goldenocie · 19 hours
Introduction to the Hunter
2/3, the next video in this series!! Who is this charming young man?
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goldenocie · 22 hours
Here’s my take:
One of these started as a crack ship and the other is the only wlw relationship within fable between cast characters
Round 4 Match 1
Kaleidoscope - Midas and Malitae (romantic relationship)
Ariboo - Arisanna and Momboo(romantic relationship)
Propaganda under the cut
-Kaleidoscope (r):
Cute rainbow gods!! Malitae creates, Quixis changes <3. They do art together.
uh. quixis deserves to kiss someone. they deserve to be so so soft and maybe hold hands and perhaps kiss. also because kaleidoscope is an *amazing* ship name and I hold it so gently
Quixis deserves a happy relationship and Malitae can give that. also i want them to make fun of icarus together.
they are shapes and colors !!!! the way they perfectly fit together, Quixis's wack and Malitae seeing that itself as art and thinking its fun, doing art together !!! the way they are both isolated, Quixis by a dimension, and Malitae by a hidden-away island, and they can act as a comfort to eachother !! Q can be amazed by M's art, and all of their creations, and M can listen to Q, they can just exist, and they can do it together in a world that may be falling apart, but they can laugh !! they can make each other laugh!!
lets go lesbians! lets go lesbians!
Sun and moon yuri
THEY ARE THE SUN!! AND THE MOON!! the book club romance of it all, the Ari finding Momboo's presense comforting of it all, and Momboo the same, and the idea that had vexed Ari visited, Momboo would've probably just been happy to see her again, even if she was different, and snarky in a way that she wasnt before. they are doomed yuri!!
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goldenocie · 1 day
Fun fact about jerry! He tends to keep his hair a bit longer, just long enough to tie back. Having it too short reminds of him of when he was in the the army.
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goldenocie · 2 days
man i wish there were more noncanon ships with Ocie but majority of the server either likes men or is related to her
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goldenocie · 2 days
Introduction to the Wolf
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goldenocie · 2 days
I got something coming so very soon and I’m so excited to show y’all ^^
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goldenocie · 2 days
Okay but consider: prison duo (r)
Im just sayin. And I’m also correct. And listen- I’m not sayin that being one of centross’s canonical partners should give me more sway….but it should give me more sway. /lh
Round 3 Match 4
Prison duo - Centross and Icarus(queer platonic relationship)
Wet Bird - Ven and Icarus(romantic relationship)
Propaganda under the cut
-Prison Duo(qpr)
They're tragic besties who deserve to cuddle.
something something they should hold hands something something maybe kiss even something something I think they deserve to be so so soft and gently something something
-Wet Bird(r)
blorbos. they're so. I hold them so gently. they care so much about each other even if they'll never ever admit that to anyone's face. also because wet birds is such a funny ship name and clearly the best. (/hj /silly)
They're simply perfect
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goldenocie · 2 days
What was your favourite bloopers from all 3 Seasons of Fable
Every single time that Connor died because it just started getting funnier and funnier and a little more impressive
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goldenocie · 3 days
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Perona and Zoro both being yeeted to Mihawks goth island is my Roman Empire
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goldenocie · 3 days
For the pokemon au, what would ocies starter/team be?
Poplio is on there 100%, I think he’d be her starter. For others on her starting team she’s have a magikarp, mantyke, and a pyukumuku!
Obviously a lot of water types. I see Kai as likely the water gym leader for it! Later teams would see her team more evolved and with more additions. She’d likely have a good bit of alolan pokemon
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goldenocie · 3 days
what was your favorite part of lore? who was your favorite person to do lore with?
I think my favorite part of lore is honestly watching community reactions to stuff as it comes out! Not even just my stuff, watching you guys freak out about the brothers reveal, the cathedral, and Aaxs backstory was so fun. I just like seeing all the feedback and what everyone thought
As for favorite person- I have a few. David’s really high up there, partially because he is my partner but also cause we’ve always bounced off of each other really well and he’s a lot of fun to do stuff with.
For a non gay but equally affectionate answer, Metta, Ven, and Beck always bring such good vibes whenever we got to actually sit down and do lore. Aax and kai have a dynamic that I adore and them being enablers is always fun to act out. Plus Metta is lovely and I wish the world for them. Ven is so fun because we got to be “he asked for no pickles” energy in season 2 while also being silly and goofing off together. The blue team divorce streams hold a special place in my heart.
And of course, beck has always been a close friend since the day they dm’d me on tiktok and unfortunately I wasn’t able to do a lot of lore with them but the bits we got to do were so fun!
Connor is up here too for being the person I grabbed this season and said “what if I hated you and then we got to be actually cool friends”
I could go on with an answer for each cast member tbh but I’ll stop myself here
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goldenocie · 4 days
People gave me encouragement here’s more ideas about the Pokémon AU. This is a sorta long post but I’m just cooking
Alerion is dead. Like 100% dead. Team Aether is being ran by Soraza and the twins and it’s not going great. They know he was murdered but aren’t sure who did it. Fable, Enderian, and Netherum have all pointed fingers at one another but the police don’t have any leads.
Rae, Sherb, Athena, and Ari all left home to go on Pokémon adventures for varying different reasons and with different reactions from their parents.
Netherum and Soul could not be more proud of Athena and have given him Pokémon since he was little. They’re sad to see them go but they imagine great things for their little Prince. Any team Nether operants who see them out in the field are happy to lend a hand!
Rae left to go study Pokémon and the effects that psychic and dark type Pokémon have on the world around them. Enderian approves of his research but wishes he would stay home. Truth be told Rae knows there’s something dark going on in Team End but doesn’t know how to confront his mom on it.
Icarus ran away. They were always told the other teams were not to be trusted and the Overworld Foundation would help make a better future without them. However, after running into a former member of team end (Centross) who said some incriminating things about their father and having their life saved by the heir of team nether (Athena) they began to see through the cracks. Ic grabbed his Pokémon team and left in the middle of the night. Luckily they’re not alone as Ven saw them leave and realizing that he might get in trouble with his boss if his son dies…Ven decided to go with them. Ven does not know how to Pokémon battle…yet.
Ari set out to try to find out what happened with Alerion. Soraza gladly sent her on her way with multiple Pokémon and a lengthy tutorial. Ari knows something weird is going on with the other teams and what better way to find out than to befriend the children of their leaders? And she just happened to find one out in the wild traveling with a high clearance employee of the Overworld Foundation.
Might make comics or fics- idk. I figured I’d give bare bones ideas for now though lol
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goldenocie · 4 days
For the pokemon au, what would ocies starter/team be?
Poplio is on there 100%, I think he’d be her starter. For others on her starting team she’s have a magikarp, mantyke, and a pyukumuku!
Obviously a lot of water types. I see Kai as likely the water gym leader for it! Later teams would see her team more evolved and with more additions. She’d likely have a good bit of alolan pokemon
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goldenocie · 4 days
I could be mis-remembering, but Kai is both water and blood, or can one more than the other???
*Hypothetically* If a Water-Bender were to control Kai, would they have to use water bending or blood bending techniques?
Kai depends!!! What her body is made up of is a subconscious thing for her
Id say though it would be blood bending techniques since that is still technically just moving the water in a body. It would likely be easier for a water bender to control her since in her essence she is just water though. Likely wouldn’t even need a full moon for it lol
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goldenocie · 4 days
“Fable over time to make aus” is how I’ve been feeling lately
Anyways pokemon but the war of the realms is just cause the region has four of the “teams” and they’re all constantly competing with one another.
Team nether: similar to team skull/ team magma (they’re just silly guys who are sometimes evil.)
Team Overworld: similar to the Aether foundation/ team plasma/ team galactic (horribly evil but hides it well. The founder is lying to most of his workers and his goal is self serving)
Additionally. Icarus is N coded.
Team End: Similair to the Aether foundation/ team flare (slightly less evil. Mostly just hate people and want to study dimensions)
Team Aether: honestly? Not evil. Probably where the Pokémon professors get their funding. Most similair to the Aether foundation (hah) in how they provide sanctuary for Pokémon and research them. You’d really think they’re evil. God they have all the flags. Why are they not evil?
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goldenocie · 5 days
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Six of Crows: A Comic Adaptation
Part 1, Chapter 3
Pages 23–24
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Download the Chapter 2 Digital Copy
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goldenocie · 5 days
Do you happen to have more of c!ocies kids designs????
I got this lol
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I got bored and remembered this one incorrect quote
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