g3-hair-salon · 1 year
What is a match?
For our purposes, a hair color is a match for another when they are almost indistinguishable from one another. So, they have to be pretty much identical.
A "very close" match is not exactly the same, but it looks similar enough that it could be a suitable replacement.
I say "slightly off" when I think it's not good enough to be a match, and I wouldn't use it to substitute for original hair in a restoration, but they're still close enough that I thought it was worth noting.
Very close, slightly off, and non-matches may still be posted or accepted as submissions to the project because it helps narrow down our possibilities!
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g3-hair-salon · 1 year
About this blog
What is a match?
Match spreadsheet (link tba)
Original post on MLPTP
*Nylon doll hair retailers: HQG1C, Shimmer Locks, The Doll Planet, Restoredoll, Retrodoll, Custompony, Dollyhair (links tba)
*Other guides: (links tba)
*I am not affiliated with nor can I speak to the quality of most of the outside sources or hair retailers listed here. They are provided solely as information, not recommendations.
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g3-hair-salon · 1 year
G3 Hair Salon
My Little Pony G3 Toys Hair Color Matching Guide - Work in Progress
About This Project
There is a great wealth of information on G1 ponies' hair, but not so much the generations that have come since. Because I collect G3s, and because G3s are in dire need of such research online due to hair disintegration syndrome (hair loss), I decided I would start cataloging what I know.
How to Help
If you'd like to submit some color matching information, please provide a photo of the G3 pony in question next to another G3 pony, a G1 pony, and/or loose nylon hair meant for toy restoration.* Please specify what lighting conditions the photo(s) are taken in if possible - for example: outdoors, by a sunny window, with camera flash on, indoor lighting, etc.
*Meaning others can find the exact shade for sale and can currently purchase it. The reason it has to be nylon is because MLP hair is usually made of nylon, so it's the most true-to-original hair to use for restoration, and it is not known to break, dissolve, or fall out over time in most cases.
About This Blog
The purpose of this blog is to archive photos from the project, taken by either myself or any generous helpers! I may post updates or text guides as well to keep the whole project in one place. I will do my best to only use current information and to credit anything sourced from elsewhere online.
About The Author
I'm Lee or Birdie! (he/him, in my 20s, American) I'm an MLP collector, fan artist, amateur toy restorer, and customizer. My favorite gens are G1 and G3.
You can find me at MLP Trading Post as Quackers, my main blog @animated-statue, and animatedstatue on Instagram.
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