gremlimstory · 1 month
A Bite
'A team of scientists have successfully teleported an apple. It appears with a bite taken out of it.'
Shocked they investigate further to discover it is a human bite. They realize that even though the Apple went from platform a to platform b within their line of vision it must have gotten somewhere else in the meantime. A man in the back of the room green silently to himself as he chews and swallows a bite of an apple. Another scientist annoyed by his chewing looks over. He hastily swallows and then continues to pretend to chew. 'Ever blow a bubble inside of your mouth?" he quipped harshly as the scientist looked away. He stopped chewing and grinned to himself. The scientists turn back to look again but the man was nowhere to be seen.
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gremlimstory · 3 months
The Dialogue of Depths
'In order to get a shot at going to valhalla, you must die with a weapon in your hands. You just died and are now sitting in front of Odin's advisory board as they discuss whether a spatula actually counts.'
' I be slayin tho with that,' he trips out.
'That's semantic derision...' advisor number two blurts out.
'I really do be slaying tho. Slayin the grill with that absolute weapon. I be leaving the tickets deceased yo'
'What language is this guy even speaking' advisor number four quipped.
'I been in the depths with that, I be in the trenches dying to flip those patties. That spatula helped me conquer the war of grills I have mastered this weapon and died in slayin...yo' dude nervously shoveled out.
'Seriously this guy has all the right words but as far as I understand it he only uses this tool to help process consumables' advisor number two barked.
Dude guy was speechless as he spun the spatula around his finger like a basketball.
'Look at him!' advisor number five exclaimed.
Dude guy chimes in 'yes! I am a master! And I be slayin with this weapon,. I have not lied, about this or anything else, you gotta believe me. I have fought grill battles, you have to let me in''
'He has a point, let him in' the most important advisor whispered.
The gate opened and dude guy slayed in Valhalla.
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gremlimstory · 3 months
'It's 3:00 a.m. An official phone alert wakes you up. It says 'do not look at the moon.' You have hundreds of notifications. Hundreds of random numbers are sending 'It's a beautiful night tonight. Look outside.'
The emergency alert woke me from a dead sleep. My phone is always on silent so I was startled. When I saw the messages my brain slowly scrambled them together. I was better off going back to sleep. So I did. I woke the next morning to see my phone displaying the same emergency alert without the sound. The messages were mostly singular from unknown numbers. What was strange was I had a message from two of my uncles and my brother asking if I was all right. Something wasn't sitting right and it slowly sunk in as a feeling of confusion and fear. What was up with the moon anyway? Light was pouring in through my curtains and my blinds at this point. So I looked out the window and immediately saw the moon. Bright, ominous, huge in the sky, almost right in my face. It was mesmerizing. Reeling into its power I turn away from the window, shut the blinds and look down at the floor. There was a reason not to look at the moon and I had just done it. The sun and moon weren't supposed to be in the sky at the same time like that, but they were. The instant my eyes fell over the moon I knew everything was different. I morphed for the first time that night immediately right there in my kitchen I turned into the beast of all beasts the myths of all myths. Two decades later I still think back to this moment. This was never what I wanted to become. I never told anyone and was able to remain undetected. I head over to one of my friend's houses to hang out. While I am there he gets an emergency alert on his phone 'Freak incident repeat do not look at the moon' with a link to a page outlining that last incident and precautions to take. I don't get an alert on my phone. My friend's face went pale and his demeanor melted. He whispered 'I lost so many people last time.' I knew what he meant. Some people became beasts, some people became feast for the beasts. Regardless they were all lost. He started to receive messages to look outside. From hundreds of random numbers. I didn't receive these messages either. I reassured him he would be all right and told him not to look outside even in the morning until they sent another alert. He was so scared that he didn't care or notice that I decided to leave into the moonlight. I left him set up in a chair against the wall, rifle on hands stuttering. As I went back to my plane I received a single text message from a random number that said 'time to feast.' I made my way home and before closing my blinds I looked at the moon huge and ominous in the sky. My body gave an involuntary shiver and I shut the blinds. I could feast. But I knew I would be better off going to sleep, so I did.
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