goodimagines-blog · 7 years
Imagine Mycroft Holmes
You and Mycroft are going out to lunch for your first anniversary. It has been a joyous day. You and Mycroft were getting lunch and you noticed that he had only ordered a salad.”Mycroft, aren’t you gonna get anything else?” Mycroft avoids the question and continues talking to you about anything else. The conversation grows uneasy, and you have had it! You confront him right there in Speedy’s. “Hey! If theres not truth in this relationship, then there’s no me in this relatioship!” Mycroft breaks down into tears. You crouch down next to his shaking body and rest your hand on his back reassuringly. “Mycroft...” you console. “I hate my body!” he yells. “But I love it,” yuou whisper. He glances hopefully up at you through a chocolate curl. “Can we go home and play Minecraf y/n?”
 You smile. “Of course . I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”
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