gingasnap96 · 2 years
I Gotta Say it..
It really disgusts me when I see a woman refuse to walk through a door that a man is holding open for her. Obviously, any woman (or maybe even man, it is 2022 you never know) rude enough to do that is a dumb, narcissistic, piece of shit. I am sure there are others out there who have experienced this as well and find it as rude and ridiculous as I do. "I can do it myself, I don't need a man to hold the door for me. I'm independent and strong." 😂😂
Sorry to break the news to you, but you're not going to prove how strong and independent you are by refusing kindness from a stranger who's just trying to be polite. That is just rude and immature.
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gingasnap96 · 2 years
I am soooo tired of seeing guys today be such pussies. What happened to being a man... Can we please get rid of these sensitive boys and get some more MEN?!!
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gingasnap96 · 2 years
Too many people in America need to be reminded that this is our country, not the government's country. The US Constitution started with WE THE PEOPLE. We have rights and we run this country so we need to stand up and take control of the powers trying to destroy our freedoms and destroy America.
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gingasnap96 · 2 years
No More Santa:
Call me insane, but I don't think parents should teach their kids about Santa. I don't think that believing in a lie does anything but make your kid doubt you and what you tell them. Telling them Santa brings all good boys and girls gifts makes the kids with poor families feel forgotten or it pushes parents to buy their kids gifts they really cannot afford, which can put parents into debt. Honestly, what good does believing in Santa bring?
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gingasnap96 · 2 years
"When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
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gingasnap96 · 2 years
Um, um, um, um, um
What the fuck happened to decent speeches and speakers? You turn on any news channel and they show a politician or member of the government making a speech (usually that doesn't even make sense or a point) and all I hear constantly is, um, uh, uhhhh. You sound like an idiot.
I don't know about you, but I remember in school when we were learning how to write speeches, our teacher would penalize us if we said um while giving our speech. You're supposed to have confidence in what you're speaking about.
~~fun game of the day: put on a short speech or an interview from a news channel and count how many times they say um in it. What's the average ums-per-minute of the video?~~
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