grayferret · 9 years
combat jet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan_MiG-31
oh, that’s so expensive! it’s like to buy a good car, but to fly a mig. must be awesome.
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What The World Is Obsessed With, In Terms Of How Much It Costs.
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grayferret · 9 years
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grayferret · 9 years
And Russia’s all like: fuck western propaganda we’re not an evil empire! Hey you know what would be a great idea? A real life EYE OF SAURON over Moscow! Yeah let’s do THAT!
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grayferret · 9 years
Oh thank you, good person for comparing us to orcs. Thank you, we are so happy for you to be so deep stacked in anti-russian propaganda that you don't see that there is no government that do everything right. Every country have blood on its hands, because history of every country is blood and mud. Crow says that raven is black.
Use your own mind next time to write your own thoughts but not those that your government (or our government, ANY government!) wants you to think. Try to analyse, try to think logically, try to find the truth. That's hard, much harder than to think what they want. We are not orcs, we are people too. And you are just propaganda's victim that don't want to think. Rich people are trying to separate us all to get more money. They get money when we fight, people die for it, not for freedom, not for new world but for rich people. All over the world. In Ukraine, in the Middle East, in Yugoslavia people died and die, but there will be no winner except those who'll get money. If we will hate each other we'll not win. I hope you'll understand. 
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Russia Today:
Tolkien fans rejoice! The ‘Eye of Sauron’ now is not just fiction – it will light up the skyline of Moscow-City to ominously watch down on the Russian capital as the latest “Hobbit” movie premiers in Russia on Thursday night.
Fans of the British fiction novelist J. R. R. Tolkien will re-create the Eye of the Dark Lord Sauron from the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy on Wednesday night, according to The Hollywood Reporter Russia.
The creators from a Russian art-group ‘Svechenie’ dreamed up this wild installation as a tribute to the great saga and its film adaptation.
They said that the installation of a real life Eye of the Dark Lord of Mordor will “let millions of fans visit Middle-earth” – the fictional world where the adventures of the trilogy take place.
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grayferret · 10 years
Nadezhda (Надежда) that means hope is also a name. My name.
Надежда умирает последней
Надежда умирает последней - Hope dies last - is a popular saying, a Russian version of Dum spiro spero.
One of my favourite sayings.
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grayferret · 10 years
I think you need a timemachine to go back in 1200 and be happy. p.s. why the fuck Sakhalin is japanese again? I love Japan very much, but what the fuck? p.p.s. Funny note: on japanese school maps southern half of Sakhalin is still japanese, just like 100 years ago! But if this half warms up poor japanese people during their harsh and super cold winter, they can draw what they want. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is Toyohara, huh?
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A possible outcome if Russia breaks up.
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grayferret · 10 years
Oh. My. God.
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That’s right! This picture was created at night by looking through the earth at the sun.
It wasn’t made with light though — the image visualizes the flux of neutrinos coming from the sun. Neutrinos are sub-atomic particles created in the nuclear furnace of the sun, and they can pass through nearly anything. Billions of neutrinos shoot through our bodies every second, and they fly with ease through the rocky bulk of the earth.
Scientists have built a giant neutrino observatory in an abandoned mine shaft 3,000 ft below Mount Kamioka in Japan. It’s called the Super-Kamiokande - and it’s essentially a 13 million gallon tank of ultra-pure water, rigged with sensors that can detect the extremely weak interaction of neutrinos with other matter. This picture shows the tank when it is empty and undergoing renovations.
The observatory looks down — through the earth itself — to collect data from solar neutrinos. This image is the result of about 18 months of data collection.
(Why does the observatory need to be underground? The rock shelters the observatory from the noise of cosmic rays.)
Sun image: Robert Svoboda and K. Gordan
Super-K image: courtesy of Kamioka Observatory, ICRR (Institue for Cosmic Ray Research), The University of Tokyo
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grayferret · 10 years
Communist ideology provides the idea of nations brotherhood, for equality you all are praying for. I was born 4 years after USSR collapsed, but I still have strong belief that all the people are brothers and sisters and have to be treated by their actions not by skin colour or something like that. That's part of communist ideology too.
All the ideologies have bad and good sides. But what you know about communism is nothing compared to what I know, because - I bet - you have never been to Russia, and all you know about Russia is information from your own propaganda channels. We had both pro-communist and anti-communist propaganda. Oh, you see, you have it, everybody have it, all the mass media consist of propaganda, and the fact is - you will never know the truth, never. But if you had time machine you could try to find the truth. You could go to the past and see how 2 of my greatgreatgrandpa were tortured and died because they were priests in 1937. And how my greatgrandma couldn't became a nurse (that was her dream) because her father was a priest, how she stayed in Moscow during the war with my little grandmother who was born in 1941, 3 month after our war started. But both of her daughters had the great possibility to get best education in USSR for free and became scientists. And my grandfather - workers son - get the best education in the country too. My mother healed her cancer for free thanks to the shadow of communist regime, where people could buy medicine and get help and education for free, and be safe just because they were born there and because they are working there.
You don't know what USSR is. You don't know what communism is. It's about uniting people to reach the stars, it's about uniting people to be safe, it's about uniting people who are willing to do their best for the place they are living in. That's about science propaganda, not "Oh. my. god. you. have. to. buy. that. new. iPhone". That's communism, not 1937, not gulag or something like that, all that shit is not the ideology, it's for saving ideology. USSR built schools and hospitals in Afghanistan, the same for all SSR's countries, it raised the amount of educated people, almost all the country could read and write! That's strong country that needs smart and strong people, not sheeps that couldn't pay for their education or medical care because they were born in poor families, and all they can do - watch TV and say:"Those fucking russian communists are pure evil, why can't we destroy them?". Poor or rich, white or black, men or women - that doesn't matter. What you can do for your country? - that matters. That's communism.
Now you see how strong comminist propaganda is. There is no USSR, and my country is capitalist as shit, but that propaganda lives. So, I think that comparing Communist regime and Nazi's is stupid. Nazi had the ideology bad for us, bad for all the people of wrong nationalities. By the way - USA is fighting for all that equality, but supporting the regime that wasn't about equality at all. Just because they want to be against Russia? That's totally stupid, you know. Gays were treated like shit, and people of wrong nationalities too, but USA continue to scream that USSR had anti-gay laws and - USA supports Nazi ideology. You serious? What we did wrong to be so opressed? Just because we have differnt course and don't want to give USA our resourses? There are stronger anti-gay laws in Arabic countries, but you whine about us, because CNN said you to whine. There are more dangerous regimes in the world, but CNN said you to whine about Communism. We have freedom too (I know it for sure, guys, there is freedom on every corner! miracle!), but CNN said that we don't have it, and you whine. Eh. Sorry for politics. I just couldn't stay silent.
Ленин жил, Ленин жив, Ленин будет жить, товарищи! Твою мать, ну я и настрочил тут дерьмеца. Терпеть не могу все эти политические разговорчики, неужели это мазохизм?
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Results of UN Vote on Anti-Nazi Resolution - http://sputniknews.com/infographics/20141125/1015153484.html
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grayferret · 10 years
AAHAHAHAHHAAHA +100500 for crappy russian!
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I don’t know what I’m doing with my life.
Click on the panels for translations.
More Avengers Comics
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grayferret · 10 years
ending years single since 1994. stability
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just planning ahead
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grayferret · 10 years
This movie is number one in my list, the best I've ever seen.  I feel myself so small now.
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grayferret · 10 years
But it's easier to become gay than become black. Some people are gay because of lack of androgenes (men) or too many of them (women) during the brain building. But some of them try to be gay because of fashion. 
I know a lot of straight people who turned into gay, but I know only one man who changed his skin color, and he was born black.
And. Good or bad does not depend on gay or straight, white or black, man or woman. It depends on what we do. Why don't you stop judging people by their sex, orientation and skin color? 
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grayferret · 10 years
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Aurora Lights, Lofoten, Norway, by Jan Erik Waider
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grayferret · 10 years
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Sh2-155, The Cave Nebula
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grayferret · 10 years
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Today I feel that I woke up. Today I feel that I can bear anything, that I don't have to think what others will think about me, that I don't have to worry if no one exept my parents will ever accept me. While we have this will to discover our world further, while we have the dream about space, we are unbreakable. We can bear anything. We live now, when the Earth is discovered, and space can't be discovered because of lack of technologies. So - let's do something about that! Let's forget all the wars and other shit, we are buried in debts and kredits, we think about wrong things. All you need is just look up and think - what is there? Can I discover that sparking dot closely? Yes, you can. All you need is to look up!
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grayferret · 10 years
Uh, I just read what people think about last Naruto chapter - and... Guys, are you serious?
1)Of course, all adults have their work, that's why Naruto is acting like that. My parents have work too - I'll say more - they are talking about their work all the fucking time, but I know they love me and I know I love them. The feature is - they are separate, but they are together, they are thinking about each other. Naruto is late for meeting because he cares for his son! Look, how we live! Are your family members are always together, every moment of their life? No. This is life, Kishimoto showed us THE LIFE, not candy fantasy, but life.
2) Of course, any woman, even if she is great warrior and healer, can do some house work. I don't know how it is in America, but here in Russia we do it and don't think it is offensive or ruin all our "character development". Every woman can be warrior and mother, she don't have to be strong 24/7. So shut the fuck up.
3) And - Sasuke. Yeah, he knows what it means to be alone and miss those people you love, but he is who he is. He have been alone for a long time, he is not that person who will show their love in traditional way with hugs and warm and kind words. He is thinking about his family - that's enough. It would be very strange if there was a scene with SasuSaku family together and happy. Even if Sasuke is happy around his wife and daughter, he wouldn't show it, he would just think: "What a strange feeling, I think it's time to go". So - thank you, Kishimoto-sensei, one more time (thousand of times). And haters gonna hate
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grayferret · 10 years
OH.MY.GOD. that was the last Naruto chapter and I feel so exited! Naruto is my first manga, my first anime series, and I have read it since I was 12. I always rate food, series, films, books and almost never give more than 9 out of 10. Guys, tHIS IS 10 OUT OF FUCKING 10. Kishimoto, I LOVE YOU AND YOUR FREAKING MANGA I'LL READ IT TO MY FUTURE CHILDREN, I'LL NAME MY FIRSTBORN MASASHI OR NARUTO OR sasuke or itachi... oh, I think it'll be strange name for russian children, so I have to marry someone from japan. That's all your fault that I have to leave my house and move to another country! Why did you make it manga so perfect? But, really, pretty long... I have to read it one more time!! I like that Sasuke is back, I like that almost everyone is fine (OH NEJI WHY- look, I don't whine about itachi's death because I'm strong MUST. NOT. CRY.), I like that NaruHina and SasuSaku are canon, and there is hope for NaruSasu (oh, wait, this manga is all narusasu, I think it must be renamed as narusasu) thank to Boruto and Sarada. Oh, Ino and Sai are also pretty pair, not saying about Shikamaru and Temari, they are really gorgeous! So, I'm absolutely satisfied! Thank you, Kishimoto-sensei! You made my 8 years!
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