greatestmanblog · 5 years
Love Your Penis
Your. . .
Do you love it? Or is it still taboo for you to even say those words out loud? Without being vulgar or crass, can you simply utter those words without a flinch? Or do you feel some level of shame and disgust at just the thought of using those words…?
We are men after-all. Those words describe only one physical part of us—that is indicative of so much of our essence—so why shy away from using them with complete sincerity or sense of normalcy? Love your manhood, your rod, your penis, your balls. There is absolutely no shame in them, nor should there be any. Love yourself 1000% and own it. For the record, narcissism and egoism are not loving of yourself because there is no real substance in them, no real character or esteem coming from them.
Learn to find out these little nuances about your masculine essence and see where you shy away from embodying yourself totally. The energy of shame is always a clue as to where you can start peeling back the layers of knowing & being comfortable with yourself more clearly & cleanly. Seek out all your nervous ticks and eliminate the root cause of them by understanding why they’re there in the first place (what purpose they served) and then consciously stopping these nervous ticks in their tracks. You want to do this because your nervous ticks hinder the authenticity of your self-expression, and you come off exactly how you DO NOT want to come off. In loving yourself and loving through all your *stuff* (like nervous ticks), you can express the best of you to the best of your ability. And your greatest man self will fulfill it’s own destiny in the process of doing so. This is just the start of what it takes…
Keep unfolding your greatest man,
Mr. Owns It
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greatestmanblog · 5 years
Exploring the different virtues not conducive to the health of your masculine expression. Bolded are the anti-virtues, what follows in the brackets is different insights and distinctions, or other commentary around the theme of the anti-virtue being highlighted. Some food for thought for the manosphere after a longtime.
X - sloth  [sloppy on the outside is sloppy on the inside, clean on the outside is “cream” on the inside;  take it how you want, but one thing is a given—you’ll never meet a man who’s got a great, healthy, powerful self-image of himself that dresses crappy and acts sloppy or otherwise carries himself in a dull manner;  no, a man of true value treats himself as such—in manner, in deed and in virtue…fresh as f*ck]
X - laziness  [“the lazy man walks the same road twice”;  why waste your time and energy?;  value your time and energy (which if you don’t already, I promise you, having a purpose and path of pursuit for your life will definitely make you value your time and energy);  when you do value your life like this, your life begins to take on more power and expression;  every single person who values their life has life valuing them back, watch for this next time you meet such a person, chances are they take a lot of action in their life and have a lot of “rewards” to show for it;  action is what creates your life and living is a ‘verb’ so get moving because your laziness is your self-destruction]
X - entitlement  [does nothing for you and literally robs you of your personal progress;  it’s okay to setup a positive expectation for the way you view things and the outlooks you have on life and the people that you interact with, but never make demands of things that are not yours to begin with nor things that you have yet to earn—it sets up a bad precedent for your own psychology and leads you astray;  you have right to yourself, your thoughts, your actions, your choices, your body, your energy and the things that are generated by all of that, all the rest let it be & let it flow however it wants to;  you have a right to yourself, consume yourself with the knowledge of that and demand the best out of yourself]
X - passivity  [masculinity, the male essence, by virtue is the active principle in life so to allow yourself to be too passive in the way you go about your experience of life is unhealthy to say the least;  you want to stay active, stay in motion, stay flowing with the very juice that makes more of you;  go take the world full-on with the fullness of your desires, dreams, determinations;  there is a notion in sex consciousness that says how a man fucks his woman is how he fucks the world, meaning to say that how you relate to your own sexuality is a direct correlation to how you live your life;  just think about the potential of that one;  chances are that if you are a passive lover as a man then you are probably pretty passive in taking on your dreams and goals and not much is happening to move the needle forward in your life;  your passivity could lead to you being extremely stuck in life, think about it…]
X - immaturity  [is behaving like a child, not to be confused with being playful or spirited, and blaming others for not having your needs being met;  whining, complaining, tantrums, hissy-fits and other self-absorbing behavior is indicative of acting as a child;  to do so as a child is one thing, but to continue this sort of behavior well into your adult years is very unhealthy;  part of being a mature realized adult is working with and knowing the power you do have to make way for yourself and how you want to live;  you only enable your lack of power if you act immaturely;  an adult always takes responsibility for him/herself and are at cause for what’s transpiring in their world]
X - irresponsibility  [is not acknowledging your ability to respond to things in healthy, constructive, empowering manner;  also can be defined as carelessness and a refusal to hold yourself accountable for what you are required to do, whether they are family obligations or personal obligations that you have committed yourself for;  if you give someone your word that you will do something or follow through on some course of action then you better make sure that you are following through on that promise, otherwise you are being irresponsible]
X - irrationality  [lack of clear thought;  easily duped into other people’s ways of thinking;  unoriginal thought;  being a puppet and pawn to other people’s agendas;  hero-worship, to make anyone outside of yourself your hero is to give away your power to an outside source—and giving away your own power by choice is definitely irrational behavior, you are your own hero so step into that;  learn to think for yourself and see through bullshit, including your own delusions;  critical thinking is a must in this day and age of misinformation;  on the opposite end of irrationality is discernment, a discerning man is a wise man indeed, make your eye a discerning one]
X - indecision  [people don’t often waver when they know who they are and where they are going;  when you have deep inner confidence stemming up from the depths of your integrated character, you can quickly make important decisions without looking back on them in doubt and are slow to make a move to reverse those appropriately considered yet quick decisions;  indecision either comes from fear or a lack of trust you have on your ability to make the best decisions for yourself (which begets a weakness of character)—you don’t want that;  have character & be decisive, stand by those convictions unless you realize you were severely off-base (if you were, then immediately decide to course-correct and you’ll come out on top)]
X - dependent  [un-self-sufficient;  your cup is not full so you dip into others cups to fill up your own, which is not only unsustainable but asking for trouble—you’re playing not to lose, which ultimately is playing to lose; depend on yourself and go for the win;  also, dependent behavior taken too far is parasitic behavior, you’re just leaching off of others resources ultimately resulting in lose-lose situations across the board;  the best longterm strategy is developing your own sense of independence in life, work towards it if you are behind the eight-ball, you cannot go wrong]
X - ego/unaware  [closed-minded, narrow-minded, one-sided, unconscious expression of self;  you just don’t want to see yourself, and if you are choosing that then you won’t ever see what you’re made of and what you could set out to achieve;  be brave, see yourself in all it’s facets—the good, the bad, the ugly, the great—it will allow you to see more of life too;  never be afraid of the truth especially of the man in the mirror and what you see reflecting from it;  see it and see everything]
X - sociopathic  [no empathy;  unable to feel self and, by extension, definitely not others;  that is not a good thing and it is very severely damaging of your ability to experience lasting happiness and fulfillment;  cultivate the richness and depth of feeling otherwise you’re just a robot…or a serial-killer;  allowing yourself to feel things including deep pain is invaluable to your growth and your experience of the living world;  feeling is life;  don’t you want to feel alive?;  feel the electricity of the energy pulsing through your veins, the aliveness of your own vitality and strength and purpose…]
X - abusive  [not physically, not emotionally, not mentally, not in any way is a real man about that;  cowards are abusive, not real men;  cowards choose such a demeaning and low route to sustain themselves;  don’t do it to anyone, not even yourself;  respect yourself, create the highest sense of meaning and esteem about who you think you are or want to be—and by default, you’ll automatically bestow that esteem and respect on everyone else;  but first you, create your own deeper, truer sense of self-worth that profound affects how you do everything else]
X - narcissism  [thinking too highly of yourself without consideration for anything else—aka “buying your own hype”;  as a rule, never buy your own hype, it’ll actually keep you stronger as an individual, more even keel and able to act on your own merit, and if you have (the aforementioned) real self-worth then you’d actually have no need to be narcissistic in the first place because the awareness of your true self would govern you, not some false fabricated front of high-value]
X - violent  [be dangerous but never violent—dangerous with your charm, your wits, your ability to observe, your unpredictability, your spontaneity, your sense of humor, your kindness, your character, your physical capacity to exude strength, etc.—and yes, your composure too;  it makes you very dangerous because you then are capable of using your entire being for your highest good in any critical moment of decision-making] [composure makes you very dangerous, never forget that]
X - victimhood  [don’t ever play that card, victimhood betrays you and your power instantaneously;  the second you go there, you lose everything;  victimhood is not manhood;  men take their life by the horns and steer it in the direction of their own choosing;  they accept nothing less than their path and purpose to create their greatest visions in life;  they’re self-empowered and driven to take on the responsibilities that come with the territory of their self-chosen mission in life]
X - lying/deception/cheating  [nothing sinks you faster than the path of dishonesty, in any of its forms;  it is the biggest b*tch move you could ever play and no one does it hurt more than you;  historically, time has always proven that the person lying, cheating, deceiving always ends up on the short-end of the stick and any gains to be had from doing so only result in short term, temporary, minute, fleeting gains aka “fool’s gold”;  you owe yourself the opportunity to fairly play this game of life to the best of your ability—which is immediately disallowed when you lie;  and truth, that is your highest calling card in life, setting out on its path will ultimately be the most rewarding thing that you could do;  truth will always set you apart from the rest because majority of the players in existence don’t choose that;  truth will protect you and shield you against the deceptions of others;  it will illuminate for you a path of your own nobility, whereby it ensures that you almost always win;  one of the biggest platitudes that we’ve all heard is also one of the most evergreen pieces of wisdom you’ll ever receive, don’t discount it because “the truth will set you free”]
I would add that not being grounded, not being present as a man is unbecoming of positive masculinity, but they are either directly or indirectly covered in the commentary that preceded. Many men become unhinged in their development processes because of their failure to adequately ground themselves from the intense heat of the lightning strikes of lessons that life throws at them. Firmly rooting yourself in values and core principles that keep you strong & aware are key to staying centered in any and all adversity that comes your way. Furthermore, your awareness is fed and kept alive by the presence of mind you bring to your life moment to moment. If you are not present to the momentary feedback life continuously gives to you, you will miss more than one point about how you can keep yourself agile enough to constantly keep making progress for yourself in moving forward and rising up in your particular path of greatness.
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greatestmanblog · 6 years
Lusting Over A Women’s Looks Creates Weakness In You As A Man
Lusting over a women’s looks creates weakness in you as a man. Why?
Because it immediately lowers your own esteem about the value of everything else that makes a human being--whole and complete. It’s a subtle way to give away your power for something so superficial as looks or physical dimensions on a body.
To appreciate beauty is one thing. To ogle at a woman who’s got big breasts and a lifted derriere like you’ve never seen such a thing is totally and utterly dis-empowering.
Get into a relationship with one of those women who exclusively derive their own value from the size and shape of their “assets”, and you’ll quickly realize just how costly the whole ordeal can be--both on a material, financial level and more so on the immaterial, soul level. You would have to sell out big time on your own character, moral-standing & freedom of expression just to entertain their attention, or simply, to get a slice of their time.
We all have the freedom to make the choices that we want to in terms of the decisions we make. So why don’t you make a stand for the value of a woman’s soul and affirm yours in the process.
Your hormones may tell you that you would like to sell-out a piece of your soul just to have sex with someone who had certain physical proportions, but the aftermath would definitely be a price that you would never have paid to play if you had known in the first place. Your testosterone has much, much, much more power to create and be a force for purposeful existence than you have any idea. And you don’t have the idea because if you experienced this power, there would be no relinquishing of it in the first place--it is that enlivening. Take the clue and find a way to experience it. Know what it is like firsthand to channel the energy, the sheer-force of your manhood. Incredible, it is. 
Also: we ogle at these “Kim-K” lookalikes because we have been programmed to do so. The whole “plastic” movement is geared towards creating more of the same type of look in a woman that’s based on what we’ve been programmed to activate sexually by [aka big lips, long lashes, raised cheekbones, perky breasts, large ass]. In a way, it’s psychological warfare. But that’s another topic for another day, in the meantime, you can always take back your power. It’s yours. And to value women all-the-way around for their mental prowess, emotional strength, physical vibrance in sum.
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greatestmanblog · 7 years
Is There Integrity In It?
The question to ask yourself when making any decision in any moment of your life. “Is there integrity in this?...in what I’m about to do, in who I’m engaging with, in my communication (the way I talk and express myself), in my thought process...”
If not, you are betraying yourself and the environment you find yourself in (which you’re also creating yourself), that includes those you interact with. Think about how complete your life would be navigating life this way. No bullshit. No nonsense. Pure results. All truth (which means no compromise and 100% fulfillment). You have the ability to empower your every moment in this way, constantly affirming your absolute integrity. It’s seriously powerful because the minute you begin to veer off-track, the radar would sound off and chime in through your inner consciousness letting you know that something is not right, that you’re not right. Instantly, you course correct. Why make yourself a liar? Better yet, why settle for less than your best, less than you (and everyone else) deserve? Having your inner impulses tuned in to direct you in living with full integrity makes life have your back, and it ups the quality/the standard of how you live it.
The problems we experience, very often come in when we are not doing something that totally aligns with our innermost values. We’re asking for trouble when we operate out of integrity with ourselves. That’s the biggest problem we face. We sabotage ourselves without even knowing it. All it takes is a little self-awareness to cultivate our integrity radar. Once it’s active and working, we don’t need to allow in any bullshit in our lives. Truth is--we are creating our lives and “the everything” we experience as a result of that, is what we have to show for it. The best part is that it is our choice to allow it or not. We are in control. But this control is not some OCD-type behavior or some ego-maniac, power-hungry drive rather it is our own level of self-awareness. Your self-awareness is what will allow you to check in with yourself so that you can find the space in any moment to realize if there is in fact 100% integrity in what you are doing. Your body will even tell you to check in with yourself--it will trigger the reminder every time--if only you would pay attention to the feelings that come up in your body.
Some situations to help you kick-start that integrity radar: - when you have sex with a woman, are you doing it the right way? was the basis of the whole interaction with the woman based on honesty? did you lie in any way? do you even want to follow-through on what the interaction would require out of you moving forward?
- when you are dealing in business, are you operating in accordance with your true values? the way you went about to solicit business, did it match the integrity of your character or did it leave you feeling off on the inside? is the way you market yourself clear or does it leave things open to interpretation so that you can play in the grey area?
- when you eat food, is it supporting the health of your mind, body and soul or corrupting the integrity of it’s healthy, vital nature?
You get to choose. Just ask yourself--is there integrity in it?!
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greatestmanblog · 7 years
Always Thinking Sex!
Men are you always horny? Are you always thinking about sex? Yes, well that's a relief. Good for you. Since you are always thinking about sex and feeling horny, and we've established that that is okay--let's talk how and why.
Most men haven't been told, taught or realized just how much of a good or healthy thing it is that this is happening. You can rest easy now because it is perfectly okay and acceptable that you are always thinking sexual. Embrace it, it IS indeed normal...
Truth is we MUST be connected to our sex energy, always. Your sexuality is your vitality. Never forget that. The extent to which you live up your life is directly related to how much you feel your sexuality men. No sexuality, no pop, no pulse, no life.
Here's the kicker:  Your sexuality isn't just fucking women though. Your sexuality is your entire life's approach. If it's directed only at women with the idea of having sex with her or getting the pleasure you want from her, you're severely misguided and dangerously handicapping your energy. You're stuck baaaad, one-dimensional, a creeper. Your life is about so much more, I mean what do you do with the rest of your time--in living life--after you've had sex and orgasmed? What about your goals? Dreams? Visions? Purpose?
Sure, you want it. You just feel horny. And she's just so damn hot. Great. So what next? Then what? Is that your lonely, creepy life until you recover enough to do it again? Life is so much more, sex itself is so much more. It represents 'the beyond' itself. It's why we need it so bad. Because it is a very real metaphor for "the more" that is actually existing.
When it comes to your sexuality, always being connected to it is a beautiful thing. It's fucking empowering for you. However, your sexual energy is your life force. And your life force is about what you are doing with your life. So how ARE you directing your life force energy? In what ways are you harnessing it? Into what endeavors are you channeling this powerful force of energy? Because these are the most pressing questions regarding your life as a man...
To take that connection you have with your sexuality (aka your energy) and transmuting it by way of your own choice into creating something is the missing link you need to grasp. Realize that you can take your energy and do ANYTHING with it. Anything you want. Your choice. It doesn't just have to be to desire sex obsessively to cum inside a woman. It can be directed and funneled intentionally into healing yourself, into building more strength and muscle for your body, into leading a movement for the greater good. You create what you want your life to be with your sexuality. Don't let it be a limit for you, in that you stuck yourself--you only think one thing, one way, and become a one-dimensional creep. Life is more, and the energy running through you is this 'more'.
It’s necessary for you to stay connected to your sexual energy as it means being a vital man, full of life. Your sexual energy is your ability to create your possibilities. Your job being to play with it, by expanding what you actually do with it and how you even think about it (how you think you can use it).
You are more already. Have it. Owning It IS naturally yours...
Much love brothers, Mr. Owns It.
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greatestmanblog · 7 years
*PS - The Asterisk That Belongs To The End Of Every Post Here
The discussion and insights available here at the Greatest Man Blog are not band-aids. They are NOT quick fixes, but yes, because of the level of insight and understanding that they are coming from—they do begin to quickly help you. Immediately even—if you can grasp it fully and embody the understanding.
This is definitely not about one-night stands, day game, night game, “this” game, “that” game. It’s simply about life and your place in it as a modern day man living in this time period. We are about that—you becoming your greatest man. Who gives a shit about the fluff anyway. No misinformation, no borrowed knowledge. Pure experience and practical insights on a lot of things and perspectives that no one usually talks about.
The posts here are about bridging the gap between the macro and the micro. The macro being the life and paradigms men live through and have to face. The micro being you. Everything is tactical and not tactical at the same time. It’s strategy and totally a lack there of too. There’s no difference to the whole being, as long as it’s actually coming from the space of your true self. Are you mind-body-soul in alignment when you say something to a woman, when you interact with her (or the rest of the world)? That’s what this is about. That level of badassery, of character, of strength. All or nothing.
No techniques needed to own your truth. ...To live.
~Much love brothers, Mr. Owns It.
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greatestmanblog · 8 years
You Are WHAT You Attract
Look around, what’s that… the results of your life and who you are. I hear guys always talking about the kind of women that they want to attract and date in their life, and it reminds me of something—the difference between where I’m at and where I used to be. I used to be them. It was never enough which women showed up, I always wanted more and someone else. It was necessary to always scheme and make myself a smoother talker, to be better at this skill and that skill so that my presentation would posture (and position myself) better. Eventually, I would attract that younger, exotic, voluptuous cousin of Sofia Vergara who just happens to hit my attraction buttons harder than a "Hulk-smash!”
…if only I just said the right things and played the right cards, I T  W O U L D  H A P P E N  #gettinglaid  ! ! !
Oh man. Do you know what happens instead for each and every one of us men who do this? In the process of trying to get something that would never work for us in the first place, we forget who we really are and what really makes us tick and what really does get us going—creating all kinds of identity crises you never ever wanted to sign up for in the first place. And why does this happen? Because your whole thought process was flawed (a.k.a. f*cked) to begin with. What we men do is decide that we want a certain type of woman, usually more based on looks than anything else, and then go about figuring out what we have to do to be the guy that they want. And you know what that process is all about? MANIPULATION. Yes, manipulation. Let me re-phrase that thought process for you and check to see if you’d still sign up for that: Decide you want a certain “type” of woman without realizing why you do, forget about what your soul says you are, take action to change your true nature according to the superficial whims or preferences of some stranger (the “type" of woman you want) who may not actually know who she is either, and then go about making up (fabricating) the circumstances or situations that would allow this attraction to happen to that “type” of yours. How does that sound? Sell your soul and maybe get something you didn’t want to begin with. {Insert slow clap}
It’s kind of crazy that us men have been manipulating ourselves just for the idea of the possibility that we may get in bed with a woman that may temporarily be able to please us. This is naive and immature—to base your life on something so up in the air, so temporary that you could pay such a high price for. Not exactly the perfect picture of Owning It… which really means to just be your Highest Self—have the balls and the courage to just grow & expand yourself to be one with the best version of yourself (that on some level already exists).
Now, consider this: at any given moment, whoever you already are is magnifying a certain energy that’s putting out into the world what you’re about, and it is attracting certain things to it that matches the energy of what you’re putting out. So pay attention—what are the kinds of women, right now, that you’re already attracting? Realize that those women are you. The man that you currently are is energetically matching up, quite perfectly, with who these women are. Questionable characters? Drama queens? Gold-diggers? This is saying something profoundly about where you’re at in life. A couple of examples:
— If women are always cheating on you it’s because you’re cheating on yourself. You are not in alignment with your Highest Self.
— If women are coming into your life with a lot of chaos, bringing in more problems and drama into it, then you’re not very grounded in and of yourself to begin with. You have issues that you may be addicted to holding onto so you create more of it via attracting those types of women into your life. Also, you could be attracting the drama into your life because you want to distract yourself from facing your self.
— If women are using you to provide for themselves it’s because you’re putting out there that that is what you are good for. You are leading with a value system that bases your significance on your ability to provide first and foremost (at the expense of other values you may have).
— If all you want is sex from women and you’re not getting it, it’s most likely because of what you’re communicating about yourself—that you don’t respect yourself. You have no value for yourself, no depth of character, no inner strength, no creativity if you’ve reduced everything down to your need to have sex. You are much more than sex, likewise women are. If you don’t respect women, you really are not respecting yourself. If you see more depth, beauty, creativity in women beyond only sex then more than likely you are a deep, beautiful, creatively rich man.
— If the women that are showing up in your life are “nice” but not your “type”, they ARE your type and a mirror for you in showing you that there is something about yourself that you’re not accepting or embracing. Also, it could mean that you’ve bought into someone else’s concept of what your type should be, and it has confused you into thinking that you only are attracted to a particular kind of woman.
You are what you attract. Realize that your body, mind, soul is like one giant electromagnetic tower that is constantly and consistently putting out frequencies. These frequencies are your identity—things you say, feel, believe and act upon—and it is always communicating what you are about. Because the universe works only in matching frequencies, as like attracts like, your tower pulls in frequencies that match & harmonize with the frequencies that it is putting out to begin with. Next time you have a question about why you’re not attracting the type of woman that you want, look to yourself and see the man that is showing up in your life as you. Who is this man? Look at him and understand on all levels the messages that he is putting out about himself. Is he being who he says he is? Does this man have clarity? Is he aware of himself? Is the energy coming from inside this man matching the outer presentation that he’s showing himself to be?
Looking to all that's just showing up in your life is the same exercise. The results that are currently just happening in your life are the byproducts of that which you are. So you can effectively look at both to get a picture of what’s happening and why. From there, you can move to shift things very, very powerfully.
Lastly, I’ll leave you with this nugget my brothers:
Knowing what you want is about realizing who you are.
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greatestmanblog · 8 years
You Should ALWAYS Talk To That Hot Chick
See hot chick. --> Fantasize about her. --> Be creepy. --> Feel insecure. --> Be more creepy. --> Make her feel insecure.
That’s usually the process men go through when they see (and immediately start lusting after) an incredibly attractive woman come around them. But how does this process sound:
See hot chick. --> Feel your attraction towards her. --> Walk over. --> Say ‘hi’. --> Shake her hand. --> Peer into her soul. --> Connect deeply. --> Energy shifted. --> You’re feeling good. --> She’s feeling good. --> Dignity all-around.
And the best part about that? Is that there’s no negative energy or weird vibes popping up that makes everyone feel creeped out. Better yet, there’s self-respect involved there in that scenario. You are feeling good about yourself and how you’re being, and its allowing her to feel the same sort of vibes in her body too. It’s humane. She’s a human being and you are too; it’s the most natural thing in the world for two human beings to share humanity with each other. No pickup lines, no gimmicks, no games needed. If every animal in the animal kingdom instinctively knows how to mate and send out mating calls, then what makes you, the king of animals, think that you need to learn how to approach and attract a woman unnaturally or manipulatively? 
As a species, we’ve been messed up. We got all of our wires crossed up. We’ve learned wrong things, false notions, incorrect belief systems--we have just absorbed all kinds of untrue information. And we are operating by them as if our lives, our dreams, depend on them. The point however, is this: we must become natural human beings again. Instead of being perverse, ineffective robots, allow yourself to connect effortlessly and spontaneously with whomever you feel attracted to. It’s why as a man, when you see that gorgeous super-hot chick that you are seriously attracted to, you must go connect with her. Go see what the feeling you’re having is all about, if what you’re feeling is a real pulse of energy or something else. Be curious. Out of that curiosity, you can be spontaneous and more humane. Just sitting there on the side lusting after her is not humane. It makes you creepy (because of a whole other happening, see “Pornification of Society”). That is why you must approach that woman--for humane reasons. When you talk to her and find out more about who she really is, it will change the dynamic of everything that you can only think about sitting on the side. Maybe after talking to her, you realize that beyond her looks is a deeply wounded woman who’s been through something so terrible you wouldn’t want ANYONE to have experienced it. And you see by taking that in (which happens only if you go talk and connect with her), how your whole thought process of her changes. Something happens to your own energy, you respond and react differently even in your own head. It’s not perverse anymore, it’s actually quite different, maybe even the opposite. You feel empathy. But even this, it shifts you for the better. You notice how much more grounded you become. Through this shared humanity, your masculine power even raises up a bit.
Going up and talking to women who stir up attraction within you is the most human, and therefore, honest thing that you can do in terms of interacting with the opposite sex. It naturally eliminates the triggers you may have had to deal with otherwise by not approaching her. And you can realize and experience so many better things in the process of engaging her, another human being. Maybe instead of her just being some temporary fantasy in your head, she could be the one you actually explore every sexual fantasy with and then some.
This is what works men. It’s much better to be a realized, self-aware man than to be that creepy, perverted low-level of a guy that you don’t really like or want to be in the first place. There’s better ways, you just have to grow your vision to see it.
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greatestmanblog · 8 years
Desire, Sex, Money, Fame, Status, Power, #$%X
You want it? Come get it. Most “young” guys don’t have the balls to play on a big enough field to have it all. You think you want sex with every hot piece of ass that walks by--but you DON’T. You think you want all that cash money to roll around in your Benz or Bugatti to flaunt that swag and style you think you have to have so that everybody will flock to all that you flaunt--but you DON’T. You think being super successful, rocking Tom Ford suits, having millions of fans and followers will fill you up with everything you got--but it WON’T. You want power, I mean raw power, where people cater to your every whim at the snap of a finger, where you speak and people instantly follow suit--but you DON’T.
But you DON’T HAVE IT. If you wanted it, why don’t you have it? You want a glass of water, you have a fucking glass of water. You want to drive your car to get you to where you want to go, you damn well get there by driving the car. You want Uber to come pick you up, you push the button and Uber is there to take you wherever you want. You want coffee, you just have coffee. So if you wanted desire, sex, money, fame, status, power, #$%X then why don’t you have it? Because the truth is you don’t want it.
The power is all there for the taking, but you don’t have the balls to have it. The power that will automatically net all your desires for it ALL--sex, money, fame, status, power itself--to be yours. The playing where that exists is so huge, so vast, so deep, so eternal that it almost feels like a void to begin with. But the beauty of that game you won’t know til you play it, playa. I understand the beauty of experiencing that hot piece of ass, the beauty of these desires to get the money and success to feel on top of the world and even stick it to the people that have hurt you or put you down along the way... but then what? That beauty escapes you and leaves you so fast that you’re still chasing. Chasing is weak, not powerful? Where’s the glory in that? Who wants to grovel, to beg, to plead--certainly not Your Greatest Man. Hell no. So what’s power then? It’s literally having it, owning it...
Then what does owning it mean in this sense and how does it connect to this big-game playing field? It’s one and the same, owning it is the power itself and the power is the playing field itself. And the playing field is your inner game. Your inner game is your power. You either have yourself or you don’t. You either are in alignment with your highest, greatest, truest self at any moment or you are not. There’s no question, no mistake, no effort in this. It’s simply pure Presence. And presence has to do with your awareness, your consciousness. Who the hell wants to hear that?! Who the hell wants to connect that--sex, game, money, status, power with awareness and consciousness--but it’s why you won’t ever have it if you don’t. You’ll always be chasing, and always will be losing, playing a game that you don’t get. Who the hell ever said that by becoming the most self-aware, consciously realized person that you wouldn’t get all that (sex, money, power)?! You do and you will if you make that connection, if you make that jump into the biggest playing field in existence--your inner consciousness.
You want it? Then let’s have it. This is what I can do for you. I can help you make this jump. I’m offering coaching sessions specifically for this, it’s $150 per session straight up. Book yours now by emailing [email protected] your request with the subject line “The Field”.
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greatestmanblog · 9 years
Painting The Picture Of Respect
Recently, Mr. Owns It was interviewed by the beauty+brains behind the epic women’s blog, Grace Of A Goddess, on the topic of respect as it pertains to high-level relationship skills between men and women. These are some of the illuminating pieces from that interview that would be valuable for any man to understand in his quest for becoming his greatest self. Warning: this can give you untold power with women if you get the dynamics of captivating her respect to this level. It’s one way to capture the devotion of not just any women but the remarkably, high-quality ones who blow everyone else and everything else out of the water. Not for the faint of heart to play on this level, unless you absolutely own it...
What does respect mean to you?
Means Trust. They (women) believe me when I say something or do something in regards to them. They trust my intentions even if they don't understand them.  Another way of looking at it, its about having enough authority with someone that they listen to you.​
When a feminine woman shows her respect for you, how does that make you feel? What shows up for you? How do you handle it?
Oh definitely makes me feel bigger energetically. I feel a greater version of myself, like expanded. Women are powerful yet they bring ​​such a different energy to the table for us as men so it has a very profound effect on us when we are given that respect.
An obvious example to this is seen in many relationships where the woman doesn't respect the man. Every one from a mile away can see how diminished that man's presence becomes, it's like his whole being constricts. Some of these men even show body language​​ equivalent to a turtle ducking in his shell. It's very suppressing and damaging to a man to NOT be respected.
So what does show up for me when a woman gives me respect is relaxation. It allows my presence to relax into the moment and even in how I am interacting with her or the other people around us even. The interesting thing about this is that it relaxes me into my power so it expands my presence at the same time. I don't feel slacked off as much as I feel eased about assuming my power. It's actually a great feeling, so that greatness shows up in my presence as well. It supports me in showing up larger than life.
Now, about my intentions for a woman’s respect, I handle a woman's respect with honor. My intention is to revere and appreciate the gift it is. It does so much for me, why wouldn't I? And it has the profound side effect ​​of inspiring me to show up more fully for that woman. I think respect is actually one way, a real way, women can make men better. Men have to do whatever they have to do to grow up from a boy and women really can't impact that journey for men as much because it is so personal for them, BUT AFTER THAT... in dealing with a mature masculine man, this is a sure fire way to support his growth and success. And anytime a man expands because of the energy of a woman, she always receives this expanded energy of a man back in the form of nourishment. Whether it's sexually (him fucking you like a God instead of a man) or respectfully (praising you from the greater power he now embodies, making the praise stronger or more touching than it had ever been before).
Also, in terms of how I handle it. It's important to never insult it. I will play with it out of the lightness of my heart but will never dishonor it in any way. Because I know the precious emotional currency that the respect carries.
How do you show your respect to the feminine? What does showing your respect to her do for you?
​I respect the feminine with my presence. I believe that in the respect the feminine is merely looking for the realness of a man, free of the bullshit. She wants to feel a sense of emotional awareness ​​that communicates care.​ She wants to feel the presence of my attention. She wants to learn the groundingness of my strength. My respect communicates all that. A sense that she's okay, she's received and allowed to be, this is what happens when I show respect.
​For me, showing my respect allows a woman to be more radiant and that impacts me tremendously. It inspires me. It enlivens me. It makes life more fun, joyous, creative and way less serious. Men have tons of pressure on them to succeed, provide, be all kinds of archetypes so receiving the energy of a feminine Goddess is a breath of fresh air for us. As a man, I receive this energy bountifully when I give the gift of my own powerful respect to a woman. It's absolutely a win-win. The dynamic of masculine-feminine is meant to be a positive vortex I believe. It's a dance that, when flowing, brings about all sorts of beauty and life in both of those counterparts. ​​It's a dynamic of nourishment and sustenance, and it's meant to work for us not against us. That should be reason alone, for an individual, to clear out their crap and make themselves available for such an opportunity—instead of choosing not to face your demons enough to get yourself in the space to make a good choice here and just jumping into any relationship that has more potential to fail and damage you than nourish and inspire you.
What happens when a feminine woman that you respect tells you she's lost respect for you or vice versa?
​One, I ground myself because it can be unnerving for a man to hear that. Two, I ground myself more because seriously that shit can throw me off and skipping this step is the biggest mistake men make in responding to the feminine. If men adequately ground themselves and their powerfully masculine energy before they go any further with the feminine woman, they've already won the game for both the masculine and feminine parties. Third, I ask directly how that's occurring and what it looks and feels like for her, that she lost respect for me. Fourth, I shutup and fully receive the message I get back. Fifth, I dig deeper to see if there's a secondary layer to her feelings and the situation that may be a more accurate truth of what's occurring. Sixth, if it's THE feminine woman in my life, such as a girlfriend or significant other, I fuck the shit out of her. Touch in the context of relationships is very important. Because the need to communicate shit like this in the first place arises from the fear of the loss of intimacy or human connection to begin with. So it's not the "thing" aka the "issue" that matters as much as restoring the intimacy and connection between the people involved. By the way, fucking the shit out of her isn't the only way here--hugging, holding, kissing, any way that simply shares emotion via touch works.
All the while I'm going through this, I always maintain the presence of my masculine groundingness because I know it creates the environment of positivity.
Another note about this. I would be sure to not take all this so seriously at the end of it all, lot of the times the problem is in how personal we take things to start with when interacting with the feminine or vice versa that we just shoot ourselves in the foot and complicate it for no reason. The faster both people can bring the "issue" back to zero, make it the nothing that it really is, the more you get back in the flow with your relationship to that person and vice versa.
Any other input or feedback is always welcomed-
Well, let’s just say the feedback I gave her at this point was deeply touching & grounding her...
These may be new perspectives and paradigms of respect for you to play with. You may not have ever heard about respect being looked at in this way or playing out like this, but it’s real. It is one of the highest levels of relating that your highest self can play on with your relationships with women. And as you read, there are many benefits in this that enhance our masculinity profoundly which are reason enough to explore this for yourself.
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greatestmanblog · 9 years
Sexy Trust
It’s so hot. Man does it get women turned on. Is this a joke, you may be wondering? Hell no. It actually is hot shit in real life, but it’s not in the way you typically hear about. I’m talking about the allure and power of a man who deeply trusts himself. 
Self-trust is very sexy. The degree to which you trust yourself is the degree to which a woman can trust you. They follow your lead, in fact all people follow the lead on you based on the cues you give them. If you’re trusting yourself, it makes it appropriate for a woman to do so as well. However, when you’re showing up without the presence of self-trust in yourself, how do you think that looks? Your behavior will be less solid, less aligned, of lesser integrity. Nervous ticks in your behavior will want to express themselves because your body itself doesn’t trust that it can handle the tension it feels. You will be quick to react in ways that don’t express your greatest man. The urge to say dumb things or jokes that are really not funny will want to overwhelmingly express itself.
A man that shows up without a fundamental trust in himself shows up out of character.
Why is that necessary? It is not. There’s no purpose in that except probably the need to reflect on why you don’t feel the sense of trust in self that defines a real masculine man.
Show Up Trustworthy
That’s another thing—your self-trust is constantly reflecting your worth as a man too, atleast what you believe it is. And it’s being communicated to the whole world loud and clear. It’s empowering to know that we own the power to choose just how much or what that worth really is. You get to define it. Consider what’s going to naturally be most attractive? The man that walks into a room and communicates high self-worth which also says he has a lot of value to give. Or the man who walks into a room absolutely, timidly with body language closed off or uninviting or even coming in really high-strung (not present)? This kind of a man makes your body cringe or want to close off also. At times, it has the bonus effect of communicating that you’re a taker or a leech because you don’t believe you have a lot of value to give—you’re there to take. It’s not a good feeling that that inspires. Low self-trust “de-spires” or discourages any sort of aura or vibe to want to connect. It’s repulsive. Realize that the lack of trustworthiness you choose to have for yourself is repulsive and NOT YOU YOURSELF.
Moreover, the level of trust that you show up in inspires confidence in women and other people. Again, it’s not about ego or fake confidence. Trusting yourself is a real and profoundly true experience other people can have of who you really are. There is absolutely no bullshitting it. It’s a solid piece of information you’re giving to others about the reality of your energy. That’s why I say it inspires confidence because you don’t have to “try on” confidence if you don’t have it. In self-trust you automatically have it one way or the other, you trust yourself strongly enough to express any-fucking-thing that shows up and is true for you. For example, you find yourself in a situation that you do not have experience in and that makes you feel nervous or vulnerable. Your confidence doesn’t have to be rattled, and it won’t if you have self-trust. Your deep, fundamental trust in yourself allows you to own the reality that you are experiencing this anxiety, or feeling of weakness in the moment, along with owning the reality that you’re going to be okay, you’re going to handle this moment like a boss and be okay with anything that happens—anxiety or not.
Brothers, here’s to trusting yourself no matter what. Your sex appeal is now a reflection of it. Make yourself trustworthy first because only you get to decide. Own it, every damn day. --Mr. Owns It
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greatestmanblog · 9 years
Alpha Makes An Ass Out Of You And Me
When it comes to the conversation of being a real man, of attracting women, of being a leader of men, inevitably the word “alpha” starts being dropped into the conversation. There’s a lot of misconceptions around the “alpha” male in who he is, what he does and how he shows up. Most guys don’t even think to consider why they are trying to alpha up in the first place, for what reasons they need to do so.
Starting with why, let’s consider reasons a guy may have for wanting to assume the position of an “alpha” male in the first place:
He wants to impress a woman
He wants to gain the affection/attention of a woman
To boss other guys around
To assert his agenda on the people around him
To make himself feel better about himself, aka to feed his ego
He wants status and power, aka fill the need for significance
To put other people down as a means of protecting himself, aka a self-defense mechanism
On paper, these reasons look pretty superficial and petty, which is exactly what they are when you’re coming from that place. The vibe and energy of it altogether looks weak. It truly isn’t based out of a place of strength. Consider how you could be coming off if you find yourself trying to be an “alpha” in a situation, it may not be what you think. Unknowingly, you may have come across as the following, so I encourage you to reflect on those moments in your life when you have felt like or tried to be an “alpha”.
What an “alpha" male is not:
An asshole
Rude in his behavior towards others
Inconsiderate of other people’s perspectives
Fake (like saying you’ll do something just for the outward appearance of it but not really standing by your words in the moment or later)
Self-serving at the expense of others (gaining or improving your stance by taking away from another)
The real “alpha” male is really a rare breed of a character of man. He’s someone I have witnessed and have come across at a few occasions in my life. He’s someone I make the choice to embody over and over again. He’s many things, but I would never call him an alpha. He’s the king of kings, a Kingmaker. The man you see that doesn’t just lead, he leads the leaders of leaders. Other accomplished, powerful and confident men look to him for guidance and inspiration. They sense his wise coolness when others are in disarray and chaos. And when you come across him, his leadership inspires the growth and desire in you to make the impossible possible. Whether any of this is an accident of the position he finds himself in or the direct result of who he is is hardly debatable, but if you look closely, some qualities do stand out loud and clear:
He operates from the heart. No man is more heart-oriented in his processes than the Kingmaker. Every decision and consideration comes from the full strength space of his heart, which means nothing more than his ability to feel through and sincerely see many perspectives and connect them to his own.
His power and aura is expansive because of that, it’s a nature of abundance & giving. The heart-centered nature of a Kingmaker makes him very giving and it has the unconscious effect of making him appear larger than life—expansive.
With his generosity, he looks to benefit and bring up many around him; remember a Kingmaker makes other Kings, so his leadership is just as deep as it is wide. This level of expansiveness requires that a Kingmaker has his well big enough to spawn the wells of others and on.
His generosity is also his cutting-edge leadership style. [See the work of Dr. Adam Grant in the book, Give And Take, to go deeper on how this is true. Mainly, it’s a function of the previous 3 traits combined and how in coming from a place of real strength and unlimitedness, by default you only truly align with those who reflect the same nature/potential.] And it profoundly works.
Growth oriented. He educates himself deeply in matters of life that continually evolve him. Everything from business to spirituality to economics to relationship dynamics, he develops his supreme confidence in himself via developing his awareness of life. This doesn’t make him a know-it-all or intellectual bigot. If it’s grounded in true growth, it involves a real awareness of himself—the good, the bad, the ugly—he explores and owns it all. A Kingmaker’s confidence is too deep and free to be broken.
People person. Naturally or not, it doesn’t matter because for The Kingmaker it’s a function of his greater nature, his kingship. He keeps up relations with people and frequently checks-in with them. It gives him a glimpse into the hearts and minds of the people, keeping him aware and present to what’s actually happening. How can a King lead without being connected to the fabric of his kingdom, the people, much less the one who makes kings himself?
Anyone can be a King, we all have it within us. But to be a Kingmaker—The King of Kings—he needs a lot more. There’s something driving his power and nourishing the inspiration that he is to everyone around him—and that’s a Queen. The Kingmaker has a masterful awareness that nothing happens alone, and his ego knows it above anything else. Having a Queen by his side not only doubles his power and influence, it sustains him. Never underestimate the power of having an exceptional woman in your life. They are Goddesses. Respect them, and they will unleash the next level beast in you.
Finally, perhaps the biggest key to this discussion of “alpha”, is the true consciousness of the real “alpha”. Being “alpha” is not ego, status, the aforementioned etc., it’s the imperative of man to declare and emphasize his nature. He makes people know who he is, what he stands for and what he believes. It’s beyond evident to everyone. And it’s this nature of a real man that aligns and organizes life around him. You miss this or skip this—forget about “alpha”! You won’t even have a life. End of discussion.
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greatestmanblog · 9 years
Making Men Impotent
No, we DON’T need to get it out of our system.
It’s total BS. It’s such a damaging piece of bullshit for us men too. Yes, I know there seems to be a lot of them, but that’s what Mr. Owns It is here to do for you guys—expose the bullshit so it can be freed up from blocking your innate masculine power. The Greatest Man Blog might as well be colonics for your manhood. I digress.
You know that stereotype, the one we are told and are constantly re-feeding to one another. “You just got to get it out of your system bro!” Which alludes to the notion that as guys we need to have sex with as many hot chicks as we can, play the field and get it out of our system before we can have a legit relationship with a woman. Fuck that. WEAK. Who and what the hell propagated that ridiculous logic?! Are you telling me that if I meet THE woman, the one who hits the spot for me on all levels—inspires me sexually, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually—I have to leave her alone or put that opportunity on hold til I go fuck every girl in the world who turns me on just by looking at her body that I haven’t yet had sex with? As if that’s supposed to solve some made up, full-of-hot-air enigma in me as a man? That’s like knowing the EXACT spot on the ground where five truck loads of gold is buried 1000 feet deep, but deciding to go dig up AROUND that spot first for 10 feet here and there because you just never know if those spots would have gold too. But you basically have it all, what you want, more than what you could have ever imagined to have and play with, and you want to chase the illusion.
You have it. Ground yourself on that spot and only that spot and go DEEP! Way deep. She’s right in front of you, have your gold and don’t be foolish enough to reject it when it does happen.
The Illusion: Mirage of Choice
We think just because we have the possibility, the option to meet and experience so many different types of woman, that we’ll be missing out if we don’t actually take advantage of all those opportunities. As if we have to take all the options available to us, nothing is more distracting and foolish than to consider that. The greatest men, greatest leaders routinely make pointed decisions to ruthlessly focus in on A choice, A path, A possibility. A great running back waits for one hole in the defense to open up before he makes his move and even if he has the option open to him to choose from more than one hole, he’s decisive and takes the one he feels and sees as his best option right in front of him. It’s instinct. He just knows. The one thing a great running back doesn’t do is dance around the line of scrimmage in indecision and trying to go through all the holes. Pun not intended, but it’s so fitting.
We live in a really dangerous time, where the internet and technology has made us see and vicariously experience things we would never have been able to before—giving us an unlimited set of choices, options & possibilities, more than we are equipped to handle. It’s distracting and weakening the strength of our characters. Men growing up in the world today, no longer have that penetrating focus and determined direction that moves them through the world pointing their intent at whatever it is they set out to dominate. Character allows for natural domination, not fake personas, and that’s where masculinity and modern day manhood is falling apart. Don’t fall for the trap of all these choices available to you. You can be a man of strength and character and powerfully say “no" to what you don’t need. Likewise, you don’t have to want everything. It takes real guts and balls to renounce what doesn’t serve you. To renounce what you determine doesn’t work for you. That’s power. That’s owning it.
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greatestmanblog · 9 years
The Guaranteed Pickup Line of Great Men
Great Man:  Sees attractive woman. Walks up. “Hey”
Attractive Woman:  “Hey...”
Great Man:  Doesn’t really know what to say or have anything to say, the woman was just so hot that he couldn’t help going near her to connect. Smiles confidently at best, but still nothing. No words are finding him right this moment...
Attractive Woman:  Looks back, maybe expecting you to say something more...
Great Man:  Holds eye contact. “I really don’t have anything to say, you just literally attracted me over here.” Relaxed, playful chuckle.
Attractive Woman:  Laughs. Finds the authenticity charming and interesting, so she willingly picks up the conversation for you... “...“
  That’s all it takes. A real man has the balls, the cohones, to live his truth through and through. The circumstances nor situations matter in the way the real man shows up. He does his thing. And his thing is his truth. Your truth keeps you strong and solid, it will work to “pick up” any beautiful woman you meet because it’s what she really wants. You’re also doing her a favor by not coming at her with the bullshit that every other immature guy is approaching her with.
You don’t have to do nothing for her. She’s just as much a stranger to you as you are to her. You don’t have to give her any sort of status or pedestal because you’re a man of esteem and value also. So? Just connect, keep it real. The above scenario is how to behave normally, like a well-adjusted mature man. It does everything for her and more. For you, it gives you a chance to genuinely connect and ooze out a little of your real awesomeness, some real strength of character. And she finds it all so damn charming.
Believe it.
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greatestmanblog · 9 years
SPECIAL NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: There’s a lot that goes into the last post, Sexual Attraction’s Greatest Lie, but I wasn’t trying to write a book, ya dig? A lot of experience, exploration, time and hurt went into truly understanding the truth in that post. To come to that realization and getting myself in the space to really accept it was an intense journey. That shit wasn’t about being spiritual or anything else other than, giving you guys the real talk. Take it for what it’s worth, challenge yourself to receive it or figure it out for yourself. Message me and you better ask me questions if you have them. I got your back.
—Mr. Owns It
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greatestmanblog · 9 years
Sexual Attraction’s Greatest Lie
An insidious, mythical and subconscious belief about sexual attraction is running (ruining?) men. And it’s operating below the surface of your interactions all the time with women. You don’t even know it’s there, but it has become a roadblock in your potential as a man. It leaks out in many ways--when you feel forced to start posturing in a social setting with other men around, when you get confused about how assertive you should be, when you see an attractive woman and you don’t interact or engage her, or when you start lusting uncontrollably over every other woman who walks by you when you’re out of the house and it affects your mind (and then behavior).
Look, sexual attraction is normal, but it’s this damn belief that we’ve been subtly programmed with that messes us up. And here it is:  the belief that there is a certain way, or a certain type of man, to be that just attracts ALL women.
Newsflash:  No such thing, that there is a man who attracts all women unanimously, unequivocally.
Lies. A big one. A myth that’s actually ruining your game to begin with. Yet this deeply held belief fatally runs men. It does fucked up things to our mindset which, again, ultimately affects our behavior. There’s implications for this myth in what it does to us men and in how it does ruin our game. For starters, the false belief puts an unnecessary amount of pressure on us. It’s already challenging enough to figure out our way as a man in the modern world and discover what true masculinity means for us than to complicate that discovery process by creating a way of being where we have to be good enough for EVERY women. Which brings up another implication where one lie is fostering another lie, this time it’s the false belief that we’re not good enough. For us to behave in this mystical way, magically sparking the sexual desire in every woman we meet or see 100% of the time, is not reality. It would most definitely make us behave in ways which we didn’t want to. The only reason why anyone chooses to behave in a way in which they don’t want to is because they are trying to get something they believe they could not have by just being themselves. Every time you do that, you’re communicating that you feel you are not good enough. Is this going to make you your greatest self? No, it’s not because of yet another lie stemming from the big myth here. In being someone we are not, we become a lie ourselves. Not living our truth by definition means being less than we really and truly are. Anytime we assume this posture as a man, we show off false power at best. This ruins our game with women and with life.
Flip The Frame
Are you attracted to ALL women? Hell no. You have preferences. Some women work for you because of this, some women will never work for you because of you know what, no further elaboration needed here. So in the same vein that you are NOT attracted to all women, all women won’t be attracted to you. Bottom line--how does it even make sense to expect that on any level then?
We need to dive deeper and must explore the root of this bullshit so that we can eradicate it for good. Where is the myth coming from? How is the lie being fueled and sustained still? In the...
Pornification of Society
The pornification of society is happening, and it’s bullshit. We are being fed sexual imagery from EVERY WHERE--ads, television shows, more ads, video games, banners, Instagram feeds, more ads, marketing, you name it. A man cannot even go to ESPN.com to check his favorite team’s scores without being submitted to some sexual imagery. And then we see beautiful women in our environments with all these creative styles and revealing fashions, which they have EVERY RIGHT to wear, imitating the imagery we are being fed. Psychologically, it blurs the lines and mixes up our perceptual filters. Not cool. The pornification of society is happening in real time for sure. Let’s unwind its affects. Because we all have a right to experience our sexual desires. Nothing is more scientifically AND spiritually natural than sexual attraction. So what’s the pornification doing that’s fucking shit up so badly?
It’s destroying our capacity for human emotion, namely the emotion of love, from which stems compassion, kindness, empathy & connection. If you face challenges in your life dealing with your emotions, or this paragraph alone triggers some negative energy for you, stay focused and remain with the main point of this article--the greatest myth of sexual attraction for men and the destructive role pornification has played in you not getting it in in the first place. If love is too strong of a word for you to deal with in this conversation then stick with emotion, but man up and own it. By far, the worst aspect of pornification is how it makes us less able to feel in the first place. And men, feeling is important not just for women, but for any human to be a well-functioning and healthy organism. Feelings and emotions are built into the fabric of life itself, without which we cannot thrive. They serve as the built-in GPS systems for navigating the school of hard-knocks, and you get it for free. You can use this tool to figure your way out of any situation, problem or sticking point because feelings & emotions are the things that point us towards our own unique truth. So realize that anything that messes with your GPS is absolutely not a good thing for you. Protect it. Let nothing come even close to messing with your truth. Speaking of the truth, now that we’ve unraveled one of the greatest lies messing with your mojo for greatness, let’s flip it again to discover the biggest truth here. Truth is...
NOTHING is more erotic than love.
Indeed. The greatest sex you can have is in love, period. We are all crazy about sex, men & women alike. It’s a big undercurrent of the majority of conversations & the majority of interactions taking place between the sexes. There’s no denying it. And there’s no denying that the real ecstasy of sex is experienced through love.
No force on Earth stokes the fire of passion such as the eros that is blazed by love, everything else is a tiny drop of it at best, everything else is fleeting at most, everything else is consequentially superficial at least.
In the energy of sex:  You will NEVER be satisfied by porn. You will ALWAYS remain full by love. Porn will drain you. Love will strengthen you.
The winning game of sexuality, aka healthy sexuality that supports the expression of your greatness as a man, is played via the emotion of love how ever that occurs for you. And you want to experience all your sexual desires right? Well, the heights of sexuality are only touched in the depths of love, you hear! Everything else is a distraction.
Own your truth. You have greatness oozing through you, on both an individual basis and as part of humanity as a whole. Own that whatever it is that makes up your soul, is the true power you have, and owning this power is the most important thing you could do to make yourself the most sexually attractive possible. This isn’t bullshit. It’s real. It’s raw magnetism. You have it already, but you first have to let go of the lie...
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greatestmanblog · 9 years
The G-force: The Irresistible Pull Of Great Men
Stay with me on this one. It goes deep. And it will take you to the promise land with women if you can get it.
Gandhi said, “my life is my message.” 
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror that closely and clearly to know exactly who you were being? What is your message? What are you communicating at large to the world and all the people that interact with you? Have you chosen what your message is with deliberate intention or is it something that you’ve never thought about?
It’s become en vogue to talk about men and their purpose. More on that later. Before purpose, the first link in the chain to realizing your purpose, is becoming clear about who you are. What you do always follows after. What you do is a byproduct of who you are. Understanding your values, aka what really fucking matters to you, directs who you become. 
What do you choose to stand for that just fucking energizes you? 
What makes you feel good?
What positively challenges you in a way that you want to get up and go do something? 
Know thyself because your life is your message. 
And your message, the things you stand for, your inspirations and dreams collectively come together to form an irresistibility, a magnetic attraction about you. This is the G-force. The G-force is your gravity. The pull you have over things once they come into your orbit. The best part is you don’t have to do anything about it because you already have it. It’s who you are, and it is completely and utterly irresistable. An important point to be aware of here: Gravity is so powerful and inherently in alignment with your world (everything we described above) that it automatically knows and attracts the right things into your life. The things that work for you and that you really want. SO if there’s a mismatch here and you are not pulling into your life the things that you actually desire, it is because you are not clear and strong with your message, your values, your inspirations & the truly most important things to you as a whole (collectively). Get this and you’ll have everything—love of women, respect of men, recognition of your work, abundance of resources. 
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