god-of-queefs · 3 years
Reblog if ur gay for Leah Clearwater
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god-of-queefs · 3 years
As It Was (TVD/Twilight) Ch - 1
The world went quiet when Jia (JEE-YA) Kwan was born, or at least that's how it seemed to her father Jin (CHEEN). She had a little tuft of black hair on her head, and later after she opened her eyes he discovered that he had her mother's earthly green eyes. Sadly he couldn't celebrate her birth for very long. Her body had been weak after the birth, much too weak. So a week after Jia was born, her mother Madison passed away in her sleep. 
Jia Kwan spent the first 17 years of her life in her hometown of Mystic Falls, right by her best friend Bonnie Bennett's side. The two girls were like two peas in a pod, and they did everything together. It's not like Jia hated Caroline or Elena, Bonnie's other two friends, but she just never clicked with them. 
Bonnie and Jia only got closer when she had to move in with Bonnie's family after her father got into a fatal collision with another car on his way home from work one evening. The girls had been 13 at the time.
This brings us to the present: Bonnie and Jia are on their way to pick up Elena Gilbert for the first day of their junior year of high school. Jia and Elena didn't exactly get closer over the summer, even when both of Elena's parents died, but she was very sympathetic to the other girl. 
"Bonnie, she'll be fine. We don't want to overwhelm her when we pick her up, who knows how many people have been treating her like a glass doll ever since that night. When she gets in the car we'll treat her how we treated her before the accident." Jia instructed, knowing how awful the pity people treated you with after your parent/s died could truly be.
On their way to school after picking Elena up they almost crashed, which caused both Elena and Jia to seize up a little before they forced themselves to be okay. Jia walked into school first, not wanting to be late to AP English on her first day. 
During lunch she ate alone, preferring to do so. It would always quickly get unbearable to eat with Bonnie and her friends, mostly since Bonnie was averagely popular and friends with two very popular girls. Bonnie's whole section was always packed with girls (and guys) who Jia described as tedious and vapid attention-seekers. 
Despite being the closest friend either girl had, the two were complete polar opposites (and not just in personality). Bonnie is a five-foot-two black girl with long wavy hair, which is such a dark brown that it is nearly black, and earthy brown eyes. Jia on the other hand is a five-foot-six Chinese girl with naturally black straight hair (which she dyed green a week prior to the first day, and had gotten cut into a bob with straight bangs), pale skin with a rosy tint around the apples of her cheeks and the tips of her fingers, and moss-green eyes. 
Bonnie's personality is also much more . . . Palatable than Jia's. Bonnie is self-sacrificing, kind, empathetic, extremely compassionate, and friendly girl. Jia herself though . . . well she is kind (to Bonnie), more sympathetic rather than empathetic, rarely compassionate, and mostly self serving. 
Their fathers had also been childhood friends as well, which does help explain how Jia and Bonnie had become friends in the first place. 
The first day was entirely unremarkable, save for the new boy at school, though Jia was entirely uninterested in him. There was just something about him that screamed 'danger,' which made her very uncomfortable. She didn't know what it was about this 'Stefan Salvatore' (as she would later find out he was named) that she did not trust.
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