gqa-lite · 5 months
And it seems I am officially wrong in theorizing that Wish could be the next Frozen. Such a shame. Had high hopes for this film. I’m still gonna see it eventually, but it is so sad to hear that it is not doing well. Good for it that it was nominated for a Golden Globe though.
Look, I’m not gonna jump the gun and say Wish will be amazing, because we simply don’t know. Wish could be awful, or forgettable, or whatever else.
I do find something funny though.
Back in 2013 when Frozen was first being advertised more heavily, people were over-hating it. They hated the designs, said the songs and singing was bland (yes, they were saying the songs were bland), mocked the trailers for saying that it was the biggest musical since The Lion King. People were very sure that Frozen would flop hard. Sound familiar?
Not only were they wrong, but Frozen ended up being…well you know. And even though there are still people to this day that say the film is bad, they can’t deny that the film is huge and well loved. It’s also good to note that Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck are behind Wish, just as they were behind Frozen.
I’m just saying that if Wish is truly good and exceeds all expectations, then we are literally watching Frozen happen all over again. Even with another well-loved musical pre-dating it (Encanto would basically be like how Tangled is to Frozen).
And that’s why I’m pretty much ignoring the over-hate for Wish. It’s honestly screaming “I’m the next Frozen.” I could be wrong, but eh. We’ll wait and see.
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gqa-lite · 5 months
I think it is absolutely unhinged that people are so heavily critical of Elsa in F2 that they say she was borderline abusive. The Elsa cr*tical crowd is so wild to me because did we watch the same movie???? The issues with Elsa and Anna’s relationship are not caused by Elsa’s inability to focus on Anna and Anna only. Was she more distant in the second movie? Yes. Was it justified? 100%. We’re talking about a woman who has had to spend the last 3 years navigating her abuse alone. She has Anna, sure, but there is only so much that she can do, and with the expectation that Elsa is supposed to continue ruling Arendelle as if nothing happened to her is a lot to handle. Plus we know Elsa, there is no way in hell that she openly discussed her feelings and struggles because she was taught for the majority of her life to CONCEAL, DON’T FEEL. Those habits are hard to break, especially after being drilled into her by the people who were supposed to protect her. So she is absolutely going to keep her negative emotions away from her sister because that’s what she thinks she has to do to keep Anna safe. Regardless of how much personal work she’s done on herself to recover from her trauma, she did not have the proper coping skills to deal with a crisis, so the minute something out of the ordinary happens, she immediately reverts to solely focusing on herself and fixing the problem as a way to keep Anna safe. It isn’t about Elsa only caring about self-preservation, it’s just the only way Elsa knows how to cope; ‘do everything myself and try to keep danger away from the family’. 
Elsa runs away from Anna to keep her safe, and Anna runs after Elsa to keep her safe. This is why they need a balance. Neither is wrong, but if it’s not managed properly, they will both be in danger.
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gqa-lite · 5 months
I want to point this out. And I’m saying this as a Helsa/Hans fan.
Hans makes it very clear that he was willing to kill Elsa even before the winter.
“Elsa was preferable, of course, but no one was getting anywhere with her. But you — you were so desperate for love that you were willing to marry me just like that! I figured after we married, I would have to stage a little accident for Elsa. But then she doomed herself and you were dumb enough to go after her.”
Hans was, indeed, doing all this just to be King, eternal winter or not. It doesn’t matter what someone has been through in their childhoods. “Cool story, still murder.” Now, does that mean he’s beyond redemption? No, but that doesn’t really negate what he did, and trying to downplay his actions is not the way to go. The best redemptions acknowledge their actions and not try to soothe them over with “but my abusive daddy!”
I also don’t understand why so many Hans fans are quick to dismiss what he did to Anna. He manipulated her and then emotionally abused her (and to an extent, physically with trying to quicken her death). That’s low-key domestic abuse, since they were engaged. I think we need to take off the shipper goggles and understand that in canon, Elsa would probably not date someone who abused her sister.
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Is he really an irredeemable monster?
• Let's not forget that no one is prepared to deal with a sudden magical winter.
Hans was in a situation that he had to think a lot about, the queen escaped leaving an eternal winter, the princess went to look for her and he who only had superficial ideas of Arendelle had to take charge.
Were Hans' actions bad or do we only judge him by his last actions? Well, he had in mind to marry the monarchy to be king but we are all ambitious, Besides, it wasn't just that, he wanted to be recognized by his father, he wanted to at least feel loved by his dad for once, is that bad? besides, after everything he did for Arendelle, the best option to take the throne was him.
The council insisted at all times that Elsa was a monster, which council is against their queen? It wasn't just Hans' fault.
In the film, we see that Hans distributes blankets to combat the cold, gives them food, and tries to keep a kingdom calm in a stressful situation.
How would you feel if the queen plunged them into an eternal winter and the princess was missing? He was supporting them and fulfilling a duty that he should not have been Hans, so I think telling him "Unredeemable monster" It's a term that I don't think is for Hans.
Although Hans tried to murder Elsa and Anna, he not only did it to become king of Arendelle, but also because if he killed Elsa the winter would end. On Anna's side, even if he had kissed her, he would not have saved her because, as we know, "he didn't love her."
So is Hans an unredeemable monster for doing all this?
Let's remember that he grew up in an abusive family and that affects any child,
For Arendelle, after everything Hans did for them, he is also an “unredeemable monster”? If this was so, then what would Elsa be to them?
It is not good to judge without first analyzing.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
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“She gets sexed up”
“It's inappropriate.”
“A terrible example for young girls.”
“Does being yourself mean wear swanky clothing and wear a lot of makeup?”
Yes, actually it can.
I hate when people say this about Elsa. I HATE IT.
First I would like to mention that when people say “be yourself” some people don’t really mean. What they mean is don’t try to hard, don’t put too much makeup, don’t wear clothes that are too tight or comfy, stay comfortable. And for some people, that is not themselves.
Some people like to put on a lot of makeup.
Some people like wearing revealing clothing.
Some people like to look rebellious.
You can’t hold that against them.
All her life, she was told to be this quiet, poised, conservative girl. A girl who wears long dresses, capes. A girl who doesn’t talk back, doesn’t act up. She was trapped. She was trapped in a little box full of responsibilities.
And now she’s LETTING GO.
Did you even listen to the freaking song?
She’s becoming what she wants to be. She’s letting go of the past and heading straight into the future. And no one affects what she looks like. There is no boy she wants to impress. No townspeople. No parents. 
She’s doing all of this for herself.
And I don’t know about you, but I think that this is a great example to set for little girls, afraid to be themselves.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
I hope people realize that the authorial intent with Elsa being a spirit of the Enchanted Forest is that to ask her to leave would be a brutal ask. Elsa hesitated on the voice initially, but when she gave in, she dove headfirst into everything. She was even set on going to the forest on her own. Her magic knew it was all good... she battled and befriended the other spirits. She found Ahtohollan and she finally knew why she was the way she was. Why she had magic, why she was different, why she had the power of a goddess inside her when nobody else around her ever did.
Have you... experienced nature? Have you ever felt such great pain from the sense of otherness that the world forced on you, that when you finally ran into the woods and screamed your lungs out... you came to understand just what you had been missing all this time?
Elsa is a nature spirit raised in a cosmopolitan setting. And when she finally found nature and its peoples, spirits, Ahtohallan... she wasn't just Elsa with magic. She was the Fifth Spirit, a part of nature.
Don't ask her to leave that.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
Elsa in Frozen III / IV
I've been thinking about Frozen 3 and 4 a lot lately (surprise, surprise) and while I am beyond excited about the epicness we're promised, what I really want to see (and hope they will show us) is Elsa being the dork we all know she is. Don't get me wrong, Frozen 2 did have such moments; but now Elsa is truly, actually, properly, fully free to be herself. And just thinking about it makes my heart burst.
Like, I imagine this idiot being absolute unhinged.
She does competitive swimming against the Nokk, and cannonballs into piles of snow/leaves with Bruni. She takes naps with the Giants, and dances with Gale. She goes around the Enchanted Forest singing songs and having snowball fights, which she loses because she plays fair. She races barefoot against Honeymaren and Ryder while they're riding their reindeer. She makes horrible puns that she delivers with winks and finger guns, she sets up silly pranks that everyone finds twice as amusing because of her blissful maniacal gremlin giggles. She plays hide-and-seek with the Spirits, and climbs trees just to land cat-like behind Anna to spook her when she visits the Forest. She makes snow slides for the children, and they have so much fun with it, that she joins in the game, too. She sends thousands of letters to her sister to tell her about all the new fish and birds and animals she's encountered, and then makes forts in the Castle Library to read all about them. She brings new flowers for Anna's study every week that she spent days picking because she wanted only the best for her little sister. She's still terrible at charades but now she jokes about it. She talks to Kristoff about reindeer endlessly, mentioning the names that she assigned to those in the Forest, leaving him confused but happy to converse with his sister-in-law about something that he loves. She brings the Northuldra chocolate. She gets up every morning to watch the sunrise, and stops whatever she's doing to watch the sunset. She hides little snowmen all around the castle for Anna to find when she's having a bad day. She counts how many leaves fall from Olaf's favorite tree to help him keep track. She sneaks carrots to Sven. She randomly lies on the ground to sunbathe. She makes bets with Anna about where it will snow first, and whoever wins gets to put the carrot on the snowman they build wherever it snowed.
She's this sweet, fun-loving, mischievous, and happy person that everyone wants to be around, because she's so fucking interesting and fun and smart and kind. She's the person she was forced to hide. She's having the fun she missed all those years, and she does childish things just because she can, because she's finally free; free to explore the world and learn new things, free to feel her emotions. She's finally free to show herself.
And she's overjoyed to be alive.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
A Thread about #RedeemHans made on X (twitter) and the last time I'll be addressing this side of the fandom. Toodles ~
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gqa-lite · 6 months
What I never wanted was a situation in which they’d make a Frozen 3 that would act like a perfect conclusion to the franchise, but it would be a box office hit, so they’d decide later to make an unnecessary 4th one to make more money.
What I also wouldn’t want, however, is a Frozen 3 with such an ambitious and complex story idea that ends up overly condensed, rushed or simplified so that it can be cut to the standard 90 minutes, not given the space to breathe and develop properly.
So what does intrigue and excite me is this idea that they’ve come out with an idea so full of potential, with so much possibility to explore and expand the characters and their world, that they’re saying “what this story needs to be told at its best might have to be two films”. It sounds like they’re listening to what the story needs, and giving it that.
The potential is overwhelming and I’m so intrigued.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
So this X (twitter) post has been circulating around for a while and some people say it could be fake?
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However, since it was posted by a verified account, for now I’ll take it as real.
This ultimately means that the next 2 films will be about Elsa’s magic in some way. That it is ‘growing’.
Does this mean that the many fan theories of Elsa losing her powers has been disproven? Or maybe Elsa’s powers have a ‘puberty’ moment and go out of wack for some time? I guess we’ll have to wait and see if anything else pops up.
Now, there are some who are upset that they’re exploring Elsa’s powers again and you all know how I feel about the criticism of F2 ‘making Elsa all about her powers’ haha. Frozen has always been about Elsa having snow powers and how the characters navigate through this. This is not surprising to me at all, if true.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
Can I just…make a defense post for Anna real quick?
Recently, people have been grouping recent Disney heroines into this new group “Quirky Girl” and have been claiming that they’re all the same character.
Now, I can’t speak for every Disney Heroine because I’m more well versed in Frozen-ness, so I want to talk about why Anna is much more than just a “Quirky Girl” clone.
The argument being made is that the only flaw that the “Quirky Girl” has is that…well…she’s quirky. Other than this, she’s typically portrayed as always being right while being spirited and positive.
Yes, Anna is quirky and positive. Yes, she is determined and brave and always means well. But to say that this is her only flaw is wildly incorrect.
Anna is forceful as hell — she strong-arms people to get her way and doesn’t take no for an answer. This is what leads to so many conflicts in F1 and F2. In F1, she is also very naive. She is desperate for love, and even romantic love — something that a lot of modern Disney heroines have actually not even addressed. And in F2 she is terrified of change and losing the people she loves. I would even say that Anna kind of matures and even loses a bit of the quirky characteristics. Like…Anna is incredibly flawed. She is so much more than just ‘quirky’ and spirited, and she’s definitely not always in the right.
I would dare to even say that she actually fights to be determined and earns the right to be so. Like, this girl has been through so much shit that the fact she can find the courage to rise and still fight — holy crap. Anna is such multi-dimensional character and it’s just so sad to me that people are just seeing her quirky side and immediately dismissing her.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
Don't lose hope just yet, when Frozen was coming out, it also got a hate-bomb of reviews, with politics from both sides being inserted into it as well (there was a lot of "So, Disney thinks all men are evil?!" and "This isn't feminist and diverse enough!"). I wanna wait until the film is released for at least a month before making a final judgment.
Look, I’m not gonna jump the gun and say Wish will be amazing, because we simply don’t know. Wish could be awful, or forgettable, or whatever else.
I do find something funny though.
Back in 2013 when Frozen was first being advertised more heavily, people were over-hating it. They hated the designs, said the songs and singing was bland (yes, they were saying the songs were bland), mocked the trailers for saying that it was the biggest musical since The Lion King. People were very sure that Frozen would flop hard. Sound familiar?
Not only were they wrong, but Frozen ended up being…well you know. And even though there are still people to this day that say the film is bad, they can’t deny that the film is huge and well loved. It’s also good to note that Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck are behind Wish, just as they were behind Frozen.
I’m just saying that if Wish is truly good and exceeds all expectations, then we are literally watching Frozen happen all over again. Even with another well-loved musical pre-dating it (Encanto would basically be like how Tangled is to Frozen).
And that’s why I’m pretty much ignoring the over-hate for Wish. It’s honestly screaming “I’m the next Frozen.” I could be wrong, but eh. We’ll wait and see.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
The announcement of Frozen 3 and 4 delights me to no end but truly it increases my impatience for new content. My brain is in grabby hands mode 24/7. Gimme Anna and Elsa's new routines. Gimme Honeymaren and Ryder lore. GIMME
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gqa-lite · 6 months
One disappointment I really don't want to have with "Frozen 3" and "Frozen 4": so long after "Frozen 2" the Northuldras are ignored again.
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To this day, the only one they are developing remains a mobile game, "Disney Magic Kingdoms". Even the "Frozen Podcast", which has a large part of its plot taking place in the Enchanted Forest, ignores them and only remembers the tribe in a mention by Kristoff. And in the anthology the story related to them is something from the past that only serves to give Agduna more justification.
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Honeymaren and Ryder have so much potential, their connections with Elsa and Kristoff, and I'm not talking about romance although if we consider the mobile game, it's canon to say that the woman is in love with the Snow Queen and her brother supports the shipp after realizing that Elsa wasn't interest in him. And Yelana, although she is by far the least prominent character of the trio, she met Iduna, are they going to continue ignoring that?
If the franchise really needs support from the Sámi tribe to make content with the Northuldra tribe, I hope Disney will be kind to them.
I want "Frozen 3" and "Frozen 4" to explore new characters and new themes, but it doesn't need to ignore its past (it could even bring the idiot prince back to be beaten by someone else, I don't care) and especially the past that It hasn't even been addressed yet.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
I hope they do something with the "she saved her enemy" from frozen 2 cuz y'know...that's such an interesting quote 👀
Fun fact : the age gap between Agnarr and Iduna is the same as Hans and Elsa.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
More Northuldra and their lore. More Nature and myths. More ethereal powerful Elsa the Spirit. More great Queen Anna. Kristanna. Sisters working together. Mysteries, adventures. Love, fear and magic. Cliffhangers? Angst? Fighting? Danger? Dark forces? Yes, please.
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gqa-lite · 6 months
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gqa-lite · 6 months
Remember when Jennifer Lee said that F1 and F2 were meant to be viewed as one compete story? And remember when she said that F3 was a something new?
I didn’t realize that she meant we would have another story with two films yo. Seriously. TWO new Frozen films. Holy—
WHAT STORY REQUIRES 2 FILMS?! What are they planning?! I’m so excited and curious- but also laughing at how greedy Bob Iger is lol.
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