gellertgreatergood · 4 months
Autumn arrived, spreading gold and red all over the trees. Mornings and evenings were now chillier, damper and darker than even two weeks ago, and so was the mood of the man who stepped into the office of Dr. Frederick Chilton.
"I have an appointment. Five o'clock." he let himself be registered, waited for the approving smile and a welcoming gesture of the secretary (or were they now called receptionists?) and walked into the door with proud letters on it "Dr F.Chilton".
The man behind the desk was much younger than he expected. Frankly speaking, he expected to see an odd mixture of Freud and Jung behind the desk, with white hair and a set of spectacles on his nose. In that manner, Dr Chilton was a disappointment: well-dressed, young (younger than his visitor!) and extremely good-looking.
"Very unprofessional," decided he disapprovingly to himself and started with neutral. "Hello, Dr Chilton. I am your five o'clock appointment, Gellert Grindelwald. Nice to meet you."
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gellertgreatergood · 4 months
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“It was you who said we could reshape the world. It’s what we said we’d do.”
“Because I was in love with you.”
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gellertgreatergood · 4 months
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The duel
I like to imagine that their surroundings were totally annihilated...
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gellertgreatergood · 4 months
Waifu plz more dark!Albus 😳
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The best for my waifu 🤣❤️ @vashhanamichi
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gellertgreatergood · 4 months
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If Albus would still be with Gellert…
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gellertgreatergood · 4 months
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Grindeldore + text post meme
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gellertgreatergood · 4 months
„Dumbledore and Grindelwald?“
- „He feels a great sadness that Dumbledore -his great love - hasn’t joined him on his journey.“
„Who is more powerful? Dumbledore or Grindelwald?“
- „Grindelwald! And Dumbledore is his weakness.“
-Mads Mikkelsen, 2023
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gellertgreatergood · 4 months
more angst for you losers
“  how could i possibly trust you again after…everything?  ” “  won’t you at least let me try to make things better?  ” “  please don’t look at me like that.  ” “  stop trying to fix me.  ” “  i thought i could save you. but you can’t pull someone out of a storm if they won’t even take your hand.  ” “  what aren’t you telling me?  ” “  you’re right, you are a monster.  ” “  i keep waiting for you to hurt me.  ” “  how long until you realize i’m here to stay?  ” “  please don’t apologize, because then i won’t be able to help but forgive you and i’m not ready to do that yet.  ” “  sometimes i feel like you’re just waiting for an excuse to leave. ” “  i don’t feel safe here anymore. nowhere feels safe. ” “  i won’t let you ruin us. you’re scared of this but you don’t have to be. ” “  one of these days you’re going to push so hard i won’t be able to pull myself back to you again. ” “  your eyes always look so lost. ” “  loving you is killing me. ” “  i feel like i can’t breathe when you’re not here. ” “  i don’t hate you. but i can’t be in love with you anymore. ” “  why are you looking at me like that? ” “  what happens when i finally fuck up and you finally have to see me for what i am? ” “  i’m scared to let myself want you. ” “  why can’t i be enough? ” “  why won’t you let me help you? why won’t you let me close? ” “  just stay still. let me hold you. ” “  i won’t let you push me away this time. ” “  if you’re so intent on going down this path, then i’m coming with you. ” “  i miss the way you used to smile at me. ” “  i need you. and i hate that i do. ” “  i need to know that you’ll be okay. if something happens to me… ” “  you’re not the person i fell in love with anymore. ” “  why won’t you just let me go? i’m not worth it. ” “  please don’t go. ” “  if you can’t do it for yourself, then do it for me. do it because i need you. ” “  i can’t fix it this time. ” “  do you know how hard it was to let you go? ” “  i don’t think i’ll ever be over you. ” “  i can’t be angry. i’m too tired. i just want it to be over.  ”
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