goodboycomic · 6 years
Updating Question
What’s the best way to present this comic - what frequency of updates works best for you as a reader?
Also, should I:
a) fully complete a chapter and then queue it at some rate (twice a week, once a week, once a day...), with longer pauses in between chapters
b) upload it bit by bit, with smaller, irregular pauses in between segments of chapters?
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goodboycomic · 6 years
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Goodboy comic process: preview #1
The pencil lines for a few panels!
The monster’s icy home is based on real locations throughout New Zealand’s South Island: primarily the popular Franz Joseph and Fox glaciers.
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goodboycomic · 6 years
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Goodboy Comic - Behind the ‘scenes’: Poll Results
At the moment of this post, 50 poll responses have been filled in - huge thanks to everyone for the feedback!
Here are some of the things this poll has established for the comic:
Setting: Southern New Zealand, Oceania. Present day with a 1995 prologue. NZ was 3rd in popularity, ended up picked due to fitting with certain theme suggestions + due to my having visited there as a kid. Although the comic will be in a fictionalised mix of different locations (some of which are in reality far apart), I hope I will do justice to NZ’s environment and atmosphere.
Monster origin: The monster will be your standard eldritch abomination cryptid, with a few folkloric and ecology elements. As he is affected by meddling mankind, his design will grow closer to invasive species and his temperament more harmful.
Characters: Based on poll comments, the cast has been designed to contain more female leads and multiple leads of colour. Several comments have also been very adamant that the story not use romance. (I actually like the idea of a reader being free to ship what they like, too, with no established ‘canon’ choice via the story itself. So this works for me just fine.)
Horror elements: Any potentially distressing content will be thoroughly tagged! I’ve listed the most common yuck factors that people have mentioned. There will be death and injuries, but no sexual content and I will keep any gore or violence tasteful. You will not be seeing stuff on a level to roil your stomachs! Some black humour may occur, too.
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goodboycomic · 6 years
Reblogging here as a first post!
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As some folks might remember from this post and this poll, I’ll be starting a little comic/simple click-by-click story project. Presenting a small update on…
A story about a monster that accidentally bonds with its intended victims.
Starting as gothic horror with black humour/parody elements, it would gradually grow… pretty cosy, without ever quite leaving the basic genre.
Above is a randomly mixed collage of the first pages. I will be posting everything at a (currently empty) sideblog: https://goodboycomic.tumblr.com/
The comic tag is: #goodboycomic
I’ll start posting once I create enough pages for consistent updates. I’ll also soon be sharing some WIP stuff and information on characters, poll results, creature concepts and so on. Hope you’ll take a look when it happens!
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