Nоthing is Fоrgotten, Nothing is Fоrgiven. Nothing and no one will ever be able to hide, to distort or to pervert the truth. We will fight till the end like our grаndfathers and grandmothers did, but will сrush the neоnazi's forces that would dare to threathen our Mоtherland again. We have no other option but to win. Once again and as we always did.
"We are given strength by our fidelity to the Fаtherland. So it was, so it is and it will always be so!"
Happy Greаt Victоry Day! Happy 9th Of Mаy! С Днём Великой Пoбеды! Пoбеды, которой никому и никогда у нас не отнять! С 9 Мaя!
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Children of Donbas (sеnsitivе mаteriаl wаrning)
They've been killed by Ukrаiniаn аrmy since 2014th. This genocide has been going on for 8 years. The West has done nothing to stop this, on the contrary, they have sent weapons load after weapon load. They are still doing this every single day. And western media says NOTHING about this. Because if it's russians\eastern slavs who's been killed then it's fine, even if it's children. So if you really want to know why and what Russia's fighting for right now and what Donbas people has been fighting against these 8 years, please, watch this video. This video is 7 years old, but nothing has changed since then. People of Donbas has been killed on daily basis. They've been living in this hell for 8 years already, and yet they've been callled terrorists, separatists. But think of it: whould you really want to be a part of the country that has been doing this to you and your children? It's just as if prisoners of nazi concentration camps have desided to join the fasists and willingly live under their rule. These people deserve peace more than enyone else. And especially they deserve justice. The ugly, inconvenient for the Western world truth must be told and heard. I stand with Donbas.
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A man has opened fire at school in central Russia, killing 17 people (11 children, most of them at the age of 7) and heavily injuring 24 people (22 children). Then the shooter (34 yo) has killed himself. He was wearing a black t-short with swastika and balaklava.
"Ukraine needs victory, not peace, and Russians must be killed, starting with children. I will quote the words of Adolf Eichmann (ideologist of the Holocaust, war criminal and Nazi), who said that in order to destroy a nation, it is necessary to kill children first. <...> They will never grow up again, and the nation will disappear". These were the words of the Ukrainian broadcaster Fakhrudin Sharafmal of one of the Ukrainian TV channels. Sharafmal's words were broadcasted live (March 2022).
Ukrainian Ambassador to Kazakhstan Petr Vrublevsky: "The more we kill Russians now, the less our children will have to kill them later. That's all" (public statement, august 2022)
Lomonosov Russian-German bilingual school in Berlin, august 2022. The sign in front of the school literally translates as: "Slaughter russian children! Let's go!"
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Great timing to remember this.
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in which Detective Colin Zabel finally took his shot. // Mare of Easttown Ep 5
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Reiner’s pain is coming T__T
RIP my poor heart.
SnK season 4, my thoughts.
I stopped watching AOT anime long time ago. After that episode when Mike was killed, I’ve decided that I’m fine with manga only (I mean, I can’t stand the screams, that’s mostly why I stopped watching it lol). But now… I just couldn’t miss it! Because I love Reiner with all my heart! Since the moment we learnt that he and Bert were titans I fell in love with them so so much! I mean they were victims themselves, children that were forced to go alone to the unknown place and to kill people. It’s just horrible. I felt so bad for them! And then, after everything that’s happened, I love Reiner even more. I fell in love with all the warriors (except for Annie and Zeke, though I can still understand him) and kids even more than I loved the guys from the Island. I trully love them, and this manga, their story has murdered my heart so many times (if you read it you understand what I am talking about). It’s so hard to see it animated. To see Reiners sufferings all over again. It hurts so much that I wanna cry, even though I know that it’s gonna be even worse. Anyway I’m glad that I began watching it again (but I’m not gonna watch episodes that I’ve missed, I’ve read the manga and that’s enough for me). I love the animation, I love the voices of the characters, I love THIS ARC and I love these characters so much! I know I’m gonna cry, over the warriors, kids and over other characters too, but I think I can handle it this time. I know that I will, as I love Reiner far too much lol Well, I’ve just rewatched the 2nd episode third time around, but it’s still not enough. I’m hurt and depressed knowing for sure what we’re gonna see the next episode. I’m not ready (T__T)
Btw I LOVE new opening and the ending! They fit this arc so well! And the music, oh my God!*O* The ending just rips my heart apart, when the opening made me really anxious. Just WOW, seriously! I’m still so impressed.
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I’m dead inside...
Why, Isayama?! WHY?!!
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Oh my poor LeviHan heart (╥﹏╥) 
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It’s so beautiful yet so tragic… *ugly crying intensifies*
I stopped reading SnK long time ago but now I do it again just to see who’s gonna die next… I hate it! I really hate this manga but I love some of the characters way too much! (>﹏<)
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F*cking hell! I’m depressed T_T
They need to kill that bastard Eren like ASAP!
I stopped reading this manga long ago but it still manages to hurt me.
I hate SNK! T__T
I hate it so much!! *ugly crying*
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So beautiful, so sad, so unfair... May you rest in Heaven, darling. You'll be missed T__T
This is so beautiful and so sad (T__T)
You’ve done a great job! May you rest in Heaven…
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In memory of Miura Haruma...💔
Shirota Yu - 「キセキ」 GReeeeN
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Rest In Peace, Beautiful Soul.
It still feels unreal...
It’s probably too personal to post, but… Today I learned the news. I gasped and froze for a moment in disbelief. I was at work, but after reading the head of the news article I couldn’t think about anything. Maybe, it was a bad joke, I thought… But unfortunately it wasn’t. I’ve read about cases like this before, I felt sorry for the dead ones and for their fans, but I could never imagine… My knees went weak, and I felt dizzy… I cried after work, when I finally got home. But I still can’t accept the fact. I am shocked and heartbroken. He was the first japanese actor I felt in love with. It was “Koizora”, my first japanese movie. It was more than 10 years ago, when I was still a teenager. I cryed my eyes out, and that’s how I first met him on the screen. And the same way I have to say goodbye to him now. I can’t say that I was a huge fan of him, but I liked him a lot. I’ve seen a lot of his works, my early 20th were followed by his dramas and movies. I was always (since early childhood) interested in japanese language, but I got interested in modern japanese culture thanks to “Koizora”. I also always considered him as one of the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, and named his name each time I was asked who is the most handsome male celebrity in my opinion. It was him, a trully beautiful person and an amazing actor with a smile just as bright as the sun. You know, when things like this happen the first thing that comes into your mind is a question: “Why?”. I don’t know what he went through, what made him do that, what kind of pain he felt… Decisions like that are hard to accept, but I think I can understand… I went through depression myself. It took away 5 years of my life. I thought of things like that too, even tried once… But slowly, step by step, I managed to get out of it by myself. It took another two years. I remember pretty well how hard it was, just continue to live. When you want everything just to stop, when it feels like it’s the only way possible, the long awaited relief. But then I started to feel something again, little by little, I got interested in something. I came back to my obsession with Japan and it literally saved my life. And it all has started with him… He wasn’t the exact reason, but still… Back then my sister was talking too much about a new movie, AOT. She really liked it even though she was never interested in japanese movies. I desided to watch it too, but only when I learned that he was playing the lead role. It was only because of him. And for the first time in a very long time I got interested in something. I’ve started to read manga, then I’ve seen one of the comments saying that there’s manga “Tokyo Ghoul”, that is even more painful and sad. And that’s when I also learned about the “TG” stage. It was the first japanese stage I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at first, but then, after few other stages, I fell in love with the world of butai. I fell in love with japanese language and Japan once again. I made my old dream came true and had a wonderful trip to Japan. I even passed the exams and entered the university again (when my mom got sick with cancer I had to leave my study at university and find a fulltime job so I could support my family and help my parents with the bills, and that’s when I started to lose myself). Slowly but I manged to take my life back, to feel a taste of it once again. And it all was possible only because of him. What would have happen to me If I’d never watch that movie? I can’t say for sure. But that’s when everything has started, and only because I wanted to see Miura Haruma once again. Maybe that’s why I feel this way. That’s why I feel so sad, and sick, and devastated, because the person who wasn’t just a good actor with a pretty face and a bright smile, but was the one who indirectly helped me to find a way back to life, is dead now. And not just dead, but he took his own life. This is so sad and so unfair. And I feel so terrible, so weak. I can’t express all my thoughts right now. Not just because I’m bad in english, but mostly because I feel so terrible right now. Life is hard, but still it’s precious. We have to grab it with our both hands and fight for it, ‘cause we don’t get to have another chance. It’s so sad and devastating that such a young and beautiful soul decided to leave this world. It was too soon. And it’s too cruel. Let’s pray for his beautiful soul. Let’s hope that he has finally found a peace he couldn’t find in life. I am so sorry, so terribly sorry, that he was alone, that he couldn’t find a support or a reason to fight fo his life. It shouldn’t be this way. May you rest in peace, Miura Haruma. I’ll be always missing you, and I’ll never forget you. Thank you. And I love you.
I’ll remember you smiling…
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Archie Madekwe // Kofun // "See" (season 1)
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Antonio Jaramillo // Miguel Zepeda // Shades Of Blue
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Another week of #SelfIsolation with my precious #quarantine buddy 😍 Happy #NationalPetDay  ❤🐶
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Happy International Women’s Day! ❀ C 8 Марта! ❤
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Antonio Jaramillo // Michael ‘Riz’ Ariza // Mayans MC
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Antonio Jaramillo // Miguel Zepeda // Shades Of Blue
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Neron “Creeper” Vargas & Johnny “Coco” Cruz // Joseph Raymond Lucero & Richard Cabral // Mayans MC (01x01)
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