gloomygeneral · 10 years
Guo Tong sighed, closing his eyes as embarrassment began to set in. Someone seeing his carelessness was bad enough, but that someone being a member of the respected Sima family made it all the worse. Clasping his hands to his chest, he bowed briefly.
"Please forgive me, Lord Sima. I appreciate your help - it seems I needed someone to put me back in my proper place as well," he said. 
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"...You make a fair point. I know that it's imperative that every officer learns how to balance their talents when times of peace do come - as far away as those times seem - and I've allowed myself to become careless. It's just..." 
He hesitated, one hand straying to his hair and looping a dark lock around his finger. It was hard to admit anything, particularly in the presence of someone as formidable and respectable as Lord Sima Liang, without it sounding like a pitiful excuse.
"...It's nothing. I appreciate your advice. If there's anyone I should be listening to, it's you, my lord. I only wish I knew how you managed to keep everything together and make it seem so effortless."
Unfamiliar Faces
Only once he was done did he become slightly reclusive, and it was slightly obvious by his posture and the slight downturn of his lips that what he had just done wasn’t entirely of his own volition, but there was something deeper. “I apologize. I should have asked before doing anything.” His words were light, and he lowered his head in an apologetic bow of sorts.
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"Studies are quite important, but knowing how to balance everything can be even more important, Lord Guo." He explained simply and raised his head, a light smile playing on thin lips. "I would suggest you find a way to balance everything, and rest your body. None of us would desire to see you get as sick as your father."
Truly, the entire Guo family was a rather interesting bunch. From Guo Huai to Guo Tong, both were highly interesting people, from the way they worked, to the way they studied, and even their choices for the support of Wei… everything was rather interesting, but it did not seem that the son understood time management very well.
"….. Even the fighters and the generals need to know how to perform other tasks." He explained softly, tucking his hands into his sleeves. "It may seem mundane, but there cannot be just fighters, let alone during times of peace, there hopefully will not be fights to partake in. What would you do then?" He asked, cerulean eyes trained on the young general. "For me, I am but a politician first, and a general second. While both are imperative, but when peace returns, all Generals will be able to do is keep the armies prepared, just in case. As for the Politicians, they will be able to manage and find ways to ensure the peace stays for as long as it can."
He looked directly at the other, an expression of amusement dancing in his eyes. “But that is not for me to say, nor for me to act on. I’m sure whatever path you choose will be beneficial.”
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
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Tong glanced aside, a brief, humorless chuckle escaping his lips at her words.
"My father is a general, certainly. But generals do things to earn their position, my lady - I've done nothing to deserve that sort of respect yet," he said. "Courtesy might dictate otherwise, but I'm just a soldier."
Unfamiliar Faces
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"You have no need to thank me, it was of no issue. Please do, if you are able to." Yu reassured, before tilting her head to the side in an odd manner.
"…Is your father not a general? Someone befitting of such a title, and I’m sure you are as well, as his son."
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
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Tong stepped forward, bare feet scuffing against the wooden floor as he walked towards her.
"T-that would be me- though there's no need for such formalities with me. I'm no lord," he said. "My lady, you're much too kind. I hope you didn't have to go out of your way...I can deliver it to him, if you'd like. I know he'll appreciate it."
Unfamiliar Faces
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"I’m alright." She shook her head, dark brown strands swaying slightly and sliding down her delicate shoulders.
"You are Lord Guo Tong, correct? I have this medicine I’d like to deliver to your Father…"
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
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"Oh! My apologies..." Setting the scroll in his hand down on the table, Tong fidgeted. 
"I hope I didn't startle you, my lady. Is there anything I can do to help you...?"
Unfamiliar Faces
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"It’s nothing to worry about, sir." Yu spoke gently as she stood at the doorway.
"I was just passing by…"
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
"Wait, it's alright. You don't have to do...That..." Tong began, raising his hand to stop the other man's work only for it to hover there uselessly. He watched as he reorganized the shelves, a tiny hurt noise escaping him as he saw all of his progress shoved away. 
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"T-thank you," he mumbled as the last of the scrolls had been put away. "I'm so sorry about the mess- I've been trying to catch up on my studies, and I allowed myself to get distracted." 
At the mention of more work, his expression grew even more hopeless. "Ah, you...Brought them all the way here for me? You have my thanks..."
More work? he thought. This is getting ridiculous. I know it's part of my duties, but just when I've been trying to catch up it seems there's something new for me to do. For god's sake, I'm a fighter, not a writer - Father might be able to handle both, but this is over my head.
Unfamiliar Faces
The first thing he noticed when he walked in with a stack of papers for the other was the mess. He froze, right in the doorway and stood there for a good while. Not once did he register what the other male was saying, nor that anything was being said, only that the room was a mess…
It was a mess.
                                                     Look at the mess. Look at it, Liang.
                  It was a mess.
                                                     If it isn’t fixed, then your family will-
                                   It was a mess-
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He swiftly moved into the room and set the papers on the desk before starting to pick up a few of the scrolls and documents scattered about, all while murmuring to himself. No, this was more important than the documents for the other. This was way more important. Even the ones that were on the shelf again were being reorganized so everything was neat and tidy.
Once that was done, he turned his attention to the other male. “I apologize for intruding, but there are papers that were needed to be delivered to you…”
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
"No no, of course not. I was just thinking..." Propping his elbows up on the windowsill, Tong frowned.
"I hope I didn't interrupt your playing. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"
Wen Yin: ? -looks up the to the window- Oh, I am sorry… Did I wake you up?
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
Unfamiliar Faces
this-sworn-lullaby has started following you
imperial-babysitter has started following you
"E-er..." Glancing around the room, Guo Tong mumbled as he took in the mess surrounding him. He'd been on another studying binge; maps and documents littered the table in a disorganized heap, the the floor was piled high with his failed attempts at notes.
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 "Please, f-forgive me! I wasn't expecting company, so I..." Trailing off, he began to gather up papers and books, putting them haphazardly back on shelves as he glanced nervously at his guests. 
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
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"I don't recall seeing you there before. Who are you?"
Wen Yin: -playing a flute outside of his room-
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
"Well, it looks like anything I might have planned for Father's Day is off. He's been shut up in his room all day - I didn't even have the chance to say hello, let alone ask if he wanted to do anything."
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"...Is it bad that I'm sort of relieved?"
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
((You hit the nail on the head, actually. What I was thinking of goes along pretty much identically to what you've said; I can definitely see them forming a very close relationship in the beginning, albeit one that's occasionally marred by Tong's jealousy since he's kind of a petty child.
Post-betrayal just kills me because like you said, Guo Huai would still care a lot about Ba. It's hard to abandon those feelings, and Tong would see it as further proof that his father considered Ba a better 'son' than him, which would probably drive a wedge between parent and child. 
I can see them having it out once after Guo Huai's death. Ba would still be troubled by his conscience, and Tong would have spent his time bottling up all his emotions and acting like he was over it- and then they'd meet on the battlefield as enemies, probably by utter chance, and all those ugly feelings would come spilling out at once. Tong would want so badly to kill the person who'd betrayed his father and hurt him, but something...Lack of skill or being blinded by emotions or pure luck...Would stop him.
And it would be one more little thing to weigh on Xiahou Ba's mind. He'd know he did what he felt was right, but once in a while he'd remember Tong's voice or that trusting, eager smile of his, and it would needle at him. 
God why does this make me so sad.))
To Guo Tong, Xiahou Ba is both a mentor and an idol - someone who he wants to fashion his own choices after. He has a lot of respect for him as both a warrior and a human being, and finds his humility and down-to-earth nature even more admirable than his accomplishments on the battlefield. But while he thinks highly of Ba, Tong still has the rare moment where he finds himself getting jealous of him - in no small part because of how much Tong's father spoke of Ba in the past.
And this is where the story goes to
These two can become real great friends, and have this great bond. Xiahou Ba can look at him like a little brother and would probably welcome the thought of that being so. But like a lot of older and younger brother’s. Tong’s jealously can really hurt these two if it grows.  And I can definitely see it growing terribly high during the period after Ba defects to Shu. Guo Huai would still obvious care for Ba, and Tong would probably feel betrayed, and be angered by his father as well as why he cares for him still when Ba betrayed them all.
Ba would probably have trained Tong well enough to match himself so Tong may bring up how he has become just as strong as him, and just as great and kind and such. He would treat other’s just like Ba treated him when they first met. But he would never understand why Ba deserted them. This anger may not be so …How do I say it. 
He isn’t like GRRRR angry so much as it is more calm and questioning.  I guess.
He would be frustrated if anything.
But he would definitely be angry once he learn’s Ba killed Guo Huai, his father. Then I can definitely see that anger rising.And even so I bet Huai said something before the battle that would scar Tong.
And even worse is when these two would have to fight each other. I can see Tong being so angry with Ba afterwards, and asked why his father still cared more for him than his own son even after he betrayed.
And if Tong is there when Ba dies, Ba wouldn’t even make an excuse for what he had done. He’d smile and say I did what I believed was right, and now I suffer from my choice. He would look at Tong and praise him, and warn him to not let the anger that had been growing consume him. He mustn’t 
Tong would probably then suffer from losing both his father and Ba
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
Tong looped his arm around Ba's shoulders, supporting him in spite of the fact that the older man weighed a good deal more than him.
"Let's just...Get you sitting down somewhere, shall we? We can discuss things there," he said, a nervous laugh escaping him as he lead Ba to a wooden bench near one of the barracks.
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"Right here...Are you sure you'll be okay?"
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 ”You’re not? You still are though and …There’s two more of you.” The chevalier stared with disbelief at the man. Ba was able to stand more properly once Tong had offered his assistance. Yet still he would wobble from time to time. And his words were constantly interrupted by hiccups. “I…I ain’t sick…*hic* I shouldn’t be sick. I just took a few drinks *hic* is all…My head doesn’t feel right though *hic* if that helps…”
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
Confess your feelings to my muse, anonymously or not
Submitted by: Anonymous
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
"But I'm not moving...?" Guo Tong watched Ba uncomfortably before stepping out to put a hand on his arm, steadying him. 
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"You're starting to worry me, my lord. Your face is so red, and you're going to fall if you keep walking like that. Do you...Have a fever, possibly? Father gets those sometimes..."
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  "Heheee~ I took it from Jia! *Hic* I can drink a lot too! *Hic* bout’ few other bottle’s but this is the best! Hahahah!" He started to wobble as he took a step closer to Tong. "You’re moving a loooot for some reason Tong."
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
"I'm good I guess, b-but I...Uh...You seem a little too fine, if you don't mind me saying. Are you sure everything is okay?"
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"...And what's that bottle you've got with you?"
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"Heeeeh I’m fineeee Tong my frienddd I’m *hic* perfectly fineee~ How youuu?"
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
"L-Lord Xiahou Ba, is something wrong?"
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"You look...Strange..."
Got a few new icons soooo
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"Heeeyyyyy *Hic* EVERYONEEEEEEE."
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
"My apologies for the interruption, my Lord," Guo Tong said, nervously biting his lower lip as he entered the room. His apprehension was almost immediately apparent; their days had been uneventful, and his father had urged him to spend some time with the boy.
"I hope I haven't come at a bad time - it's such a pleasure to meet you," he said. Fidgeting, he glanced aside. "And it's kind of you to show such concern...My father and I are both doing very well, He's been in remarkably good health lately."
Could you lie a little more obviously? he thought, cringing inwardly.
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Gloomygeneral has entered the prince's world
gloomygeneral started following you
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- the little prince was busy with drawing, he couldn’t notice the present of his visitor early, but once he did, the surprised made him draw an unwanted line on the canvas, so he just let a heavy sigh to escape his lips and adjusted his sitting position to look towards the guy - 
” it’s a pleasure to meet you, Guo Tong ” - he greeted, painting a smile on his pale face - ” how’re you doing? and how is your father? ” - he asked -
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gloomygeneral · 10 years
Guo Tong's face reddened at the man's words. He was already on edge as it was; meeting one of the sons of the great Cao Cao felt like a high honor, and he was determined not to embarrass himself in front of such an important person.
"Yes, my Lord," he said, bowing so quickly he nearly hit himself in the face with his own ponytail. "I am Guo Tong, eldest son of Guo Huai. I can't tell you how honored I am to meet you - my father has told me so much about you and your accomplishments."
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gloomygeneral has inconvenienced Cao Zhang
gloomygeneral started following you
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” the son of the intelligent strategist, isn’t it? ” - the black haired man greeted his visitor with a smile on his sharp features, he guessed in curiousness and respect as well that this’s the son of Guo Huai, the most most person Cao Zhang respects, he had heard about Guo Tong and wanted to meet him, he’s the son of his favorite strategist before anything -  
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