friendlyhog · 22 days
Are you on grommr?
I have an account, but I hardly ever use it. I've probably gained 40 pounds since I used it last. 😅
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friendlyhog · 24 days
Are you gay?
I sure am! 😊
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friendlyhog · 26 days
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Glad to see you again! What's been on your mind, hun? Come sit down and have lunch with me. 🥰
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friendlyhog · 1 month
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Hey there, sport! Daddy hog has a fursona now! Nice to meet ya! Come here and get your hug for the day! Theeere we go. 🥰
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friendlyhog · 1 month
The more you embrace hardships, the more invincible you become. 🛡 Once you change your perspective on suffering and view it as a chance to conquer something and grow from it, life can no longer hurt you. It can only give you more opportunities to grow.
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friendlyhog · 1 month
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Oh, hey kiddo! How are ya? Quick question, does this shirt make daddy hog look fat? 😄❤
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friendlyhog · 2 months
Imagine the next time you close your eyes, that you could never open them again. What would you sacrifice just to be able to see the world around you again for one more day? To see the sky? To see your friends' faces? To see that painting on the wall?
Stop letting the beauty and gifts of life pass you by. You are here right now. Appreciate everything. When you focus on the amazing things you have, you don't even think about the things you don't. ❤
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friendlyhog · 2 months
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Daddy pika here to help you get your week off to a happy start. ❤
Did you know that while your mood affects your body language, your body language also affects your mood in return? Carry yourself with energy and happiness today and see what happens! 🥰
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friendlyhog · 2 months
I just wanted to let you know I really appreciate your commitment to maintaining a gentle, positive space and atmosphere in everything you post. The world is mean, the Internet can be cruel, the future is scary, and your content makes a good lean-to against it all. Thank you for not only encouraging kindness, but leading by example
You're welcome! Just like you'll see in my posts, I want to make a positive impact on the world wherever I can. I truly view that as the highest possible goal, and doing so makes me far, far happier than asking people to call me pretty and give me compliments.
There are a billion things competing for your attention at all times, and people have become mentally numb! But life is so much more than money, things, and avoiding suffering. Life is an enormous opportunity to make a real difference and reduce the suffering of those around you! And it's so fulfilling! Remember, there isn't anything better to have in life than a problem worth solving. 😉
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friendlyhog · 2 months
Think about your priorities in life. Everything society is telling you that matters is a lie. What will matter in 10 years? 50 years? 100 years?
Will it matter that you had a bunch of stuff? Or will it matter that you touched the hearts of those around you and inspired them to carry on that legacy to others?
So many things can keep you from being rich. But nothing can stop you from being kind.
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friendlyhog · 2 months
Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
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friendlyhog · 3 months
Do you like vore?
Sorry, no, I'm not really into it. 😅
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friendlyhog · 3 months
Today is the day I decide to be me. And that means I begin to leave you everything I've learned in hopes that it can help you. ❤ I love you all dearly, and I want you to have a life that you WANT to live. I want you to view each day as an incredible gift.
The first thing I would like to share is that in a culture obsessed with a misguided idea of "self care", we are only compounding our anxiety! The best form of caring for yourself is to in fact DO THE OPPOSITE - live for others, and watch your anxiety melt away. 🥰
Consider this: when you live primarily for yourself,
1. You feel the constant need to defend yourself, pretend you know things, prove you are valid, etc. That's stressful!
2. You view your setbacks as things getting in the way of what you want instead of opportunities to really learn something about how to gain knowledge or social skills.
3. You don't want to admit when you are wrong, or don't know something. They can never know because you might look weak!
4. You always worry about what other people think of you. "Do they think I'm dumb?" When you live for others, you don't care!!
5. You see the world around you as an oppressor threatening you with problems rather than place where you can meet new friends and learn new things.
There are lots of other reasons, but I'll leave it there for now! I love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful day. ❤
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friendlyhog · 3 months
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I felt like it was time for a face reveal. ❤ I'm so grateful for all the sweet people who have supported me and messaged me so far. 🥰 Now come cuddle with daddy.
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friendlyhog · 3 months
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Come here, hun ❤. Daddy hog is ready to pull you in and talk about your day.
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friendlyhog · 4 months
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What ya staring at, kiddo? Tell me how your day was. 😊
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friendlyhog · 5 months
Another question if you dont mind. Whereabouts are you from? You have a very calm, warm and cosy vibe and its nice to see you and your belly, thank you for answering my questions! 😊
I'm from the midwest US, but that's about as specific as I'd like to get publicly. Thanks for the kind words. 🥰 I really love to be warm and cozy in real life, and I love to make some guys happy with my belly. My ADHD meant that I wasn't very calm growing up, but now that I've had the chance to pursue the things that I want in life, I'm very focused and ambitious. I love having a purpose and getting things done.
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