Girl Meets World is officially dead
In a series of tweets, Michael Jacobs let us know that the show is officially off the air for good. He also revealed some of what season 4 would have shown, had the show been renewed.
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With that, I also close this blog. Or rather, it will be left open, but I will not devote any more time to it. 
Thank you to all those who have followed me, I have loved sharing my thoughts and feelings with you! 
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William Daniels, aka Mr. Feeny, did a little interview with BuzzFeed about Boy Meets World. He also reveals what his birthday wish is.
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I hate that they made corys brother an idiot . He was the cool older brother turned into the complete moron
I both agree and don’t. I know opinions are mixed about the development of Eric, but I think having him stay the “cool older brother” could have gotten boring really fast. I also think letting Will Friedle run wild with his comedy was a gift to all of us. However, I do agree that Eric lost something along the way, and I generally don’t like it when something becomes so unrealistic. I actually thought it was funny all the way, but I took it for what it was. He certainly went from realistically and humorously dumb to “he must have suffered some actual brain damage at some point”. They may have taken it a bit far… 
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Ya know i still wonder why Shawn made such a big deal out of Cory bringing pudding to college. I mean it's not like Cory brought his baby blanket or teddy bear or something like that. So what was the big deal with pudding?
Haha, good question. Honestly, I think it was all about image. They had literally just gotten to college, and were trying to make good first impressions. Cory has a tendency to be kind of weird and over-the-top, and Shawn saw an opportunity to help him be just a little bit cooler by telling him to ditch some of his eccentricities, like the pudding (and the woohoo-ing and the emotional scene he made about opening their dorm room door for the first time, if you recall).
And it’s not like pudding is the “coolest” food, if you can even rank food like that… Isn’t pudding kind of the food-equivalent of a baby blanket?
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The Disney actress is set to appear on at least one forthcoming episode of the ABC sitcom, The Goldbergs Season 4. She will take the role of Aliza, the editor of William Penn Academy’s student-run science-fiction magazine.
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do you think they should've done a "ballet episode"? that's a common plot where one of a tv show's characters decide they want to try ballet classes. Ava's the most obvious candidate to put in tutu and tights but it could also been Riley or Maya. Given how these episodes usually go in other series, Auggie would've ended up clad in Ava's female ballet attire.
No, I’m really glad they didn’t do that. They already had a dance-ish episode with Riley wanting to be a cheerleader, they really didn’t need another, in my opinion. 
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Rate “Girl Meets Goodbye”
What did you think of “Girl Meets Goodbye”? Rate the episode in the poll below!
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Boy Meets World is on TeenNick I believe 4 nights a week, wouldn't that be a place the show could move to?
Theoretically, the show could go anywhere. I really don’t know which is the more likely option.
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Who knows. though it doesn't look like it's just wild speculation, it's from an actual interview with the series creator: “There are talks underway, but we’re at the very very beginning stages,” series creator Michael Jacobs tells TVLine.
It’s not wild speculation, I just don’t believe it will come to fruition.
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Recap and review: Episode 3x21 - Girl Meets Goodbye
This is a recap and my personal review of Girl Meets Goodbye. It will contain spoilers, so read on only if you want to know what happens.
In this episode, Topanga is trying to make a decision about London. Riley and Maya are terrified she's going to choose to take the job, which would mean moving the entire family to England.
In class, Cory finally teaches them about Belgium 1831, which is when Belgium decided to break out of the united kingdom of the Netherlands. Which the kids see as a metaphor for Riley maybe moving away.
Back at the Matthews apartment,  Topanga has gathered her whole family and everyone she cares about to ask their advice about her decision. They all pretty much just tell her they know she'll make the right decision on her own.
In the end, she chooses not to go.
This episode was a huge let-down. Much ado about nothing… Nobody went anywhere and nothing happened, but somehow they managed to make a huge deal out of that. Plus, Auggie and Ava literally showed more emotion than Riley and Lucas. Somewhere along the way Riley and Lucas (or Rowan and Peyton) lost all chemistry, maybe that's why we haven't gotten to see them together at all since they became a couple. Maybe the writers knew there was no point in giving them scenes together.
One good thing about this episode is that there was a lot of gold here for Boy Meets World fans. Mr. Turner and Shawn hugging was beautiful! The double-Morgan thing was actually handled well, I think, and I like any time we get to see Eric or any of the other "oldies". Amy and Alan, Harley Keiner, and of course Mr. Feeny!
Today's best quote:
Ava: "I spoke to my mom and she said I could go!" Auggie: "Really?" Topanga: "Don't answer" I'm afraid of the actual answer…"
Today's sweetest moment:
This one goes to Ava and Auggie in the bay window.
Notable guest stars:
Bill Daniels as Mr. Feeny Lily Nicksay as Morgan Matthews Lindsay Ridgeway as Morgan Matthews Lee Norris as Stuart Minkus Betsy Randle as Amy Matthews William Russ as Alan Matthews Will Friedle as Eric Matthews Anthony Tyler Quinn as Jonathan Turner Rider Strong as Shawn Hunter Danny McNulty as Harley Keiner
Random observations:
Ava is surprisingly good at doing a British accent. What is she 7? Maybe 8?
How is Eric still so well-written when the rest of this show is so bad?
The flashback we saw was to the final episode of Boy Meets World called "Brave New World"
Now it’s your turn!
Tell me what you thought of “Girl Meets Goodbye”
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Mr. Feeny himself tweeted this and posted this picture to his instagram today. 
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Girl Meets World definitely has the potential to get where BMW did. Maybe. Personally, I always thought the first few seasons of BMW was cheesy like GMW but it grew into something amazing as they got older.
In my opinion, the first few seasons of Boy were in no way as cheesy as Girl. Boy still had depth and told stories that made sense, in words that kids used. Girl Meets World is sweet, but ridiculous in a a way that boy wasn’t.
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I've heard some stuff about how it still might continue on a different network. Source: tvline[.]com/2017/01/12/girl-meets-world-season-4-revival-chances-michael-jacobs-interview/
I’ve heard all about it, but to be honest, I find it very unlikely that this will ever happen.
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How do you feel about girl meets world being canceled
I obviously think it’s very sad. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite live up to my expectations as an old Boy Meets World-fan, and I’m not entirely surprised that Disney has chosen to let it go, but I always remained hopeful that it would improve in quality, and so I hoped for it’s survival. 
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Rate “Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen”
What did you think of “Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen”? Rate the episode in the poll below!
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Recap and review: Episode 3x20 - Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen
This is a recap and my personal review of Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen. It will contain spoilers, so read on only if you want to know what happens.
Riley and Maya want to do something new and exciting, and decide to celebrate their sweet sixteens now. When they announce this in class, Cory points out that Riley has a tendency to want to accelerate the clock, and she agrees that she feels like they are growing up very fast.  Cory states that you can either be surprised by what's coming in the future, or you can look to the landmarks of your lives so far. He gives them as an assignment to tell him what's going to happen in their junior year, when they are all 16 or 17 years old.
The group goes to Topanga's to discuss what junior year might be like. When asked if Riley and Maya will still be best friends, their answer is immediate and positive. When Lucas asks Riley if she thinks they will still be together, Riley is less certain, but states that she is hopeful. Lucas says that he is hopeful too, and the two hold hands. Realizing that emotions play into this, which can't be scientifically calculated, Smackle freaks out thinking she's going to fail the assignment, and consequently crashes, like a computer.
While Smackle is buffering, Farkle asks to talk to Lucas, and the two go outside. Zay starts playing with the idle Smackle, and Riley and Maya stay behind talking about the future. They soon realize that they might not stay together forever, as Riley wants to go to a college in America while Maya thinks she might go to Europe to study art. When Smackle comes to and asks what she missed, Zay repeats Riley and Mayas conclusion that they're all probably not going to stay together after high school, and all the girls get upset.
Outside, Farkle and Lucas are talking. Farkle tells Lucas that if Smackle has feelings for him (which she has frequently alluded to), he will step aside. Lucas seems unconcerned with this matter, and the rest of the group comes outside. Smackle is still scared of failing, and asks Riley if Cory knows what his doing giving them this assignment. The group agrees that Cory is a great teacher and probably has a plan.
Lucas finds Smackle alone at Topanga's and sits down right next to her. This makes her uncomfortable, but he stays there and starts giving her compliments. She responds very matter-of-factly, and Lucas points out that if Farkle were there, she would have made some joke about Lucas hitting on her. She then admits that she only does that because she's afraid Farkle doesn't really like her, and she's trying to protect herself. Farkle was hiding behind the counter the entire time and heard everything, and he tells her he likes her just as she is.
Back in class, Riley and Maya has realized that they can't really control what happens in the future, but you can choose who you want to keep in your life. They decide to throw a party to celebrate that, but when they get to the Matthews' house, Topanga looks upset. She tells them she has been named head of her firm's London office.
Is it me, or has "growing up too fast" been the topic of 90 % of the episodes of this show? Aside from the repeat topic, this episode was alright. I like that they realized that they can still remain friends even if they study at different schools, as friendships don't have to end just because you choose different paths in life. That this group will be splitting up after high school should come as no surprise to anyone. Their grades vary as much as their interests, it would make no sense for them all to go to the same college.
I'm glad we finally cleared up Smackle's continued flirting with Lucas, because that's been making me uncomfortable. I'm not quite sure what happened in Farkle's conversation with Lucas, though. I know he said he'd step aside, and then he said something about Riley, but he spoke so fast and/or unclearly that I couldn't catch it. I played it back five times, and then I gave up. Feel free to enlighten me if whatever he said about Riley in that situation was important.
Topanga's transfer was a big twist, and I'm interested to see what will happen with that. I've actually managed to stay away from spoilers, so I genuinely don't know how they're going to play it. My theory would be that somehow Topanga ends up leaving without her family. I don't actually think that's likely, but I can see this storyline being written because Danielle wanted out, and they couldn't very well kill her off, so… We'll see, I guess.
Today's best quote:
Riley: "Maya, what if we don't care about out boyfriends as much as we care about each other?" Maya: "We'll just care for them in a different way" Riley: "What different way?" Maya: "Less."
Today's sweetest moment:
When Farkle told Smackle "I like you so much that when I'm sixteen I'll tell you to go study in Sweden if you really want to".
Today's funniest moment:
Zay dancing with Smackle after she "crashed". Hilarious!
Random observations:
Farkle has apparently forgotten that he didn't meets Lucas, Smackle or Zay the first day of school…
Zay should have his own show, he's by far the best part of this one.              
This is the episode where they finally pointed out that Riley and Lucas are a couple. Which became a fact 11 episodes ago.
Now it’s your turn!
Tell me what you thought of “Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen”
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