gamingkid1998 · 4 years
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gamingkid1998 · 4 years
When Duty and Desire Meet Keeps Getting STOLEN
In the space of 24 hours, @edendaphne​ and I have found WDDM stolen on Wattpad TWICE.
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I am so tired of my fics getting stolen onto that site. I don’t really like wattpad as a platform, the UX stresses me out and the comments can be really toxic and anxiety inducing (a lot of “WRITE MOAR” comments). The thieves are really out here forcing my hand because they won’t stop. I’m having to post my stories on a website that gives me anxiety. That’s seriously messed up.
The first thief’s upload had NINE THOUSAND READS.
It’s infuriating, it sucks, and it hurts beyond belief.
You aren’t doing it “because you wanted to share the story” you aren’t doing it “because you wanted it on Wattpad so others could see it.”
You’re doing it because it’s a well-liked fic, with fantastic art, and you want to steal something that doesn’t belong to you for fake internet clout. Be honest with yourself. And another thing-
But hopefully once I’ve uploaded all of my stories, the thieving will stop. Eden has said that ULAK stopped getting stolen once she uploaded it so fingers crossed. My username is midnight_starry there, same as my twitter. So if you see WDDM posted under that name- ITSA ME! Anyone else though? That’s not me. Dats a thief.
Thank you to the peeps who gave Eden a heads up about the story. It means a lot that people are out there standing up against thieves, and sorry for getting huffy and annoyed on this post. But art and fic plagiarists really do upset me.
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gamingkid1998 · 5 years
Yay! Welcome back! :D
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Hey everyone, it’s been forever … well, over a year and a half, goodness.
I can’t say I’m quite back, I’m more on a visit. Hanging out with family and seeing if I even remember how to get into all my social ,media accounts. (Not quite as hard as I thought it was going to be)
Life recovery is a slow process, but it’s been really great. I think this is probably the happiest I’ve been in my life. Not saying everything is perfect or great, but I’ve been able to buckle down in faith. Can’t say I really had that before. It’s been awesome.
I hope everyone here has been doing great. And if not I pray you have your breakthrough too.
I won’t do too much because I am crazy behind on everything and I am not looking to get spoiled. So here’s a couple drawings I’ve done recently and I just want to say that I really miss everyone and the awesome art and discussions.
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gamingkid1998 · 5 years
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gamingkid1998 · 5 years
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Art by JaeCheol Park
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gamingkid1998 · 5 years
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gamingkid1998 · 5 years
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Hello friends! I’m back with another drawing!
I was hesitant to post this because I thought it didn’t come out right but I figured, it’s one of my better drawing I’ve done in a while.
Peter Porker aka Spider-Ham from Spider Man Into the Spider-Verse!
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
Helping out a friend
Hey guys. I don’t really post often on Tumblr as much but there’s a good friend of mine that needs help.
Oliver (also known as RadLaddy in the VGA community we’re a part of) has currently faced eviction from his house alongside with his family. It would be much appreciated to donate to the GoFundMe supporting him and his family as they’re in need of help.
Hes a great friend who has been there for others when they’re in need of help as well. I hope to whoever see this can also reblog this as it would help out to spread the word. <3
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
I LOVE YOU TOO FAM! I’ll always have your back as well! :D
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BRO YOU’RE MY CALI BESTIE AND I LOVE YOU!!!! You’re my lil bro and I’ll always have your back!!!!
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
Ring the buzzer and say the secret password to be let in to this magical writing haven!!!! :D 
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
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Hello everyone! I’m back with another chibi drawing! This time, it’s for a friend of mine @midnightstarlightwrites and her original novel @thegirlfairytalesforgot! It’s her main character Paige! It’s not perfect as there are a few spots I could’ve improved upon but I think I got the general idea for Paige and I hope you like it fam!
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
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My first gif!
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
Thanks for providing us with amazing work you’ve done this year and thank you for being a great best friend to me! Merry Christmas fam! :D
A Christmas Thank You
I know not all of my followers celebrate Christmas- so please consider this a general “holiday” thank you too!
This year has had its ups and downs. We’ve loved and lost and smiled and cried. It seems every year life seems to get a little harder, we have to deal with so much more stress. Sometimes friendships end, sometimes you watch drama happen in your safe spaces, sometimes things don’t go to plan. We try and we fail.
But you know what I’ve seen a lot of this year? Love. Goodness. Togetherness. From things like sending money to a friend in need without hesitation, to charity zines, to lovely words and endless encouragements. I am so proud and blessed to have met you all. It seems like, as the world gets crueler, we get kinder. As evil seeks to tear people apart, we only get closer.
This is my thank you to you all. Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for trying, for learning, for growing. Thank you for following me and thank you for being my friend ❤
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. May you find all the beauty and joy that you deserve. ❤❤❤
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
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Adult Ladybug doodle! :3 
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gamingkid1998 · 6 years
Hey guys!!! I did my first ever unboxing video on my channel!!! The book theme of this month was Winter Fairy Tales!!!! 😍
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gamingkid1998 · 7 years
Hey guys! I’m streaming some Dishonored 2 and being a silly person if you wanna join me here
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