fukurow · 2 months
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Ingo in Jade ground “Freak”
*This is an English translation of the manga posted on 19:31 JST. I used DeepL for the English translation, but the nuances are not always translated correctly. *I'm always very appreciative of your reactions!
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fukurow · 2 months
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翡翠の大地のノボリさん 「重度」
→English translation ver.
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fukurow · 3 months
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Ingo in Jade ground “Crazy for...”
*This manga was contributed to “Jade Days”, an anthology about Hisuian Ingo distributed for one week from 28 January 2024, and permission to republish it has been granted.
*This is an English translation of the manga posted on 20:19 JST. I used DeepL for the English translation, but the nuances are not always translated correctly. *I'm always very appreciative of your reactions!
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fukurow · 3 months
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翡翠の大地のノボリさん 「夢中のきみ」
→English translation ver.
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fukurow · 3 months
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Ingo in Jade ground “Battle Form”
*This manga was contributed to “Jade Days”, an anthology about Hisuian Ingo distributed for one week from 28 January 2024, and permission to republish it has been granted.
*This is an English translation of the manga posted on 19:25 JST. I used DeepL for the English translation, but the nuances are not always translated correctly. *I'm always very appreciative of your reactions!
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fukurow · 3 months
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翡翠の大地のノボリさん 「バトルフォーム」
→English translation ver.
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fukurow · 5 months
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fukurow · 5 months
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fukurow · 7 months
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以下の記事を参考にぐにゃぐにゃランダム線から構図を起こしてみました。 カオスですね! 楽しかったです!
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fukurow · 8 months
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September 6th is “Day of Black” in Japan. *Black (黒 kuro) / 96 (くろ kuro)
2022/9/11 22:30 added: 「黒の日」なんだから手袋とシャツも黒くしよう!と思って忘れていたのを思い出したので差し替えました。
I had intended to make the gloves and shirt black in honor of “Black Day,” but I forgot to do so, so I replaced them with black.
2023/9/7 2:05 added: 手を修正。
Redrawn hands.
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fukurow · 8 months
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24 ALL SMILES (late post)
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fukurow · 9 months
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20 BUGS (late post)
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fukurow · 9 months
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18 FOOD & DRINK (late post)
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fukurow · 9 months
I changed Ask/Messages
I have changed the Ask/Messages for the three consecutive responses to the Ask/Messages to only allow messages to be sent with a login from now on, as I have been advised that this is likely to be spam. As this is my first time and I have already answered the question, I will leave the post of my answer as it is, but if it is better to delete it, I will. I would be grateful for your feedback.
Added 9 August: I will only reply to people who follow or like me. This is because I want to take care of people who like my drawings and comics, and also because I want to make the most of my limited time. Thank you for your understanding 🙏
3つ連続で回答したAsk/Messagesについて、スパムの可能性が高いとご指摘いただいたため、今後はログインでのみメッセージが送れるよう変更しました。 初めてのことで既に回答をしてしまったこともあり、回答の投稿はそのままにしておく予定です。もしそれも削除した方が良ければ、こちらにコメントしていただますと幸いです。 (ずっと日本語圏にいるのでこういう感覚も掴みづらくて難しいですね…🤔)
条件追加で申し訳ないですが、当方をフォローいただいているか、当方の作品に反応していただいた方のみ返信するように致します。 というのも同一の方から短期間に連続でメッセージを受け取ったのですが、申し訳無いですがキャプションを含め当方が掲示している情報を一切見ていないのが読み取れたため、一つの基準として上記条件を追加させていただきました。 また、日本の方であまりTumblrのAsk機能を使用している方を見ませんので、それならこちらやこちらを使用��ただいた方がわかり良いかも知れません。返信はTumblrではなくTwitterになりますが…。 本当はこのような基準を設けたくなかったのですが、対応に割ける時間にも限界がありますので申し訳ございませんがご理解いただけますと幸いです。
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fukurow · 9 months
If Ingo and Emmet were to get sent into the Submasverse where they meet different variants of themselves like they see twin fighting robots who say they defeated Dr Wily and they see another twin where they have dna altering watches and twin bug eyed kindergarteners with powers you name it, The Ingo and Emmet variants say that Giovanni is going in diffrent worlds and teamed up with various villains from their worlds and they need all the Ingos and Emmets they can find, What do you think of idea?
Thank you for your message! I received almost identical messages at 16:25 on 6th August ,4:00 and 5:16 on 7th August (all in JST), so I will reply to them all together. We also apologise if our replies are off the mark due to differences in language nuances.
All of the ideas you mentioned are interesting, but all of them are difficult for me to imagine. This is because, as I answered in the previous question, I focus on the official setting and try not to deviate from it as much as possible in my secondary works. Also, and I think this is also about the definition of justice, but I don't think they deviate from their 'allies', at least from our point of view. Or if it comes down to the railway and battles they love… but I think the LA example shows that they will never deviate from a position where they can stand by their Pokémon. *I only know stories about Red and Green, Gold and Silver, Sword and Shield, Scarlett and Violet, so I have to change my mind if there are stories where they are in an evil position as a result of being close to Pokémon. I imagine that Sun and Moon falls into that category, but I haven't played it yet, so I don't know.
メッセージありがとうございます(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) 8/6 16:25、8/7 4:00及び5:16(すべて日本時間)にほぼ同じメッセージをいただきましたので、まとめて返信致します。 また、言語のニュアンスの違いから的外れな返信となっていたら申し訳ありません。
挙げていただいたアイデアはどれも面白いものですが、いずれも私には想像することが難しいです。なぜなら、前の質問でも回答した通り、私は公式設定を重視しておりなるべく逸脱しないよう二次創作をしているためです。 あと、これは正義の定義の話にもなると思いますが、少なくとも私達の立場から見た「味方」から逸脱することはないと思います。彼らが大好きな鉄道とバトルのことになるなら或いは…とも思いましたが、レジェアルの例を見るにポケモンに寄り添える立場から離れることはないのかな、と思っています。 ※私は赤緑、金銀、剣盾、SVのみ履修済みのため、ポケモンに寄り添った結果悪の立場になる物語がある場合、その考えは改める必要があるとは思っています。
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fukurow · 9 months
so if emmet were to get sent to a another universe outside of pokémon (like fire emblem, legend of zelda or yo kai watch for example), how would he react? (when i first saw ingo in legends arceus, i though, "this guy looks familiar" then i realized, "oh my god! that's ingo from black and white and black 2 and white 2! what's he doing here in huisi of all places? poor ingo he has amnesia" design cool) what your reaction to seeing ingo in legends arceus?
Thanks for your message!
As a premise, I am allowed to draw fanart, and I place great importance on the official setting. I also believe that deviating from the official setting is the best part of creating secondary works, but at least I don't openly deviate from the official setting in any way.
Based on this, I would like to answer that even if Emmet were to fly into another world, such as the one mentioned by Emmet, the example of Ingo in LA shows that Emmet's fundamentals will never waver. That is, they love railways, battles, always have a smile on their face and they take everything seriously. This is a character trait that Ingo has in common, but it is a character trait that is only really effective in adversity, and there is no doubt that he will be able to get around in any environment (whatever the time period or culture). And conversely, Emmet (and Ingo) believes that in the Pokémon world, his love of trains and battles has only led him to become a Subway Boss(es). The proof is in the pudding, as Ingo has gone to LA, a different time and culture, and has risen to one of the heights that can be reached in that world.
前提として、私はファンアートを描かせていただいている身であり公式設定をとても重視しています。 そしてそれ(公式設定)を外れることこそが二次創作の醍醐味とも考えていますが、少なくとも私は表だって公式設定から大きく逸脱した創作をすることはありません。
それを踏まえての回答になりますが、もしクダリさんが挙げられたような別の世界に飛んでしまったとして、レジェアルのノボリさんの例を見てもクダリさんの根幹は決してぶれないと思います。即ち、鉄道が好きで、バトルが大好きで、常に笑顔をたたえており、それでいて何事も真剣に取り組む姿勢です。 ノボリさんにも共通していることですがこれは逆境にこそ真価を発揮する性格であり、間違い無く言えるのはどのような環境(時代、文化を問わず)に行っても彼なら上手く立ち回ることができるでしょう。 そして逆に考えれば、クダリさんは(ノボリさんも)ポケモンの世界では鉄道好きとバトル好きがこうじてサブウェイマスターになったというだけのことだとも思っています。その証拠に、時代も文化も異なるレジェアルの世界に行ったノボリさんはあの世界で辿り着ける一つの高みに上り詰めています。
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fukurow · 9 months
I wonder what Ingo and Emmet look like in other series (outside Pokémon) art styles, What will they look like in Powerpuff Girls (1998 and Z) Legend of Zelda Yo-Kai Watch Mega Man Professor Layton Sonic Ace Attorney Ben 10, Yu-Gi-Oh! Naruto Fire Emblem etc art style? Ingo and Emmet sent into the Submasverse right here lol
Thanks for your message!
I think it's great that not only Ingo and Emmet, but also Pokémon characters are so well designed that no matter what touch anyone uses to draw them, including the titles you mentioned, they are instantly recognisable as 'them'. That's why there is still so much fan art of them more than 20 years after they first appeared!
※2023/8/7 和訳追加(後から追加したので上記返信作成時と少しニュアンスが���れています、すみません…)
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