goodvulture · 10 months
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goodvulture · 10 months
- Pizza! How many toppings? Which toppings? All the toppings? Stuffed, thin or regular crust?
Don't come for him but pineapple is an A+ pizza topping. Bell peppers, spicy peppers, mushrooms, and onions are also favorites. Sometimes he'll have all those at once. Red pepper flakes on top, like a lot of pepper flakes. Stuffed crust or regular. Thin crust is like he's not getting his money's worth. And while not part of the question, a bonus fun fact he has, can, and will eat upwards of 5 slices in one sitting especially when he lived alone. But he typically limits himself to around two.
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goodvulture · 10 months
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
I not only write a journalist but I work part time as one irl. I'm working to become full time. Until then my job in sales helps pay the bills.
My favorite food is chicken and broccoli
My girlfriend and I are planning to adopt a dog
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goodvulture · 10 months
Sorry for not being here. irl has been crazy lately. I appreciate everyone's patience. I promise I'm not ignoring anyone. I've just not been here. I'm just a parent with a full time career trying my best so hobbies take the backseat sometimes. Again thanks for being here! I appreciate you all so much. I'll try to get to things soon.
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goodvulture · 10 months
Thanks to everyone for your patience. Real life is crazy for me right now. I appreciate you all. Thanks to all the new followers as well for giving me a chance on this odd fandomless canon muse I'm curating here. I'm not ignoring anyone, I just haven't been here. I'll try to get to DMs, inbox things, replies, and starters this weekend hopefully.
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goodvulture · 10 months
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
I have a girlfriend and two toddlers. I wouldn't want it any other way.
I work full time in sales / part time journalism
I have two cats that we have rescued
0 notes
goodvulture · 10 months
🥃 - Alcohol! The stronger the better or do they have a low tolerance for those type of thing? Do they drink alcohol by itself or do they commonly have it with a meal?
Michael can typically go for a good beer and enjoys a sip of the ocassional wine. He won't do tequila, not anymore. Whatever he drinks it would typically be with a meal, he isn't one to drink alcohol by itself. He drinks socially from time to time.
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goodvulture · 10 months
My side hurts and I don't know what I did to it. And carrying my toddler isn't doing it any favors. I don't know if it's the weight pulling on a sore muscle or their foot ramming me right where it's most tender but hi yes, it's certainly a Monday.
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goodvulture · 10 months
'i love you' prompts i love you isn't always said with those three words.
'hey, you feeling okay?' 'did you get enough sleep?' 'i can get that for you.' 'how was your day?' 'you don't have to if you don't want to.' 'i'll make you something.' 'get some rest, okay?' 'go ahead and get it. it's on me.' 'you make me smile.' 'i'm not going anywhere.' 'do you want a hug?' 'want to talk about it?' 'take care of yourself for me, okay?' 'you want me to get it?' 'i'll get you some water.' 'how about we grab a blanket and binge a show?' 'you don't have to talk if you don't want to.' 'you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.' 'it's up to you. your choice.' 'don't worry about it. my treat.' 'yeah, i remembered.' 'don't worry, i got it.' 'get behind me.' 'how about some fresh air?' 'these were the kind you like, right?' 'get whatever you want.''i'm right behind you.' 'i won't go unless you want me to.' 'i promise.' 'i'm not giving up on you.' 'i'm so proud of you.' 'you can do this.' 'i believe in you.' 'hey, keep your chin up.' 'take care of yourself, okay?' 'i've got all night free.' 'your shoulders are tight. want me to give you a massage?' 'i got all your favorite snacks.' 'i'd follow you anywhere.' 'hey, it's your favorite song.' 'you're never a burden.' 'i've got your back.' 'it's okay to cry.' 'hey, hey, hey, it's okay. i've got you.' 'i'm not going anywhere, i promise.' 'take my jacket. you look cold.' 'you matter.' 'you won't lose me.' 'if you're tired, go to sleep. don't worry about me.' 'i missed you.' 'don't talk about yourself like that.' 'i'm right here.' 'be careful, okay?' 'just lean on me.'
412 notes · View notes
goodvulture · 10 months
mundane headcanons
🌅 morning routine
at what time do they generally wake up?
do they tend to wake up early and take their time, or would they rather rush it?
how many alarms do they need to wake up?
are they a morning person?
bathroom first or breakfast first?
do they take a shower to wake up?
coffee, tea, milk or juice?
sweet or savoury breakfast?
what do they like to have for breakfast?
do they prepare their clothes before going to sleep, or do they prefer to improvize?
do they spend a lot of time dressing up, fixing their hair and/or putting on makeup?
🚿 personal hygiene
how often do they take a shower/bath?
shower or bath?
shower/bath in the morning, afternoon or evening?
do they use specific perfumes?
do they prefer their shampoos and soaps plain, or do they like to smell like something specific?
do they have specific shampoos, conditioners and body wash, or do they go with a 3-in-1?
what's their go-to flavor when it comes to toothpaste?
🍕 food breaks
do they have set times for their meals, or do they eat whenever they feel like it?
do they have a proper meals everyday, or do they tend to skip or get just a snack for lunch/dinner?
are they a home-cooking kind of person, or do they rather get takeouts?
if they eat at work/school, do they take time to prepare even just a sandwich at home before going out?
do they tend to have any make-ahead meals?
do they tend to have leftovers?
how often do they get fast food?
how often do they go to restaurants?
🧹 chores
are they the one doing most chores in the house?
which chore is the one they dread doing the most?
do they wash the dishes right after a meal, or do they leave them in the sink until it's impossible to ignore them?
do they have the dreaded "laundry chair" where they put dirty clothes on?
do they make their bed in the morning, or leave it undone until it's time to sleep?
🚗 transports
do they have a driving license, wether it's for a car or bikes?
do they have any other kind of driving licences ( planes, ships, buses... )
do they own a car?
do they own a bike?
are they the kind of person who think of their car as if it was their baby? perfectly clean, not a scratch, almost overly protective of it?
do they use public transports? if so, do they like using them?
do they like going on trains?
do they like going on boats or ships?
do they like going on airplanes?
📱 phone
what phone do they have?
do they use specific ringtones depending on who calls them, or do they use just one for everyone?
how often do they check their phone?
do they keep their phone's audio volume on, or do they prefer the vibration or? or do they rather have it silenced?
how many apps to they have on their phone, give or take?
do they have games on their phone?
what's their background and lock-screen?
💻 social media
are they registered to any social media?
how often do they log in?
how many followers do they have?
do they follow a lot of people?
how easy is it for them to block someone online?
what do they tend to post online ( art, videos, just starting fights online... )?
did they ever get in an online fight?
do you think they'd have callouts about them?
😴 sleeping routine
at what time do they tend to go to sleep?
do they take anything to help them sleep ( medicines, chamomilles, warm milk... )?
how much does it take for them to fall asleep?
are they a light or a heavy sleeper?
do they snore, talk and/or move a lot while sleeping?
do they dream often?
what kind of dreams to they tend to have?
do they prefer to be in complete darkness to fall asleep, or are they ok with a bit of light?
do they need the door or the windows open, or do they prefer them closed when they go to sleep?
what's their usual sleeping position?
where is their bed? with a side against the wall, in the middle of the room... ?
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goodvulture · 10 months
7 - Do they own their home or rent it? 9 - In what kind of home did they grow up?
7. He owns his house alongside his wife. 9. He grew up rich. His home was what many would consider extravagant and a mansion.
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goodvulture · 10 months
6 - Describe their home’s layout in detail!
It's a small home. It was his wife's before they met. He moved in when they started dating. It's a single story and has an attached garage and driveway. Three bedroom, two bath. Quant. Not much to write home about.
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goodvulture · 10 months
Be very careful as to not accidentally unfollow your mutuals. There are reports of a bug happening when unfollowing and refollowing a blog. Upon refollowing, the person and their original posts no longer show up on your dashboard despite following them. Continued unfollows and refollows lead to no changes. You have to physically open their blog to see their posts + new replies.
Please continue contacting tumblr support and putting in tickets for issues such as these.
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goodvulture · 10 months
He is my father, but I don't know him.
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goodvulture · 10 months
I will never turn my back on people who need me.
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goodvulture · 10 months
Food preferences meme
🌭 - Hotdogs! Do they eat hotdogs at all? Do they use a lot of contiments? Toppings? Or just plain?
🌽 - CORN! Do they eat a lot of corn? Do they ever eat it by itself? Have they ever tried corn on a cobb? They put any butter or pepper on their corn?
🍿 - Popcorn! Do they have butter on their popcorn? Extra salty? Do they get any of the colored popcorn at movie theaters or just the usual stuff?
🍕 - Pizza! How many toppings? Which toppings? All the toppings? Stuffed, thin or regular crust?
🍔 - Burger! Do they prefer them on a charcoal or propane grill? No preference? How do they stack their burgers? What type of bun do they use?
🥪 - Sandwiches! What's their usual go to when it comes to a sandwich? PB&J? BLT? Ham and Cheese? Do they still cut the crust off their sandwiches? Preference on sandwich bread?
🥗 - Salads! Do they eat their greens? What vegetables do they like? Favorite salad dressing? Do they usually have a lot of crackers and cheese on their salad?
🧀 - Cheese! What kind of cheese do they like or consider their favorite? Are they the type of person that will put cheese on almost anything or do they use it sparingly?
🍳 - Breakfast! Do they have a big or very light breakfast? What's their go to breakfast food? Do they eat breakfast at all?
🥧 - Pie! Do they like pie or have a favorite type of pie? Do they prefer cake instead?
🥣 - Soup! Do they have any soups they like? Do they make it from scratch or just get canned soup? Is it something they commonly eat or is it reserved for a sick day?
🍚 - Rice! How do they season their rice? Do they eat rice by themselves or do they combine it with something?
🌯 - Fast food! Do they eat fast food often? What's their favorite place to do? Do they settle for something greesy or are they very picky about where they eat out at?
🌶 - Spice! How well do they handle spicy food? Do they usually put hot sauce on lots of their food? Or do they avoid it at all cost?
🍦- Ice cream! What's their favorite flavor? Do they get any toppings? Syrup? Whip cream? Do they prefer it in a cone or in a cup? Do they eat on warm days only or on cold days too?
🍧- Shaved Ice! Have they ever had it? What flavor would you get? Does ice hurt their teeth? Do they have to wait until it melts and it's more of a slush?
🍩- Doughnuts! Do they get a plain glazed? Icing? Jelly filled? Settle for Doughnut holes? Or do they want powdered sugar?
🍤 - Seafood! Do they have a favorite type of seafood? Like seafood at all? Have they had any bad experiences with seafood in the past?
🥩 - Meat! Do they eat meat? Are they picky about how it's cooked, where it comes from, and how to eat it? Do they prefer red or white meat?
☕️ - Coffee! Do they like it black? With lots of sugar and cream? Do they drink a lot of it or only in small amounts?
🫖- Tea! Do they have a favorite type? Do they drink any herbal tea for health benefits? Do they drink it warm or cold?
🍫- Chocolate! Do they have a favorite? Do they like dark chocolate or prefer it be as impossibly sweet as possible? Do they settle for low end stuff or get the expensive brands?
🍪- Cookies! Favorite type of cookie? Do they eat cookies a lot or just on occasion?
🥃 - Alcohol! The stronger the better or do they have a low tolerance for those type of thing? Do they drink alcohol by itself or do they commonly have it with a meal?
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goodvulture · 10 months
He is my father, but I don't know him.
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