma, Gatinho, calma. 🫂
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
Es hora de habla español pero me voy a mimir
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Toma c!ro y f!cell
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss guapoduo I miss
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
saudade de guapoduo
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
então já que a gente tá no qsmp language day pela primeira vez vou fazer uma pequena "análise" em português do que eu acho que vai acontecer futuramente envolvendo a lore de ambos q!cellbit e q!roier (que são meus dois povs principais) tendo em vista que os CCs gostam de criar uma lore em conjunto.
pra não ficar confuso já que vou usar q!, quando eu me referir aos criadores de conteúdo e não aos personagens vou pôr o cc! só pra ajudar
depois do que o cc!cellbit falou na última live muitas coisas ficaram em aberto pra interpretações e teorias, por exemplo: ele disse que faria um personagem (especificou que >não< seria o q!cellbit) que estaria do lado da federação como um "promotor" que iria estar no caso pra argumentar que a morte de pepito realmente contou, ou seja, ele seria o advogado da federação e isso deixa implícito que talvez isso aconteça na segunda, talvez foi escolhido outro player pra interpretar esse personagem. o que deixa nítido que, sendo um personagem que está junto com a federação e que ativamente vai estar trabalhando para que um dos ovos não receba um dos corações de volta, será visto como um grande antagonista/vilão tanto para os personagens quanto pro público. porém, logo em seguida, cc!cellbit diz que "mas quem sabe o futuro tá aí né..." o que não fica 100% claro se ele quis dizer que futuramente talvez tenha outra chance de fazer outro personagem "vilão" (já que o advogado da federação não será mais interpretado por ele) ou se ele estava falando no geral. E É AÍ QUE VEM A GRANDE QUESTÃO!! ele também fala logo em seguida "maaas saibam que eu serei um arrombado logo em breve em algum momento, tenho muita vontade" sem contar que ele também comenta sobre estar querendo isso desde o ano passado... E FOI ISSO AQUI QUE ME DEIXOU PENSANDO MUITO.
aqui entra um momento muito importante pra se lembrar: quando cc!cellbit estava viajando e q!cellbit começou a matar os trabalhadores da federação no mesmo período de tempo dos mini-me, q!roier estava constantemente defendendo e deixando claro que ele estava do lado de seu marido e que inclusive, se ele quisesse, ele mataria junto a q!cellbit. nesse período de tempo especificamente, cc!roier comentava várias vezes durante as lives que por mais que naquele momento as coisas pareciam estar "calmas demais" logo logo tudo iria mudar pois ele e cc!cellbit estavam "cozinhando muito". inclusive cc!roier até chegou a falar que eles ficavam conversando até a madrugada pra planejar as coisas então não é nem um pouco de surpresa que ambos gostem muito de "cozinhar lore" juntos. então é impossível descartar que q!roier deixou claro para q!cellbit que sim, ele está disposto a matar qualquer um que esteja no caminho deles e no momento atual, q!cellbit está demonstrando bastante o quanto a falta das alianças causa estresse pra ele IMAGINA quando ele descobrir o que aconteceu com o marido dele.
e isso abre portas pra se ter muitas interpretações e pra criar teorias... será que o tópico usado vai ser que >em lore< q!roier teve pouquíssimo e quase nenhum apoio/busca após pela primeira vez pedir ajuda pra outras pessoas na ilha quando foi sequestrado? será que a situação vai ser o q!cellbit ficando tão transtornado que veremos ele matar personagens da federação que possuem algum tipo de apego do público? como por exemplo walter bob, fred principalmente ou até mesmo elena talvez? entretanto, fico me perguntando se q!cellbit ficaria contra as pessoas da ilha em algum momento e como isso seria desenvolvido, só sei que acho muito provável que ele tenha se referido ao desenvolvimento que ele e cc!roier vêm preparando e criando juntos já faz um bom tempo PORÉM também há a possibilidade de em algum momento futuramente cc!cellbit faça um personagem "vilão" que não seja q!cellbit... nunca se sabe
ultimamente estava difícil de lidar com a quantidade grande de angst, mas estou tentando ver as coisas por um lado positivo!!
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
nos primeiros dias sem guapoduo eu tava pensando "ah nem vai demorar tanto assim" e com o tempo eu fui sentindo as minhas forças e ânimo acabando e parece mentira que chegou no dia 100 e eu ME RECUSO a aceitar que chegará no dia 150 pq não vai chegar < sim isso pode ser um pouco de negação mas seguimos
como pode esses cubitos terem conseguido dominar a minha mente completamente que tudo q eu vejo tudo q eu escuto eu lembro deles 😭😭 estou atualmente tendo que lidar muito forte com o fato de que meus povs principais estão passando definitivamente por um dos momentos que já existiram. mas me levem de volta eu quero voltar pras investigações pro castelo pra eles se chamando de gatinho e guapito toda vez pra eles juntos pra eles ELES
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perdão me expressar em português me sinto 200% mais intensa tá no sangue assim sou
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
! 2023 vs 2024 !
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Redraw dessa arte de guapoduo que fiz ano passado <3
Estou realmente orgulhoso de mim pela evolução de apenas UM ano 😭😭❤️‍🩹
Lembrando que estou com vagas para encomendas de ilustrações personalizadas, mais informações estão no meu post fixado 🍉
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
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Theyre the only ones ever btw
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
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uuuuuh gay people
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guapoduoshipper · 2 months
Something to say
It's been a few days but we think it's important to mention it and we hope that, after these complicated weeks, we will soon be able to continue creating content as usual but, before that, there are a couple of things we want to remind you:
Besides the fact that the admins of this blog come from three different countries, with three completely different cultures: Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, some of us belong to the LGBTQ+ community or are part of the neurodivergent spectrum.
That's why we are very serious about creating a safe space for a whole community that likes the Guapoduo/Spiderbit ship as well as the individual development of qRoier and qCellbit thanks to the great work that both CC's have done, inspiring incredible illustrated, written or molded art or simply as a healthy distraction after a hard day away from the internet.
Therefore, we do not tolerate hate speech, xenophobia or lgbtphobia under any circumstances. We believe in the main purpose of the QSMP server because our favorite CCs are the clear example of that purpose: to break down cultural or language barriers to create unbreakable bonds of friendship and community. Anyone who goes against those ideals and feels comfortable being racist or homophobic, no matter how much they consume QSMP does not and will never belong to the community.
Justaguapoduoshipper not only started with the idea of sharing Spiderbit content through analysis, fanfiction or art in general. But through the culture of both creators involved: Mexican and Brazilian, with the help of their music, customs, traditions and even with the cultural clashes that make us realize that even with them we can build strong friendships through dialogue, empathy and mutual understanding.
We invite you to keep proud of your roots, your native language, your culture as well as your sexual identity and gender expression. For our part, we will continue to create content for anyone who needs a place to have fun, be distracted or even take refuge.
Stay safe.
With love:
Lyn, M & Feh.
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guapoduoshipper · 3 months
q!Cellbit has already noticed that something is off. But that doesn't mean he's falling out of love with q!Roier, let's try to see things from his perspective because then we'll notice that this is not what is happening:
q!Cellbit returned from purgatory, after which he himself said he had been fighting and killing to survive, every day the same thing, for weeks, months? he doesn't know. He lost track of time, time is a spiral, it seemed like an eternity but in the blink of an eye, he was back. Everything is still confusing and he doesn't remember things well, so after returning from almost hell he finally meets his husband again, smiling, happy? q!Roier knows how to hide his pain very well behind a smile, so after asking how he is and explaining that the choice to stay in purgatory was made because he thought that q!Roier would be better off away from him... he has a confirmation of this ?
This specific scene has a lot to analyze, first when q!Cellbit says he felt saudade [the strong feeling of missing, longing for someone or something] of q!Roier and apologize, he makes a joke and says "You left me alone culero", probably Doied thought that would be the most appropriate and safest reaction to fake being q!Roier, right? Maybe that would be correct if it weren't about such a serious situation that lasted so long, because we know that q!Roier told Richas that he felt like he was just existing, he was preparing a plan and doing everything to find his husband so that would definitely not be the appropriate reaction that q!Roier would have to this situation. Then q!Cellbit says "I thought you'd be better off without me and you..." at this moment his voice breaks, despite believing in what he's saying he doesn't want it to be real. "You're okay, aren't you?" it's as if you can perfectly feel the mix of sadness and fear that q!Cellbit's voice transmitted when saying this. "Yes, I'm fine! I'm feeling good, I'm feeling new!" - "See? Maybe that was the best thing to do" the confirmation that q!Cellbit was terrified of having, his sad tone of voice when he said that maybe being away from him was what brought the joy back to q!Roier it's heartbreaking. But q!Roier [Doied] doesn't seem to want to talk about these things for long, changing the subject, speaking only superficially or just going somewhere else.
Doied once again seems to have understood well how q!Roier works most of the time and with most people, but that's not all he is, that's not the essence of q!Roier. Doied cannot fake the deeper layers that make up q!Roier's existence, he becomes just a puppet with ready-made lines and repeated actions. And maybe that's why in a way he's also avoiding deep talks with q!Cellbit because if there's anyone capable of noticing that something isn't right with his husband, it's q!Cellbit... and that's exactly what's happening. Doied needs to divert topics and tries to move away because if he spends more time around him, the facade will become too obvious and this was shown to be true after two big things that Doied failed to replicate, the aspects of q!Roier's personality, and q!Cellbit noticed.
1- q!Roier would never attack q!Cellbit to hurt him. They already had a pvp fight, in which q!Roier lied about the result to make q!Cellbit feel better, they give each other shoulder pushes, light slaps on each other's arms and are very close physically, always talking close and with physical contact, they are known for always having their foreheads together when talking and this hasn't happened even once yet. During purgatory q!Roier really refused to kill q!Cellbit, constantly nodding his head to say no and stopping attacking but when he killed q!Cellbit, it was something that was soon explained as it was part of the event and it wasn't "real deaths" since things remained with them after they died, but even so, after this event q!Roier stopped smiling and demonstrated how much that affected him. There's even a moment that could almost be a parallel, in one of the days of purgatory, q!Roier had a very strong sword and asked q!Cellbit if he wanted it to be tested on him, this time q!Roier [Doied] simply started attacking q!Cellbit without even saying anything, and after q!Cellbit got very confused and said "Well... if that makes you happy", Doied chooses the safer answer "It's just a joke!"
2- q!Roier is extremely protective of his family. Upon seeing Pepito and Richas fighting a boss and q!Cellbit asking for help, Doied was just making jokes and took a while to actually try to help, something that q!Roier would never do, he would be the first to ask them to stay away and would be fighting to protect them.
So with everything that's happening now, what is q!Cellbit feeling and thinking? It's necessary to keep in mind that the key issue in all of this is something that is impossible for q!Cellbit to discover on its own. He doesn't even know about Doied's existence, q!Roier doesn't remember anything about his past and nothing was ever said about body swap, despite knowing that the federation carries out absurd tests and experiments, nothing like that had ever happened. However, there is something similar that may be considered in the future, the existence of something like q!Quackity and ElQuackity, perhaps at some point q!Cellbit will begin to suspect that perhaps this is not his husband because no matter how much he hates himself and has a very low self esteem, by now he must be confused as to why his husband is acting like this, but the love he feels for q!Roier is something that saved him, so it is strong enough to survive everything. I keep asking myself, what will happen when he discovers that the person in front of him has the same smile, the same eyes, the same body but the soul is not the same, that's not his soulmate.
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